Discussion: Game Update on Sept. 11th

Aliana Blue



I would tend to agree with the poster above...maybe the patch notes should be posted when the servers are taken down to be patched, since the patch is deployed then. Seems like a lot of the time it's quite a while after the servers are up that the notes finally appear.



OOOOoooo....! I'm guessing a tutorial?



Well, the /ignore_spammer command is definitely live.



/bind ] ignore_spammer $target



Great patch.... oh yea btw Wentworths is down....

now can we have another patch to bring it back up?

Im rich because you trust the previous 5 bids!!
My market signature is the highest bid!!!!




9.11.07 Version 15.20070813.4T

New Anti Chat-Spam Command

This version includes a new chat command.


By using this command, a user will let our customer support know that they consider the person they added to their ignore list as one that is “spamming.” For example, if a player receives an in-game tell advertising for a real money trade web site, they can use the /ignore_spammer command, followed by the name of the character they received this advertisement tell from to put them on ignore.

Ideally, the user can then follow up with a /petition to also let us know of the disruptive behavior via that method.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yay, great patch, but...now I am confused. Why the need for the additional /petition? Isn't that duplicating the same effect of the /ignore_spammer command?





By using this command, a user will let our customer support know that they consider the person they added to their ignore list as one that is “spamming.” For example, if a player receives an in-game tell advertising for a real money trade web site, they can use the /ignore_spammer command, followed by the name of the character they received this advertisement tell from to put them on ignore.

Ideally, the user can then follow up with a /petition to also let us know of the disruptive behavior via that method.

[/ QUOTE ]

THANK you!!!

Although I would suggest that maybe the /ignore_spammer be followed behind the scenes by an automatic /petition command instead of having the user to do both.

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What is the difference between this and just /ignore?



This automatically alerts CS, despite the seemingly redundant suggestion to /petition as well.



This automatically alerts CS, despite the seemingly redundant suggestion to /petition as well.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, if you follow up with a petition where you can add details about what happened, it will greatly help Customer Support to address the situation properly. While the /ignore_spammer command is helpful in letting CS know there is an issue, without additional input, they can be blind as to the extent of your complaint about the spamming or the nature of it.

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



is the fact that WW is actally down as anything to see with this update?



/bind ] ignore_spammer $target

[/ QUOTE ]

How do you get the spammer in your targeting reticle?

[/ QUOTE ]

Who said this bind was for spammers?



Best. Slashcommand. Ever.

...next to the teabag emote



I'm glad the dev team responded to something a lot of players have been asking for recently. It shows you guys are actually listening to your player base. Another reason I'm a Co* diehard!



/bind ] ignore_spammer $target

[/ QUOTE ]

How do you get the spammer in your targeting reticle?

[/ QUOTE ]

Who said this bind was for spammers?

[/ QUOTE ]
Best command ever...

... if you want to get yourself banned



I don't like it. It's inevitable that someone will use it to accuse someone of being a spammer just because they don't like that person. Then, CS is going to have to waste the time to verify it, find out that it's not true, then the reporter gets away scot-free.

No, ignoring spammers isn't the solution. Getting rid of them at the source is.

"Your voice holds the key to your society
Expose the ones that want to **** it up for you and me
No more of settling for what they feed
The time has come to put the pressure up against the greed"
- Senser, "Resistance Now"



My question is whether or not the command will ignore all heroes attached to the global handle.

THEN it will be truly useful.



I don't like it. It's inevitable that someone will use it to accuse someone of being a spammer just because they don't like that person. Then, CS is going to have to waste the time to verify it, find out that it's not true, then the reporter gets away scot-free.

No, ignoring spammers isn't the solution. Getting rid of them at the source is.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's not anything new. There is already a a way to report people for spam and a way to ignore people. This just ties ignore+report together in one step.

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Pooka Pete



Then, CS is going to have to waste the time to verify it, find out that it's not true, then the reporter gets away scot-free.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why do you think the reporter would get away scot-free?

I have no doubt they keep records of this kind of thing - and if they can't find anything that proves you were spamming, then CS notes it in the reporter's file. They do this to you, or other people, enough times, and they get in trouble. Or, if they are stupid enough to report you after harassing you, then CS goes and in and finds that out, they just get themselves in trouble.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Actually, if you follow up with a petition where you can add details about what happened, it will greatly help Customer Support to address the situation properly. While the /ignore_spammer command is helpful in letting CS know there is an issue, without additional input, they can be blind as to the extent of your complaint about the spamming or the nature of it.

[/ QUOTE ]

The thing about the petition command, though, is that it really doesn't support details. The input limits are about long enough to express only the basics, such as being stuck or something like that. It's really wholly inadequate for a situation that needs extended details, like a bug report. So what you have to do is file the petition, then after getting the email with the petition #, go to the support website, open your ticket, and append the details. Honestly, I'd much rather be able to give good information in the first place.

Increasing the character input limit by 3 or 4 times for petitions would be very helpful.



So who's gonna take the bets on how long b4 they take this out after every noob and there dog abuses it



sounds great, but when they gonna fix the base guest bug?

when someone is teamed with you they can't seem to enter your base



This automatically alerts CS, despite the seemingly redundant suggestion to /petition as well.

[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, if you follow up with a petition where you can add details about what happened, it will greatly help Customer Support to address the situation properly. While the /ignore_spammer command is helpful in letting CS know there is an issue, without additional input, they can be blind as to the extent of your complaint about the spamming or the nature of it.

[/ QUOTE ]

For reporting spammers, I always /ignore, /gignore, then "/petition spam". In the petition, I generally say something along the lines of "character name jkkkxqul, global name @jkkkxqul, is spamming for www.website.com, an RMT website." I try to check harassment/conduct, but sometimes I forget. Anyway, as I understand it, 2/3 of the information that I can provide gets reported using /ignore_spammer, and the other third (the specific website) is easy enough to dig up with a cursory inspection of the chat logs. Since I have so very little to add, it would make me feel like a total tool clogging up the intar-tubes with an extra /petition, so I imagine I won't.

Besides, the 30 seconds it takes to write a /petition is the most annoying part of RMT spam. Shortening that down to one command really helps nearly as much as actually successfully getting rid of them would.



So who's gonna take the bets on how long b4 they take this out after every noob and there dog abuses it

[/ QUOTE ]
It's not like this changes anything. Noobs and their precocious dogs abuse regular /petition quite a bit already.

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