Discussion: Mender Silos Issue 11 Video




Any chance at this video being captioned / subtitled for those of us who cannot hear?

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I can do a captioned/subtitled version for you over the weekend, if you'd like. Easy enough to just import the whole video into Vegas and add a text layer to it.

Samuraiko/Dark Respite

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That would be fantastic. Much appreciated.

Play my MA arcs!

Tracking Down Jack Ketch - ArcID #2701
Cat War! - ArcID #2788



did anyone noticed the "V" in these videos...seems to me like the coming storm could be the 5th column..issue 12: Return of the 5th?



Issue 12: "The Oncoming Storm"

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Hmmm...per Wikipedia:
The Doctor taunts the Daleks, reminding them that Dalek legends call him "The Oncoming Storm", and even though they claim to have eliminated all emotion, he is sure that, deep inside, the Daleks still feel fear when faced with him.

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Think about that as you continue to ponder the origins of Mender Silos and who, precisely, is mucking about with Time...!



The trailer is very nice.

Also, did anyone mention what BAB said during Closed Beta about the theme of this issue's storyline?

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It's been mentioned in the close boards and I've seen it a few times in the Training Server boards. If it's not obvious to everyone, this issue's inspiration is the works of Robert Heinlein.

And If Nazis on the Moon don't show up sometime, I will be sorely disappointed. (Note: Yes, Heinlein did write a story about Nazis on the Moon.)

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That makes my day in SO many ways. Heinlein is my all-time favorite sci-fi author!



First after a First by Hero 1!

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Lucky [censored].



Greetings: Fellow Humans.

I’m pleased that you liked the trailer. We all had a lot of fun working on it. I was excited about it specifically because it was really the first time I got to write something non-mission-y for all of you. Mender Silos is not the easiest guy to write. He’s a narcissistic super genius with a well centered Chi. He likes big words, complex plots and moonlight walks on the beach with his dog Grendal. Oh, wait, that last part was me. Never mind.

To giving credit where credit is due:
Script: Positron and I wrote the script. We went back and forth a couple times on it tightening it up and I think it shows. I really like the flow of it.
Voice Acting: Sam Mowry. He and the voice coach we use are top notch. I would love to work with this guy again. However, that means we’d have to have more Lord… ah, I mean Mender Silos in the game (something of a ‘hot topic’ item on the boards).
Video: David Lewis made the video. He’s been making the videos for us for sometime. He’s a great guy to work with and always does a great job.
Music: Mike Henry and Joe Lyford, our resident sound gurus. They make it all look so easy.

It was funny sitting in on the voice session because we (Positron and I) had initially wanted a more “Prussian” sounding voice (for reasons many of you already know). Sam did a couple passes with that type of accent and we liked it but we kept asking him to dial it back a bit. Finally, the voice coach asked him just to read the script normally, no accent. BAM! That was it. Positron and I looked at each other, we were smiling because we knew it was going to be awesome. The rest of the session was tremendous. I kept wanting him to read more.

We recorded the session, Mike and Joe worked their audio magic while David got busy putting all of it together. There you have it. From the forum posts above (and hopefully below) it looks like it was a complete success.

We’re all glad you like it and if you’re anything like me, you can’t wait to see more of them.

Oh, and for those who haven’t noticed 1st post! Expect many many more.

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Everything about this video is top notch. The music, voice over and dialogue.

I especially love Silos' delivery of the line about "precious badges." It's got the perfect hint of patronization in his voice.

Keep this Sam Mowry guy on hand.
I don't like WoW, but one thing I admit is that the voice acting and narration add to the gaming experience. Perhaps one day Sam can deliver a run down of the Phalanx and Arachnos in a cinematic when you roll a new hero or villain.




Any chance at this video being captioned / subtitled for those of us who cannot hear?

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I can do a captioned/subtitled version for you over the weekend, if you'd like. Easy enough to just import the whole video into Vegas and add a text layer to it.

Samuraiko/Dark Respite

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That would be fantastic. Much appreciated.

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To tide you over:

"Companions and compatriots, I am Silos. Mender Silos If you prefer.
I am founder and visionary of Ouroboros, a group dedicated to lifting this planet out of the abyss.

In my time, over a million years in the future, humanity is no more. Thus I have collected the greatest minds from across time and brought them here to this crucial point in an attempt to stop this annihilation.

However, we need your help. For all of Ouroboros’ resources and my own unparalleled intellect, we are not prepared to weather the coming storm. This world and its super powered being must be vigilant against this future event. The less you know about this event the better. But I will say this: the catalyst that brings about the unraveling of the cosmos starts here!

All of your petty squabbles amongst yourselves and your Rikti counterparts must be brought to an end before it reaches it inevitable crescendo.

If you are one of the entrusted, a keeper of the Secret of Ouroboros and the portal that brings you here, I welcome you. Our enclave is obfuscated and only those already familiar with time travel can perceive it presence.

We travel in time through the Pillar of Ice and Flame, an artifact from the end of the universe itself.

Of the eleven methods of time travel, The Pillar grants us the greatest temporal accuracy while also being the most accessible to the super powered beings needed to alter the Causality Curve. As a member of Ouroboros you have access to the Pillar. Use it wisely to relive you previous exploits, earn your precious badges, collect your needed salvage and fulfill whatever destiny you see laid out for yourself. We ask for nothing in return, only the hope that you will aid our Menders: Lazarus, Tesseract, Twilight Son and myself...in our own missions against the coming storm.

However, be warned: the timestream is not your own. A mysterious entity seeks to tear out the stitches we so carefully sew. The reason is unknown, as unknown as the identity of this malevolence. Were it not for these tears in time, humanity might have a chance at combating the coming storm. But now no one, not even I, can predict what the future holds…"





However, we need your help. For all of Ouroboros’ resources and my own unparalleled intellect, we are not prepared to weather the coming storm.

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You know, this Silos really has a thing about the weather, doesn't he?

Just some of my 50s on Pinnacle... wave if you see:
Doctor Geist: Grav/FF Controller | Fighting Spirit: MA/Inv Scrapper (1250+ badges) | Bird of Paradise: Sonic/NRG Blaster | Pretense: Ill/Rad Controller
Gothic Horror: Dark/Stone Brute | Technophobe: Bot/Dk MM | Snow Leopard: Ice/Ice Dom



My Windows Media Player states that there is a problem with the URL, and the file type is not recognized by the player. I cannot watch any of the trailers.

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



Any chance at this video being captioned / subtitled for those of us who cannot hear?

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Okay, video with captioning is done! (In a couple of places where it's really bright, you might have to wait a sec for the text to become visible, but the whole thing is captioned now.)

You can get it here. This is the 720x480 version, roughly 70MB saved as a WMV file.

Samuraiko/Dark Respite

Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Got it, watched it. Great video. Thanks for your hard work in subtitling this video.

Play my MA arcs!

Tracking Down Jack Ketch - ArcID #2701
Cat War! - ArcID #2788



Figured I'd bump this up as a not-so-subtle request that when NCSoft makes the Issue 12 video for Midnight Hour, to please provide a subtitled/captioned version for those of us without access to sound.

Play my MA arcs!

Tracking Down Jack Ketch - ArcID #2701
Cat War! - ArcID #2788