Discussion: Mender Silos Issue 11 Video




Welcome to the forums please post more. We like content writers. Even if we do seem to be going through them rather fast -- kinda like lead designers (Posi, you're next! *evil look*)



This is really doom.



Oh, and for those who haven’t noticed 1st post! Expect many many more.

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Excellent! And welcome to the zoo... err, forums



A new red to harass! WOOT!

Be well, people of CoH.



Nice entrance.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



I guess the secret is officially out (as if there were any doubt). The question is now, what's got him so spooked that he would actually interact with heroes and villains directly.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Wonderful job with the video! And welcome to the forums.



The trailer is very nice.

Also, did anyone mention what BAB said during Closed Beta about the theme of this issue's storyline?

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It's been mentioned in the close boards and I've seen it a few times in the Training Server boards. If it's not obvious to everyone, this issue's inspiration is the works of Robert Heinlein.

And If Nazis on the Moon don't show up sometime, I will be sorely disappointed. (Note: Yes, Heinlein did write a story about Nazis on the Moon.)



For some reason I got it into my head that Hero 1 was the same person as Constellation. Not sure why.

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Um, maybe because Hero 1 is a British hero? Maybe kinda, sorta?



Let me add to the heaps of praise. Top Notch video. And the voice work Sam Mowry is tremendous. It seems perfect for written character of Silos. He work elevated the video to an entirely new plateau.

Oh and welcome to this menagerie called the the City of... Forums.



...what's got him so spooked that he would actually interact with heroes and villains directly.

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Maybe it's himself.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



...what's got him so spooked that he would actually interact with heroes and villains directly.

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Maybe it's himself.

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I hope not. So many time travel stories have used that gimmick. It'd make me a sad devil.

Be well, people of CoH.



...what's got him so spooked that he would actually interact with heroes and villains directly.

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Maybe it's himself.

[/ QUOTE ]Either The battalion or Rullaru himself.

In the Arena of Logic, I fight unarmed.



The camera is turned on Requiem when Silos states "The catalyst that brings about the unraveling of the cosmos starts here!". We know from To Save a Thousand Worlds that Requiem has the ability to conquer an entire planet with his legion of Nictus, and also can tamper with dimensional stability. That isn't to say Requiem is necessarily correlated with that line, but it's notable.

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Requiem says something very interesting when he defeats an opponent in the Oroboros mission:

'You are out of Time, (opponentname).'

Why capitalise the T in Time? Why say that to a downed opponent at all?



...what's got him so spooked that he would actually interact with heroes and villains directly.

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Maybe it's himself.

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I hope not. So many time travel stories have used that gimmick. It'd make me a sad devil.

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It can be interesting if handled well and planned from the start. It would've been kind of cool to see Hal Jordan fighting Parallax during earlier Green Lantern arcs.

Or maybe they're clones, a la Cable and Stryfe.

Edit: hey, baseless speculation. A red has more or less outright confirmed the anagram. Maybe that means he's NOT L-Nem.

Also, Hero [censored] 1! I knew we'd see him when time travel came into it!

More baseless speculation!

<ul type="square">[*]Hero-1 is Lord Nemesis.[*]Hero-1 (out of game) is someone we already know.[*]Orobouros is removed at the end of its arc, then put back in due to player demand.[/list]
Feel free!



Sam Mowry: Entry in IMDB.

Constellation, aka Brian Gilmore, stayed on with Cryptic.

Hero 1, aka Joe Morrissey, is the new Story Bible guy. So, if he's dropping hints, he knows what he's talking about, or he knows he's purposely misdirecting.

Ex Libris said on 11/6/07:[ QUOTE ]
The person in charge of COH's lore is Hero One, and speaking of shy... I'm still trying to get this guy to take a step out and introduce himself.

If you have been following the story arcs for Ouroboros this is our guy, his name is Joe Morrissey, and speaking of creative efforts, this guy is expecting his first arrival, un-known gender at this time sometime this week.

We'll get him to pop on the boards and say hello soon.

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Hey, Joe, boy or girl?

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The question is now, what's got him so spooked that he would actually interact with heroes and villains directly.

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Every super villain is spooked by the other, more shadowy super villain that comes on the scene. They've never been above manipulating/working directly with adversaries to save their own butts.

And besides. If Silos is directly or even indirectly responsible for the destruction to come when all of his machinations come to pass: Where's the fun in ruling over a bunch of ruins?

Even (JLA) Vandal Savage sacrificed himself to restore the world after destroying all human life, leaving him the sole ruler of a blasted wasteland filled with giant cockroaches.

Oh, and quite a grand entrance Hero 1. Welcome to our home away from home.

Although sometimes I think Castle and BaBs sleep at their desks.



I got 5 influence says...

Issue 12: "The Storm Arrives"

You heard it here first.

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Doubtful. Mender Silos says he comes from a time over a million years in the future, and he speaks of the storm as something he witnessed. I've seen the speculation that he's mucking about in time in order to bring this about, but I doubt even then the timeline will be shortened from 1000000 years to 4 months. Unless the storm is meant to rage for a million years, I don't see this as something that we'll see resolved (or even significant progress made on) in the next issue or two. I think this is a storyline that will be slowly played out over the next few years.

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It was a bit incongruous to have Silos talking about him coming from a million years in the future and the destruction that had occured while the video was showing the burning ruins of Atlas Park... the idea that the Paragon City buildings would last for a million years and still have something flammable in them that hadn't been burned out is a little hard to swallow. Although a case can be made, looking at all of the buildings in Boomtown and Faultline that got knocked out of vertical but haven't suffered structural failure from the transverse force of all that weight hanging out of true, that the reason Impervium is a rare salvage drop is that it's been used to build every single building in Paragon City, and that's why the buildings are still around a million years in the future...

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Any chance at this video being captioned / subtitled for those of us who cannot hear?

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It was funny sitting in on the voice session because we (Positron and I) had initially wanted a more “Prussian” sounding voice (for reasons many of you already know).

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To be fair, after a few hundred millennia anyone's original accent is probably going to go to [ahem].

Proprietary brain. Place in shred bin only.



Requiem says something very interesting when he defeats an opponent in the Oroboros mission:

'You are out of Time, (opponentname).'

Why capitalise the T in Time? Why say that to a downed opponent at all?

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I haven't had the fortune to be that unlucky at the hands of Requiem. And that reinforces even more my idea whom our hidden time protagonist is.



Any chance at this video being captioned / subtitled for those of us who cannot hear?

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I can do a captioned/subtitled version for you over the weekend, if you'd like. Easy enough to just import the whole video into Vegas and add a text layer to it.

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IS this the same Joe that worked on all the Diablo quests? hat would be awsome, I still love Diablo. I demand resumes and references! lol

Seems to be the same spelling.

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Pretty sure it's the same Joe.

We gots ourselves a Blizzard guy in our midst!

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