NCSoft acquires "City of" Franchise!




Good list Zombie. I would add a #11 myself:

11. No more contractual issues regarding money distribution. There was always a wall in place when it came to the Publisher/Developer situation, and the distribution of funds. Generally less overhead clears the way for some of the development additions we're seeing, but also it clears the way for the All Access Pass they have been hinting at for a while.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Remember back when they added actual enemy groups that were completely new to the 40+ game? I do. I even remember the 40+ story arcs being added. I'm sure you do also.

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Yes I do - in Issue 7. (I also play Villains, and my ONLY 40+ character is a villain, so far.)



Welcome to yesterday evening: All over again, courtesy of Pax.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Who didn't see this coming? , with Cryptic doing the marvel MMO



The entire current team of COH/COV has signed on with NCsoft and we will be continuing our schedule of 3 free issues per year, as well as some other great goodies as we grow the team and IP.


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For how long??



For as long as we make the monies

Does not always detect CoH



For as long as we make the monies

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It could be just a transition team happens all the time.



Anyone else have a sinking feeling that this game is goin' down?

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Frankly, no. I just got the feeling that the game improved ... alot.

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NCSoft does have it's name on a lot more games that Cryptic... I'm just saying...

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



NCsoft NorCal truly is taking care of its subscribers. CoH/CoV’s free updates will continue and the team is listening to community’s demands for more updates regarding the quality of life

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ALot of the stuff over the past year has been alot of QoL things that have been a long time needed. Biggest being Flashback. Ever since they put in Issue 2 (I think) with The Hallows, people have been wanting to play their main and go do the content and get their own souviner.

Well, you had to team or roll an alt. Annoyance for some, like me. I want the souviner on my own just to have it, because my main is my completist, my badger, my most played toon and all that hoo ha. Alts are meant to be...alts. Played for the powers, but for me, just the powers and flexibility (for things like STF's/RSF's, etc..)

Revamping Faultline into a more friendly zone was a great change that everyone wanted. Then they made the Rikti Crash Site more friendly for all again too and it turned out awesome.

So I have no fears that the growing amount of people working on the game will continue to improve the game by leaps and bounds. Flashback was a major hurdle thats now been conquered. The only other "major" one I can think of now is Power Customization in a bigger sense then what it is now.

After that hurdle is conquered, I think people would be cool with a new zone. But for now, I'm very happy to fork over my $15 since I'm getting what I've been wanting for a long time now.

This space is intentionally left blank.




Just thought of something, maybe a serverless game might be possible now



iii) Statesman as the signature character will be determined, if I had my druthers it would be something the Community Team would acquire rights to, one can dream right?

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States should continue as a signature character - and appear as such in game in missions and taskforces, etc... But he should never appear 'live' again.

But the redname? No, that too should be retired with honor.

That name and character belongs to Jack Emmert (no matter whose IP it legally is), and to see it used as a sockpuppet (no offense, I just cannot think of a better term) is an insult to him and to the collective intelligence of the players.

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I am not a fan of soem of the things that went on when Jack was Boss, but I agree with Doc_Scorpion here. Leave him in game, but don't bring him to the boards again.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



One thing that only now just sunk in is that Positron, Matt Miller, is shipping out to NCsoft and leaving Cryptic behind. We've all seen Jack say things about him like "We founded Cryptic together." so that comes off as a bit of a system shock. What IS going on in cryptic that they're willing to sell out their baby and go of one of their founding fathers? I'm not looking for DOOOM!!! here, it just seems like a pretty big thing.

On the flip side, City of Heroes has already lost one lead designer back in a time before release. Going off memory, was his name Peter Duncan? I seem to remember something like that. Anyway, he's the lead developer who left before the AT system was introduced and who was eventually replaced by the Statesman. Just saying - a change in management and leadership has already happened to the game once.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Thought some of you would liek to see this. One of the job listings for the New office and CoX is for an animator. Here is the job description. Take a look at the part that I bolded.

NCsoft NorCal, a software game development studio focused on creating outstanding innovative Massively Multiplayer Games (MMORPGs), is seeking an exceptional Animator to work on the award winning City of Heroes franchise at their Mountain View, CA location.

This individual must be passionate about games and able to animate with creativity, strong posing and excellent timing. Exciting actions and good quality cycles are what we’re looking for in a reel. Previous game experience is a definite plus but not necessary. If hired, you will be working on a wide variety of characters, creatures, vehicles and props. Effective communication with engineers and designers is critical.

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So I do think there is some good stuff comming in the future

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



From what I can tell, Matt Miller was not a founder. The founders I see are:

Michael Lewis
Rick Dakan
Bruce Rogers
Matt Harvey
Cameron Petty

and Jack

Perhaps Jack just meant that he was one of the first hires?

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



If nothing else comes out of this deal, I hope that we can finally call CoH and CoV the same game, instead of referring to them as separate titles. They have the same dev team, the same update schedule, cross game events, etc, etc, etc.

With that in mind, I hope they do more to bring the two together as one -- i.e., non-instanced travel to Paragon and the Isles by both sides, switching from hero to villain or vice versa, open concentual PvP wherever and whenever the players want, etc.



Thought some of you would liek to see this. One of the job listings for the New office and CoX is for an animator. Here is the job description. Take a look at the part that I bolded.

NCsoft NorCal, a software game development studio focused on creating outstanding innovative Massively Multiplayer Games (MMORPGs), is seeking an exceptional Animator to work on the award winning City of Heroes franchise at their Mountain View, CA location.

This individual must be passionate about games and able to animate with creativity, strong posing and excellent timing. Exciting actions and good quality cycles are what we’re looking for in a reel. Previous game experience is a definite plus but not necessary. If hired, you will be working on a wide variety of characters, creatures, vehicles and props. Effective communication with engineers and designers is critical.

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So I do think there is some good stuff comming in the future

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I wouldn't get your hopes up too high. While it's possible vehicles will come to City, it's unlikely.

Those job postings could be for other projects the new NorCal Studio will be working on. Most studios have several projects they work on concurrently.

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Thought some of you would liek to see this. One of the job listings for the New office and CoX is for an animator. Here is the job description. Take a look at the part that I bolded.

NCsoft NorCal, a software game development studio focused on creating outstanding innovative Massively Multiplayer Games (MMORPGs), is seeking an exceptional Animator to work on the award winning City of Heroes franchise at their Mountain View, CA location.

This individual must be passionate about games and able to animate with creativity, strong posing and excellent timing. Exciting actions and good quality cycles are what we’re looking for in a reel. Previous game experience is a definite plus but not necessary. If hired, you will be working on a wide variety of characters, creatures, vehicles and props. Effective communication with engineers and designers is critical.

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So I do think there is some good stuff comming in the future

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I wouldn't get your hopes up too high. While it's possible vehicles will come to City, it's unlikely.

Those job postings could be for other projects the new NorCal Studio will be working on. Most studios have several projects they work on concurrently.

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Clearly they are planning on Co* 2!

(Well, I guess they actually could be.)

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



The_Zekiran must die.

*gets pitchfork/torch combo kit*

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Put down the pitchforks, boys, Zek has all of Protector watching her back. Besides... I said something nice about Jack Kirby and Alex Ross last night, and Zekiran let me live.

(Just don't ask her about Stan Lee.)



Except this position is for the CoX line Zombie. Personaly i would be happy if they just updated the cars and trucks on the road, and made them move faster in places.

All in all, I think the good thing is that Time will not be the huge issue it was before, more people means more stuff done in the same amount of time... I hope.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



One thing that only now just sunk in is that Positron, Matt Miller, is shipping out to NCsoft and leaving Cryptic behind. We've all seen Jack say things about him like "We founded Cryptic together." so that comes off as a bit of a system shock. What IS going on in cryptic that they're willing to sell out their baby and go of one of their founding fathers? I'm not looking for DOOOM!!! here, it just seems like a pretty big thing.

On the flip side, City of Heroes has already lost one lead designer back in a time before release. Going off memory, was his name Peter Duncan? I seem to remember something like that. Anyway, he's the lead developer who left before the AT system was introduced and who was eventually replaced by the Statesman. Just saying - a change in management and leadership has already happened to the game once.

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Cryptic seems to be focused on MUO and their unannounced project. You have to assume they know what they are doing, but to me it's pretty interesting that with the sale of CoX, Cryptic is now betting all on future releases and as a studio they actually have no current releases (ie that means they have no monthly income from completed projects). Wonder when their next project - either the secret one or the MUO - will go live.

They cut Rick Dakan loose (didn't he pre-date Jack?) and they also completely changed the AT system from design to go-live, so in the past they've shown that they are willing to make big directional changes. Be interesting to see where they go in the future and how successful they are.



Full Access to City of Heroes and City of Villains®
All players with City of Heroes retail* accounts will now have access to City of Villains, and all City of Villains retail* accounts will now have access to City of Heroes. Players that didn't previously have access to "the other side" will find that they do now. Just log in to check it out!

So for the people that bought CoH and CoV what do we get.

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Based on your reg date, 2.5+yrs of game-play.



Perhaps Jack just meant that he was one of the first hires?

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Well, the quote from the Statesman that keeps ringing in my head is "Positron founded Cryptic with me." though I honestly have no real evidence other than rotten memory to back this up.

And I WAS pretty close to Rick Dakan's name, wasn't I?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



They cut Rick Dakan loose (didn't he pre-date Jack?) and they also completely changed the AT system from design to go-live, so in the past they've shown that they are willing to make big directional changes. Be interesting to see where they go in the future and how successful they are.

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True, they have, but from what I've understood, it's always been for the good of their creations. Abandoning City of Heroes to other people (which is what this is) still strikes me as a something more than a big decision. I know it may well be better for the game AND better for Cryptic's other projects at the same time, but it still strikes me as going a little too far in looking for success.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



They cut Rick Dakan loose (didn't he pre-date Jack?) and they also completely changed the AT system from design to go-live, so in the past they've shown that they are willing to make big directional changes. Be interesting to see where they go in the future and how successful they are.

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True, they have, but from what I've understood, it's always been for the good of their creations. Abandoning City of Heroes to other people (which is what this is) still strikes me as a something more than a big decision. I know it may well be better for the game AND better for Cryptic's other projects at the same time, but it still strikes me as going a little too far in looking for success.

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Which is exactly why the game's probably going to crash and burn.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Which is exactly why the game's probably going to crash and burn.

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That doesn't make sense. The game's being moved over to a better place with more money and with the entire development team still in tact, under management that promises not to meddle. If that's what makes games fail, then just what in the name of Cake makes them succeed?

Furthermore, I did note in the piece you quoted that this move is most likely GOOD for the game. Cryptic obviously (an' it shows) didn't put all their effort towards CoH. Things like "it would take too long" and "we'd need to cut other things, then" tell me exactly that. Expanding the development team is what usually solves these problems, so that's good as well.

No, what I said is that I'm surprised that Cryptic in general and Jack in particular would be willing to let go their baby, the game that "made" them, to focus on Lord knows what else. It feels like a mistake and a cop-out on THEIR end, even if it's BETTER for the game.

I don't enjoy having my words twisted into DOOOM!!! when I clearly said quite the opposite.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.