Rage Against the Rikti! Reports & Analysis:

Aliana Blue



Status Reports
Star Strider Force
Name: Grog the Big
Global Contact: @Grog the Big
Reporting on Assignment: Offensive Unit: Triumph
Star Strider Force Unit: Forgotten Legion
Time/Date Location: Thursday evening / Talos Island, Atlas Park
Level of Alien Threat [High][Medium][low]: annoyance

Report Details:
The mighty Grog is not one for writing reports, but I have witnessed several disturbing trends, and feel obliged to comment.

On the night in question, I was on my way to the Dirty Duck tavern on Talos Island for some well-earned refreshment when the sky turned green again. Without any means of pursuing the incoming Rikti airships, I could only wait for the bombs to fall. I waited in vain. The ships seemed content to attack the mostly uninhabited Circe and Scylla islands to the north. Hah! I would love to have been present to witness the look on the faces of those Circle of Thorns buffoons when their islands got all blown up!

I cheered the Rikti on, but it was only a few minutes later when the police band told of multiple teleport signals detected on the main island. My fellow heroes and I assembled ourselves on the hill near the train station and awaited the assault. We were not disappointed this time!

Wave after wave of alien warriors transported amongst us. Like wheat before the scythe, we cut them down, and reaped a bloody harvest! A river of gore flowed from the hilltop down to the streets below! I exhorted my comrades to boost their fighting spirit, as the battle would surely tax their abilities to the utmost. The predictable mix of riff-raff appeared and was slain. Once the Heavy Assault Suits deigned to make an appearance, they materialized all around me. If the fools thought to catch the mighty Grog unawares, they were sorely mistaken! A masterful series of sword strokes peeled them like grapes, and the fragments of their armor rolled downhill, along with their chances at victory! Rikti Priests appeared to do battle, but they, too, found themselves victims of my martial prowess!

After what seemed an eternity of carnage (which, if you ask me, is never long enough), the surviving aliens returned from whence they came. As before, they took their fallen away as well. As I stood on the blood-soaked hill, I noticed Citadel and Luminary standing in full view. They had not made any effort to help; in fact, I believe they stood by the train station the whole time! Such reluctance from some of Paragon most notable heroes is suspicious, to say the least!

The battle won, I then entered the Forgotten Legion base to store some of the spoils of victory, only to discover that the power was off! I first suspected the Rikti were to blame. Surely they were after my fermentation and distillation equipment again! However, a phone call to the city showed that the rent had not been paid, and the loss of power was the city's doing, not the Rikti's. Off to city hall I went to settle the bill.

I had just finished paying, and was chatting with some friends outside city hall, when the sky turned green again. Another attack in the same zone as the mighty Grog! Coincidence? That was a thought for another time, for the bombs fell in a deadly rain, and only I could dispatch them fast enough to preserve the fine drinking establishments of the city! I chased the airships, and set upon their cast-off bombs with a frenzy! Several other heroes joined in the quest; doubtless, they, too, noticed that the bars and taverns of Paragon were being targeted. The bombing run was surprisingly short-lived, and, as night follows day, the alert of invading infantry sounded across the zone.

I hurried back to city hall, and was greeted by the sight of Ms. Liberty surrounded by the alien hordes! Several younger heroes fought valiantly to protect her. I joined them as well, and together we exacted a heavy toll from the aliens. Strangely, Ms. Liberty took no actions at all during the fight, not even to protect herself. Conversely, the Rikti made no attempt to harm her, either.

The same could not be said for myself. As I battled the inhuman warriors at the foot of the statue of Atlas, the airships changed course to pass by overhead! As they moved by, they blasted me with their giant green death rays even as their troops swarmed over me. I relied heavily on the spells imbued into my magical armor to survive.

Still, the battle was a forgone conclusion. After taking huge losses the Rikti withdrew again, leaving me to ponder the significance of these developments.

Analysis of Current Situation:
Clearly, I am the target of these attacks, or, at least, [u]a[u] target. The Rikti attacked Talos Island immediately after I arrived, and did so again in Atlas Park. I believe this supports my theory that the magically aware are once again being directly targeted by the Rikti. Or, perhaps, they're just sore over the savage mauling I gave them a few nights ago, and were interested in some payback. I hope Thursday night's beating cured them of that notion!

The persistant refusal by the Freedom Phalanx and the Vindicators to get involved is disturbing. That, coupled with the Rikti's refusal to attack them, even when it would only involve a momentary change of targets, leads to one inescapable conclusion: like Hero 1, the Freedom Phalanx and the Vindicators are now mindless puppets in service to the Rikti! Even if they were Nemesis automatons instead, they would at least have been programmed to act normally and defend the city from non-Nemesis threats!

The pace of the Rikti attacks, and their uncanny ability to target me, have cut seriously into my drinking time. I grow impatient with these meddlesome aliens!

Suggestion of Action:
All suggestions of preceding reports still apply. Here are additional recommendations:

The city's most notable heroes can no longer be trusted to have the benevolence of the people in mind. They must be removed from any position of authority, especially anything where the Rikti are involved.

The magically aware should be especially alerted that we are targets. Either we stand together to fight the threat, or go into hiding to preserve our knowledge. I fight on, no matter the choice of others.

#69397 Get Grog a Drink!
#155312 No Good Deed Goes Unrewarded
#229565 Take Back the Park! (lowbie friendly)

Praetor of the [url="http://www.forgottenlegion.net"]Forgotten Legion[/url] SG and mod for the HUB player community. All hail the mighty Grog!



Status Reports
Star Strider Force
Global Contact:@Fallenz
Reporting on Assignment:Attacking the Mothership in RWZ
Star Strider Force Unit:Truimph
Time/Date Location:2100 hrs RWZ
Level of Alien Threat [High][Medium][low]:HIGH

Report Details:About 50+ heroes and villains gathered in the RWZ to take the fight to the Rikti. After a few moments of buffing and getting our battle plans, we took down the pylons. After setting the bombs and getting the attention of U'Kon Gr'ai , the attack group wolf packed him. He went down so fast, he did not enough to time to call for help. At this point, the attack forces moved to the bowl during the next 30 minutes we forced the Rikti back and planted about three more bombs delaying the shields coming back up.
After this time the shields come back up. The stirke team regroup and was forming another go at when I was called away to deal with a spider problem near Portal Court.

Analysis of Current Situation:We caught the Rikti off guard and pushed them back.

Suggestion of Action:We need to destroy the pylons and make beachhead into the Mothership in the RWZ to stop the invasions.



Status Reports
Star Strider Force
Name: Umbral Fist
Global Contact: @Umbral Fist
Reporting on Assignment: Rikti Mothership Raid
Star Strider Force Unit: Freedom
Time/Date Location: 8:00 est, 11/21/08, Rikti War Zone
Level of Alien Threat: [High]

Report Details:
After a rather poor showing in our initial attempt to assault the Rikti stronghold on 11/19/08, Freedom rallied and decided to strut their stuff. Over the course of 3 hours, Star Strider Squadron Freedom assaulted the Mothership, delivered the explosive payload, and defeated U'kon Grai on three consecutive occasions. The Rikti managed to erect their pylons and reactivate their shields and defense systems before we were capable of destroying the Mothership, but, as we have shown time and again, we will not tolerate their presence as long as they choose to wage war against us.

Analysis of Current Situation:
U'kon Grai was defeated handily on multiple occasions within an incredibly short period of time. He and his squadrons will most likely be recuperating for a time. With more work, we may be capable of decapitating their army. If only we could find a way to hack into their emergency teleportation network so that they would not be able to flee whenever they are near defeat...

Suggestion of Action:
Higher grade payloads should be given to the Mothership Attack Squadrons. The "light" payloads we are currently given only serve to draw out U'kon Grai and inhibit the Rikti's ability to fix their shield generators and defense systems. It is necessary for us to be given sufficient means to destroy the Mothership, rather than providing a distraction and nuisance.
Further research should be put into interfering with the Rikti Emergency Teleportation Network, especially the one localized around their Mothership. Since we are incapable of penetrating the outer hull, the Rikti are given free reign to teleport away when injured and bring in reinforcements where we are weak. U'kon Grai would be no problem if he were not capable of fleeing when we have him on the ropes.

In the short term, we need to continue to assault the Rikti Mothership. U'kon Grai and all of his troops are beginning to weaken thanks to our repeated assaults. If we press the advantage, we should be able to end this war even faster.



Status Reports from the Operations Command Center of DSC HQ

Star Strider Force
Name: American Valor Director of Special Operations of the DSC

Global Contact: @American Valor

Reporting on Assignment: Star Strider Forces Special Operations: Rikti Dropship Assault

Star Strider Force Units: Liberty, Virtue

Time/Date Location: 20081114-20 Paragon City, Rhode Island, USA

Level of Alien Threat [ThreatCon 5 High]

Report Details:
Liberty Units orders were to gather and set strike teams to remove all threat by destroying alien advance and retreat opportunities. Main point of attack is the Rikti Ships, search and destroy all ships.

The initial assault wave the three available strike teams surprised the Rikti and dealt them a serious blow destroying 4 dropships and crippling several others. Throughout the next few days however the Rikti changed the modulations of their shields and prevented further destruction of their ships. Without the available forces to complete the mission objective the best that could be further done was to drive off the ships with damage until more forces could be mustered.

Angry Angel contacted DSC command HQ, The Virtue Division had the available manpower and wanted a shot at the assignment. Angry Angel was appointed Commanding General of the Virtue DSC Division.

Virtue units engaged the enemy at 20081120 1945-2045. 41 enemy dropships were destroyed in the single most spectacular air battle since the first incursion by the Rikti in 2002. Surveillance video footage as well as photos are currently being examined and studied to determine how to improved tactics and provide better training.

Analysis of Current Situation:
A field study of the tactic used were examined. It was obvious that the crucial component is manpower. Success to complete the mission objectives is more manpower as shown in the video. Surveillance video footage as well as photos are currently being distributed to all agencies and individuals to improved tactics and provide better training.

Suggestion of Action:
Combine forces with others agencies FBSA and Vanguard, plus any others to increase the entire manpower involved will have more drastic results as proven by Commander Angel’s DSC Division surveillance video footage as well as the photos that are currently being examined and studied to determine improved tactics and training.

by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



Status Reports
Star Strider Force
Name: Darzer
Global Contact: @Cannon X1
Reporting on Assignment: Galaxy City, Attack and Defense of Main Freedom Corps building and surrounding Area.
Star Strider Force Unit: Champion
Time/Date Location: Friday Morning, 3:30'ish a.m.
Level of Alien Threat [High][Medium][low]: Medium

Report Details: Standard patrol and responce to alert while in Steel Canyon. Upon arrival it was just myself in the area coordinating with local zone Longbow agents and Mentor Backalley Brawler. He was responcible for keeping most of the citizens out of harms way directing them to shelter(s) that were avalible during the attack while I took the front line to handle bomb disposal and front line combat with the assistance of police drones when nessary. Due to lack of air support Drop Ships were not engaged thus not all ground could be accurately secured and defended.

Analysis of Current Situation: Just by tactics alone it was not a heavy hit assault on the Zone. I did not encounter any of the heavy assault suits nor the heavy shock troops they normally provide to the ground troops. I do not know if they see a single combantant holding ground as inferiour and not worth sending those troops, however they are not above sending in multiple waves of Officers and drones when they conciders us as "annoyances". Apparently I seem to have achieved that multiple times, I see that as a good thing.

Suggestion of Action: Unknown at this time. I am unclear if they just choose to attack Zones with no Heroes in them as a means to test our responce times or just because they are bored, either way, I suggest small detactments (3 if possible 2 troops and an officer of some kind) or perhaps access to a single Heavy support mech of either Vangaurd or Longbow to help support Heroes who are alone in Zone and choosing to stand their ground to protect the area.

End Report, Darzer out.



[u]Status Reports[u]
Star Strider Force
Name: Delrune
Global Contact: @delrune
Reporting on Assignment: Protector, Talos Island
Level of Alien Threat: Low

[u]Report Details:[u]
I drew the overnight detail for the Talos Island watch last night, and all was quiet till around 0230 hours. At that approximate time, several small squadrons of Rikti teleported into the area just beyond the defensive post around the tram and consignment house. I quickly called for backup, and moved to head off the approaching units, holding them off till back-up arrived to clear the area.

[u]Analysis of Current Situation[u]
It is my belief that this was intended as a insertion force designed to circumvent our defenses around key positions. There were several communication officers found amongst the squadrons, and it is believed they meant to open raid portals within the defense perimeters and draw us into fighting where collatoral damage would be at its highest.

[u]Suggestion of Action:[u]
There may need to be an increase in the defensive watch around the clock. They may be trying to determine when the best time would be to engage a large insertion force into our perimeter. An increased watch, particularly during downtime between invasion raids, would help to prevent the likelyhood of such an insertion force in suceeding

Delrune (aka Mionas)




Star Strider Force
Name: Anonymouse
Global Contact: @Netminder
Reporting on Assignment: Holding the Line
Star Strider Force Unit: Offensive Unit: Champion
Time/Date Location: Rikti War Zone
Level of Alien Threat [Medium]
Report Details:

Analysis of Current Situation:
Reporting continued moderate to heavy fighting around Vanguard Outposts in the warzone.

Rikti have been stepping up thier patrols and brazen attacks against the Vanguard Outposts, sending some of thier most elite units backing up mass attacks.

Suggestion of Action:
Star Strider units have been able to contain and hold the line against these attacks and tonight we are planning on a frontal assualt against the Mothership itself. (Link to Champion Board)

All available Star Strider Offensive Units are requested as we intend to send the Rikti a message that Paragon City will not go quietly into the night.

[/ QUOTE ]

Report Appendium:

We. Kicked. Butt.

*Video footage of the raids was captured and is being screened for classified information. Command hopes to have a cleared version available soon(tm).

Cleared Stills:

[/ QUOTE ]

Report Appendium Appendium:

The following video has been cleared by command for rebroadcasting.

Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion

"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."



Status Reports
Star Strider Force
Name: Pele Ka Wahine
Global Contact: @Blue Mime
Reporting on Assignment: Talos and Peregrine Islands
Level of Alien Threat Low
Report Details:
Reports of the defeat of the Rikti Dropships have certainly reached your desk by now and despite this great victory we cannot become complacent. There were a couple of things I noted during the battle that might have gotten overlooked in the mist of the epic events that unfolded in the skies above Talos and Peregrine Islands. There was another great battle being fought, but this one was on the ground.

While the Star Striders were battling in the skies a force of policemen, firefighters, paramedics and doctors were waging a battle of their own to avoid civilian casualties. As the dropships were defeated one by one the explosions and falling debris littered down on the city, and although the main targets of the Rikti guns were the Star Striders they spared some shots on other targets and continues to release bombs even while under attack. Fortunately much damage was prevented by heros using shielding powers and taking the time to blast the larger pieces of debris but some did get through inevitably. One such piece hit Timothy Dawkins, an ambulance driver who was evacuating casualties from an exploded bomb. His ambulance was hit by a piece of a fallen dropship but despite excessive blood loss he was able to drive his ambulance to the front of the Talos Island hospital before going into shock. Those he was transporting were saved by his brave actions although he did not live to know their fate.

I also took note of the Rikti ships firing on Star Striders just outside the hospital who were shielding the incoming patients, one can only wonder how many lives they saved by protecting the patients and the building itself.

Analysis of Current Situation:
Our medical facilities seem excessively vulnerable to these periodic Rikti raids, it is likely only a matter of time before they begin targeting them more. This alsom makes us vulnerable to potential chemical attacks should the Rikti start employing such weapons as most of our reasources for fighting such an attack are centered in these buildings.

Suggestion of Action:
Force field projectors should be erected on top of and around hospitals and medical centers and efforts should be made to keep the Rikti away from these targets by engaging them before they get near them and by making them tough targets.



Name: Eldrik ((.Eldrik))
Global Name: @Eldrik
"Ah hell with this".....

"Ok...Enough of all this official crap. In trueth I don't have time ta be dealin with fillin reports in some "Proper" manner so I'm just gonna spill like this. These Alien CockRoaches have been gettin more an more annoyin by the day....More so, I think my frustration lies in the lack of offense we've been usin. I mean if these things wanna come down here an start a fight, I say we bring it to em. It's apparent ta me we are more then capable of given these scumbags a good beatin. Just recently, quite a few of us got together, Coordnated primarily by TaxiBot Belle (Good Job belle) an took down one of those Rikti Dropships....Afterwords we headed to the warzone an successfully made an assualt on the Mothership there. When will we actually decide ta stop bein victims an bring the fight to them? All I've been gettin lately from all these "Guys in Charge" types is that we "Go hide an wait ta repopulate." Kiss off! I for one Joined the Vanguard to protect this world. I've been protecting Paragon for over three years now an I'm sure I'm not the only one on my world, or dimension or reality or whatever you consider the "Infinity Universe" is called. Bottom line, when you Star Force or Star strike, or what ever ya wanna call yourselves decide your ready ta get seriose about this, Let me know. I'll be there on the frontlines with you. Till then, I'll be Joining the rest of the like minded heroes and yes, Villians (ugh) in the fight to drive off these invaders."

Forever Protectin Paragon and the World
Eldrik, Honorary Peacebringer



Status Reports
Star Strider Force
Name: Darzer
Global Contact: @Cannon x1
Reporting on Assignment: Skyway City
Star Strider Force Unit: Champion
Time/Date Location: 3:43 a.m., same date as posting.
Level of Alien Threat [High][Medium][low]: Medium

Report Details: Unlike my last report I do not know if I was the only hero that was fighting in the area when the call was sent out. I do know there were others in the area, however there was no call out to join in any fights so I decided to take a stance around the hospital area. Yes I do understand that we on Champion are the offensive team however in this case, defense became the priority as the Rikti Dropships do in fact make their bombing runs in an X fashion over the hospital. I was however assisted by both Snapyse and Minx in this endevor as Snapyse took to rushing those who had been hurt into the hospital while Minx took to bomb disposal and defense of the hospital grounds. I did remain close to the hospital and the Tram station in case either one became over whelmed. Regardless the attack was repelled and only a few civilians received sever injuries which I am thankful for.

Analysis of Current Situation: This seemed to be a very standard hit and swarm tactic as used in previous invasion(s) however I did notice something very interesting. After the ships finish they're bombing runs they pause then send in troop, this is standard as everyone has made notice, however when it occured this time I was disposing of a bomb, they deployed drone on my location instead of troops. I do not know if this is because they did not want they're troops harmed by their own ordinance or they wanted me to deal with the drones hoping the bomb would go off while I was distracted, either way whatever the plan had been it failed. I do not know if this is a common tactic or a new one they were testing.

Suggestion of Action: Nothing more than what I could already suggest, some support and perhaps have someone speak with Positron about adding a regenerator/recovery unit to the Medteleporters for heroes who fall during the fights to help cover them from being shot by ships leaving the hospitals so they can make it back the main fight or perhaps synthasize those crystals we find in the Thorns caverns and have them deployed in strategic areas around the zones during invasions like this to help give us an edge over the Rikti.

End Report, Darzer out.



Status Reports
Star Strider Force
Name: Kral-Raiden
Global Contact: @Dark Epitaph
Reporting on Assignment: Raid Rikti Mothership
Star Strider Force Unit: Champion
Time/Date Location: Friday night, 11/21/08, Rikti War Zone
Level of Alien Threat [/color][low]:

Report Details:

Well, leave it to me to find out something's an officially sanctioned action after the fact. I was just going about my own business, hanging around Grandville looking for the next big job when someone asks me if I can go send the Rikti packing with them. Now, I got no love for the Rikti. I've done a few jobs for one of them, Kuhr'rekt, and he's alright because he pays alright, but I do more jobs for the other side because they pay better and give out giant robots. I don't think any of them ever stopped to question the wisdom of luring villains in with the promise of free giant robot cores. Just sayin'. I also keep meaning to get decorated for being a constant thorn in Ukon Grai's side, so any work towards that is good on me. Plus, pay. Giant robots. So yeah, I was in.

I've gone up on that ship a few times, like seven or eight or so, and I gotta say, this time people had their stuff together. And there were a ton of them. Those pylons fell like they were nothing, and sometimes I had a hard time getting to one while it was still up. Hey, the stone mastery slows me down, I do what I can. Anyway, once on the ship, things kept going just as quick. I planted a bomb in the first few minutes, and it amused me to see some heroes get...I mean, there was some accidental collateral damage to the team. Ukon came out, I made some comments about his Origin: Maternal, and slapped him around with my hammer. Then, into the bowl.

Like I said before, these guys had their stuff together. Usually, I get sent off to the hospital about two or three times a raid. I didn't even get close to that hurt this time. And it wasn't glass jawed Rikti either, it was people knowing what they were doing and tons of them. Plus, enough merits to buy a giant robot. Heh.

Seriously, though, I was thinking. All this spirit of togetherness and camraderie, and those heroes weren't so bad. Even the blue guy who just flies around shooting like a wuss was alright. Maybe I've got it all wrong and signed up for the wrong team. Then I got the paycheck. Even with the giant robot, I could make way more than this just hitting Peregrine Island's bank a few times, and that's a lot less dangerous.

Analysis of Current Situation:
We're good. The recruiting of this team made defeating Ukon Grai and the mothership easy. As long as you can field these guys, you'll have no problems. I will note that I left after the first time because my contract didn't ask me to keep going, but I heard that the team got slapped around quite a bit more without me.

Suggestion of Action:
Since clearly I was the linchpin, with my presence leading to less dead heroes, suggested course of action: give Kral-Raiden a raise. And a pardon, and a beer, while we're at it.



[u]Status Reports[u]
Star Strider Force
Name: The Incredible Mini
Global Contact: @Jade-StarV2
Reporting on Assignment: Triumph, Galaxy City
Level of Alien Threat: Low

[u]Report Details:[u]
Puny Rikti invade Galaxy City. Mini get mad, smashed puny aliens.

[u]Analysis of Current Situation[u]
Rikti smashed.

[u]Suggestion of Action:[u]
Mini smash more Rikti.

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



Status Reports
Star Strider Force
Name: Junipith De'Coin
Global Contact:@Dascht De'Coin INC
Reporting on Assignment: Definsive Units
Star Strider Force Unit: Guardian
Time/Date Location: Rikti War Zone 21:00 EST 11/23/08
Level of Alien Threat: [High]

Report Details:
My older sister, Ruthia Dascht, was unable to do her round of protecting people from the Rikti menace today do to having gotten in a fight with Positron earlier this morning. She survived, barely, but was still picking up the pieces. Sometimes I wonder if us villians going against these big hero's is even worth the pain....*mutters*
Anyways back to reporting. This evening I was asked to come Patrol the RWZ with the Vanguard. Team leader Emily Crow took our team to engage with other teams against the ultimate Rikti menace, the mothership. After the four full teams of eight and several near full teams anihilated the ships defenses we were free to pluge right into the ship, planting bombs along the way. Many explosions later we brave people stood on the lip of the bowl' looking down at the biggest Rikti I had ever seen! The thing must have been almost 25 feet tall! But that didn't seem to deter the brutes and the tanks, who as one happily jumped in after it. Us masterminds watches for a few minutes before our team lead ordered Team Crow into the charge!

Analysis of Current Situation:
Many causualities, people dropping like flies. Hero's and Villian's alike struggling to revive thier fallen team mates before this ship repairs it's self. Rikti attacked from all angles, sending the heaviest and roughiest forces they had at us. I personally saw Rikti I didn't know know exsist. Hordes coming at us by the hundreds. Our brave teams have managed to fight them all back, the Rikti taking more casualities then us.....

Update! The ship has started to hum and a faint glow is growing from it. I hope it's not....

*freeeem sound as the members of the vanguard are forcefully teleported of the ship*

..powering back up. Damnit! Well, we'll have another go at it. This time we WILL destroy that ship!

Suggestion of Action:
Suggestion? People who are not on teams or not working with the raid leader should remove themself from the warzone durning said raid to help lower casualities of innocent adventurers. And prehaps a team sign up, so that the Raid leader knows who to expect....

Ruthia Dascht >Co-Founder of Garden of Thorns VG on Guardian. Lvl 50 Energy/Cold Corr



Status Reports
Star Strider Force
Name: Jelidan
Global Contact: MicroShade
Reporting on Assignment: Jelidan
Star Strider Force Unit: Virtue
Time/Date Location: 11/20/08
Level of Alien Threat: [low]

Report Details:

Dictation begins:

Agent reporting: Jelidan.
Area: Rikti attack, Peregrine Island - Virtue.
Report Log: 11/20/08

I was in the King's Row Wentworths when the call went out. Peregrine Island was under attack from Rikti Invaders. It was the call everyone had been dreading, but at the same time expecting for some time now. I cut my business with the representative short who nodded and wished me well and then dashed outside. Once clear of the building I activated my portal to Ouroboros, since time was of the essence. Even someone as fast as myself needs to take shortcuts now and then.

The Ouroboros portal left me in Peregrine Island, moments after I had left Kings Row. For the record, I still feel uncomfortable about twisting the timeline like that. Regardless when I got there PI was in chaos. Civilians were running everywhere. The air... I will never forget the smell of the air. Nor the sight of the sky. It wasn't the usual shade of green - the sky was dark, almost black, thick and heavy.

I ran towards the Portal Corp centre, for if the Rikti gain control of that, who knows how much damage they could cause. On the way I discovered several UABs which were easily dealt with following correct application of my blade. Once I reached the Portal grounds I remembered that there were reports that Rikti were threatening our cultural heritage. Being a speedster, it was easy to quickly travel the distance to Crimson to ensure the safety of the statue there. Along the way I noted that there were some Rikti rifling in one of the shops, but I was too intent on the statue to stop. I reached the statue and waited. And waited. Exchanging some small talk with Crimson helped, but he seemed to have the situation under control. Just as I was about to leave and return to assisting the efforts in the grounds of Portal Corp a Rikti drone appeared. It was quickly dealt with. It seemed sub-standard as if the Rikti are running low on parts.

Concluding that the area was secure for now, I returned to the Portal Corp grounds and joined my fellow heroes there defending the grounds against the invaders. It was a brief fight but the 4 or 5 of us was more then sufficient to defend the buildings.

Analysis of Current Situation:

It appears that the Rikti are becoming less energetic to engage in Peregrine Isle, or that word has filtered up the ranks that engaging in combat against certain heroes of Paragon City is just a bad idea. The forces we saw brought to bear against us at Portal Corp were pitiful. It was a token effort. I was as if they couldn’t be bothered engaging us. They were only doing it for form’s sake. Also it appears that the intelligence that they are after cultural items such as Statues and universities might have been flawed.

Proper and complete analysis of intelligence should be best left to the experts, not to the heroes in the field.

Suggestion Course of Action

Now is the time to strike at the heart of the Rikti. It appears we have them on the run. Again, this is best left to those further up the chain of command, but here it appears that they don't have the heart in the battle. One final push and we will be rid of them once and for all. Also suggest review of the intelligence that caused an alert on the statues being issues.

"Just as I knew all of life's answers they changed all the questions!" - Unknown (seen on a poster)
Sig characters appear in the Ch�teau Rouge thread starting from post #100
I Support Nerd Flirting! - Story/Discussion/Sequel



Status Reports
Star Strider Force
Name: Jade-Star
Global Contact:@Jade-Star
Reporting on Assignment: Zone Defense
Star Strider Force Unit: Triumph
Time/Date Location: Founders Falls 02:45 EST 11/21/08
Level of Alien Threat: [High]

Report Details:

Having volunteered for night patrol this week, I finished my coffee as I glanced over the latest status reports on my computer. There was a lot of Rikti activity this past week... I knew I would have to be careful out on patrol.

Finishing my coffee, I slipped into my costume and headed out. It was late and the base was quiet, except for the sounds of Mini Miss Foley snickering and giggling as she watched Kenny vs. Spenny on the TV. She knows she isn't supposed to stay up so late, but I had to go out on patrol and didn't want to scold her.

I wasn't out long when the alerts starting coming in that the Rikti were invading Founders Falls. I was in Steel Canyon at the time so I quickly flew over to Founders Falls. By the time I got there the war walls had already been taken down and Rikti motherships were carpet bombing the zone. I could see a group of heroes gathering near Numina and Infernal to repel the impending assault troops. I decided to help evacuate civilians before joining them.

A Rikti bomb exploded very near the ICON shop and several civilians were wounded. I quickly healed them and got them inside where it was safe. As I walked outside, Rikti assault forces had started beaming in. Three of them landed within feet of me and I was quickly outnumbered. The plasma rifle that shot me hurt, but only temporarily as I healed myself. Seeing that I was an empath, the Rikti started in for me. They hate healers like me. I make their job harder. I found myself quickly outnumbered by more than 20 Rikti, but thankfully a group of patrolling heroes came by and assisted me.

Our impromptu team rejoined the main hero group at Numina to help repel the rest of the invasion. The Rikti threw several heavy assault suits at us, inflicting serious hero casualties. I did what I could to keep everyone alive, but there were too many of them.

The battle went on for what seeemd like forever. Thankfully, the war walls came back online and prevented any further ships from coming in. With that, the Rikti retreated from the zone.

I remained in Founders for several hours afterward, helping with triage at the hospital. Overall casualties were heavy, but could have been much worse.

I returned to the base at 05:15 hours to find Mini Miss Foley asleep on the couch. I switched off the TV and gently picked her up, carrying her to her quarters. Thumb in mouth and her precious Longbow Barbies wrapped up in her arms, she looked so innocent. Sometimes it is hard to remember why I became a hero. Looking at her sweet little face, I remember why.

Analysis of Current Situation:

There were many civilian and hero casualties. Too many. I can't help but be reminded of the devastation that came during the first Rikti War and wonder if we are learning from our past experience?

Suggestion of Action:

To date our strategy has been defensive. While we are succeeding in repelling the Rikti temporarily, we are doing little to prevent them from returning. I suggest we formulate an assault on their mothership. It's time we took the fight to them.

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



Status Reports
Star Strider Force
Name: Schreodinger's Cat
Global Contact: @Spectrum Lord
Reporting on Assignment: Not Assignment. Personal Experience with "T. Raymond"
Star Strider Force Unit: What is this?
Time/Date Location: Nerva Islands. One of the Bridges, and then to a secret Rikti base. "Virtue" varient universe.
Level of Alien Threat: [High]

Report Details:
I was first contacted by T. Raymond to help him free his sister from those who would keep her hostage. After helping him he asked me to help him regain his memories. This involved directly hunting the bad-smelling creatures that do not belong on my hunting grounds. I was most pleased at gaining information on where they hid. They smell bad, but they easily hide their scent among the filth of the humans called 'Lost'.
I hunted them. I killed them. I found very disturbing things. They are breeding with humans using the DNA of the 'Lost'. Their numbers do not decrease no matter how many ships we destroy, no matter how many of these aliens we kill because they continue to breed.

Analysis of Current Situation:
We must stop the breeding of these creatures! They are bad smelling and pissing all over my hunting grounds to mark them as their own! The 'Lost' willingly allow themselves to be turned into those discusting creatures!

Suggestion of Action:
Kill all Lost! Destroy every gopher hole the Rikti have buried themselves in! Flood them out! Mark your territory again as your own!