NCSoft acquires "City of" Franchise!




So the game has "Gone to the British-es"?!

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Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!




Well, if Robert is short for Richard, I guess.

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Robert who? Richard Garriot is who we're talking about, here.

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Robert is Richard's older brother. He co-founded Origin Systems, and is president and CEO of NCsoft-North America. (Richard is Executive Producer.)

P.S.: it's in the back of your game manual.



Ppppfft who reads those?

I don't think I would have connected them, actually, because ... well, like I said, never heard of the guy until recently. Plus, you know how tiny the print is in that book!? My old eyes! They ache!

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



So, you're hiring more programmers you say? *brushes up his resume*

[/ QUOTE ]I'd totally do the same... if I weren't still in college... in another state... and the jobs weren't in Cali...



And what does Garriot have to do with COH? Nothing, so... shrug on that one.

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Oddly enough back in alpha Garriot was the NCSoft manager overseeing the City of Heroes development by Cryptic. Then he went off to develop TR.

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Interesting. I don't remember him being involved. I do remember Gaffer from the CoH beta boards. He was the NCSoft producer during beta.



Everything I need to know about this company and how they feel about their fans/customers is summed up by this announcement and thread. That is, they were open and honest and explained what was going on, and then they actually are on the boards late at night answering what they knew would be a #$%*storm of pessimism from some people. Imagine how many companies would have made a change like this quietly, behind the scenes, with only rumors trickling out to the players. I think NCSoft is pretty awesome.

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Good point. I was thinking the same thing earlier tonight when I first started reading the zillions of posts on the buyout. The community folks are really handling this well.

From my experience, a lot of companies would have let players read about the buyout on a gaming news site and only stepped in to do damage control once customers went nuts on the forums.

Great job, Lighthouse and Ex!




Speaking as an old-timer from way-back when CoH was merely a dev forum---with reams of speculation and excitement over at least 3 years; and then on into Beta1, live launch and all these years later, I must say my initial reaction was a mixture of anxiety, dread and nostalgia at this announcement.


I'm fearful and hopeful all at the same time.

I'm afraid that things will change for the worst--creative control, overall success, future development. Ex's answers, while greatly appreciated, are couched in familiar ubiquitous jargon typical of all mega-corps and presidential campaigners. It's corp-talk, plain and simple. No help for it but to wait and see what happens.

I'm hoping that this dramatic, staccato change in ownership will mean we players can finally see a great many of the 'features' we've been asking for since Beta1---and you all know what they are: PC being one of the foremost, etc and so on.

I don't like radical changes disturbing my online gaming. I dislike very much any hint of uncertainty as well. Because of Sony and what they did to SWG, et al, I cannot help but demonstrate a serious dread---which I hope will be completely unfounded and transformed.

Until I see definite signs that Co* is going down, I'll be around.





Speaking as an old-timer from way-back when CoH was merely a dev forum---with reams of speculation and excitement over at least 3 years; and then on into Beta1, live launch and all these years later, I must say my initial reaction was a mixture of anxiety, dread and nostalgia at this announcement.


I'm fearful and hopeful all at the same time.

I'm afraid that things will change for the worst--creative control, overall success, future development. Ex's answers, while greatly appreciated, are couched in familiar ubiquitous jargon typical of all mega-corps and presidential campaigners. It's corp-talk, plain and simple. No help for it but to wait and see what happens.

I'm hoping that this dramatic, staccato change in ownership will mean we players can finally see a great many of the 'features' we've been asking for since Beta1---and you all know what they are: PC being one of the foremost, etc and so on.

I don't like radical changes disturbing my online gaming. I dislike very much any hint of uncertainty as well. Because of Sony and what they did to SWG, et al, I cannot help but demonstrate a serious dread---which I hope will be completely unfounded and transformed.

Until I see definite signs that Co* is going down, I'll be around.


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Ummm... radical change? Staccato change?

That's a terrible mischaracterization of what just happened. One party that had 50% now has 100% control. How is that radical or staccato?

The developer team that has worked on the game will still be working on it for at least the next year. How is that radical or staccato?

It's hard put to think of a change of ownership that is less radical or staccato.

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He did much more outside of MMO's before the internet started beccoming popular I mean, iconic stuff. Stuff that, without it, we might not be here today like this... So...

I kind of feel like he's Jack Kirby. With me, I don't *like* Kirby's art. But I freely acknowledge the huge contribution to the industry that he made. And please: before someone pipes up with "who is Jack Kirby" just go look it up and don't embarrass yourself

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How is it possible someone, anyone doesn't like Jack "King" Kirby's art? That really freaks me out...





He did much more outside of MMO's before the internet started beccoming popular I mean, iconic stuff. Stuff that, without it, we might not be here today like this... So...

I kind of feel like he's Jack Kirby. With me, I don't *like* Kirby's art. But I freely acknowledge the huge contribution to the industry that he made. And please: before someone pipes up with "who is Jack Kirby" just go look it up and don't embarrass yourself

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How is it possible someone, anyone doesn't like Jack "King" Kirby's art? That really freaks me out...



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Clearly he must be a witch.




Speaking as an old-timer from way-back when CoH was merely a dev forum---with reams of speculation and excitement over at least 3 years; and then on into Beta1, live launch and all these years later, I must say my initial reaction was a mixture of anxiety, dread and nostalgia at this announcement.


I'm fearful and hopeful all at the same time.

I'm afraid that things will change for the worst--creative control, overall success, future development. Ex's answers, while greatly appreciated, are couched in familiar ubiquitous jargon typical of all mega-corps and presidential campaigners. It's corp-talk, plain and simple. No help for it but to wait and see what happens.

I'm hoping that this dramatic, staccato change in ownership will mean we players can finally see a great many of the 'features' we've been asking for since Beta1---and you all know what they are: PC being one of the foremost, etc and so on.

I don't like radical changes disturbing my online gaming. I dislike very much any hint of uncertainty as well. Because of Sony and what they did to SWG, et al, I cannot help but demonstrate a serious dread---which I hope will be completely unfounded and transformed.

Until I see definite signs that Co* is going down, I'll be around.


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Ummm... radical change? Staccato change?

That's a terrible mischaracterization of what just happened. One party that had 50% now has 100% control. How is that radical or staccato?

The developer team that has worked on the game will still be working on it for at least the next year. How is that radical or staccato?

It's hard put to think of a change of ownership that is less radical or staccato.

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While the mechanics of the 'change' could hardly (apparently, from the information) be characterized as I suggest, the change itself strikes me so. That, alone, is the source of my anxiety.

I freely admit (and did so) that my reactions are probably groundless---but I intend to adopt a 'wait and see' mode for now.

That's it. No prophecies of doom, etc. Just a simple 'wait and see'.




He did much more outside of MMO's before the internet started beccoming popular I mean, iconic stuff. Stuff that, without it, we might not be here today like this... So...

I kind of feel like he's Jack Kirby. With me, I don't *like* Kirby's art. But I freely acknowledge the huge contribution to the industry that he made. And please: before someone pipes up with "who is Jack Kirby" just go look it up and don't embarrass yourself

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How is it possible someone, anyone doesn't like Jack "King" Kirby's art? That really freaks me out...



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Clearly he must be a witch.

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She, first

Me and Jack Kirby go way back. I ran a comic store for 13 years, here in Sunny San Diego - the site of the world's biggest (western, not manga) comic Convention. Where Jack was the guest of honor for many years, and I did get to at least meet him through a crowd one time.

I ... really don't like the 'constructed of square blocks' school of art that he used, but the "kirbyesque" style of 'comic fx bling' will always be some of my favorite stuff. His characters, stories, all kind of fun but ... I just don't like the art. It's like if you don't like a particular kind of pizza, shouldn't make you an outcast in a pizza party, right? Just get half without

Well - me and Jack, though... There's this horrible story. Back when my store was thriving my boss would hold auctions in the stores to get people in and spending money. We had this piece, it was an uncut sheet of trading cards on chromium stuff of the Topps comic venture that Kirby did for them.

No one was bidding on this.
So I, in my infinite wisdom, made the comment, "people, it's Jack Kirby. He's like 75 and has cancer, he's not long for the world. Bid on it!"

.... That was a saturday sale.

He was dead at around 2 in the morning Sunday I believe. So... Yah. I killed Jack Kirby and I've never lived it down. True story. So I try not to mention other people in the industry for fear that the words will come true. :/

Honest and true: ask my friends if you think I'm kiddin. I killed the man. It wasn't because I disliked his art!! nooo! o.o

*runs away*

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



He did much more outside of MMO's before the internet started beccoming popular I mean, iconic stuff. Stuff that, without it, we might not be here today like this... So...

I kind of feel like he's Jack Kirby. With me, I don't *like* Kirby's art. But I freely acknowledge the huge contribution to the industry that he made. And please: before someone pipes up with "who is Jack Kirby" just go look it up and don't embarrass yourself

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How is it possible someone, anyone doesn't like Jack "King" Kirby's art? That really freaks me out...



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Clearly he must be a witch.

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She, first

Me and Jack Kirby go way back. I ran a comic store for 13 years, here in Sunny San Diego - the site of the world's biggest (western, not manga) comic Convention. Where Jack was the guest of honor for many years, and I did get to at least meet him through a crowd one time.

I ... really don't like the 'constructed of square blocks' school of art that he used, but the "kirbyesque" style of 'comic fx bling' will always be some of my favorite stuff. His characters, stories, all kind of fun but ... I just don't like the art. It's like if you don't like a particular kind of pizza, shouldn't make you an outcast in a pizza party, right? Just get half without

Well - me and Jack, though... There's this horrible story. Back when my store was thriving my boss would hold auctions in the stores to get people in and spending money. We had this piece, it was an uncut sheet of trading cards on chromium stuff of the Topps comic venture that Kirby did for them.

No one was bidding on this.
So I, in my infinite wisdom, made the comment, "people, it's Jack Kirby. He's like 75 and has cancer, he's not long for the world. Bid on it!"

.... That was a saturday sale.

He was dead at around 2 in the morning Sunday I believe. So... Yah. I killed Jack Kirby and I've never lived it down. True story. So I try not to mention other people in the industry for fear that the words will come true. :/

Honest and true: ask my friends if you think I'm kiddin. I killed the man. It wasn't because I disliked his art!! nooo! o.o

*runs away*

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First you lie, by saying your a girl. We all know there are no girls on the internet. And double no girls that like comic books and super heros.

Then you say you hate pizza.

And now...

You kill Jack Kirby.

For this... there can be no other recourse.

The_Zekiran must die.

*gets pitchfork/torch combo kit*



Ooh, torchfork! Gotta get me one of those for burning stabby fun.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



@.@ also, what is the name of the new studio.. its logo, and will the cryptic logo remain on the loading screen?

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If they are "Norcal" enough, I hope it includes the State of Jefferson outline

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



this individual will be responsible for creating and balancing all the powers used by both players and AI enemies in the game, using in-house systems and tools. Also required is the creation of any and all enemies and combatants used within the game world.

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So does this mean goodbye to Castle?



So does this mean goodbye to Castle?

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Im pretty sure those are all in addition to whose already with us. Meaning the family is growing rather than getting replaced. They said everyone to the man pretty much shifted over after all. So the teams getting bigger, and that'll mean more work gets done faster.



I am going to show restraint and say this.. and only this.

Events within the past year or so have made me unwilling to trust NCSoft as far as I could throw Lighthouse.

Considering a DnD quiz I took says I have a strength of 9.. that isn't going to be very far at all.



I'm going to wait and see how this pans out before I pass judgement as to whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Which has pretty much been my approach to every major change in this game... and here I am still...



I'm going to wait too, of course, but that doesn't mean I trust NCSoft.

At the very least we still have a few issues to go before they can get rolling I bet. Maybe I will actually have a 50 by then?

(Fat chance but hey.. I can dream)



I saw the word "sequels" in the press release, so i'm automatically intrigued.....

Thank you Cryptic, for all you've done.
Best of luck to those not coming along to continue the ride.

All hail our NCSoft overlords!!



I'm curious about this statment here
Now back to you, the players. You are the lifeblood of our game. In celebration of our new studio and our exciting plans, and in order to thank you for the fantastic community that you have built, we are pleased to announce the following.

Full Access to City of Heroes and City of Villains®
All players with City of Heroes retail* accounts will now have access to City of Villains, and all City of Villains retail* accounts will now have access to City of Heroes. Players that didn't previously have access to "the other side" will find that they do now. Just log in to check it out!

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What about those of us that paid for both games? Do we get some sort of extra bone here? Some of us bought multiple copies of both games.

Anyway, everything else seems nice. I wait to see what else the new management brings t the table.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho




Those who paid for access to both, keep 12 slots
Those who gain access via this announcemnt keep 8

no one loses or gains anything that way.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



I'm curious about this statment here
Now back to you, the players. You are the lifeblood of our game. In celebration of our new studio and our exciting plans, and in order to thank you for the fantastic community that you have built, we are pleased to announce the following.

Full Access to City of Heroes and City of Villains®
All players with City of Heroes retail* accounts will now have access to City of Villains, and all City of Villains retail* accounts will now have access to City of Heroes. Players that didn't previously have access to "the other side" will find that they do now. Just log in to check it out!

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What about those of us that paid for both games? Do we get some sort of extra bone here? Some of us bought multiple copies of both games.

Anyway, everything else seems nice. I wait to see what else the new management brings t the table.

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Well...there was mention of "sekrit plans" they had hoped to reveal today but couldnt for one reason or another...So who knows...*ooooweeeeooooo*

Im remaining optimistically pessimistic myself. Im always wary of games I enjoy being acquisitioned by companies other than that made them (Ive lived through one too many SoE acquisitions to say im not jaded and bitter). All that said though, theres nothing they've announced thats made me directly leery of whats happened. Actually, alot of what they've said has lessened my immediate panic at the news.

From the looks of things, and admittedly this is just my opinion. The only thing thats changing is we're losing a name and logo on the website. We're keeping our dev team and red-names, adding more, and its not a two-company joint publication and whatnot anymore.

So I too will "wait and see", but im optimistic that my pessimistic side is wrong about wanting to call DOOOOOOOOOOM on this just yet.



I keep seeing people laud the last year of development. I am not seeing it. Where are the new zones for the core user base of PVE people. Where is the new content for people like myself that actually LIKE the last 10 levels of the game?

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Revamped Faultline (for levels 15-25).

Revamped RCS-->RWZ (for levels 35-50), including the Pylon/Mothership raid (for level 50, and SKed 40+).

Revamped Hamidon encounter/raid (for level 45-50.

LRSF and STF (for level 45-50, IIRC).

Coming soon: Ouroboros TFs, missions, and flashback (for levels 25-50).

I loathe NCsoft. Every single game they touch focuses on loot and PVP. Guess where we've been focusing the past 6 issues.

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... you do realise, NCSoft has been part of CoX from before there was an Alpha test, right?

The "old" CoH staff didn't keep repeating the same tired canned paragraphs and sentences. I LIKED the occasional "unprofessional" remark from States, et al.

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Other than statesman ... the "old" crew and the "new" crew are one and the same.

The only thing that is changing is, the Cryptic logo and name will no longer be attached to the City of ___ franchise.