omg War Mace + Energy Aura so strong!




So, are we stronger and prettier now?



So, are we stronger and prettier now?

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Yes. The OP should come in with an updated screenshot.... if he can get logged in that is.

Be well, people of CoH.



already got a screenshot

[/ QUOTE ]

That was funny...

I finally just gave up trying to log in last night. I will have to test the changes on my level 39 WM/EA tonight and see just how strong and pretty it is now.



Is this thread still alive?

To think, I missed out on twenty pages of strong and pretty! T_T



already got a screenshot

[/ QUOTE ]

i spit coke on my work computer because of you
my double buffed STRONG and PRETTY is so awesome it stomps kittens (big nasty ferocious kittens, not the little cute ones).

Playskool for pres. in 2012

Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.

screw your joke, i want "FREEM"



hes got my vote!

One by one bunny's steal my common sense for banana's on Ebay.



This has got to be the most comprehensive WM/EA Brute player written guide I have ever seen. Devs sticky this please.



yes yes please!

One by one bunny's steal my common sense for banana's on Ebay.



This bites, I rolled one over and over, but everytime I loaded into the training zone, I was generic, when I try to contact a GM, I crash. :-( It's not fair.



So, are we stronger and prettier now?

[/ QUOTE ]

Much stronger and a bit prettier as well. This thread made me roll a WM/EA brute named Mr S 'n P. WM + EA is stronger and prettier than I expected.



T_T how sad i shall morn your loss

One by one bunny's steal my common sense for banana's on Ebay.



This thread is like a fine wine..

I've been out of these forums for months and it's still here and still going strong (and pretty!!).




Speaking of strong and Pretty, has anyone played their Strong and Pretty WM/EA toons since the buffs/changes to WM and EA?

I haven't because mine is still at lvl 8. Every time I log it in, I stare in awe of the Strong and Pretty and never accomplish anything....



I stare in awe of the Strong and Pretty and never accomplish anything....

[/ QUOTE ]

You should add glasses that look cool onto your strong-and-pretty WM/EA character if you haven't already; it unfortunately subtracts a very ignorable amount from your strong-and-pretty-ness, but it makes it so you are able to withstand it enough to accomplish the strongest and prettiest things.



I played mine some a couple days ago, I am at level 39. The buffs to WM are great, Clobber hits real hard now and Crowd Control is even better than it all ready was. As far as EA, I haven't gotten around to slotting the heal part and thus far doesn't seem to make a whole lot of difference. It should be OK after I get some heal IO's in it.



I stare in awe of the Strong and Pretty and never accomplish anything....

[/ QUOTE ]

You should add glasses that look cool onto your strong-and-pretty WM/EA character if you haven't already; it unfortunately subtracts a very ignorable amount from your strong-and-pretty-ness, but it makes it so you are able to withstand it enough to accomplish the strongest and prettiest things.

[/ QUOTE ]

Great idea! I'll have to try that! LOL

Maybe the costume creator has some real ugly B.C. glasses I can use when I need to accomplish great feats of Strong and Pretty, then switch to a different costume when I show off the Pretty.

Kind of like the reverse of Clark Kent. Put on the ugly B.C. glasses to bust into action...LOL.



This thread is too awesome to let it die.



This thread is too awesome to let it die.

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I rolled a WM/EA brute thanks to this thread. Evil Mr. Rogers is the bane of all skuls. Not only is he strong and pretty, he also has friends in high places. King Friday's got his back.



This thread is too awesome to let it die.

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I want to be STRONG and pretty like the OP. But I need a concept. I recently made an Elec/Shield, but he cannot compare to the strong and pretty.

Someone please help me make a concept of strongness and prettiness.



I want to be STRONG and pretty like the OP. But I need a concept. I recently made an Elec/Shield, but he cannot compare to the strong and pretty.

Someone please help me make a concept of strongness and prettiness.

[/ QUOTE ]

A giant man in a pretty pink kilt.

"I feel pretty...oh so pretty..."



Alright, but I'm gonna' need a name.