161 -
I am enraged that no one else is posting about commissions!
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, we can't have THAT.
I'm always taking commissions, and I'm currently running a sale, no less. My DA page has all ze detailz. -
Nice! Keeping the logo actually helps it a lot, IMO.
Then again, it's hard to go wrong with fire. -
Hey guys,
I'm running another sale on commissions due to unforseen money troubles (read: ROCK BAND). The sale will run for as long as there's interest, so run on over to my DA page to take a gander at prices. I've slashed 'em as low as I can, and every little bit will help.
You can PM me here, note me there, or drop me an email at the addy in the post if you're interested or have any questions. -
Man, I love going after Lusca and other GMs.
... of course, my friends on Virtue are aware of how much I freakin' LOVE to run the Positron Task Force, so take that as you will. -
Hey guys!
Money is crazy tight in the Dart household, so in addition to my regular commissions, I've just picked up a few boxes of blank postcards which I'm offering up for pieces as well. You can find full details over on my DeviantArt page, as well as samples of my work.
If you've ever wanted a 4"x6" drawing of the character of your choice sent to you via the post, now's the time! You can PM me here or note me on DA for more info. -
*wipes mouth with napkin*
They really are - my brother sent me a big ol' variety box and they are ridiculously good. Also: bonus wooden box for storing my stray markers and pencils in! (Once Su and I finish all the chocolate, anyway.) -
Gawlsh dabbit, Fu, now wut wiwl da mod eef?
O rly?
You can have some of my cake today, Brandon, if I can have some of yours tomorrow. -
Congratulations on the shiny shiny diploma!
In addition to the two commissions I just put up, there are a few new pieces in my scraps gallery. I don't know if any of you guys watch peoples' scraps - I may be the only freak on earth who watches them religiously out of an intense love of seeing progress work and messy scribblings - so I thought I'd better call some attention to 'em!
Commission numbar tew is down! Or.. up!
Second to the plate is The Lone Star, who was a fun challenge to draw.
These are the Low Res, Hey You Didn't Pay Me Gobs O' Cash For These versions. They've both got insanely enormous ones suitable for printing. AS IT SHOULD BE. They were both wonderful, patient clients, and I hope to be so lucky as to get to work with them again sometime in the future.
Sale's still on 'til New Years, folks, and I've got a lot of sketchbook left! -
All great designs - I adore The Great Briton in particular. I also dig Manphibian. So nice to see someone else using the Galactic Goggles!
Though, I have to say that - as an artist - while Dee Jay does look great... the level of detail involved in his costume is making my hand hurt, and I haven't even been asked to draw him. -
That's one down! Many thanks to Yusaku - Solarkinetic is insanely fun to draw.
If you've got a 360, Juggs, totally do. I've heard a lot of people complain about the game - the controls, the content, the usual junk - but I've honestly /never/ experienced any of the problems they have.
Besides, how many games let you Parkour through Jerusalem? -
I dig it.
About the only thing I'd suggest is maybe changing the color of the visor to change things up a li'l. It looks groovy as-is, but putting a little (for example) gold in there could make it look truly Sweet. -
The proportions all look good to me. Lookin' forward to seeing this when it's all done! -
Anything that isn't Just Standing There In A Static, Lifeless Manner. :>
It depends on the commissioner.
Sometimes, I love it when they're very specific about what they want. Poses, for example. But 9/10ths of the time, the poses they want? Are SO. FREAKING. BORING. And I end up spending the entire piece wishing they'd just told me to have fun with it. :> -
The best way to learn to draw for free is... well... to draw.
Draw every day, even if it's nothing showable. Go to the park or the mall and draw the people that you see. Draw the stuff on your desk.
Drawwwwwww. -
Mmmm. Gnoooomon. Can't recommend those things highly enough. Nomnomnomnomnom!
Also high on my list: Burne Hogarth, and Anatomy for the Artist. -
Rock on, Flame. I look forward to hearing from ya.
Su's a fella almost always mistaken for a girl by our online friends - even after we've told them otherwise.
I've got the opposite situation on my hands.