Rejected Loading Screen Tips




Unlock the Flying Pig EAT by whistling Dixie for twenty straight hours!

Positron has a body double in Steel Canyon. The real Positron is actually in a secret location known only to the Devs, and if he's found will give out the best TF ever! With nifty Accolade Powers galore! Send your money to DEWIECHEATEM&HOWE@heh.rite

Super Lanes is the place to hang out!

Tights aren't just for superhero games! It doesn't matter what your measurements are, the chicks will fall head-over-heels for you if you wear them in RL!

Poke Positron often, after all, the mobs are all be grey to him, but so are you.



the nemisis plot is... ERROR IN SCREEN TIPS BANK!!!



Someone set up us the bomb.



Golden_Ace says you hit like a girl. And he should know.



It's midnight, did you know your Tank has fallen asleep at the keyboard?



What are you lookin' at?

What's that smell?

Who's line is it, anyway?



Shouldn't you be posting in the forum games section?



i love you

Professionally certified pessimism expert

Statesman is someone who shouldn't rap ever, even if he's trying to help people out. -IolitePhoenix

Check out my Infinity toons at the Vis Viva family web page.



Your love is a Nemesis plot.



Your abuse of the chest slider has been reported.



remember if a mob is part of a group someone fighting and they are not fighting a certain mob go ahead and fight it, its not kill stealing if they arent fighting it



Your package slider has been set to minimum.

Getting awarded a gold medal skiiing up the slope near the chalet awards a snow mobile vehicle for your use.

You have neglected to select your eye color - defaulted to pink.

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



All Super Group (SG) bases require a refridgerator to properly opperate. The bigger the capacity, the more powerful the base.

The Devs are stopping you from having the ultimate power, the Big Red Ball!



Players used to be able to use Go-Kart powers to drive around Paragon City, until you bought the game.

If you play City of Heroes' theme music backwards, you'll hear money-worshippers ordering you to sacrifice your wallet to their bank accounts.

Lord Recluse and Statesman used to be best friends, until Statesman put his chocolate bar into Lord Recluse's peanut butter.



Costume Tokens are available as drops, or may be purchased through the markets from your fellow players.

Extra costume slots are available through the PlayNC Store. 10 Costume Slots for $4.99. Click on the Store Icon at the loading screen to purchase. Limit 10 additional costume slots per character.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf


Posted don't look all that bright. Maybe you should try a different MMO. Go try Hello Kitty Island Adventure. That should be right up your alley.



Who's that..., looking over your shoulder just now?!

Cat got your tongue?

Is that a hard drive, or you just happy to see me?

The truth is in the pudding, not the pie.



Do you enjoy CoX PvP? Try playing rock, scissor, paper with your little brother. It's pretty much the same thing.



Sister Psyche Puts Out.



(Loading screen image - Arachnos themed "Uncle Sam" poster - Lord Recluse standing, pointing his finger towards the viewer of the poster)
Arachnos wants YOU to bring the beer and chips. And make it snappy.



WOW gives you gas. Keep playing CoH/V.

Screw every one of you, and then your ovens. Marcian_Tobay

You don't get something for nothing
You can't have freedom for free



City of Heroes is proud to announce our in-game pizza order system. Go to Perez Park and click on The Kraken to place your order from your favorite pizza place.

President of the Arbiter Sands fan club. We will never forget.

An Etruscan Snood will nevermore be free