NCSoft acquires "City of" Franchise!




I'm not keen on NCSoft having total control, as I think in general their priorities don't match with the priorities we've seen in the game in the past.

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I'm curious. Where have you seen a conflict between NC Soft and Cryptic in the past?

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They don't have their discussions in public, so naturally I haven't. However, I have noticed how much the community reps have pushed PvP, and I think NCSoft generally - due to its experience mostly being in East Asian grindfests - favours PvP, grind and phat lewt.
I'm not saying that I think we'll soon be City of Lineage but I do worry about there being a paradigm shift in where development is centered. I'm reserving judgement really though.

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Note highlighted portion.

The community reps push PVP because that is a collective part of our community. My job specifically is the acquisition and retention of subscribers to COH/COV. If I notice that we have a community bleeder, it is my direct responsibility to put some pressure on that spot to stop the flow.

I don't love PVP, I actually really suck at it, but I love the aspect and diversity that our various small groups bring to the table and I for one will always be willing to go out and support those niche, micro, and mezzo groups so that the entire game (macro) continues to thrive.

More than anything you should be watching your bid/buy lines because it is the market and invention system of COH/COV that keeps me most engaged.





If people can look past themselves for one minute they can see this as being a net bonus towards

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I think if people could look past trying to link it to ego for a minute and view it as customer incentive, a lot of this would be moot.

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So lets look at customer incentive. More people have access to both sides meaning a greater possibility of more players. People who were reluctant to try the other side will now be able to try it. Players that have been around for a long time and had both will now be able to have more people to play with. The ultimate customer incentive is to keep the game fun and thats what this is doing.
I speculate that keeping the games seperate was more cryptics doing than NC soft. There may have been a deal where cryptic got the bulk of the game sales and NC soft got the bulk of the monthly fees. Now that NC soft has both they can join everything and simplify marketing a lot. Now that every player is guaranteed to have access to both they can justify spending more money on villain side and hero side to make the game better.

The reason to stay is now as it has always been. Its fun. Now with more people it may be even more fun.

Why should there be a customer incentive when they change marketing models? Just because they have decided to shift how they do business does not mean that they owe you anything at all. This is the way that they have been selling CO* for a year now, all they want to do is standardize it to make it easier to market, sell, and create for.




If people can look past themselves for one minute they can see this as being a net bonus towards

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I think if people could look past trying to link it to ego for a minute and view it as customer incentive, a lot of this would be moot.

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So lets look at customer incentive. More people have access to both sides meaning a greater possibility of more players.

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I fear these are two different subjects. You're painting a picture of why offering post-release items at discount or for free is good new-customer bait. I'm not disagreeing with that but it has little to do with what I am talking about and what I am referring to in no way prohibits post-release new customer bait.

Just because they have decided to shift how they do business does not mean that they owe you anything at all.

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I had resolved to make a concerted effort to simply ignore all the work being done on the "they owe you anything" and "entitlement" spins, but I do want to take a brief moment to point out that they are tangential to the discussion and a value being assigned rather than asserted; never said it, never implied it, but I know why it's being touted over and over and I know why I'll keep seeing it. That's all I'll say on it as otherwise I lend credence to it where none is due.

Why should there be a customer incentive when they change marketing models?

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Are you being serious?



I applaud your efforts at stimulating PvP in this game, even if I rarely parkate in any of them

I just as equally applaud your efforts at being 'in game' dishing out those groovy yellow titles at many, many diverse functions.

Two that really stick out in my own mind are the Macron memorial, and the Fusion Force Anniversary. Very different events and you supported them both.

Since you came on boards the Community representation in game has been far higher than ever. Which to me is wonderful, as not everyone comes to the boards.

Keep it up.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



So for the people that bought CoH and CoV what do we get.

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Debt wipe and free prestige.

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And for those of us who already have both CoH/CoV, have zero debt, and aren't members of Supergroups?

Out of curiosity, what do we get?


[/ QUOTE ] start working on your debt badges, make some friends,'s a sekrit!


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OK, groovy, as long as those customers get a nod.

I think those trying to poo-poo this is a "others getting something free doesn't equate to you being denied something" are being a bit thick with regard to marketing. You do NOT inform a customer base that buying the product early holds no benefits, and you certainly don't hint that simply not spending the money will see the product acquried for free down the line.

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That's why I think a badge woudl be a good idea - "Supporter (You have demonstrated your eager support for the game with multiple purchases)". Maybe throw in a costume option or two - a chest emblem, for example. Or echoing the chest emblem to your cape (with new cape patterns, if need be).

Anyone who owns a full GvE edition, or both of CoH and CoV as standalone products, gets the badge (and possible associated goodies) - including in the future.

It'd be the right thing to do, NOT because "we're owqed" ... but rather, because it woudl be a smarter move in terms of future marketing.



his name is Joe Morrissey

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Good luck with the youngin!

*psst, cmon you maroons, greet Joe*

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Okay, okay...


"Hello, Joe! Whadya know?"

'I just got back from a vaudville show!'


Okay, lame, I know. But it's all I could come up with on short notice.

- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie

Me 'n my posse:



Why should there be a customer incentive when they change marketing models?

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Are you being serious?

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yes I am, I may not be explaining myself clearly but I am serious. By customer incentive I assume you mean some kind of trinket or gift to those who bought both games before and would now only have to buy one. In that way I dont think that there needs to be customer incentive.

Customer incentive in this move is fully on new buyers and those who only had one of the games which is where it should be in order to gain new revenue. Vet awards in in place as gifts to thank those who have stuck with the company, This move to consolidate the games makes it easier to get into for new players and in many ways they already did that. I believe they stopped production of the individual packs a while ago and just sell the GvE edition of the game which gives both games for less than the price of one. By combining the two and opening everyone up to both games they can allocate greater rescources to both games evenly and provide more content. That is the customer incentive.

In the short term the customer incentive is more players and an overall better experience because of that. Vetrans already have a incentive in the reward system and there really needs to be nothing else.
In the long term the customer incentive to start playing or keep playing is because its fun, and now with everyone having access to both games it opens things up for greater development. The customer incentive is basically a better overall product as a result of this merger. No one loses anything and people in general gain. The only way someone can see a negative in opening up all content to everyone is from a feeling of entitlement and a resentment that someone got something for free that they paid for however long ago.

This move is one large customer incentive really, it opens up the possibility for a greater product available to all players.

I have yet to see a reason to hate this particular move to give all players access that was not based in a sense of entitlement.



1. Please, pretty please, now that CoH and CoV are now effectivley merged, can we add the CoV emblems to the Super Group emblem menu?

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/signed - this would be a great addition. For VGs, if nothing else. ^_^



So for the people that bought CoH and CoV what do we get.

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Debt wipe and free prestige.

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And for those of us who already have both CoH/CoV, have zero debt, and aren't members of Supergroups?

Out of curiosity, what do we get?


[/ QUOTE ] start working on your debt badges, make some friends,'s a sekrit!


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OK, groovy, as long as those customers get a nod.

I think those trying to poo-poo this is a "others getting something free doesn't equate to you being denied something" are being a bit thick with regard to marketing. You do NOT inform a customer base that buying the product early holds no benefits, and you certainly don't hint that simply not spending the money will see the product acquried for free down the line.

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That's why I think a badge woudl be a good idea - "Supporter (You have demonstrated your eager support for the game with multiple purchases)". Maybe throw in a costume option or two - a chest emblem, for example. Or echoing the chest emblem to your cape (with new cape patterns, if need be).

Anyone who owns a full GvE edition, or both of CoH and CoV as standalone products, gets the badge (and possible associated goodies) - including in the future.

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Yeah that would be perfect. Some cosmetic doodad, even along the lines of the prestige power slide. Something which gives a nod to past loyalty while at the same time allowing new-customer incentives with no conflict. It's always smart to leave the "buy it early, buy it often" bait intact and dangling for future possibly paid explansions or the like.

It'd be the right thing to do, NOT because "we're owqed" ... but rather, because it woudl be a smarter move in terms of future marketing.

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I'm glad someone is looking at it in terms of marketing and not some concocted effort as personalizing a smart marketing move into an ego issue.



Why should there be a customer incentive when they change marketing models?

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Are you being serious?

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yes I am,

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Then you're not being terribly bright, no offense.

You know why the Veteran Rewards program exists? Two reasons. One, encourage people to stick around. Two, reward the people that ALREADY HAD stuck around (that's why it was put into place RETROACTIVELY, you see).

A customer incentive to those of us who put our money where our mouths were way back then, is the same sort of thing: showing gratitude to those of us who stuck with the game in the past. Matter of fact? I've bought CoV twice for a single account - my original pre-order was a vanilla, ordinary COV ... I've since added a CE version. Plus the initial CoH box. Plus the GvE "goodies" code. And yes, right now ...sight unseen ... I am comitting to buying any paid Co* expansion(s) that even remotely interest me, which are offered at a reasonable price. (And I'm still looking for an unused, inexpensive CoH CE code, too!)

By customer incentive I assume you mean some kind of trinket or gift to those who bought both games before and would now only have to buy one. In that way I dont think that there needs to be customer incentive.

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Don't work in Customer Service, do you? At least - not anywhere good.

Customer Service, done right, is PRO-active. If there's a problem, for example ...? You don't just fix the problem ... you do MORE than that, you do something extra.

The reason being? You want the customer to come away from the exchange with a GOOD impression of your company. You want to turn a negative experience into a positive one.

Or, in our case, a neutral experience into a positive one. Noone's demanding "I want a whole game's worth of shinies", heck no ... just ... something.

In my case, a badge. Maybe some costume goodies - just a couple.

Vet awards in in place as gifts to thank those who have stuck with the company,

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Vet Rewards don't cover this. I know people with thirty-odd month Vet Award badges, who STILL only have CoH.

That is the customer incentive.

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That is new customer incentive, not existing customer incentive.

I have yet to see a reason to hate this particular move to give all players access that was not based in a sense of entitlement.

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NOONE HATES IT. Matter of fact, I applaud it!

A few of us would like to be recognised, however, for having supported the company with both purchases prior to this "it's all the same game" policy change.

I won't be ticked off if the recognition is not forthcoming ... but I will be disappointed in NCsoft for missing such a slow-moving-target of an opportunity to foster even stronger customer loyalty than Co* already enjoys!


Let me turn this whole question around on you:

Why NOT offer an incentive to those who actually own a copy of both halves of the game?



Why should there be a customer incentive when they change marketing models?

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Are you being serious?

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yes I am, I may not be explaining myself clearly but I am serious. By customer incentive I assume you mean some kind of trinket or gift to those who bought both games before and would now only have to buy one. In that way I dont think that there needs to be customer incentive.

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Well that ignores around a century of marketing practise, but you're certainly entitled to your opinion.

Customer incentive in this move is fully on new buyers and those who only had one of the games which is where it should be in order to gain new revenue. Vet awards in in place as gifts to thank those who have stuck with the company, This move to consolidate the games makes it easier to get into for new players and in many ways they already did that. I believe they stopped production of the individual packs a while ago and just sell the GvE edition of the game which gives both games for less than the price of one. By combining the two and opening everyone up to both games they can allocate greater rescources to both games evenly and provide more content. That is the customer incentive.

In the short term the customer incentive is more players and an overall better experience because of that. Vetrans already have a incentive in the reward system and there really needs to be nothing else.
In the long term the customer incentive to start playing or keep playing is because its fun, and now with everyone having access to both games it opens things up for greater development. The customer incentive is basically a better overall product as a result of this merger. No one loses anything and people in general gain.

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That doesn't really address a reason for disregarding non-conflicting incentives. The one does not interfere with the other. A "buy early buy often" incentive isn't a binary thing.

The only way someone can see a negative in opening up all content to everyone is from a feeling of entitlement and a resentment that someone got something for free that they paid for however long ago.

I have yet to see a reason to hate this particular move to give all players access that was not based in a sense of entitlement.

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Lol... trying to assign a motivation on the behalf of those posting is an interesting passtime, but a bit surreal in its purpose. I am going to just steer clear of the ego-baiting and stay focused on NC's marketing efforts for now.



Don't forget, Ex wrote something about a reward they cannot share with us yet.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Don't forget, Ex wrote something about a reward they cannot share with us yet.

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Yeah as I pointed out, the whole conversation seems moot. I think seeing the "the only reason to object to this is a sense of entitlement" tripe hit my funny bone. Profit > ego.



Don't forget, Ex wrote something about a reward they cannot share with us yet.

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Yeah as I pointed out, the whole conversation seems moot. I think seeing the "the only reason to object to this is a sense of entitlement" tripe hit my funny bone. Profit > ego.

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Careful, the most recent member of my ignore list would label you a fanboy for not supporting people's sense of entitlement...

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Don't forget, Ex wrote something about a reward they cannot share with us yet.

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Yeah as I pointed out, the whole conversation seems moot. I think seeing the "the only reason to object to this is a sense of entitlement" tripe hit my funny bone. Profit > ego.

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^^ What s/he said ^^^

Especially the bit about the "entitlement" crack pushing buttons.



Don't forget, Ex wrote something about a reward they cannot share with us yet.

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Yeah as I pointed out, the whole conversation seems moot. I think seeing the "the only reason to object to this is a sense of entitlement" tripe hit my funny bone. Profit > ego.

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Careful, the most recent member of my ignore list would label you a fanboy for not supporting people's sense of entitlement...

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Well he or she is entitled to do so...

Oh man. This could get ugly.



My concern is that it'll turn into SWG all over again.

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I am an optimist on this score. The industry saw the player reaction to the shenanigans with SWG and I hope that something was learned.

Also, my personal opinion is that if anything, CoX will not get that kind of changes, but will be used as a cash cow to set up the rest of the franchise - whether this is MMO/single player games in different styles or even a sequel, where they go to town with crazy ideas good and bad.

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I agree 100% with spidermonster on this. Statesman left CoX over a year ago to help develop Marvell Online. Everyone else who has been working on CoX for the last (awesome) year is moving with the game to the new studio. Even grumpy, yet lovable BAB...

Any similarity between this news and SWG's "New Game Enhancement" debacle is, well, I just am not seeing it.

Cautiously optimistic...


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I'm grumpy but loveable?

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Yep. Or snarky but endearing. Or blunt but refreshing. Or brusque but amusing. Or...



Don't forget, Ex wrote something about a reward they cannot share with us yet.

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Yeah as I pointed out, the whole conversation seems moot. I think seeing the "the only reason to object to this is a sense of entitlement" tripe hit my funny bone. Profit > ego.

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Careful, the most recent member of my ignore list would label you a fanboy for not supporting people's sense of entitlement...

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Well he or she is entitled to do so...

Oh man. This could get ugly.

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I am sure it will because no matter what they do (see Vet Rewards, CoV pre-order helmets) when they give out freebies some will view it as too much and others as not enough. It's pretty sad.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



First thing comes to mind is more character slots per server but if we ever go with a server-less setup then that ends up just being a wash in that end, we end up back at square one. My guess is an accolade or a prestige power. I doubt they would give us free time so most likely a power of some kind. I would love to get that rez power we got from the holiday event as that power. It totally pwnz Rise of the Phoenix because you actually have a period of time when you cant get hit.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Serverless game



*baffeled & shakes head*

I completely agree with Pax. Those of us who have invested in both CoH, CoV, preorder, DVD collectors editions, GvE pack, etc. should get thrown some sort of bone. Whether that is a badge, pet, power, or a sekret fake id*.

fake id* -> to be used on the Balista or Arbitrator in Pocket D shhhh

Poison Pill



Why not have a 2x XP weekend Nov 16 - 18 instead of getting rid of debt. That would make me happier.



Why not have a 2x XP weekend Nov 16 - 18 instead of getting rid of debt. That would make me happier.

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Why not "in addtion to" not "instead of"?

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.