Artsy Dartsy 2, Electric Boogaloo




Hey keeds!

After a long, long, financially-dictated absence, I have retoined. And so has my wacom tablet. I had a bit of time to kill this afternoon and did a piece for myself, albeit one very heavily influenced by a Superman image by Pasqual Ferry, one of my favorite current comic artists. Using him as a guide, I think I've finally found the right way to accurately show Dart's size. That's been very difficult for me in the past - I'm still workin' on drawing mahscles.

Here's the piece, and here's the rest of my site, which has a smattering of new pieces since my last visit here.

And now, the hawking. *cues up home shopping network music*

The Student Loan People knocking on my door means that while I can't take any freebie requests, I can entertain paying work. So, if anybody is interested, please feel free to PM me or get ahold of me via the email link on my site. I'm tired of drawing elves. I miss drawing comic books. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope!



looks nice and glad your back .



Glad to be back, your scarfiness.



YAY dart !

I has been missing you !



I feel lurved!

I missed you guys, too.



Some more new stuff's gone up today - three CoH pieces amongst them. I'm extremely proud of the two new shots of Dart ( here and here ) and finally feel like I'm making a little bit of progress towards my dream of Not Sucking.

BONUS MST3K SKETCH ORDER NOW! You know you want me, baby!



more dart art coming soon



Thanks, Warface. Those two pieces were a LOT of fun to do - which makes me happy, because I was in a rut for a long time where art wasn't fun anymore. WHEW.

ALSO! Just signed myself up as a Deviant. Come welcome me to the neighborhood, gang!



Thanks, Warface. Those two pieces were a LOT of fun to do - which makes me happy, because I was in a rut for a long time where art wasn't fun anymore. WHEW.

ALSO! Just signed myself up as a Deviant. Come welcome me to the neighborhood, gang!

[/ QUOTE ]
You know the only guy who could play the voice of Dart is .....whats his name.........the boyfriend of Elaine on Seinfeld "David Puddy"

View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here:
my email



PATRICK WARBURTON! Aaahahahaha I hadn't even thought of that. XD

Dart's an Englishman, but surely Brock Samson can pretend. Just for me.



Today was insane - unexpectedly had to take my mom to the doctor since she couldn't drive herself (silly meds), so my day didn't really get started 'til 5pm! I blasted through my classwork and then did this piece in about 30-40mins.

This is Su-Lin.

I don't draw Su's characters nearly often enough, which is a shame. Maybe this will have the side effect of helping him do well on the test he's currently taking. Success would mean Very Good Things for us. Please cross your fingers for him!

Now, to go put up a dA journal entry with all of my commission information. EXCELSIOR.



Yay, Welcome Back Dart.

I thought I saw Su-lin a while ago.




Su's definitely around - both on the boards, and on Virtue. We've been storming the cas--I mean, raiding the mothership in the RWZ pretty often since we got back. It's more fun than I'd expected!

Right now, though, Su's MIA for a few days for that mysterious test. Ooooweeeeeoooooo.



*crosses fingers for the both of you*

Nice art, by the way!



Thank you, and thank you!



I'm watching you now...





Welcome back. Great stuff, keep it coming.



Thanks and thanks!

I'm hoping I can do at least one piece a day, whether it's a full color piece or just a sketch. Hopefully, inspiration won't run out on me.

Having some time to get back into the actual game might be cool, though.



Glad to be back!

And yes, Warface, it's work-safe. Closest I'll ever come to posting NWS stuff is limited to life drawing.