Guide to Issue 13 Base Costs / Requirements




"New" players aren't going to be fiddling with Base Salvage beyond selling it. People who use it, understand it. It's not that difficult of a concept to understand. No more difficult than looking at an IO recipe and saying, "Hmm...I need this to build this.". It's not a steep learning curve.

It does make sense conceptually as well as design wise. Base Salvage affects no one but Base Builders. If some one gets a Base Salvage drop, they are either in a SG or teaming with someone who is and who can explain it to them.

It's not any more large or complex than having Improvised Cybernetic, Commercial Cybernetic, and Military Cybernetic, as well as the other gradations of Invention Salvage.



Event and special salvage CANNOT be put in the salvage bins. Invention salvage only. The special stuff will have to be traded character-to-character.

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Don't have any Halloween Costume Salvage avalable to test this out on but I was able to put Old Base Salvage and Candy Cane salvage into a new Invention Storage Bin ( Brain Storm Ideas as well can go in )

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I am happy to be wrong then. I'm just reporting what I've read on the open beta boards. Serves me right.



OK. I just finished reading through all 14 pages of posts for this topic. Luckily it is a slow work day but I do have a few questions before this goes live.

1) Do we get the difference in costs from our base rooms when they switch to new price or should I break down my base now and use the prestige when I13 goes live to rebuild at a lower cost. I understand the issue of the telporters so will rebuild all of them and hold them until I13 goes back.

2) I have not seen any mention on the Medical badges to reduce the difficulty of obtaining the medical room base items. Those are two of the hardest SG badges to obtain. I had hoped that they would be corrected with the rest of the base cost changes to make them easier for small SGs to obtain. Have not seen any mention of that issue here.

I appreciate the work so far in keeping us informed and hope you can assist with my two issues so I can start planning now about the direction of my base.


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When you sell an item, room, etc. (now, later... whenever) you recoup what you oiginally paid in prestige for that item. When you buy an item, you buy at the new price.

The empath badge requirement was reduced to 100,000,000.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



DEVs, there have been many voices raised here in this forum asking you to please communicate with us about these changes. I implore you to please contact some of the "leaders" of the base building community (PlasmaStream, MadScientist, Hellgaurd, Snow_Globe, Robo_Knight just to name a few off the top of my head) and listen to their concerns about the new system. The changes to say the least are very very unpopular.

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This is a Guide in the Bases forum.

If you want to give feedback to the Devs, you should go to the forum: Issue 13 Feedback & Discussion. I doubt they're reading this here.

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You are right, but I don't think that they will be listening there either. And to tell you the truth, I think that the Devs have probably internalized that this issue is a very unpopular one and they probably would like to be able to change at least part of what is now in open beta, but are being rushed by their bosses and marketing to go live.

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Then try PM'ing someone if you feel you won't get attention. That's what community reps are for, right?



1) Do we get the difference in costs from our base rooms when they switch to new price or should I break down my base now and use the prestige when I13 goes live to rebuild at a lower cost. I understand the issue of the telporters so will rebuild all of them and hold them until I13 goes back.

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I asked the same question and had yet to see a definitive answer so I went ahead and installed TC (never did it on my new computer) and checked out an old base I had there. When I sold rooms I did, indeed, get back the full amount I'd originally paid. There seems to be no reason to tear down your base before the patch goes live.

I plan on redoing my base but it's good to know instead of having to destroy my teleporters I can just create a new temporary holding room, move them into that and then replace their old room w/ the cheaper version and still see a full realization of the price reductions.

[/ QUOTE ]Per this thread from LH, from a couple of weeks ago:

You do not automatically get the "refund" of the lower price when I13 goes live. To get the benefit of the lower prices fro plots and rooms you will need to sell them back and repurchase them.

You will get a full refund of the old price after I13 goes live if what you are selling was purchased at the old price - so you do not need to tear down the base before it goes live, you can wait and see of you really want to and even do it over time, a room at a time if necessary.

Kind of a "glass half-full" sort of thing.

My personal plan is to wait for a bit after I13 goes live before I decide whether to tear down the 5 bases I currently own, although one of them is almost definitely coming down due to the larger rooms used in its design now being significantly cheaper. The others may not come down at all if we don't need the prestige for something else.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Event and special salvage CANNOT be put in the salvage bins. Invention salvage only. The special stuff will have to be traded character-to-character.

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Don't have any Halloween Costume Salvage avalable to test this out on but I was able to put Old Base Salvage and Candy Cane salvage into a new Invention Storage Bin ( Brain Storm Ideas as well can go in )

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I am happy to be wrong then. I'm just reporting what I've read on the open beta boards. Serves me right.

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I transfered a character with all types of salvage on her over to test this, and the bins can indeed take all the same types as before. You're just limited to 30 pieces period...doesn't matter if it's base, event, invention, component or brainstorms.



Has anyone checked if the conversion rate in City Hall has been changed at all?

[/ QUOTE ]It hasnt.

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Why fix what's broken when you can break what doesn't need fixing?

Issue 13: Demolisher

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



I have read all 14 pages of the thread and I'm feeling a little dizzy. Thank you Plasma for the write up.

As a base builder I have many of the same concerns, complaints and questions as everyone. But I wanted to address one thing:

We keep mentioning that IO salvage drops will not be increasing, while the demand for them will. I imagine that many people will be untilizing the Day Job "Scholar" to increase their salvage drops. If this happens on a large enough scale, perhaps it could help the situation a bit.

Also, with the Merit system in place, fewer people will be willing to pay tens of millions for one item, since they can do a few TF's and just get it for 'free'. Perhaps this will also force the market to keep it's prices reasonable, and help to aleviate the demand > supply.

Just trying to see a light in the tunnel.



Plasma - I am seeing Tier 1 empowerment buffs as needing salvage so there is a cost. For example Tier 1 Arcane Empowerment Station has KB protection:
Luck Charm, Inanimate Carbon Rod
Rune, Scientific Theory
Fortune, Mathematic Proof

So I guess no freebies there.

Protector Server
Woeful Knight (BS/Regen/Body Scrapper)
Kevin Christian (MC/FF/Primal Controller)
SilverCybernaut (Eng/Dev/Munitions Blaster)
Apixie OhNo (Fire/Fire/Pyre Tanker)
Y'ru Glowen (Rad/Rad/Psy Defender)



Plasma - I am seeing Tier 1 empowerment buffs as needing salvage so there is a cost. For example Tier 1 Arcane Empowerment Station has KB protection:
Luck Charm, Inanimate Carbon Rod
Rune, Scientific Theory
Fortune, Mathematic Proof

So I guess no freebies there.

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The Tier 1 empowerment station costs no salvage to construct. =)

"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?



Okay then I am just misinterpreting the title of your section as it says Arcane Empowerment Station Recipes. The other sections except for this and Tech Empowerment Station Recipes don't have Recipe in the title but use 'Item'

Protector Server
Woeful Knight (BS/Regen/Body Scrapper)
Kevin Christian (MC/FF/Primal Controller)
SilverCybernaut (Eng/Dev/Munitions Blaster)
Apixie OhNo (Fire/Fire/Pyre Tanker)
Y'ru Glowen (Rad/Rad/Psy Defender)



There was a nice little addition to the crafting menu, "Hide Recipes Missing Ingredients". Suddenly, that daunting list of recipes drops down to a much more manageable set.

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True, but yet I had this ton of salvage on with me, that some I knew others I didn't who I could get from, and if I want to use them for recipes I need to check the list for possibilities and try to find where to get it.

With only tech and magic salvage, it's much easier to focus on a group of enemies.

I for one, love this new system and I think it is much easier. I see the problems and I fear for them (specially the market), but I know where the devs are coming from on this, and the bit about stretching the lifetime of the game with a bit of korean and wow works. It is not for everyone, and there are some things that sucks on this, but you can't serious think this new system is more "complicated" than the previous one.

"When you gotta do something wrong, you gotta do it right." - Fighter, 8-bit theatre.



Event and special salvage CANNOT be put in the salvage bins. Invention salvage only. The special stuff will have to be traded character-to-character.

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Don't have any Halloween Costume Salvage avalable to test this out on but I was able to put Old Base Salvage and Candy Cane salvage into a new Invention Storage Bin ( Brain Storm Ideas as well can go in )

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Old base components can be put in as well.



Differentiating between the two groups?


Was that really that difficult?

By that logic, we should probably remove SO drops since its difficult to determine who drops what.



Can someone with the necessary badge on Test check the workbench and give us the Tier 1 / Tier 2 / Tier 3 salvage requirements for the Autonomous Expert System? I don't have the badge in my Test SG.



Guess i better hurry up and make stuff before these changes go live. We're gonna destroy our base and rebuild when issue 13 goes live. Time to start making fusion gen and AES and telepads and weapons. Thank goodness you can make them and hold personal items



As I understand it, those items will be placed at old prestige values. So, that may or may not be the way you want to do this.



DEVs, there have been many voices raised here in this forum asking you to please communicate with us about these changes. I implore you to please contact some of the "leaders" of the base building community (PlasmaStream, MadScientist, Hellgaurd, Snow_Globe, Robo_Knight just to name a few off the top of my head) and listen to their concerns about the new system. The changes to say the least are very very unpopular.

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This is a Guide in the Bases forum.

If you want to give feedback to the Devs, you should go to the forum: Issue 13 Feedback & Discussion. I doubt they're reading this here.

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You are right, but I don't think that they will be listening there either. And to tell you the truth, I think that the Devs have probably internalized that this issue is a very unpopular one and they probably would like to be able to change at least part of what is now in open beta, but are being rushed by their bosses and marketing to go live.

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Then try PM'ing someone if you feel you won't get attention. That's what community reps are for, right?

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Honestly, with all of the chaos going on with the changes happening to PvP, APP/PPP, Merits, Leveling Pacts, ect. I really feel like I'd still get no reply. I just spent the last hour and a half going through the community & Dev Digests reading all of the posts the rednames made and there is nothing that deals with bases. This just leads me to believe that bases are on a low priority for them with everything going down since open beta started. I just don't expect anything to be done about our concerns. Frankly, I'm just tired. I play this game to get away from the real world and have fun. Unfortunately, one of the elements of the game that has given me hours of fun is being changed so that it's no longer fun for me. I will most likely just pass on my base designer roll to my co-SG leader and just play the game to play.



Finally, I can stop offering unemployment to SG members. What a relief in prices.




Honestly, with all of the chaos going on with the changes happening to PvP, APP/PPP, Merits, Leveling Pacts, ect. I really feel like I'd still get no reply.

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Counterpoint: If you don't give it an attempt, you're assured of getting no reply. Which would you rather have, a 1% or a 0% chance?



Honestly, with all of the chaos going on with the changes happening to PvP, APP/PPP, Merits, Leveling Pacts, ect. I really feel like I'd still get no reply.

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Counterpoint: If you don't give it an attempt, you're assured of getting no reply. Which would you rather have, a 1% or a 0% chance?

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Oh I did PM someone after I made that post.....still waiting for a reply. I was quit polite and civil and all I asked for was for a redname to just chime in on this forum or the on on i13 discussion.



Sheesh, what is up with the devs and this War on Storage? "We're only going to let you store a tiny amount, and charge rent on top of that! That'll teach ya!" Was groups hoarding salvage considered a problem?

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I think another group of players with bases are being forgotten about. Those of us who have "free" bases currently & sometimes have to leave the game unplayed for a couple months at a time. I don't mind paying for a month here & there when I am unable to play, but to have to pay rent is a pain that I never had to deal with before. I realize the amount is based on storage, so I can just delete all my storage items. but geez, this is uncalled for. Only dang reason to have a base is to store items for easy access to Alts.

Talk about a solution to a problem that never existed!



Well, the rent is minimal...somebody (Plasmastream possibly) estimated it at 2500 for the maximum possible storage items. Which is really a pittance...also, if you leave the game for awhile? Just pay when you come back. Your base will still have everything in it when you return (and you'll only have to pay the one up-to-2500 charge, no extras, no interest fees), you just won't be able to use it until you make the trip to Atlas/Pokey Oaks to pay rent.



Plasma - I am seeing Tier 1 empowerment buffs as needing salvage so there is a cost. For example Tier 1 Arcane Empowerment Station has KB protection:
Luck Charm, Inanimate Carbon Rod
Rune, Scientific Theory
Fortune, Mathematic Proof

So I guess no freebies there.

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The Tier 1 empowerment station costs no salvage to construct. =)

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I believe they are referring to the cost of salvage for the buff, not the empowerment station

I believe our children are our future and I reflect on the lessons and values we taught them.
I believe the world has many real Villains,what we need are more Heroes.
*May you all be a hero in someone's life.*