Live Patch -- 12.9.08 Discussion
Fixed issue where players could cause Lord Recluse to get stuck behind the tower during Statesman's Task Force mission.
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So, have you guys given up on fixing the RSF? That tech has been broken for way too long.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho
just a odd thing to point out why are there bullet headlines with no text to em, typo or hidden nerfs?
just a odd thing to point out why are there bullet headlines with no text to em, typo or hidden nerfs?
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I'll fix that when I have a minute, it is a formatting issue from the html to ubb translation.
If you want to see the web notes, they are showing all notes with proper formatting.
Patch Notes on Website
just a odd thing to point out why are there bullet headlines with no text to em, typo or hidden nerfs?
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I'll fix that when I have a minute, it is a formatting issue from the html to ubb translation.
If you want to see the web notes, they are showing all notes with proper formatting.
Patch Notes on Website
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its that way on the website to, just to give ya a heads up
Not to be a thorn in the side as I am sure that you are already painfully aware of the problem, but is there any idea/fix on the way/acknowledgement of the repeated and obviously high level of CTD errors that a lot of players are having since the patch earlier today?
Fixed issue where players could cause Lord Recluse to get stuck behind the tower during Statesman's Task Force mission.
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So, have you guys given up on fixing the RSF? That tech has been broken for way too long.
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I thought the Hostage was fixed?
SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)

Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!
[*]Fixed issue when an attack power was in animation, you were unable to turn off a toggle. The fix now allows for all toggles to be turned off except costume changing powers. </li>
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This fix is pure win!! i can go back to my old playstyle again and have a skill advantage.
Fixed issue where players could cause Lord Recluse to get stuck behind the tower during Statesman's Task Force mission.
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So, have you guys given up on fixing the RSF? That tech has been broken for way too long.
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I thought the Hostage was fixed?
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"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho
FYI, lvl pacts are NOT fixed. See my other posts on this and read my petitions.
Fixed issue where players could cause Lord Recluse to get stuck behind the tower during Statesman's Task Force mission.
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So, have you guys given up on fixing the RSF? That tech has been broken for way too long.
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I thought the Hostage was fixed?
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I've never had a problem with it. Care to explain what the specific issue is?
@Morac | Twitter
Trust the computer. The computer knows all.
If he lost his "lead" (the person he attached to and followed around) he would become hopelessly lost, run through doors no one was leading him to and generally disappear through the map, calling out how he was lost and occasionally appearing through doors and elevators only to run off through the walls or some such. You basically had to reset the mission. This would be triggered by his lead dying or being affected by stealth. Running any AoE stealth powers was always a huge no-no once the Tech was loose on the map.
He is much improved, and is far less prone to do this. However he still occasionally freaks out. He is more likely to be recoverable (he will now usually reattach to someone if they get close enough), but he still sometimes runs off throught the map like some bad Tom & Jerry cartoon, and I have been on a run or two since the "fix" (let's call it an improvement) where we ended up having to reset. We still are careful with stealth auras around him.
Edit: It should be noted that the Recluse fix essentially addresses a geometry exploit that made the mission easier. It's quite a different category of fix, and probably will be taken as evidence the devs are more likely to fix an exploit than a problem. Personally, I'm kind of glad they fixed this (if they really were successful). I always thought it was super cheesy.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
Fixed issue where players could cause Lord Recluse to get stuck behind the tower during Statesman's Task Force mission.
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So, have you guys given up on fixing the RSF? That tech has been broken for way too long.
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I thought the Hostage was fixed?
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I've never had a problem with it. Care to explain what the specific issue is?
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Stealth powers such as Shadow Fall have been known to make the Tech freak out and run through the walls. Sometimes he can be retrieved by the players. Sometimes its all log out to reset the SF, or petition for in game help.
Of late it's been 50/50 chance of the tech freaking out with stealth on. It's not as bad as it was, but there are still times when it happens.
Wouldn't mind seeing the tech removed from that mission of RSF or else change the SF so that he's always in the main lab and not one of the two towers.
Is there an ETA on when the mission crashes will be fixed? I've had the same story arc mish crash three times today. If it's the mish itself, can I go back to the Widow, cancel this mish and still get my patron power by continuing with next mish in quest?
Interestingly, you can get the same thing to happen with NPC allies on Mayhem missions, if you ditch the NPC then start going in and out of doors. Something about following people through doors makes the AI completely wig out.
Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball
So, have you guys given up on fixing the RSF? That tech has been broken for way too long.
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Tech is broken? By following following some basic things like avoiding aoe stealth, I havent glitched that tech in months, and I run RSF a couple times a week. I'm curious what your doing thats causing him to still freak out on you. Used to happen to us almost every RSF. NPCs freaking otu from aoe stealth isnt specific to him, its an NPC issue in general. Those powers should be turned off when dealing with an NPC. Simple and no more freak-out.
Is there an ETA on when the mission crashes will be fixed? I've had the same story arc mish crash three times today. If it's the mish itself, can I go back to the Widow, cancel this mish and still get my patron power by continuing with next mish in quest?
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If you havent dropped a mish in 3 days, yes you can drop that current mish (yes you want to auto-complete) and get the next one no issue with progressing that way. You cant autocomplete more than once in 3 days. I'd be curious to know if the next mish still crashes for you, if so its toon related not mish related.
Yeah. For some reason, though, the tech was exceptionally bad about this. I once had him freak out and start running into Escher-land with no known provocation, after being "re-attached" to me. He actually left me standing outside the lab entrance, traversed the map and ran into the hospital doors, never to be seen again.
No one had died when he did it.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
So, have you guys given up on fixing the RSF? That tech has been broken for way too long.
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Tech is broken? By following following some basic things like avoiding aoe stealth, I havent glitched that tech in months, and I run RSF a couple times a week. I'm curious what your doing thats causing him to still freak out on you. Used to happen to us almost every RSF.
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If too many people use the vator he'll freak out. If too many people are around him he'll freak out. Is that normal? Other NCP's do that? Don't think so.
Is there any chance we can get one of those emergency server maintenances today to fix the crashing problem? Since this patch I've been DC'd every time I log in. This is more than just a little frustrating.
Dont you just love the ignoring of the constant crash issue after the 2nd patch, I crash during each and EVERY mission after the 2nd downtime, like it was when I13 went live.
Please acknowledge and fix this.
Yes please fix the crashing!!! I can live with something getting 33% bonus instead of 20%, or a toggle still dropping when it shouldnt. But if I crash every other mission the game is unplayable.
We will have a message out about the crashing shortly.
To be brief and pull these comments from this thread as it is unrelated, we don't expect stability to the crashing issue to be in effect until tomorrow morning.
We are currently internally testing the fix and setting up production for deployment to all live servers tomorrow AM.
Please do not use this thread to discuss this issue as another thread and announcement is coming soon.
Ex Libris
We will have a message out about the crashing shortly.
To be brief and pull these comments from this thread as it is unrelated, we don't expect stability to the crashing issue to be in effect until tomorrow morning.
We are currently internally testing the fix and setting up production for deployment to all live servers tomorrow AM.
Please do not use this thread to discuss this issue as another thread and announcement is coming soon.
Ex Libris
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Thanks for looking into it we love the game we're just not happy with this week
Post deleted by Ex Libris
[b][color=red] VORI Forever
[b][color=blue] ASX PvP
The patch has been updated to all Live North American Servers. European Servers are to follow early December 10th, 2008.
Here is a link to the recent patch notes: Patch Notes -- 12.9.08
[*]Fixed issue when an attack power was in animation, you were unable to turn off a toggle. The fix now allows for all toggles to be turned off except costume changing powers.
[*]Dark Armor/Soul Transfer: This power's stun effect now correctly has 2 second duration in a PvP zone instead of 10 seconds.
[*]Temporary toggle powers with no offensive effects should now suppress instead of being de-toggled.[/list]
Leveling Pacts
[*] Experience messaging has been fixed so that players are told the correct amount of experience they have earned from their group, and are reminded that the amount mentioned will be split by their group.
[*] Incorrect "Wait for your pact to catch up..." error messages have been fixed. You should now only get these messages when you are out of sync due to starting the pact with different amounts of experience.
[*] Occasional bug where extra experience is awarded during map transfers has been fixed.[/list]Invention
[*]Fixed a bug that caused the +recharge components from Recharge Intensive Pet enhancements to carry over to the pet attack speed. These enhancement sets are designed to speed up the power's recharge time, not the pets' attacks.[/list] User Interface
[*] Fixed an issue where help files were not displayed in French or German languages. (EU NOTE ONLY - NOT FOR NORTH AMERICA)
[*] Fixed a localization issue with the Researcher and Agile badges (EU NOTE ONLY - NOT FOR NORTH AMERICA)[/list]<ul>
[*]The Commuter and Clubber Day Job badges should no longer have P-string errors.
[*]Fixed P-String errors in the following Day Job powers: <ul>
[*]Monitor Duty
[*]Monitor Duty Specialist
[*]Law Enforcer
[*]Seasoned Law Enforcer
[*]Arachnos Agent
[*]Veteran Arachnos Agent
[*]Practiced Mortician[/list] [*] A Mission Selection button now appears while you are solo or the leader of a team that allows you to pick the current active mission.[/list]Merit Rewards
[*] It is now possible to purchase Hold, Intangibility, Interrupt Time, Slow and Taunt Duration SO enhancements from the Merit Vendors.[/list] Bases
[*] Fixed a bug for players using German or French languages where they were unable to move while editing their base.(EU NOTE ONLY - NOT FOR NORTH AMERICA)[/list]City of Heroes
[*]Fixed issue where players could cause Lord Recluse to get stuck behind the tower during Statesman's Task Force mission. [/list] City of Villains
[*]Reduced the Megalomaniac accolade's potency by 33% and removed its ability to enhance knockback powers, this puts it in line with the hero equivalent Vanguard Medal accolade power. [/list]
Ex Libris