Post your coolest I13 items

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EnnVee, I myself appreciate the Scoop's attention to base building and have no problem with your link posting. I believe most others here feel the same.

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EnnVee, I myself appreciate the Scoop's attention to base building and have no problem with your link posting. I believe most others here feel the same.

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[/ QUOTE ]I read this and the "coolest rooms" thread with great interest. The only objection I have to your post is that I don't have a base cool enough to even consider submitting.



EnnVee, I myself appreciate the Scoop's attention to base building and have no problem with your link posting. I believe most others here feel the same.

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Double signed

I am also feverishly working on my bases so that i am one day worthy of your attention.

If your gonna play follow the leader just make sure the leader is taking you where you want to go.



hey base builders, check this out!!!

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Aaand reported for cross-posting. Poor way to make a good impression on the base building community, by posting off-topic in several stickied threads.

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hmm, off topic ?? uhh not really, this is a base construction thread, my articles cover the completion of those constructions, so I am fairly sure this is on topic. However if this is bothering peope I can remove the prior post. . .

up to you guy/gals

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Leave it, we support the Scoop! And besides, we dont even know who that guy is, i think he serves coffee or something...



thank you all for the support, it means alot to me



EnnVee, I myself appreciate the Scoop's attention to base building and have no problem with your link posting. I believe most others here feel the same.

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[/ QUOTE ]I read this and the "coolest rooms" thread with great interest. The only objection I have to your post is that I don't have a base cool enough to even consider submitting.

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Same goes for me.

EnnVee rules!



/em blushes

thank you all so much.
and if you have a base that needs pics taken ask around, there are alot of people with great PCs who are willing to help others get the pics so they can be submitted for the Scoop!



ehhh I'll just put her on ignore so I can concentrate with looking at cool base projects , no need to complain and grumble .



I need to figure out how to do the pics and get them posted. Oh wifeeyyyy!!!



It's best to get an account (free) at Photobucket and load them there. You can post links to them here on the forums.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



My base is still in mid-overhaul, but I'd like a few opinions from the folks here regarding the work already done. If anyone has any suggestions on how I could improve anything in these screen-shots, feel free to toss 'em at me.

Entrance Room - An ever-changing work in progress.

Mystic Advisor/Oracle combo unit - I was at a loss as to where to place the Oracle, and when I dropped it there to move a few other things around, I decided to leave it as is. It is functional, and is access by clicking one of the spikes.

Teleport Bay (1)
Teleport Bay (2) - Only reason these are the Tech pads is because I didn't feel like making up completely new Arcane pads at the time I built this room, but that will change sometime in the near future.

Medbay - Still unfinished, but only until I get around to installing an Auto-Doc.

Forge (1)
Forge (2) - My favorite bit of detail in the base so far is this "forge", for lack of a better term for it. The crossed spike theme was carried over to the base in general, and can be found all over the place.

Hangar (1)
Hangar (2) - The lights in the ceiling foreground are the outline of the exit tunnel for the flyers. Haven't put any thought into a proper door though yet.

SG Table/Ouro Crystal - None of the SG tables fit properly, so I designed my own, integrating the Ouro crystal into the center.

Power Supply (1)
Power Supply (2)

Inspiration Bins - Will eventually be replaced by Arcane versions.

So as you can see, it is still a work in progress. But considering what the old (pre-I13) plot looked like, I'd like to think I've done a decent job thus far. And as I said at the top, if anyone has any suggestions (especially for my hangar door!), feel free to give 'em. Oh, and pillage anything nifty that you see if you want, heh. Thankies


Radek Bahkara - 50 SS/WP
Little Red Hamster - 50 Fire/Kin
Founder, The Brain Center for World Domination



Thankies Cap.



oops forgot a pic!
The Launch bay door

@Dremster Wrecking Crew / Guardian



I like the teleporters...very nice.



That ship is really cool nice job!



Really cool Rose...



Great stuff all!



Hi all, I never post here but finally made my Devil's Tower. You know, in Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind where that guy goes nuts making a state landmark out of mashtaters or his front lawn.

I tend to obsess over things - this time, it was a boat not a tower. My SG ran out of energy in one of our bases and are too busy to work on Fusion Generator for each chapter, so Dinah added a second Ley. But two Leys are an odd fit in a teeny room.. so I decided to implement the slipcover method. Hide it! Kinda.

We have seating and cargo space inside. It is fully functional.

Different angle so you can see the balcony in the back -and- laser beam eyes in the middle..

Front/side view. The energy aux units were my iffy attempt at a hanging ladder...



Thanks for all the tips and ideas all! It's pretty amazing what has been created. My villian group on virtue, E.V.I.L, is one I just started. Been workin bout 8 hrs. Short on prestiage so try to keep it cheap so I can add the working parts asap. On to the pics.



Those laser eyes are very cool, Angel, loved 'em!




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Im really liking the theme your going with so far. What did you use to make those staris up to your teleporters?

I have been working on my base for a while now, so many suggestions from others. Here is my new reclaimer
its not much, but gets the job done