Discussion: New City of Heroes Website!




Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement

New Website!
The City of Heroes website has an all new look! If you haven't seen it already, please head over to CityofHeroes.com and take a look!

Please keep in mind that if you have bookmarks to items deep in the CityofHeroes.com website, they will change. So, please visit the new site and update your bookmarks!

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Shouting? Me? I thought it was expected.

Seriously though - whoever did this never looked at it at 1024x788 resolution, or else he REALLY needs to get his glasses checked.

Personally, I don't like it. HUGE pictures, little tiny text.

[/ QUOTE ]Could you post a screenshot? Because it looks fine for me on 1680x1050 (aside from my aforementioned issues with the dynamic text-images).






"Look out! It's the monk of funk!" - @Hermetic
"With, Keil you just can't fail. >.>" - @Wrax



New website looks awesome.

But please, for the love of Darwin, hire a proofreader! There are so many spelling and gramatical errors on your webpage that it's just silly.



"For the love of Darwin"?!?



(qr) Like it. I've noticed some banner ads for COH as well recently. I can only hope that in the coming months we'll see a major marketing effort for COH (as if you guys were relaunching the game). Seriously - COH is SOOOOO much better now than when I first started playing, does a lot uniquely and well, and is so NOT more of the same that I think it really does need and deserve it.

Plus updating the GVE box to include i12 or i13 might not be a bad idea. i7 was a while and many megs ago @_@



Strange the forums look exactly the same




Forums look the same though



Hey, 5th Column wallpaper! Maybe it was always there, but swiped nonetheless.

Also, high praise for the rundown of contacts zone by zone, including the unlock requirements for the secret contacts. Lack of documentation has been one of my persistent gripes about the game, and it would be nice if new players were capable of being a little more self-sufficient.

Related to that, under Port Oakes, Veluta Lunata's entry should be updated to note that she's located around Fort Hades. Otherwise, she's impossible to find. I know where she is and I sometimes have trouble spotting her.

Lastly, could I suggest updating a few of the archetype examples to have somewhat more...descriptive costumes. The blaster and scrapper illustrate the point pretty well, but how does a catgirl in platform heels suggest "defender"? Likewise, yes, villains like to put skulls all over them, but that doesn't necessarily illustrate what a corruptor is.

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball



BRAVO Looks Great !



Heheh, I guess they do read this thread. The errors I pointed out previously have been fixed!

Also: Since I haven't said it yet, I love the site redesign. I really love how the background image gives a sense of wide open space. Now if only the game would be optimized further so I could play on /vis_scale 4 with good framerate.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Heheh, I guess they do read this thread. The errors I pointed out previously have been fixed!

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, we do Thanks to you and others for your valuable feedback!

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



The Game Accounts area on the PlayNC.com website links incorrectly to the old Veteran Rewards pages for all the months listed, including the Veteran Rewards overview page:

For complete details visit our Veteran Rewards Program page.

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Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



It's going to take some getting used to, but I like it.

My mind is like a badger with a water gun. It makes no sense, but it sure is entertaining.

@Striggoi(Heroes Unlimited/Villains Unlimited)
21 50s on Guardian and counting



Aww where is the redside skin and CoV branding?

I never really visit the main website except to check vet rewards. Usually I go straight to the forums. Please at least have a CoV skin for these if nothing else.

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Not going to happen, it seems. Read Lighthouse's <a href="/showthreaded.php?Number=12345681" target="_blank">post</a>:

The main website covers both aspects of the game. We've given anyone who ever had access to both sides, so they are both sides to the same coin that is the City of Heroes franchise.

[/ QUOTE ]

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Alllll Righty then, . . .
A clue for a bunch of you,

(They haven't done the Forum revamp part yet . . . )

And the forum software that they are going to, often DOES have skins, etc, So we'll have to see what they end up with when they get all the forums together on the same site again. Don't panic yet, and don't be sure these options won't be there.
We'll have to wait and see.




everythings still looking cool..... <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre> </pre><hr />



Honestly, it looks a little busy. Plus, my system's somewhat older, and the page actually seized my computer for about three minutes while it tried to load.



Why is everything so BIG?

The Server Status page, with just 12 lines of useful information, now requires me to scroll down 1/2 a screen to avoid the purposeless banners, and then needs an entire screen for its bloated table. An entire screen - for 12 lines of info.

I'll hold my fire on the rest of it until I've had a good look. But Server Status is a page I use regularly, and it should be more functional than this.



Visually very appealing. Looks more current so to speak. The only complaint I have is the navigation menu on the left. Because there is nothing under the menu it feels off balance with the right side. I guess I just want a symmetrical design. Personally I would prefer the menu across the top.

That's just a small nitpick on my part. Looks MUCH improved.



Why is everything so BIG?

The Server Status page, with just 12 lines of useful information, now requires me to scroll down 1/2 a screen to avoid the purposeless banners, and then needs an entire screen for its bloated table. An entire screen - for 12 lines of info.

I'll hold my fire on the rest of it until I've had a good look. But Server Status is a page I use regularly, and it should be more functional than this.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have to agree with the point about the server status ape/section. It's ungodly, pointlessly huge. Please change this and make it of a similar size to the previous version (though re-skin all you want).

Otherwise I like it.



Impressive. Looks more like a real city of heroes' website! I like it!

Amazons of Paragon, CoH



It was a bit much at first, but mostly because I wasn't expecting it. I went through all the links and such to check out the changes, and I like it.

Thank you for not moving everything all over the place.

Everyone should still be able to navigate just as they have in the past and new people should find the flashy new look appealing.

Well done!




One of the things that's always bugged me re: the launcher that, instead of using your default browser, it always opens up linked pages in IE instead.

Take for example the Halloween event being advertised on the launcher. When I click the picture, it opens up IE7 instead of my default browser, Chrome.

I know this has been brought up several times in the past, but since we're on the subject, isn't it time someone cleaned up the HTML on the page to use a user's browser of choice?



Agreed. Theres a reason (or several) why many don't use IE.