Discussion: Mender Silos Issue 11 Video




I have to agree with Rush here.

"All your petty squabbles amongst yourselves and your Rikti counterparts must be brought to an end, before it reaches its inevitable crescendo!"

Seeing as how that "it" and "its" would be grammatically incorrect if referring to our fights between heroes and villains and heroes and villains and Rikti, I'm pretty sure they instead refer to The Coming Storm.

So we all have to get along or the Battalion will squash us flat. Of course, whether or not they'll be the Storm is questionable. What comes to mind is: If the Rikti, to some extent, look upon the Battalion as scientific deities of a sort, how are we going to convince them to fight against their very benefactors?

What I personally expect/want to see is an all-out cross-faction multi-level plot. One that combines the 5th Column, the Circle of Thorns, Arachnos, and the Shivans. (In other words, the major factions we interact with in the Ouroboros arcs.)

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



Excellent trailer. Top rated production. Finally you guys are getting your act together on these trailers The Rikti invasion trailer with the whole War of the World's theme was excellent. This I11 vid was even better. Congrats!

The shining world of the seven systems. On the continent of Wild Endeavour. In the mountains of Solace and Solitude there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mightiest race in the Universe. Sworn never to interfere. Only watch...[/SIZE][/B]



than Lex Luthor. And that's terrible.

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I roffled.

Well, actually, I stayed in the chair, so it was more of a 'stay in chair cackling,' or "sicc," but saying "I sicced" doesn't sound quite so nice.



I love the play with detail in the speech, too. Who cares if we'll never see the other 10 methods of time travel (I'm assuming we won't).

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Well, we've already seen two. The odd Electric teleport of Professor Echo's suit, and the Destiny Portal. Oh, and whatever it was that got Ubellman here, almost forgot that.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



Excellent trailer. Top rated production. Finally you guys are getting your act together on these trailers The Rikti invasion trailer with the whole War of the World's theme was excellent. This I11 vid was even better. Congrats!

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Double agreed. This I11 trailer is the kind of trailer that needs to be out there for generating interest in the game. Definite applause for the good voice over work and a well put together montage.

global: @SuperSean

Undersecretary of Awesome



So, am I the only one who noticed that when he says, "You must stop the squabbling with your Rikti counterparts," he mispronounced Rikti? He actually says Ritki.



So, am I the only one who noticed that when he says, "You must stop the squabbling with your Rikti counterparts," he mispronounced Rikti? He actually says Ritki.

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The way words are said change over time maybe that's the way it's said 1 million years in the future.

Also can someone put up a side by side comparesion between Mender Silos and Nemisis, it's beyond my meager skills.

When men are full of envy they disparage everything,
whether it be good or bad.

Ego sum pro alll vicis fossor astrun proclul sol solis nunouam seeing vorago pro mihi.



For starters, Mender Silos appears to be at the height cap, as he's the same height as my own hieght capped character. Which would have him fitting quite well in the evern larger Nemesis armor. The hairstyle is the same too. But then again Dr. Aeon, Professor Echo, and DJ Zero also have the same hairstyle.

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



I loved that line about 'your precious badges'.



I am blown away.

I'll echo the "that was the greatest CoX trailer ever" sentiments.

The voice acting was top notch, that man deserves a cookie.

The words "salvage" and "badges" sounded... I don't know, apocryphal in such a grave speech.

It really would make a great ad for CoX, I completely agree there.

I don't know what the Storm is, or whose bringing it, or where we'll fight to decide the future. But damn.

Long Live the Fighters.



The trailer is very nice.

Also, did anyone mention what BAB said during Closed Beta about the theme of this issue's storyline?




So we all have to get along or the Battalion will squash us flat. Of course, whether or not they'll be the Storm is questionable. What comes to mind is: If the Rikti, to some extent, look upon the Battalion as scientific deities of a sort, how are we going to convince them to fight against their very benefactors?

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*** I8 - SPOILERS ****

Just answering this point. The Battalion are now mentioned in the game. In one of the missions clues you receive we find out the Rikti fought an alien invasion of their world a (few?) humdred years ago. The invading force was named The Battalion. The Rikti here on Primal Earth will likely see our dimension's Battalion as a threat and enemy based on their history with them on their world.



So are you guys going to actually TELL us who voiced Silos?

(And for that matter, in the I-10 trailer, who is the person who starts out the voice over with "The Vanguard were right..."?)

Samuraiko/Dark Respite

Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
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378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Also as for the tampering as I've not seen anyone else mention it:

For heros at least Fire Lotus (or whatever her name is, the NPC you rescue in Outbreak) is at Ouroboros and is apparently one of the 'great minds' that Silos gathers to fight the coming storm. What is one of the first things the heros have to do? Go back to Outbreak and clear out the infected who've taken over the whole area and that NPC is nowhere to be found this time around. Seems Silos attempts at stopping the destruction in his future is wreaking havoc with the timeline and possibly causing the event to begin with (a pretty standard time-travel theory, that you can't alter the past and anything you do actually just guarantees the major events of the present still occur).




So we all have to get along or the Battalion will squash us flat. Of course, whether or not they'll be the Storm is questionable. What comes to mind is: If the Rikti, to some extent, look upon the Battalion as scientific deities of a sort, how are we going to convince them to fight against their very benefactors?

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*** I8 - SPOILERS ****

Just answering this point. The Battalion are now mentioned in the game. In one of the missions clues you receive we find out the Rikti fought an alien invasion of their world a (few?) humdred years ago. The invading force was named The Battalion. The Rikti here on Primal Earth will likely see our dimension's Battalion as a threat and enemy based on their history with them on their world.

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Yeah. It's been a while since I've done anything past Levantera's arc, so I forgot that the Battalion and the Benefactors are different races.

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Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



For heros at least Fire Lotus (or whatever her name is, the NPC you rescue in Outbreak)

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Flower Knight.

If you get to Ouroboros before anyone else, you hear the dialogue between her and the Mender:

Flower Knight: Orogolos?
Mender: It's pronounced Or-O-Bor-Os.

Seems Silos attempts at stopping the destruction in his future is wreaking havoc with the timeline and possibly causing the event to begin with (a pretty standard time-travel theory, that you can't alter the past and anything you do actually just guarantees the major events of the present still occur).

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... or she could be at Ouroboros so she can be sent back to when you do Outbreak, to make sure it actually works 'this time', which is really next time, which is really the first time. Which of course it does.

(Wibbly wobbly timey wimey)



(Wibbly wobbly timey wimey)

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Thank you, DOCTOR WHO. Two minutes to Belgium!

Samuraiko/Dark Respite

Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



I was close, I knew there was flower of some kind involved

I doubt he sends her back, since as I recall you get sent into the building to back her up by Coyote so originally she was already there before you arrived and fighting the infected. Take her out and they aren't in check before you get there. Whether intentional by Silos or not it would make sense that half of the problems you're fixing isn't some 'mysteriou person messing with the timestream' but Silos' own messing with the timestream (and the others there that he's recruited).

I'm not convinced Silos is Nemesis, he seems more like Dr. Aeon, whom we already know time travels and has dealings with and some possible connection to the appearance/arrival of the Shivans which from what I've gathered so far are part of the Battallion or related to them in some way.



Greetings: Fellow Humans.

I’m pleased that you liked the trailer. We all had a lot of fun working on it. I was excited about it specifically because it was really the first time I got to write something non-mission-y for all of you. Mender Silos is not the easiest guy to write. He’s a narcissistic super genius with a well centered Chi. He likes big words, complex plots and moonlight walks on the beach with his dog Grendal. Oh, wait, that last part was me. Never mind.

To giving credit where credit is due:
Script: Positron and I wrote the script. We went back and forth a couple times on it tightening it up and I think it shows. I really like the flow of it.
Voice Acting: Sam Mowry. He and the voice coach we use are top notch. I would love to work with this guy again. However, that means we’d have to have more Lord… ah, I mean Mender Silos in the game (something of a ‘hot topic’ item on the boards).
Video: David Lewis made the video. He’s been making the videos for us for sometime. He’s a great guy to work with and always does a great job.
Music: Mike Henry and Joe Lyford, our resident sound gurus. They make it all look so easy.

It was funny sitting in on the voice session because we (Positron and I) had initially wanted a more “Prussian” sounding voice (for reasons many of you already know). Sam did a couple passes with that type of accent and we liked it but we kept asking him to dial it back a bit. Finally, the voice coach asked him just to read the script normally, no accent. BAM! That was it. Positron and I looked at each other, we were smiling because we knew it was going to be awesome. The rest of the session was tremendous. I kept wanting him to read more.

We recorded the session, Mike and Joe worked their audio magic while David got busy putting all of it together. There you have it. From the forum posts above (and hopefully below) it looks like it was a complete success.

We’re all glad you like it and if you’re anything like me, you can’t wait to see more of them.

Oh, and for those who haven’t noticed 1st post! Expect many many more.

Stay True
Hero 1



It was funny sitting in on the voice session because we (Positron and I) had initially wanted a more “Prussian” sounding voice (for reasons many of you already know).

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And now EVERYONE knows.

Welcome on board, fellow British person. Was it you who wrote the Westin Phipps arcs, too?



It was funny sitting in on the voice session because we (Positron and I) had initially wanted a more “Prussian” sounding voice (for reasons many of you already know).

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And now EVERYONE knows.

Welcome on board, fellow British person. Was it you who wrote the Westin Phipps arcs, too?

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That was Constellation. He posted way back in the day on the CoV General board and mentioned how he needed to take a break after writing those missions and get his mind off them.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



Woo and yay!

Hero 1, we loves you... even if you are Rikti-fied and somewhat creepy looking now. Oh well.

Great work all around (again). The script worked wonderfully and Mr. Mowry's voice was spot on. Like Lady_Sadako, I loved the "your precious badges" bit. Was dripping with lovely old-fashioned sarcasm/condescension. I can practically hear him rolling his eyes. "Oh, I give you the wonderful tool of time-travel... and you go back and get badges. Wonderful." So good and perfectly in character too!

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



That was Constellation. He posted way back in the day on the CoV General board and mentioned how he needed to take a break after writing those missions and get his mind off them.

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For some reason I got it into my head that Hero 1 was the same person as Constellation. Not sure why.