Rage Against the Rikti! Reports & Analysis:

Aliana Blue



Star Strider Force
Name: Dr. Lore
Global Contact: @Golden Masquerade
Reporting on Assignment: Strategic Positions Investigations
Level of Alien Threat: Medium

Location: Spider City, Grandville
Time: 13:24

Report Details: Locating new points of interest for anticipation of Rikti attacks, seeking faster responce times from medical teleporters for emergancy purposes

Analysis of Current Situation: Security Marshal Mayhem is still suprised as ever of continuous Rikti invasions in Grandville, but has been putting in continuous measures to minimize damage and minimize invasions themselves. The rest of security seems to be left to the Destined Ones as our own hardened troops run for cover at the first siren. And these morons survived basic training?

I took it upon myself to look for a position where a spy satellite can be placed and pick up communication signals from Rikti bombers, this way we can track early when they are coming and better prepare the Destined Ones as well as other members of Star Striders for incoming invasions. It is all we can do, as the conduit for the invasion portals is all the way in Paragon City. You're on your own, heroes.

I'm also searching for new places to put medical beacons to increase responce time to the medical teleporters. As much as I love seeing low level "power level" beggars being slaughtered for wandering into zones too trecharous for them to handle, my Lord Recluse did not have them brought here to be trampled by alien invaders. It's best to just keep them out of the fighting, so I'm implementing a "safety net" in the Grandville infirmary to keep the lower level fighters out of danger. I'm still trying to find a way to get said safety net off the ground so Star Strider fighters don't get caught in it. What can I say, I'm not much of a sheppard.

Overall, new beacons are still being put in place and I am expecting upgrades for my medical equipment so that I can still act as a field medic for invasions. While locating clear positions just outside the Tangle is the easy part, getting permission to have them placed there is where the operation is starting to fall short. My Lord Recluse isn't crazy about placing "random becons and unauthorized mechinations" in his pet project. (While in all technicality, the Skyweb is nothing BUT "random beacons and unauthorized mechinations", but personally I don't think he wants to spend money on items that are just going to get knocked off should one of Statesman's task forces come in AGAIN. Oh, that would suck, a Statesman Task Force at the same time as a Rikti Invasion... why did I type that.... crap... delete button is stuck...)

Will continue to update as progress is made.

Suggestion of Action: I technically can't do anything to the Skyweb without Lord Recluse's permission, so the satellite beacons are going to have to be placed along the guard wall where there will be a clear reception, but not clear enough. I also don't have approval for more emergancy medical teleporter beacons yet, I expect to get them soon, esspecially for the "safety net". Again, will update with progress.

The Freedom Server Wallflower (shhh, sleepy)
Angelfish on DrunkDuck.com
Dr. Lore at HeroCon 2008
Arc 67690: Out For Blood



Status Reports
Star Strider Force, Justice Squadron
Name: Chief Scarlet Arcuarius / Arc of Dawn
Global Contact: @Golden Avariel
Reporting on Assignment: Rikti Invasion 11/18
Level of Alien Threat: Medium

Report Details:
The Arc of Dawn responded to multiple Vanguard alerts starting at 07:45 local time and spanning an hour of intense fighting.

Our squads took out bombs in Steel Canyon, defended the main police station in King's Row, took the high ground in Talos Island and fought alongside Ms Liberty in Atlas Park.

Our losses were high in Steel Canyon and King's Row but victory, with the help of many others, was swift and assured in Talos Island and Atlas Park despite the appearance of multiple heavy battlesuits in the final two battles.

Analysis of Current Situation:
After a quick succession of attacks in multiple locations and being repelled each time, the Rikti withdrew for over an hour. Arc of Dawn stayed on high alert throughout and so we were ready to respond when they made their final push against Atlas Park.

We believe the Rikti invasion force is running out of resources and will most likely soon withdraw from Earth to regroup their forces.

Suggestion of Action:
The time has come to take the fight to the Rikti and follow in Hero 1's footsteps.



Status Reports
Star Strider Force: Champion
Name: Impervium Valkyrie
Global Contact: @SolarDawning
Reporting on Assignment: Front Line Combat against the Rikti.
Level of Alien Threat: [High]

Report Details:
The ways and minds of these Rikti are strange, but they know of honor and glory, and are unafraid even of a superior foe. They are a worthy adversary, as least for a momentary diversion.

Yesterday eve, I received warning of a Rikti strike force attacking the Portal compound in Peregrine Island, likely in a gambit to seize the magic door held within. I cannot stress enough how important it is that the integrity of this Midgardian dimension remain secure. Should the Rikti seize the magic door, they would be able to reach their home dimension, and return with nigh unlimited reinforcements. Alas, as glorious a battle as that might be, it would be devastating to the mortal population of Midgard, and should not be allowed to pass, lest it herald the oncoming of Ragnarok.

As many Rikti attacks begin, so this one did, with an artillery bombardment from their flying ships. For a time, I attempted to distract them from their attacks on the city below, by leaping from ship to ship, and cleaving into their hulls with my axe. Although the blasts of energy they released in a panicked defense against my approach did not cause me significant harm, they were able to ward my presence away enough to prevent my attempts to find a hatch or other opening, and attack the Rikti cowering inside the ship.

Eventually, they ceased their bombardment, and began summoning soldiers to the ground. The primary concentration of this attack was the center of Portal Court, where a number of brave heroes quickly moved to establish defensive lines, and to assist the military already entrenched and protecting said establishment.

The Rikti were glorious in their attack, swarming into melee without fear of death. They would make fine Einherjar. In a show of their resolve to conquer the magic door, they sent several squadrons of their heavily armored suits to battle the entrenched heroes. I picked up several interesting scraps of Rikti metal from the remains, after I cleaved the things in twain.
The assault suits like to flee back from close combat, and utilize their long-range weaponry and maneuverability to attain victory. I have found that I can combat them effectively by binding them in frozen ice, so that they cannot flee from my onslaught.

After a half-hour of intense combat, the Rikti relented, having suffered heavy losses. Their gambit to catch us unawares had failed.

Analysis of Current Situation:
The Magic Door held inside Portal Corporation MUST remain secure. If the Rikti were able to contact their home dimension, great disaster may result.

Suggestion of Action:
The Portal Court garrison should be reinforced, and a vigil of heroes should be present at all times. In addition, quick response skirmish teams of heroes should stand by to assist immediately in case of further attack in Peregrine Island.

[b]Champion Server:
Shining Shieldmaiden: Shield Defense/Super Strength Tanker
Twilight Sparkle: Magical Friendship Unicorn



Status Reports
Star Strider Force: Virtue
Name: The Spectacular Sparky
Global Contact: @Sparky
Reporting on Assignment: Statue Defense
Level of Alien Threat [High][Medium][low]: [Insane]

Report Details:

As per assignment I was on guard duty in Atlas Park, protecting one of the many statues found in Paragon City. The attack came swiftly and the Rikti quickly overwhelmed my position with sheer numbers. I fought on valiantly, willingly throwing myself into the mass of Rikti monkeys and then quickly returning to the battle after being transported to the Chiron Medical Center. Unfortunately it is my sad duty to report that despite my best efforts the statue dedicated to Chronic Back Pain Woman has been destroyed.

Analysis of Current Situation:

Oddly the statue under my protection was the only one to be destroyed or even attacked. I can only theorize that the Rikti have it in for me and are attempting to make me look bad. Or possibly my act of mooning the Rikiti enraged them and the destruction of the statue was merely collateral damage. At any rate it is no doubt the Rikti will destroy all of the statues in the city and then build their own, dedicated to their own heroes. And let me tell you that as long as I draw breath there shall never be a U’Kon Gr’ai statue overlooking the city.

Suggestion of Action:

After much thought I have deduced that the most important statue in all of Paragon City is the Cyrus Thompson memorial statue located in Kings Row. I believe that this is the Rikti’s main target in their attempt to demoralize the heroes and as such I have taken the initiative and have already moved to protect it. I have brought in all of the active and reserve members of the Alliance of Really Great Heroes, at least the ones still taking me calls, and set up a defensive line that will surely rout the Rikti. If we fall perhaps we shall get our own statues, something tasteful yet inspiring.

Sparky - mutant elec/elec/elec blaster



Status Reports
Star Strider Force
Name: Agent Munin
Global Contact: @Pheonyx
Reporting on Assignment: Virtue
Level of Alien Threat [High][Medium][low]: Low

Report Details: 11/18/2008 - Attack on Cape Radio broadcast Pyrotechnyx, broadcasting from the roof of Steel Canyon ICON; DJ Pheonyx known for making fun of U'Kon Gr'ai by referring to the warleader as "Charlize". Heroes partying at show easily fought off Rikti forces, including 7 Heavy Assault Units, without the DJ even bothering to break stride or a sweat. I was on the phone with DJ Pheonyx as those around him easily handled the attacking forces with no casualties.

Analysis of Current Situation: Rikti from this dimension are much weaker and/or less bloodthirsty than from the dimension this operative is from. No slaver ships or Rikti Birds of Prey apparent in attacking forces.

Suggestion of Action: Low-yield tactical nuke placed aboard downed Rikti mothership and detonated. Loss of warleader should demoralize remaining Rikti to finally leave this planet alone.

The Cape Radio

"It's good to have friends. Wish I did." - Troy Hickman



Status Report
Star Strider Force
Name: Shard Warrior
Global Contact: @Jade-Star
Reporting on Assignment: Atlas Park 11-17-08 02:14 hours
Level of Alien Threat: [High]

Report Details:

I should have known it would happen. For the fourth time that night, I was awakened by my pet Rikti monkey wanting to be let out. I knew it was not a good idea to let him eat five boxes of twinkies before bedtime, but he enjoys them and I don't mind spoiling him every now and again.

Still half asleep, I groggily slipped into my gear and set out for a walk on the streets of Atlas with monkey in tow, gleefully sniffing and snorting as he followed some unknown scent trail. The air was brisk and cool in the clear moonlit sky. The streets were quiet, save for the scattering Clockwork hunting for for spare parts and the occasional Hellion spouting their usual bravado and propoganda.

Having rounded Argosy Industrial, monkeys' scent trail led us around the pond in Prometheus Park when the war walls came down. Alarm klaxons began sounding. Even monkey knew what that meant, losing all interest in his beloved scent trail and cowering at my feet. I scooped him up onto my shoulder and headed for City Hall where I knew there would be civilians, even at this time of night. As I made my way there, several heroes began entering Atlas; some heading toward Argosy Industrial to clear unexploded ordinance the Rikti motherships were dropping, others gathered at City Hall for the impending assault troops.

It was not long before Rikti troops began teleporting to the surface from their dropships, including at least three waves of Heavy Assault suits. Our group of heroes were able to evacuate the civilians and repel the attack. Casualties were thankfully light, but we were lucky this time.

Analysis of Current Situation:

I have seen this tactic before. During the war between my homeworld and the Rularuu, Rularuu assault forces would randomly attack our outposts throughout the system. Their choice of targets did not always have a military significance, while others were extremely important to our strategic defenses. Further analysis indicated the Rularuu were using this strategy to test our response times, troop deployments and defensive capabilities in order to plan a larger assault.

Some have speculated that this is what the Rikti are doing. However, my instincts tell me that they are up to something more. These incursions have been taking place for a long time. They know our resolve in fighting them. We have met every attack, and they have gained valuable tactical knowledge on our capabilities.

So why do they continue?

The Rikti are smart. They are also cunning. Over the past months we have seen the capabilities of their weapons and the size of their forces. Were the Rikti to have attacked us in full force, there is a real chance that we would have lost a long time ago. Yet they haven't come in full force. What are they waiting for?

Something tells me we are witnessing the events in an elaborate game of chess. Each Rikti incursion is but another move and counter move of the pieces on the board in their grand strategy for victory over Earth. What that strategy is, I do not know, but I am certain there is one... and we will be in real trouble when they decide to reveal it.

Suggestion of Action:

Further study of Rikti assaults needs to be performed. It may appear the attacks are random, but my instinct tells me there is something more to this than simple retaliation. We should infiltrate the crashed mothership in order to obtain tactical information.

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



Status Report
Star Strider Force
Name: Guilt Trip Girl
Global Contact: @GuiltTrip
Reporting on Assignment: Infinite Survival
Level of Alien Threat: [low]
Level of Threat to my Psyche: [low]

Report Details:
Operation Survival:
Day 2:

Day two continued to be uneventful in terms of trying to survive the "Ritki threat". I guess I should not find this invasion to be underwhelming considering they are lead by Hro'Dtohz, Dra'Gon and the Honoree. Ritki Invasions continue to occur regularly, but they are always repelled almost as soon as they get going. The only interesting note is that a few of us tasked with the duty have gone rogue and are actively laying waste to as many Ritki as possible. Not that I am surprised by the actions of the typical testosterone driven plans.

Analysis of Current Situation:

After one day even, Red Tomax, who has saved my life a numerous times, has begun to get on my nerves with his obsessive thoughts of his trist with esploits with Soul Restorer and Countess Crey. I hope we are given the go ahead to return to our normal patrols soon.

Suggestion of Action:

I continue to follow the plan laid out by the mysterious Star Strider Force, trusting that Ex Libris is not being overly trusting in the information she is being handed.

[/ QUOTE ]



Status Reports
Star Strider Force
Name: Taxibot Belle
Global Contact: @Taxibot Belle
Reporting on Assignment: Infinity Civilian Evacuation
Star Strider Force Unit: Paragon Taxi Service Infinity
Time/Date Location: 2008 November 19, 0100 UTC
Level of Alien Threat [low]

Report Details:

The heroes of Infinity bravely fended off the Rikti attack in Talos Island as expected, preventing any large-scale civilian casualties. However, the diligent efforts of the Taxibots in removing civilians from harm's way proved extraordinarily effective.

While Paragon Taxi Service members Borg, Midori, Phantom, Polly, Josephine, Morning Star, and Chelle assisted heroes in defending the city, Taxibots Belle and Johnny worked on their Star Strider mission to ensure that the civilian population was teleported to transportation where they could escape the city.

Further details can be found at the website of the Infinity Paragon Taxi Service.

Analysis of Current Situation:

By and large, the civilian evacuation was effective. Minor injuries were reported by approximately 12 civilians who were enjoying lunch at the site of the main Rikti incursion. Several buildings in the are were damaged by the bombing runs conducted by the Rikti drop ships, but the new building code design for buildings to withstand such attacks is working well.

Seven heroes were defeated during the Talos Island incursion. These heroes were assisted by Taxibots on the scene and have since reported in as well-rested and ready to defend the city during the next incursion.

Suggestion of Action:

During the invasion, many citizens were confused as to how to reach out for help. The new SOS emergency number (7-6-7) used to request evacuation needs to be publicized more. Also, once a teleportation request is made, it needs to be emphasized to civilians that they need to remain calm, and most importantly, still. Although Taxis are well capable of teleporting moving targets, this causes unnecessary delays in the cycle recharge speed due to the intense vector calculation times.

There was some delay in moving citizens out of the city core due to several Yellow Line operators not responding to the call to reverse incoming monorail tracks, causing automated safety shutdowns of outbound trains.

Now that the Taxibots have experience in enacting their action plan, they will continue to practice and improve their response times. The evacuation that took place during this incursion will be studied to look for opportunities for improved logistics. Taxibot Belle will contact city planners at the Paragon Transit Authorities first thing in the morning to address the issues with trains not adhering to the evacuation plan.

Yay, Infinity Taxis!!!
Try my City without Taxis story (1679) if you get a chance and let me know what you think!



Status Reports
Star Strider Force
Name: Shadowguardinal
Global Contact: @Golden Avariel
Reporting on Assignment: Guard Duty, Talos Island
Star Strider Force Unit: Justice
Time/Date Location: 10/19, 20:00 local time
Level of Alien Threat: Low

Report Details:
Patrol circuit of each police and train station was mostly uneventful. I considered abandoning my post to join the fight on the hill but those worthy heroes seemed to have the situation well in hand.

Enemy incursions on my patrol during what was supposedly an invasion were few and far between. I even stood in the path of the enemy ships and taunted them to no avail. When the occasional drone or soldier would teleport next to me as I strolled slowly around trying to calm the citizenry, I'd hit them on the head and drag them behind me to the next station for... analysis... or whatever it is you do with them.

Then again, maybe they were just afraid of an unstoppable rolling globe of netherworld energy. Hey, I can dream.

Analysis of Current Situation:
I believe my fellow members of Arc of Dawn have it right. The enemy forces are showing definite signs of fatigue. I expect the current series of invasions to end soon.

Suggestion of Action:
None. Treat them like the punks they are and beat them up for their temerity.



Star Strider Force
Name: Anonymouse
Global Contact: @Netminder
Reporting on Assignment: Holding the Line
Star Strider Force Unit: Offensive Unit: Champion
Time/Date Location: Rikti War Zone
Level of Alien Threat [Medium]
Report Details:

Analysis of Current Situation:
Reporting continued moderate to heavy fighting around Vanguard Outposts in the warzone.

Rikti have been stepping up thier patrols and brazen attacks against the Vanguard Outposts, sending some of thier most elite units backing up mass attacks.

Suggestion of Action:
Star Strider units have been able to contain and hold the line against these attacks and tonight we are planning on a frontal assualt against the Mothership itself. (Link to Champion Board)

All available Star Strider Offensive Units are requested as we intend to send the Rikti a message that Paragon City will not go quietly into the night.

Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion

"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."




Status Reports
Star Strider Force
Name: Captain Fyre
Global Contact: @Captain Fyre
Reporting on Assignment: Shelter & Survival
Star Strider Force Unit: Infinity
Time/Date Location: Today
Level of Alien Threat [Low]:

Report Details:
The Captain Brothers have been dedicating our efforts towards preparing survival areas. Using our knowledge of several defunct rogue military divisions, we have been able to secure a number of underground facilities, accessible only by teleportation. We have installed basic life support in each facility and have begun stocking them with supplies and survival gear. We have installed encrypted teleport beacons in each base, and will begin distributing one-use teleporter devices to families in the highest-risk areas. We estimate, however, that our shelters will only be able to hold around 10,000 people all told, so our efforts MUST be matched by other groups and individuals in order to have a truly effective evacuation plan.

Analysis of Current Situation:
Our shelters are well hidden and defended from aerial bombardment and have substantial radiation shielding. At the very least, those survivors that make it to safety via our teleporters will be be able to survive for several years with the supplies we have stocked. Extraction from these shelters will be a top priority of our organization if and when the danger has passed.

Suggestion of Action:
We cannot do this alone. If worst comes to worst, there MUST be other evacuation and shelter plans in place to augment those we've made. I know it isn't the most heroic or exciting thing to concentrate your efforts on. I'd certainly like to be out there kicking Rikti butt myself. But sometimes the heroic thing is leaving the fun parts to other people.

-Captain Fyre, leader of the Captain Brothers
The Captain Brothers are a for-profit organization dedicated to fighting injustice with massively disproportionate force. For complaints or insurance questions, contact our home office in Peregrine Island.



Status Reports
Star Strider Force
Name: Johnny Taxibot
Global Contact: @Johnny Taxibot
Reporting on Assignment: Evacuate civilians
Star Strider Force Unit: The Paragon Taxi Service - Infinity
Time/Date Location: Wed Nov 19th (evening) - multiple zones
Level of Alien Threat: Low

Report Details:
Working in pairs, Taxibots formed multiple hero teams to help expedite responses to the Rikti bombing and assault waves. Taxibot Belle has submitted a report (see attached). Despite the city-wide strikes, teams were able to minimize collateral damage from the bombing, evacuate civilians in a timely fashion, and respond to assault troops. Mobility of our teams provided an effective counter to the Rikti method of teleporting strike teams into key locations.

Analysis of Current Situation:
The civilians are in good spirits, all things considered, and they are hopeful of seeing their homes after an end to these hostilities. Rikti appear to be suffering high casualty rates on the ground.

Suggestion of Action:
Organize search teams to localize and counter established Rikti positions. Force the Rikti to commit more drop ships towards reinforcing their troops, and then concentrate on destroying the Rikti ships. We appear to have enough resources to counter the Rikti ships in rigorous fashion.



Star Strider Force
Name: Widow Twitchy
Global Contact: @prvt. slacker
Reporting on Assignment: Holding the Line
Star Strider Force Unit: Offensive Unit: Champion
Time/Date Location: Rikti War Zone
Level of Alien Threat [Medium]
Report Details:

Analysis of Current Situation:
Attacks on Rogue island ferry system.

Attacks on sharkhead during one of the last attacks the rikti were held back by 2 brute’s, a mastermind and I a low level widow. By sheer numbers they killed the team a few times, but end the end we held them off. The Miners and Family were doing business during their attacks which normally doesn’t happen.

Suggestion of Action:
Head rumors of a group of heroes and villains planning to take on the mother ship to show them a thing or two about attacking us. At last I am still not authorized by the vanguard to go into that area they claim it is too much for me. For now I will head to aid my fellow villains when I can but will operate from Port oaks. Guarding the new comers who want to be a chosen one.

Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643

Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.



Status Reports
Star Strider Force
Name: Grog the Big
Global Contact: @Grog the Big
Reporting on Assignment: Triumph
Star Strider Force Unit: Forgotten Legion
Time/Date Location: Peregrine Island, Talos Island, Founders Falls... it's all blurring together
Level of Alien Threat [High][Medium][low]: feeble annoyance

Report Details:
The first time they invaded I was in Peregrine Island. I was seated at my favorite outdoor restaurant, enjoying a stout porter, when the sky turned green. At first, I thought perhaps I had too much to drink, but, as alcohol still exists in Paragon, this is not possible. Then the bombs fell. No mere atomic blast could cause me to spill [u]my[u] drink, but I did witness other beverages falling to the earth, their contents soaking into the thirsty ground...be right back.

Ahh, where was I? Oh yes, the Rikti were attacking every place that had a liqour license. What impudence! I drew my humongous sword and roared a challenge to the heavens. The cowards did not answer, though I did notice that their bombing became less accurate; the bombs fell wide of the bars and liquor stores and now rained down on other targets. No doubt they realized the error of their ways and sought to placate me by selecting other targets for destruction, but it was all for naught! The spilled booze cried out for vengeance, and I would answer! I cast the Trackless Step spell and met their airships head-on.

After I received a trifling injury, it was clear the Rikti would not face me in honorable melee combat, so I had to content myself with disposing of unexploded bombs, thereby preventing any more damage to the bars of Peregrine Island. While I raged at their reluctance to engage me in a civilized swordfight, I noticed other heroes streaming towards the Portal Corporation facility. They said something about how the infantry would land there. I scoffed at first, and set to defend my favorite bar with blood and steel, but then the radio reports confirmed the other heroes' claims. The chance to fight the aliens face to face was too good to pass up.

The fracas had just begun when I arrived. Heroes clashed with aliens in the shadow of the Portal Corp monument. Despite his reputation as a powerful hero, I noticed Castle refused to take part in the action. Hah! The mighty Grog is made of sterner stuff! I leapt into the fray with glee!

The rest is a blur of carnage. I wielded my Rularru sword with all the strength I possessed! Rikti monkeys were spitted upon my blade! Headmen Gunmen fell wailing as I hacked their arms off! Infantry that fought with their swords paid for their foolishness with their lives! I decapitated the Mesmerists and Mentalists, and savored the spectacle as their headless bodies collapsed to the ground! Even their feared Chief Soldiers were no match for the strength of my arm or my prowess with a blade! The desperate creatures eventually summoned Heavy Assault Suits and Magi to the fight, but they were still no match for the mighty Grog! The Magi in particular found themselves stymied by my magical skills! If the witless cretins had known they faced an Archmage, they would surely have stayed home that day!

After the earth drank much blood, the stubborn aliens finally gave up and teleported away. I had hoped to toast the success of the battle with mounds of corpses strewn at my feet, but it was not to be; the Rikti spirited their dead and wounded away as well. Speaking of spirits...

Mmm, yes, what was I saying? Oh, right, they fled, and I went back to my drink. Similar scenarios also played out on Talos Island and in Founders Falls. I profitted handsomely from the sale of the trinkets I managed to snatch from their carcasses, and the fights were epic, but something bothered me about the whole matter.

Analysis of Current Situation:
I invited the stalwart heroes who witnessed the battle to join me at the tavern. Castle declined, stating something about "other plans". Bah! Anyway, those who joined me talked at length about the invasion.

They did not share my belief that Paragon's supply of booze was directly targeted by the greedy aliens. They said something about how the Rikti are from another universe, and that Portal Corporation's facility was a logical target. If the tales of the Rikti's origins are true, then targeting Portal Corp does make sense, but it did not explain why they first atttacked the tavern.

Others mentioned that, during the first invasion, the Rikti concentrated their attacks against the magically inclined. That must be it. They knew of my status as an Archmage, and feared my power! I will pass this information along to the Midnight Squad and the Legacy Chain.

I expect more attacks will come. The casualties I inflicted were grevious, yet sufficient resources and men-at-arms remained to mount additional strikes. Conversations with other heroes indicate that the Rikti have a medical system comparable to our own. It's quite possible that the warriors I dispatched on Talos and in Founders Falls were the very same ones that fell before me on Peregrine. While I welcome every opportunity for battle, I expect the citizens of Paragon grow weary of these disruptions to their lives. It is my belief that, unless the bridge between this world and theirs can be sealed, or a means to disrupt or destroy their medical teleportation system can be found, or the crashed spaceship can be sacked, or the Rikti warriors tire of being put to the sword, the threat of city-wide Rikti attack will never completely cease. This static warfare is unacceptable. It's cutting into my drinking time.

Suggestion of Action:
A means to combat the Rikti airships must be found. Their bomb attacks cannot be allowed to continue! Failing that, all establishments that serve beer, wine, etc. must replace their drinking vessels with lidded steins.

The crashed ship must be sacked. There have been successful attacks mounted on top and below the ship. These must be expanded upon to allow for a final victory over the invaders.

Portal Corp must be persuaded to find the Rikti homeworld so that counterattacks can be made. This constant fighting on our own soil is fruitless. We must take the fight to them, and ensure that the Rikti will be so fearful of reprisal that no further attacks will be made!

#69397 Get Grog a Drink!
#155312 No Good Deed Goes Unrewarded
#229565 Take Back the Park! (lowbie friendly)

Praetor of the [url="http://www.forgottenlegion.net"]Forgotten Legion[/url] SG and mod for the HUB player community. All hail the mighty Grog!



Status Reports
Star Strider Force
Name: Patty-Sue Ivanova, Elo, Disgruntled Ex, Pynx
Global Contact: @EmperorSteele
Reporting on Assignment: VIRTUE
Time/Date Location: This Week
Level of Alien Threat: Medium

Report Details:

The Heroes of Paragon City continue their independent patrols and helping any teams they come across in fighting back invasions, participating in Mothership raids, and doing missions for the senior members of Vanguard.

Patty-Sue Ivanova will be participating in a large scale counter-offensive to help bring down the drop ships before they can do any damage later today. Disgruntled Ex has been working close with the Vanguard in fighting ground troops. Pynx has secluded herself in meditation in an attempt to strengthen herself for the coming battles, while Elo has been on recon, attempting to discover where the Ritki are getting their seemingly unending supply of troops and equipment.

Analysis of Current Situation:

Not good. The Ritki forces, while supposedly cut off from their homeworld, seem infinite in number. The Mothership is not large enough to produce and store the dozens (hundreds?) of attack ships which have been assaulting Paragon and the Rogue Isles in recent weeks, which begs the question of where these ships are being manufactured, stored, and deployed from. It must be noted, however, that the Ritkis attacks are more or less sporadic. With the amount and kinds of forces at their command, it is strange that the majority of the more powerful Ritki stay on guard duty around the mothership. Assuming a defensive posture while lashing out would seem to imply the Ritki are weaker than they wish us to know.

Suggestion of Action:

Assaults on the main Ritki Mothership must continue, however, it is imperative that we discover their launching area. Shows of strength, which include taking out their invasion forces, should help solidify our position in this conflict. Heroes and other allied forces should be given the means to travel underwater; Old news clips suggest that Statesman deposed of many Motherships into Paragon harbor and the Atlantic Ocean, which may be where the Ritki are getting their additional equipment, assuming that their vessels survived.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Status Reports
Star Strider Force
Name: Agent Joelle Wright
Global Contact: @Trystan Laryssa
Reporting on Assignment: Vanguard Front Lines
Star Strider Force Unit: Justice Server
Time/Date Location: The week following the recent attacks...
Level of Alien Threat [low]:

Report Details:
The Rikti War Zone is still a war zone, make no mistake. The alien threat continues to make itself known... but at the moment things are eerily quiet at the Vanguard base. I have gotten tangled up in some pretty decent firefights near the base, and have worked with the Vanguard and Corps operatives there to ensure the safety of our resources here.

My associate Sorina Tavarisch has been hard at work dealing with the threat, and I have heard that the other members of Star Patrol have been kept busy by the constant city invasions. I can only hope the reason for the silence here is that the Rikti are beginning to find themselves spread too thin...

The stillness between frontline attacks is unnerving... it's the bad kind of quiet. It's the kind of quiet that makes me worry what the alien scum are up to elsewhere in the city, and how many lives are at stake.

Analysis of Current Situation:
The Rikti, from what data we have begun to compile in the last few hours, seem to be attempting to choose their battles. Perhaps they are beginning to dwindle in number...

Suggestion of Action:
If the Rikti are at a weak point in their development, it may be the ideal time to strike, take out every warrior we can in this fight. As the Vanguard base seems to be holding its own, I'm planning to rendezvous with others in Star Patrol and head out to the city to try and assess the numbers that are actively attacking. Hopefully we can put this madness to an end.

@Trystan Laryssa



Status Reports
Star Strider Force: Virtue Unit
Name: Turkey Lurkey
Global Contact: @Turkey Lurkey
Reporting on Assignment: Special Assignment - Bar Protection
Level of Alien Threat: [low]

Report Details: Star Strider Agent Ex Libris contacted me regarding the special assignment of determining the safety of bars, taverns, pubs, lounges, and the like during these recent waves of Rikti attacks. In the interest of being thorough, I have extended that directive to include eateries that serve alcohol, liquor stores, convenience stores, and other distributors of alcoholic beverages. I began my rounds in Atlas Park and continued to each section of Paragon from there.

Analysis of Current Situation: There seem to be far more tactically sound targets for the Rikti to attack. Bars hold no military value. They provide no tactical advantage for the Rikti, nor would they benefit from the spoils of war in the taking of one. In fact, it would serve our purposes better not to have the inebriating effects of alcohol affecting our defending heroes. However, we cannot discount the effect on morale that these establishments would have on our defending heroes. They need a place to unwind, to tell stories with other heroes, to blow off steam. The social impact of these establishments must not be overlooked, as it may be the key to winning the war. They need places like that to keep them sane in these intense times.

Suggestion of Action: Pocket D needs no further protection, as DJ Zero assures me that his protections will keep his establishment safe. That, combined with the sheer number of lesbian vampire ninjas and alien catgirl robots that inhabit the "D" at all times, a stike against that particular business is unlikely and foolhardy. The smaller establishments are likely to be threatened more by oportunistic members of local gangs than the Rikti, so I suggest bands of 2-3 heroes to patrol the streets, to keep the order, with larger back-up squads to provide back up in each city area if needed.

I would also like to see karaoke systems set up in a majority of the bars, preferably with decent versions of "Sloop John B" and "Magneto and Titanium Man" in the playlists.




Status Reports
Star Strider Force
Name: Guilt Trip Girl
Global Contact: @GuiltTrip
Reporting on Assignment: Survival
Star Strider Force Unit: Infinity
Time/Date Location: Day 3 - Pocket D
Level of Alien Threat: [low]
Level of Treat to my Psyche: [Medium]

Report Details:

Hanging out in the base is beginning to take its toll. I am not sure how much longer I can listen to Max squabble with his Axe. It is bad enough I need to listen to the neanderthal Max, but his Axe is so egotistical I am certain it had to have been forged by a man. The only thing that proves other wise is that it does seem to be remarkably well crafted, which points to a female's care and attention for detail.

In the evening I received a communication from Ex Libris, stating that there was going to be a "costume contest" in Pocket D. Knowing that it had to be clandestine meeting of heroines, as everyone knows almost all the participants are the superior sex, I made my way to Pocket D for what was surely going to be a debriefing on the true nature of the "Star Strider Force".

Once I arrived I was glad to see Ex Libris, Neviene and Agent Ruby organizing my fellow heroines. However, there were several evil men lurking about, some of whom they must have been leary of as they kept recommending that no one use their powers (I can only assume they did not want us to provide them with any insight into what powers and weakness we may possess). Once it was clear the planned debriefing was out the window, I stood with my back against a wall vigilant in case some trap may be sprung.

Surprisingly, nothing transpired and I tried to teleport back to base but was prevented by DJ Zero's teleport suppression system. I ended up heading out the secret exit to Faultline, as most tend to take the obvious exits, which means they might be watched. After that it was just a quick teleport back to the safety of our base.

Analysis of Current Situation:

While it was nice to get out of the base for a bit, I have returned to the safety of our base. The Ritki continue to be of little threat to Paragon City, with the aliens retreating quickly once any resistance shows up.

Suggestion of Action:

I transcribed everything that the leaders of the "Costume Contest" said as I am sure there must have been a coded message being provided as to the nature of this current mission. One thing of interest was that Neviene seemed positively terrified by an Ouroboros portal that appeared in Pocket D...

Also I am going to talk Red Tomax into looking into getting a base portal opened into Pocket D. That way if operation survival goes on much longer we can VIP pass into Pocket D for supplies and return back to base without entering the city, or using an Ouroboros portal, which Neviene clearly is recommending we do not use for some reason.




Star Strider Force
Name: Anonymouse
Global Contact: @Netminder
Reporting on Assignment: Holding the Line
Star Strider Force Unit: Offensive Unit: Champion
Time/Date Location: Rikti War Zone
Level of Alien Threat [Medium]
Report Details:

Analysis of Current Situation:
Reporting continued moderate to heavy fighting around Vanguard Outposts in the warzone.

Rikti have been stepping up thier patrols and brazen attacks against the Vanguard Outposts, sending some of thier most elite units backing up mass attacks.

Suggestion of Action:
Star Strider units have been able to contain and hold the line against these attacks and tonight we are planning on a frontal assualt against the Mothership itself. (Link to Champion Board)

All available Star Strider Offensive Units are requested as we intend to send the Rikti a message that Paragon City will not go quietly into the night.

[/ QUOTE ]

Report Appendium:

We. Kicked. Butt.

The call for Paragon's finest and most wanted did not go unheeded.

Heroes and Villians alike banded together to form 5 teams to assault the Mothership. Myself, Cobalt Azurean, and Beetle King anchored three of the teams with out veteran leadership and 2 newer faces Circle of Trust and Sacean Kareru anchored the rest.
The Pylons fell like dominos as we toured the War Zone taking them out quickly and efficiently with minimal casualties. Then came the assault. All teams moved quickly to the top of the downed spacecraft and placed satchel charges along the vents inflicting crippling damage on the already heavily damaged ship. Eventually, the Man at Arms showed up, but barely managed a token presence as the wave of destruction washed over and into the heart of the ship.

At this point the Rikti started having a worse day. For a solid 30 minutes plus, we repulsed wave after wave of Rikti. Magus, Mentalists, and Headman alike were handled with incredible swiftness. Eventually the Rikti technicians managed to repair enough damage to restore the main shield, but not before the message was delivered.

Just to be sure, we banded together and added a sixth team to the fracas. This time the assault around the pylons was so swift that when we jumped on top of the ship, the Rikti were no where to be found. We placed 2 charges before any resistance was mounted, and it was token at that. They were caught completely off guard and we added to the impressive damage from the first raid. U'kon, fresh from the infirmary was quickly returned there. Again the bowl was conquered, but without some Bubbles providing mez cover, the Magus Storm (6+ soawn) did a number on the raid, and enough time was bought to raise the shields before we could regroup.

Undeterred, a third raid was formed from the remnants and a smaller strike team was assembled. The pylons fell and once again the hull of the ship was barren and 2 bombs placed before resistance materialized. While stronger than the second raid's showing, it was still poor and swept aside. U'kon's token showing and trip to the showers was predictable as usual and anchored by triple bubbles the Rikti were crushed. With fewer, but more determined numbers, even the Magus Storm was dispatched. Eventually one of the aliens managed to piece together enough of the tattered remains to re-enable the shields and we retreated to the Vanguard outposts.

Having bloodied more than a few noses, the Rikti got the certified message that Paragon City isn't a Rikti annex.

Commendations to all who helped send the message loud and clear.

-Star Strider Offensive Captain Anonymouse

*Video footage of the raids was captured and is being screened for classified information. Command hopes to have a cleared version available soon(tm).

Cleared Stills:

Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion

"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."



Status Report
Star Strider Force
Name: Alissara
Global Contact: @Alissara
Reporting on Assignment: Rikti Dropship assault in Talos and Peregrine Islands
Star Strider Force Unit: Virtue
Time/Date Location: 17:00H EST, 11/20/2008, Talos Island
Level of Alien Threat [High]

Report Details:

Dropship assault was executed successfully. Human casualties were remarkably low, considering the massive firepower of the opposition.

Assault squads assembled in Talos, prior to first invasion

We should maybe try and contact The Dark Watcher, since it would appear at first sight that someone was feeding misinformation to the Rikti. Hardly had we finished organizing teams when the warwalls dropped, the sky took on that sickly green shade, and we heard the Vanguard transmission, warning us of an impending invasion force approaching Talos. As expected, the Rikti ships followed their usual routes, allowing the Assault Force to concentrate on the squadron taking the southern route. Initial reports indicate that entire squadron was destroyed.

There was some confusion over which route was to be the target during the second wave, however we were called to assemble over Exarch Industries, a well known landmark. Once we had done so we were able to concentrate on the squadron entering on the eastern side of Talos, and again initial reports indicate that all ships in that squadron were destroyed.

It was not immediately clear where we should go next, but the question was resolved when we received a Vanguard transmission informing us of a Rikti invasion force heading for Peregrine Island. I must request a commendation for Captain Erika Janssen of the Melody, for putting the ferry at the disposal of such a large force of heroes on such short notice. Hardly had we docked at the ferry terminal on Peregrine Island, when the first Rikti dropships hove into view.

Once again, the assembled force of heroes carried themselves flawlessly, taking out two squadrons of ships, and a few additional stragglers. Rather than provide a verbal narrative, I'll allow the following demorecords to show the action from my perspective. I must apologize for the tendency they have to induce motion sickness, but the combination of teleport and flight in use can be rather dizzying for those not used to it.

Demorecords of Peregrine Island action

Once this was over, we assembled in Portal Court for a quick debriefing and celebration for a job well done.

Some well earned R&R at Portal Court, after the second invasion

Analysis of Current Situation:

This is surely a major tactical blow to the Rikti. The complete destruction of 41 dropships must represent a large material loss to the Rikti. We cannot, however, know for certain what effect it will have, if any, on their morale. Doubtless they will continue the current wave of invasions, but who can tell if this will cause them to be more cautious when it comes to committing a large military force to an invasion in the future.

Suggestion of Action:

Continue to be watchful during the current increase in Rikti activity. As time and manpower permits, we may be able to mount similar attacks in the future.

Personal Notes:

The complete destruction of the ships, as seen in the demorecords, means that there is very additional benefit gained by attacking them. However, the very act of destroying this many dropships made Talos and Peregrine Islands a little safer for the civilian population of Paragon City today. Working together with a large force of like minded heroes to achieve a common goal of this magnitude is reward enough in and of itself.

Scrappers are just like chainsaws. Somewhat hard to handle, EXTREMELY dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane.
@Alissara - an Angry Angel
The Angry Angels. When it absolutely positively has to be spanked today.



Status Reports
Star Strider Force
Name: Fire Kindergartener
Global Contact: @Fire Kindergartener
Reporting on Assignment: Fire Kindergartener's Dad
Star Strider Force Unit: Supreme Suckas of CrazyFuntime
Time/Date Location: 4:25 pm 11/20/08 Skyway city.
Level of Alien Threat [low]:

Report Details:

Earlier today, my daughter, Fire Kindergartener was playing on the swing at the Wooden Forest Happytime Park. I turned around and she had run off. That's when a nearby rikti raid was sighted and parents grabbed their children to run for cover.

After finding her and speaking with the police, here is what I pieced together:

I had run around looking for Fire Kindergartener who, unbeknownst to me, had rushed into a nearby neighborhood to try to help fight against the Rikti.

She found a couple rikti monkeys, deployed her fire imps, and realized she had not fed them anything flammable in days (usually we feed them oak branches or she gives them cereal boxes. Gosh, they do love those cereal boxes). The imps ran to the foot of the nearest tree to scrounge for tinder since they were so hungry they were incredibly thin and unfit for battle.

Fire Kindergartener decided to take the two rikti monkeys alone. She began spamming char, fireball, etc at them to no effect. She couldn't even get a transference off them when she needed end. After finding food, her fire imps ran to her side but simply stared at her while she told them to "jump all up and down on the rikti monkeys, and fire slap them."

That was when the helpful police officer, officer Bob, found her. I met him near the park and enlisted his aid in finding my daughter. Officer Bob immediately realized why the rikti monkeys seemed to be invulnerable. They were already dead. Judging by the tire tracks across the monkeys' backs, a helpful Paragon citizen had run them over. Maybe it was the orange gremlin, parked nearby, with rikti ooze on its tires.

Since my wife and I do not have any special powers, we are currently teaching our daughter how to safely use her powers, as well as determine when actions are safe or dangerous. I wish it was as easy to teach her discretion with her powers as the potty training and street crossing were.

I will keep you updated as Fire Kindergartener fills us in on the details during the upcoming battles. Thank-you all for the aid during this, second Rikti Invasion. We will win this war!



Status Reports
Star Strider Force
Angel o'Death (Level 39, dark/dark Defender)
Global Contact: @The Alt-oholic
Reporting on Assignment: Dropping a Rikti Ship, Thurs 20th. 8 pm EST
Star Strider Force Unit: Team 6
Time/Date Location: 2000-2115 11/20 Earth-11/Virtue
Level of Alien Threat : [High]
Main Opponent(s) : Rikti Ships

Report Details:

I am not one usually to be involved with invaders of the spacial kind. I was not given these powers to fight “aliens”. As you may or may not know, my dealings tend to deal with the supernatural and the so-called Heaven and Hell Wars. I was rushed through training. My angelic form is only a mystic-armor granted to me by mantras within a sacred book that was temporarily entrusted with by the highest power. I am destined to a greater destiny in saving humanity for far greater threats than this Rikti Invasion.

However, I was told by members of the earthly group that I have been sent to support – the so-called H.E.L. Laboratories – that my ability to fly would be key in assisting the heroes of Earth-11 (Virtue Shard) in grounding the crafts of the invaders. It was, of course, not known to me that they were working to initiate their own plans in regards to the Rikti Wars.

The Rikti struck before we were fully assembled on the central hill of Talos Island. I don' t know how they knew that we were preparing for their arrival, but their ambush did not succeed in catching our forces off-guard.
I was assigned to Strike Team 6 with another agent of H.E.L. Labs. It is a metal demon known as CyberKnight7. It has no soul as it was built by man. It is a monstrosity of false life that offends my spiritual sensibilities, but I was instructed of it's nature and the important part it will play in the future even before I was sent back down to Earth.
As I looked around I realized that there may have been more than eight strike teams involved as more recruits continued to arrive even as the pre-arranged forces were arraying themselves for battle. I would wager that it was a group of easily more that sixty heroes prepared to give their lives in order to repel the Rikti forces.

We took to the air and placed ourselves in the path of the strafing Rikti ships. I summoned up the Darkest Night upon each that approached. Far others were there to disable to ships, while even more were dismantling the ships with one skill or another. It took only moments to drop each from the sky. Some say it was twenty Rikti craft that fell from the sky in that first encounter in the skies of Talos Island, but we were not done.
What Rikti forces remained descended upon the city. Many I'm sure had escaped the destruction of their landing ships. We fell on them like a plague of locust. Their number was few compared to ours. They stood not a chance in hell. Surely, we were righteous in our actions for we were victorious.

Even as the skies cleared of their sickly green hue, the alarm rang out that the Rikti had begun their invasion anew near Peregrine Island. There was no delay. Only a call-to-arms was needed.
But we were many, and all of us could not fit aboard the ferries. Even with our flight powers it was as if a force was holding us back from the fray. Was it some power of the Rikti (that caused a second instance of Peregrine Island to spawn at such a critical time)?
But once again we set ourselves in the path of the ships, and once again I drew darkness down upon them. Even as we chased them they fell, and suddenly I was in Talos Island again – separated from my forces.
It was a good while until I was able to pierce the mystic barriers and re-enter Peregrine Island where my team was combating the Rikti. And so one after another the Rikti ships crumbled and fell from the sky to crash into the soft earth or to explode while still in flight. Those that called out of our victory said that it had been more than another twenty Rikti ships drawn down from the sky to there destruction.

The final count of our carnage showed that some forty-one or may be more Rikti ships had been destroyed.

Analysis of Current Situation:

The Rikti though they are numerous stand no chance against the heroes of Paragaon City. Clearly we have proven that the Rikti ships are no match for us when we work as a team to defeat them. I would call out in praise for the great acts that were done this day, but the are nothing in comparison with what must be done if the Heaven and Hell Wars are to be won.

Do not doubt that there are forces in this world far worse the Rikti. The horror they bring will weigh much heavier on the souls of humanity. Prepare yourselves. The time is coming.

Security Clearance Alpha necessary to access information below.
If you do not have proper Security Clearance, you are not authorized to read further.

Name: GoldDragonNinja (Level 50katana/super-reflexes Scrapper)
Global Contact: @The Alt-oholic
Reporting on Assignment: TOP SECRET - Archivist Agent Duties
Star Strider Force Unit: Dragon Ninja Clan (sub-group of H.E.L. Laboratories)
Time/Date Location: 2000-2115 11/20 Earth-11/Virtue
Level of Alien Threat : [High]

Report Details:

It was not easy to convince CyberKnight7 and the Angel o'Death to leave H.E.L. Labs to engage the Rikti forces, but we (the Dragon Ninja Clan) do as we must to distract even those who are our allies when we need to do what needs to be done.
This was different than many of our other “assignments”. Instead of using stealth to strike down a foe, our job was to use stealth to secret away digitally-stored knowledge and lore of our civilization(s). As always we know the importance of our duties.

Dividing up parts of the encrypted data (which had been stored in various media), the members of the Dragon Ninja Clan went about hiding these important records through out time and space by use of our affiliations with various organizations not limited to the Midnight Squad and Vanguard and gateways created through so-called Ouroboros.

Let us say that the “work” is on-going; by no means have all the records of our civilization are hidden away. Other Brothers are working to compile and hide further data as we are able to process it into the digital media or seize it through whatever means is necessary in order to convert it.

We are sorry that we can not give you more details, but it is critical to the secrecy of the mission.
As they say “Loose lips, sink ships.”
I have to wonder what the Rikti think about that? Our little “slip up” to release information to them about the meeting of heroes in Talos Island this evening seems to have proven quite the bait to lure their ships into certain destruction.

Analysis of Current Situation:

As Archivist Agents, we can only do what we can to secure knowledge and lore of our civilization(s). H.E.L. Labs was granted no special access to art treasures and the Dragon Ninja Clan is in no position at this point to rob from the Museums of Paragon City in order to facilitate this task.

Perhaps it would be best for Archivist Agents among the villains of the Rogue Isle to abscond with such property for hiding as it won't raise as many suspicions. This is, of course, just a suggestion.

If the leaders of Paragon City wish us to secret away such treasures in order to secure them from possible destruction, they need only to provide us with access to those items or, if the request for us to do so through proper channels, we can “liberate” those items ourselves for “safe keeping.”

As you know this, mission is on going (as many of our activities) and we will strive to see that we continue to facilitate this directive as it has been issued to us.



Status Reports
Star Strider Force
Name: Spiny Sister
Global Contact: @Von Krieger
Reporting on Assignment: Rikti Dropship Assault
Star Strider Force Unit: Virtue
Time/Date Location: 6:50 PM EST, Talos Island, Peregrine Island, Rhode Island, USA... island...
Level of Alien Threat [Pants Wetting]
Report Details:
Heard mention of a gathering of heroic types plotting to strike back at the Rikti in retaliation for the massive bombing and assault campaign taking place over the past seven days. As my own recent exploits have not been the sort that are particularly flashy (primarily responding to PPD radio calls in Peregrine Island and foiling several bank robberies of the same, as well as a general thinning of the zombie hoards in Dark Astoria) I figured that not only would a Rikti dropship be a challenge, but of such a challenge that I would most definitely not be able to accomplish bringing one down under my own efforts.

These past few days I have done what I can to limit the damage caused by the Rikti invasion, primarily disposing of unexploded bombs in zones of lower security level, where small teams and solo heroes would have trouble getting rid of them. By myself I am able to destroy three tightly placed bombs without having them detonate, whereas some groups in Atlas or Kinds Row struggle with one.

But I am most certainly glad that I had several hundred other heroes to fight alongside, as things did not go quite as easily as I expected. Despite the presence of wings and my origin upon a world filled with magic, I am unable to fly under my own power, and as a result was required to rely on my trusty Raptor Pack, which served me well in my early days of my heroing career. Having used up slightly more than half of the original fuel content, and the packs lack of proprietary markings making me unable to seek out and acquire the particular blend required to power the device, I am not confidant in my ability to fully perform at optimal efficiency should another assault of this magnitude be required.

I arrived in Talos around 6:50, and was quickly grouped with several other heroes, with Astounding Man as the leader and coordinator for our particular band of heroes. Over the evening he lived up to his name, rather astounded by the layout of the islands in general, as he got lost twice. Though I am not one to complain, after all I was stricken with the battle condition known as 'scrapperlock' and was so focused on taking a ship down later in the evening that I found I'd flown far enough out to sea that a strong wind blew me, and several others, all the way back to Talos Island.

While injuries abounded, requiring several of my teammates to use their emergency medical teleporters, I myself received only a few blast wounds, which my suit-bonded immune system rapidly took care of. Though I suppose I ought to have followed orders to pull back from the battle upon being blasted the first time. But being able to remain conscious through three to four consecutive shots, if I concentrate through the pain, meant that I was in little danger in the air.

We took the first few ships down through sheer numbers, the sickly green-yellow sky illuminated with a rainbow of energy blasts, fireballs, and at least three colors of eye lasers. It took a few minutes for a strategy to develop, weakening the ships before swarming them.

I have to admit that in the Talos conflict I was not as useful as I might have been due to my unfamiliarity with combat whilst steering the raptor pack, usually it was used for transportation.

Eventually I found that gaining altitude while going forward, as well as using the pack's jump jets, made for a faster forward motion, allowing me to strike near the propulsion system, which seemed to be the optimal area for attack.

Though when all was said and done, 41 Rikti Dropships were brought down, I feel that we could've done more. Several times during the raid not only did the group diverge, but my team did in several instances. Even though we had an assigned raid leader to follow and coordinate the attacks, due to the absolutely huge number of heroes in the air, I had difficulty locating her.

During the last wave in Paragon my team converged on the arena, while others sought to defend Portal Corps. Overall after the first wave of Peregrine the raid became somewhat unfocused, as we had not been prepared to defend Peregrine Island, but rather Steel Canyon, Talos Island, and Skyway City, where the ship flight patterns had been more carefully studied.

As the ships detonate upon structural failure, leaving little to salvage, and so many individuals attacking each ship, leaving little gain for influence in the metahuman community, overall what we accomplished tonight is better than either.

What we have is a pride in ourselves and out fellows, able to band together for a common cause and demolish a foe typically thought to be of overwhelming power.

Analysis of Current Situation:
Rikti still attack points in Paragon City a handful of times a day, and on occassion with intense, constant bombardments. I cannot imagine where they could be acquiring the resources to build bombs, dropships, and heavy assault suits on this order of magnitude and it makes me shudder to think of where they might be turning to in order to acquire new troops.

Although as the fallen and wounded are beamed out, they may very well be regenerating the same few dozen battalions of troops.

It seems that we can indeed inflict enough damage upon them that they let up on their constant assaults for a time, and pull back to regoup and rebuold their forces.

Suggestion of Action:
Judging from our performance tonight it is my belief that the damage caused by rikti bombers could be limited by utilizing as few as two dozen specially trained and equipped individuals.

During Rikti assaults such a group, while not able to achieve the sheer numbers of dropship kills, could easily bring down a handful of ships during every conflict. With several squadrons and shifts, it is possible that we could begin inflicting continuous casualties upon their drop ships.

They cannot have an unlimited supply, and as time goes on it is likely that we could whittle down their primary vessels of war down to a point where they would be forced to converse what they have and use them sparingly and strategically. It would make them more unpredictable, but it would also be a great stride in the direction of limiting the damagers these invaders cause.

Also for future dropship raids, I think increased communication, coordination, and planning would go a long way towards making things more effective. With more concentrated firepower, I believe we could've taken down three or four additional ships in each zone.

Having more than one targeting coordinator would also be helpful, as I mentioned before I was unable to see ours. Perhaps each team concentrating on following its leader, and each team leader keeping an eye on the overall raid leaders?

A greater knowledge of additional flight patterns in zones would be appreciated, as in PI we had no idea where the ships were going to come from until the first essentially made landfall, as opposed to our targeting of the first Talos dropship the moment I came over the war wall.

Having my hands full operating the raptor pack, I was unable to use my para-beetle scout to the full extent of documenting the battles that took place this evening.

I was, however, able to record several images of the dropship raiders posing for posterity after the event.

Some of them, at least. Not all of us can hero full time, and they needed to return to their homes, families, and secret identities.

Unfortunately my face is covered by the untimely wing beat of the winged woman in front of me in the image I've chosen. All the others had Portal Corps employees wandering into the scene, rudely nudging some heroes off the side walk, or said heroes angry and red faced, threatening to shoot the next person that rammed into them.

Rikti Raiders Group Photo

This report has been edited to remove the pin up shot of the villainess Grape Jawbreaker that was originally attached. Its presence in my workshop is merely for research purposes.

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



Star Strider Force
Name: StarFire Taxi
Global Contact: @Rad Backfist
Reporting on Assignment: MotherShip Assult
Star Strider Force Unit: Offensive Unit: Champion
Time/Date Location: Rikti War Zone 7pm EST
Level of Alien Threat [Medium]
Report Details:
Attacks on the City have been going on for almost a week now. We feel that if nothing is done they will continue causing grief and pain to families of now super status.

A message was received early on during the day across my iHCD (Hero communicator device) . Quick plans were made to Raid the Rikti mother ship, Anonymouse sent the word out for hero and Villains’ listening in on the non-secure channel to come to the aid.

Prep work:
In prep for the attach my day job took me to the local hospital system for a quick upgrade of the 911 system, once that was done I quickly moved across founders falls into the Vangaurd base.

Once in the confined vanguard area known as the RWZ, I sent out the not that I was there to help. As fast as the message was sent, Beetle King responded with my marching orders.

5 squads were forming up and more hero and Villains were coming into the zone to help out. As we jumped off the roof tops and starting taking down the pylons one at a time, 17 then north to 16, taking us around the mothership, the warning call was to watch out for the shields. One of the Chosen ones from LR army almost lost more than a spider leg. Radiation and other heals were blanked across the grounds as we moved along.

Once on the ship pets were called out, imps, hungry plants and robots stormed across the hull of the ship. Screams of bombs being planted and more Magus coming in, then a growl that the veterans knew, it was the Rikti, Master at Arms. Fire power, radiation, dark powers were all turned and rained down on him with the might of our attack he quickly was sent off. Our forces poured over the ship taking control of the center hull part of the ship [ personal sky cam still alpha ]. Rikti came out in swarms of death only to be sent back with their general. Our fallen were quickly given what they needed to get back up. Fight continued until they restored their shields.

Attach groups reformed quickly and a 2nd raid was sent in, larger numbers and with the Rikti still hurting from the 1st round. The Master at Arms was called out again only to be brused and sent back. Not taking us lightly he sent out the magus in force[ Personal sky cam still Beta ]. With their ranged attacks they 1st disabled the healers with stuns. In a confused state I started seeing more of my group fall, then another wave from the magus hit. Just as I was breaking free from the effects of their powers. Medical Evac’s to the hospital were called for the fallen. Not to take that down fall lightly we head back to the mother ship once again. Just as we start our jump down the side to regain our hold we had. Shields flash on and our transporters trigger on to take us to safety.

Round 3 letting the Rikti know that we are not beaten and we are not happy about the raids. 3 small groups, half the size of the last attacking force, head out. The ground forces of the Rikti seem a bit larger as I run through them to the next Pylon as we take down the shield for the 3rd time. Our team and one other quickly call out that our bombs are in place. Not a few seconds later the 3rd one is planted. The Angry and bruised Master at Arms, once again wanted us off the ship. Taking him down again, with small force has to send a message we are not going away. As we are holding the Center of the ship called the Bowl. We hold this spot until the shield are restored. [Ski cam was detected and taken out ]

Final Thoughs
Rikti should have the message of leave us alone, and go home.

End status report from Champion’s, Prvt. Slacker

Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643

Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.



Status Reports
Star Strider Force
Name: Johnny Taxibot
Global Contact: @Johnny Taxibot
Reporting on Assignment: Evacuate civilians
Star Strider Force Unit: The Paragon Taxi Service - Infinity
Time/Date Location: Thu Nov 20th (evening) - Steel Canyon, Skyway, RWZ
Level of Alien Threat: Low

Report Details:
Acting on the initiative of Reddy Killowat, several hero teams organized to repel incoming Rikti drop ships. Several ships were driven off with heavy damage, and one ship was downed. The Rikti assault waves halted for a time after that, and we used the lull to stage a strike on the Rikti mothership.

Analysis of Current Situation:
Morale remains high. Teams are scouring the battle zones for isolated Rikti units. Rikti continue to suffer high casualty rates, and their assaults are losing coherence.

Suggestion of Action:
The heroes are in general willing, though help and practice is needed with organizing large operations. We need to provide more opportunities for heroes to have confidence in coordinated activities.