NCSoft acquires "City of" Franchise!




And what does Garriot have to do with COH? Nothing, so... shrug on that one.

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Oddly enough back in alpha Garriot was the NCSoft manager overseeing the City of Heroes development by Cryptic. Then he went off to develop TR.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

List of Invention Guides



And what does Garriot have to do with COH? Nothing, so... shrug on that one.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oddly enough back in alpha Garriot was the NCSoft manager overseeing the City of Heroes development by Cryptic. Then he went off to develop TR.

[/ QUOTE ]

I see, I did not know that.

.... I wonder if had I known he was making a penny off me, I might not have ... bought the game? o.o Hm.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



And what does Garriot have to do with COH? Nothing, so... shrug on that one.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oddly enough back in alpha Garriot was the NCSoft manager overseeing the City of Heroes development by Cryptic. Then he went off to develop TR.

[/ QUOTE ]

OH! NOW I remember him!

He was always a cool guy, as I recall. ... I wondered what happened to him



And what does Garriot have to do with COH? Nothing, so... shrug on that one.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oddly enough back in alpha Garriot was the NCSoft manager overseeing the City of Heroes development by Cryptic. Then he went off to develop TR.

[/ QUOTE ]

OH! NOW I remember him!

He was always a cool guy, as I recall. ... I wondered what happened to him

[/ QUOTE ]

o.o You're .... joking, right? Garriot? Please tell me you're joking... I mean about the not knowing - I didn't realize he was actually still producing games, but I bought pretty much half the Ultima line and all that jazz. That's why it surprised me to learn this. Meh, learn something new every day or something. I think I've learned plenty today. My brain is full.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



And what does Garriot have to do with COH? Nothing, so... shrug on that one.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oddly enough back in alpha Garriot was the NCSoft manager overseeing the City of Heroes development by Cryptic. Then he went off to develop TR.

[/ QUOTE ]

I see, I did not know that.

.... I wonder if had I known he was making a penny off me, I might not have ... bought the game? o.o Hm.

[/ QUOTE ]

That translates into... he wasn't the prime devoloper but his opinion carried weight. So he had input into the shape of the game. The cryptic team had more input but NCSoft through Garriot had input into it as well.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

List of Invention Guides



I just hope he keeps his head in TR for a while. Because that one review of it (and him) is soooo dead on lol.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



And what does Garriot have to do with COH? Nothing, so... shrug on that one.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oddly enough back in alpha Garriot was the NCSoft manager overseeing the City of Heroes development by Cryptic. Then he went off to develop TR.

[/ QUOTE ]

OH! NOW I remember him!

He was always a cool guy, as I recall. ... I wondered what happened to him

[/ QUOTE ]

o.o You're .... joking, right? Garriot? Please tell me you're joking... I mean about the not knowing - I didn't realize he was actually still producing games, but I bought pretty much half the Ultima line and all that jazz. That's why it surprised me to learn this. Meh, learn something new every day or something. I think I've learned plenty today. My brain is full.

[/ QUOTE ]

I must admit to not having a clue to whoo he was until a couple weeks age and even then I only knew about his TR work. CoH was my first MMO so anything before that is lost to history.



For those interested in gainful gaming employment, check out the NCsoft North America Jobs Listing. Positions for "Mountain View" would be in our newly formed NCsoft NorCal Studio.


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*BOGGLE* ...why would they need a 2D/Concept, and "Powers Designer"? Those 2 alone implies ambitions for a lot more New-New content than we've gotten in years. The list taken as a whole is staggering and I have a hard time believing all those resources would be going to Co(X).

[/ QUOTE ]

Paid expansion? Yeah, I think so.

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It's possible that NorCal will become the site of development of new NCSoft products. Most development studios have several irons in the fire.

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Given that the Stratics article (see Community Digest for linkage) mentions that the development team for City Of will be doubled or tripled I think a paid expansion (say, City of Spies, Galaxy of Heroes, etc) of some kind is the most likely path.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



He did much more outside of MMO's before the internet started beccoming popular I mean, iconic stuff. Stuff that, without it, we might not be here today like this... So...

I kind of feel like he's Jack Kirby. With me, I don't *like* Kirby's art. But I freely acknowledge the huge contribution to the industry that he made. And please: before someone pipes up with "who is Jack Kirby" just go look it up and don't embarrass yourself

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



And what does Garriot have to do with COH? Nothing, so... shrug on that one.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oddly enough back in alpha Garriot was the NCSoft manager overseeing the City of Heroes development by Cryptic. Then he went off to develop TR.

[/ QUOTE ]

OH! NOW I remember him!

He was always a cool guy, as I recall. ... I wondered what happened to him

[/ QUOTE ]

o.o You're .... joking, right? Garriot? Please tell me you're joking... I mean about the not knowing - I didn't realize he was actually still producing games, but I bought pretty much half the Ultima line and all that jazz. That's why it surprised me to learn this. Meh, learn something new every day or something. I think I've learned plenty today. My brain is full.

[/ QUOTE ]

It never really clicked in my head that it was THAT Garriot.

Now I feel dumb...



I for one am excited by the idea that this merger of sorts will open several doors for the Co* franchise! The bonuses being given to current players is also a major plus and I thank you!

One question Ex...

How long should we expect to wait for some of the "sekrit" plans that are going to come from this purchase to get announced?

I know you said that we would start seeing big effects in around 6 months, but as far as announcing what NCSofts plans are, how long are we going to be waiting to hear any further details?


[/ QUOTE ]

We had one sekrit plan we wanted to announce today, but it wasn't ready...


[/ QUOTE ]coh is going to be showing reruns of heroes and lost?



There are two Garriots.

One is Lord British, he who pwnz noobz in Tabula Rasa.

The other is the NCSoft bossman.

The More You Know



There are two Garriots.

One is Lord British, he who pwnz noobz in Tabula Rasa.

The other is the NCSoft bossman.

The More You Know

[/ QUOTE ]

I do believe he has you flummoxed. For they are ONE IN THE SAME, NUBZOR!!

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I for one am excited by the idea that this merger of sorts will open several doors for the Co* franchise! The bonuses being given to current players is also a major plus and I thank you!

One question Ex...

How long should we expect to wait for some of the "sekrit" plans that are going to come from this purchase to get announced?

I know you said that we would start seeing big effects in around 6 months, but as far as announcing what NCSofts plans are, how long are we going to be waiting to hear any further details?


[/ QUOTE ]

We had one sekrit plan we wanted to announce today, but it wasn't ready...


[/ QUOTE ]coh is going to be showing reruns of heroes and lost?

[/ QUOTE ]They're implementing The Big Red Ball for I11?

In the Arena of Logic, I fight unarmed.



There are two Garriots.

One is Lord British, he who pwnz noobz in Tabula Rasa.

The other is the NCSoft bossman.

The More You Know

[/ QUOTE ]

I do believe he has you flummoxed. For they are ONE IN THE SAME, NUBZOR!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, if Robert is short for Richard, I guess.



There are two Garriots.

One is Lord British, he who pwnz noobz in Tabula Rasa.

The other is the NCSoft bossman.

The More You Know

[/ QUOTE ]actually general british is a ingame avatar of richard garriot, as was lord british for the ultima series. all one man, none of which being kaiser soze



And what does Garriot have to do with COH? Nothing, so... shrug on that one.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ummm.... he owns it now.

[/ QUOTE ]

Which is why the ultimate evolution for Garriot is from Lord British to General British to ... SUPER BRITISH!

"Super British" will replace Statesman in every text statement and a new Super British model will appear. In order to fit in, Hero One will be retconned to come from, I don't know, Spain.

*Ultra British works too.




Well, if Robert is short for Richard, I guess.

[/ QUOTE ]

Robert who? Richard Garriot is who we're talking about, here.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I can think of some other names, but..... I shall refrain

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



There are two Garriots.

One is Lord British, he who pwnz noobz in Tabula Rasa.

The other is the NCSoft bossman.

The More You Know

[/ QUOTE ]actually general british is a ingame avatar of richard garriot, as was lord british for the ultima series. all one man, none of which being kaiser soze

[/ QUOTE ]

Robert and Richard Gariott are brothers.

Robert is CEO of NCSOFT North America

Richard Gariot is Lord/General British is the Ultima and Tabula Rasa guy.

Two different people. According to NCSoft's website, the brothers collectively own 4.2% of NCSoft stock.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



There are two Garriots.

One is Lord British, he who pwnz noobz in Tabula Rasa.

The other is the NCSoft bossman.

The More You Know

[/ QUOTE ]actually general british is a ingame avatar of richard garriot, as was lord british for the ultima series. all one man, none of which being kaiser soze

[/ QUOTE ]

Robert and Richard Gariott are brothers.

Robert is CEO of NCSOFT North America

Richard Gariot is Lord/General British is the Ultima and Tabula Rasa guy.

Two different people. According to NCSoft's website, the brothers collectively own 4.2% of NCSoft stock.

[/ QUOTE ]err. well, i never said richard was the bossman, just that he was general and lord british...yeah thats the ticket...and furthermore i blame zek for confusing me..yeah thats it, its her fault /runs away



HEY! I didn't even know there WAS a guy named Robert until about 10 minutes ago

Though what the hell he's doing running around loose in the devs cages I don't know.... I would have assumed - like most of us - that it was RICHARD that would do such things, since he is not the astronaut and instead the game designer... fair?

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



So the game has "Gone to the British-es"?!