omg War Mace + Energy Aura so strong!




I have to admit that I also want to make a War Mace / Shield Brute, but I am a bit worried about the Shield secondary.



Me too, but I'm making one anyway



Mace/Shield here as well.

Be well, people of CoH.



Shield/Axe Tanker and a Axe/Shield Brute for me. I already have a WM/EA brute ready for the changes though.



Shield/Axe Tanker and a Axe/Shield Brute for me. I already have a WM/EA brute ready for the changes though.

[/ QUOTE ]

you are a good apostle, and follow the teachings well.

all prepare your STRONG and PRETTY

Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.

screw your joke, i want "FREEM"



actually, I imagine more people will be trying out new /ea and mace with the changes than *snicker* 'shields'.



I already have a WM/EA at 35, so I will have to try something else with shields.



Shields are not as pretty as EA. END OF STORY



BUMP. Cannot let the PRETTY and STRONG thread die!


Broad Stripe- Lvl 50 INV/EM Tank
Plasma Sky- Lvl 50 Fire/Kin Controller
Poison Poke- Lvl 40 Spines/Regen Scrapper
Broad Stroke- Lvl 28 BS/Regen Scrapper



My WM/EA Brute is now 38 and is even Stronger and Prettier!



Today I beat the prettiest and strongest of all, the sun.
He talked smack so I stole a space shut.....shutt..shovel, and I saw him crazy. I tried to calm himm down, but I figgrd he was off the deep spess. So I wound up the biggfest fase krackign I cuold.

But I brok my bat!

Now I am pretty in space, but not strong enuofph to go home. I am goign to die...I'm so hngry.
The end?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm still biting my nails waiting for the resolution to this cliffhanger...

It's almost as bad as waiting for the next season of



I was playing my WM/EA last night running 8-man team as the only brute. Everything was going great till we got to Serafina. I run in and aggro and died in less than 3 seconds. Corrupter rezzed me, so I retoggled and jumped back into the fight. I through a taunt to get aggro back and promptly died again. I wasn't feeling STRONG or PRETTY at that moment.



Well Serafina is one of the hardest AVs depending on your team composition... her psy tornado is h4x.



Yeah I think it was the psi that did me in. Fighting her is like having no secondary at all since EA has a big hole to psi. Even overload wouldn't help much against her.



I was playing my WM/EA last night running 8-man team as the only brute. Everything was going great till we got to Serafina. I run in and aggro and died in less than 3 seconds. Corrupter rezzed me, so I retoggled and jumped back into the fight. I through a taunt to get aggro back and promptly died again. I wasn't feeling STRONG or PRETTY at that moment.

[/ QUOTE ]

The real problem is that you cannot be strong and pretty and beat up a girl. Beating up girls is bad, and your strong and pretty deserted you.

Don't try beating up Swan either.

But you can beat up whatsername, statesman's cousin, all you like... She doesn't shave her hairy pits.



The real problem is that you cannot be strong and pretty and beat up a girl. Beating up girls is bad, and your strong and pretty deserted you.

[/ QUOTE ]
It's true. Silver Mantis taught me that very same lesson recently. Anyone got any spare cotton balls? I feel like I just had a full body massage from a rabid porcupine.



I saw the gun disapear into the clowds.

The gun landed and made a thunk. Arachnoes people saw the gun and told lord recloose. He got in his arachnoes mobile and picked it up. " I am going to shoot paragon city."
He dragged the gun back to his lair.



This thread has me at my desk literally crying with laughter!

Mr. Playskool...

*thumbs up*



I saw the gun disapear into the clowds.

The gun landed and made a thunk. Arachnoes people saw the gun and told lord recloose. He got in his arachnoes mobile and picked it up. " I am going to shoot paragon city."
He dragged the gun back to his lair.

[/ QUOTE ]

Woo Hoo!!!!
Another episode in the story of Home Run Harry!!!!

You can make it back from space Harry! I have faith in the STRONG and PRETTY!

BTW nice Arachnos Mobile (bicycle) for Lord Recloose!!! LMAO!!!



Question. I have a DM/EA. And I fear that having 2 /EA brutes on the same server would overwhelm me with awesome.

I am, however, planning on making a WM/Shield sometime after I13. Would that be sufficiently Pretty to post about here or should I make/wait for another thread?

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



You ppl are haters, I will show yu that I am right and telling the truth.

You can't deny factrs.

Here is a screenshot of me being STRONG and pretty.

[/ QUOTE ]

ok, i laughed so hard i cried and maybe even wet myself a little, just a little

that link needs a NSFW label, we can't have people openeing all that strong and pretty at work.

[/ QUOTE ]

That pictures needs to be put up on City Scoop



that was pure...awesomesauce.

Loyalist *chokes on it* ... scum!



must have read this thing 4 or 5 times already and for the 6th time it's still funnnyyy