Rejected Loading Screen Tips




Some of you have turned 'em off, but I love the loading screen tips. Some of them might actually help newcomers to CoX and some are even funny. (Sister Psyche and the "mind ride" thing...pure win!)

Anyways, since anyone and their cat can send in their suggestions on what would make a good loading screen tip, this got me to thinking...I wonder what kind of tips are shot down by NCNC?

So, the premise of this game, if you haven't already figured it out, is to post your thoughts on what has been or would probably be rejected as a loading screen tip.

I would say try to keep it within the context of the CoX Universe...but meh

And to start it off...

If you have been playing World of Warcraft the past couple of years and are tying this game on a whim, please choke yourself.



Posting "I quit," messages on the forum will make people ache for their loss and make the devs reconsider the foolish actions that caused you to leave.

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.



[*]Fly is ubertastic fun![*]Rikti are made of soft cuddly psychic monkeys run through a blender and fed to hobos[*]Kill Skuls 4 XPz![*]Freakshow often name their leaders using "leet"



Blind invites will help you make friends.



Fire off every power you possibly can at a market interface. The more you activate, the higher your items will sell for!

President of the Arbiter Sands fan club. We will never forget.

An Etruscan Snood will nevermore be free



Tanks love it when you use Rain of Fire while they herd.



Prior to engaging a spawn of critters, the entire team may say "Ready!" If you are the tank, try to nonchalantly edge your way to the back of the team so they don't notice you. If your team doesn't notice you, you win!

President of the Arbiter Sands fan club. We will never forget.

An Etruscan Snood will nevermore be free



Cookies are delicious.

*nom nom nom nom nom*

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.



The developers love layered cake. They made a special cave room in its honor. It also helps remind players that cakes have holes.

President of the Arbiter Sands fan club. We will never forget.

An Etruscan Snood will nevermore be free



If you're an Empath Defender you really should not try to solo Frostfire on any difficulty setting.



Empaths are healers. Don't let anyone tell you differently.



Kentucky Fried Chicken is a Nemesis plot.



Scrapperlock Anonymous meetings the third tuesday of every month at the Steel Canyon University.



If your teammates say "pull", let the Blaster snipe 'em - DO NOT pull out your Nem Staff



Warning All Naked toons are to be reported to TheFrog



If your teammates say "pull", everyone pull out your Nem Staffs and make sure to stand in full view of the enemies.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fixt. Sheesh, Vulcanite.

President of the Arbiter Sands fan club. We will never forget.

An Etruscan Snood will nevermore be free



Brutes play exactly like tanks.



Pool powers do things your primary and secondary can't - so take as many as you can!



Only YOU can prevent the Apocalypse.

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.



This mission needs more cowbell.

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.



Amuse your team for hours! Take Group Fly at 20 and whoosh them around all kinds of missions!

President of the Arbiter Sands fan club. We will never forget.

An Etruscan Snood will nevermore be free



Statesman's Task Force and Lord Recluse's Strike Forces are easy as can be. If you're the Leader, kick everyone off the team after starting the TF/SF! More XP for you!



If an enemy Confuses you, the best thing to do is to fire off as many AoE attacks as possible before the effect wears off.

Violence is not the answer.

Any Blaster can tank Hamidon. Go ahead and give it a try!

Every time you are defeated, Lord Recluse kicks a puppy.

Whenever you blind-invite someone, Infernal stomps on a kitten.

Your costume is ugly.

All of your teammates are making fun of your power choices.

For the LAST TIME, the cake is NOT a lie!

You really should go outside.

Nemesis plots are not Nemesis plots.

Violence is the answer.

BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.



People need to be reminded that you are important to the Task Force/Strike Force you are in. Turn off your computer every now and then to make them remember why.