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  1. Semiazas

    Week of WAR!!

    WOW!!! Decepticon Productions is hosting the first annual Week Of War in Recluse’s Victory on the Pinnacle Server November 7th thru the 14th. Name of the game is Pillboxes. Bring your best. DON’T MISS IT!!
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    Im really liking the theme your going with so far. What did you use to make those staris up to your teleporters?

    I have been working on my base for a while now, so many suggestions from others. Here is my new reclaimer
    its not much, but gets the job done
  3. well. nothing as complex as a theater. or cool as a car. but I did make this flaming crystal ball
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    Does anyone else have some wall stacking tricks? A SG member of mine was wondering how people raise bridges in the large rooms without trix.


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    Hey. I'm not sure if this helps . or has been posted b4, my search fu is lacking this early.. but..
    I have been using the wall details Super Group Banner to add my bridges and misc to my base.
    As you can see in the third photo, The modern art wall detail adds a greater surface area to use to add bridges and anything else instead of using the small safes. But I do get definite use out of the safes for the small junk.

    *bonus tip* the same safe stacks on its self so no need to purchase moar than one at a time
  5. Fabulous Guide, I just got my Mind/kin to 50 this weekend, It was a long haul, but by far the most fun toon I have played.

    Looking forward to the I13 revamped guide
  6. so what day exactly is positron's bday anyways?