181 -
Well I'm full access, so the later would be it. Thanks...Just noticed today, haven't been playing so much lately. Once again thanks
I have a few characters with locked costumes. Is it because items on them are no longer given for free? Or just plain no longer at the tailor?
I'm glad I wasn't drinking anything while I read that.
Recorder - man they were fun
Metallica or Megadeth? -
Google does
google does
google doesn't work
google does gaga
google does not load
google doesn't search for chuck norris -
where's my refund
where is chuck norris
where is the love
where is erin burnett going -
How many ti
how many time zones are there
how many tigers are left in the world
how many times was elizabeth taylor married
how many times have i been googled
how many times was christie brinkley divorce -
Chicken of the Sea or Bumble Bee tuna? -
I've tried twice, it loads...then kicks me out. No error message.
Right click icon, Properties, change icon button. Should be in there. It's there for me.
Well, took him down with my BS/Invul. I didn't see that I had a Shivan earlier. He was only able to make one Bifur before I took him down. Need to remember to get more Shivans.