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  1. Malimar

    Amy's Ward

    This happened to me once on the final mission of the ITF.
    I also summoned Amy on the Spelunker mission solo since then, and she worked just fine there.
    Make of that what you will.
  2. Arc Name: Dusk's Domain
    Arc ID: 97982
    Faction: Circle of Thorns, Demons
    Creator Global/Forum Name: @malimar/Malimar
    Difficulty Level: Very hard (pack breakfrees)
    Duration: Three long missions
    Synopsis: A powerful archdemoness threatens the world, and you must defeat her on her own turf before she does anything unfortunate.
  3. I could never stick with any stalkers. If my character is going to be transparent, I want a reason for him to be transparent. Thus, my first real stalker was a ghost. One of them French ghost pirates, in fact. Behold:

    Dead Jim
  4. A note about alt-tabbing: I've found that using alt-tab with City of Heroes works much better when you run it in Windowed mode (found under the graphics tab under options, it has a list of resolutions to set to, one of which is "Windowed"). Full-screen mode will give me a slight delay on each alt-tab as the computer switches resolutions or whatever it's doing, and switching to windowed mode makes it much smoother and allows the kind of frequent alt-tabbing that Philotic describes. Plus CoH won't minimize if I alt-tab while it's in windowed mode, so I can keep looking at the game even if there are smaller windows on top of it.

    YMMV, other OS/hardware/software setups might work differently.
  5. Malimar


    [ QUOTE ]
    Anyone watch the Discovery Channel? Lately they've been running this great commercial for itself.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This was actually the first time I saw the original. I had seen the CoH version and at least one video based on xkcd's version, so you can imagine my confusion.

    Catchy tune, though.
  6. Banished Pantheon can also be found in the foresty area in north-east Bloody Bay at night, if you feel like dodging heroes.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    This automatically alerts CS, despite the seemingly redundant suggestion to /petition as well.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Actually, if you follow up with a petition where you can add details about what happened, it will greatly help Customer Support to address the situation properly. While the /ignore_spammer command is helpful in letting CS know there is an issue, without additional input, they can be blind as to the extent of your complaint about the spamming or the nature of it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    For reporting spammers, I always /ignore, /gignore, then "/petition spam". In the petition, I generally say something along the lines of "character name jkkkxqul, global name @jkkkxqul, is spamming for, an RMT website." I try to check harassment/conduct, but sometimes I forget. Anyway, as I understand it, 2/3 of the information that I can provide gets reported using /ignore_spammer, and the other third (the specific website) is easy enough to dig up with a cursory inspection of the chat logs. Since I have so very little to add, it would make me feel like a total tool clogging up the intar-tubes with an extra /petition, so I imagine I won't.

    Besides, the 30 seconds it takes to write a /petition is the most annoying part of RMT spam. Shortening that down to one command really helps nearly as much as actually successfully getting rid of them would.