Discussion: Game Update on Sept. 11th

Aliana Blue



Can we get one thing clarified, please. If I'm doing /ignore_spammer because of an RMT tell, is that enough to get the folks dealt with or do you really want us to send a /petition too? I can understand needing the follow-up petition for other types of "disruptive behavior", but for things as blatant as RMT tells I really don't think anything beyond /ignore_spammer should be necessary.



Can we get one thing clarified, please. If I'm doing /ignore_spammer because of an RMT tell, is that enough to get the folks dealt with or do you really want us to send a /petition too? I can understand needing the follow-up petition for other types of "disruptive behavior", but for things as blatant as RMT tells I really don't think anything beyond /ignore_spammer should be necessary.

[/ QUOTE ]

A petition to follow up, in whatever case, is always ideal.

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



Can we get one thing clarified, please. If I'm doing /ignore_spammer because of an RMT tell, is that enough to get the folks dealt with or do you really want us to send a /petition too? I can understand needing the follow-up petition for other types of "disruptive behavior", but for things as blatant as RMT tells I really don't think anything beyond /ignore_spammer should be necessary.

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A petition to follow up, in whatever case, is always ideal.

[/ QUOTE ]

Then what use do we get out of the command? Is it a global ignore where we can no longer get tells from their account or is it like /ignore and just ignores their character?



Interrogative, 'goodies'?
Salmon cakes, maybe?

[/ QUOTE ]

You said Interrogative. I used to kill Marines on the radio that said that.

"Roger Bravo......Interrogative, what time is chow coming?, OVER"

"NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!.......EAT BUGS ROBOT BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!.........out"


(jk btw )

[/ QUOTE ]

lolz...I know a lot of military folks.
Some of the crazy lingo has stuck in my head!

Repeat Offenders



Redundancy is always good for security.
Hooray for ignore_spammer



Butting in in the middle of spamming discussions...

Corrected an issue with a missing Arachnos Base Map. Players should now correctly enter the base, rather than the empty void of nothingness they may have experienced previously.

[/ QUOTE ]

Drat! I auto-completed that mission just a couple of days ago (after sending the bug report that is, and for the looks of it the /bug was unnecessary), if I had known it was going to be fixed so soon I'd have waited for the patch

Yay for bugfixes tho!

Players' Choice Awards: Best Dual-Origin Level Range Arc!

It's a new era, the era of the Mission Architect. Can you save the Universe from...

The Invasion of the Bikini-clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space? - Arc ID 61013



Thanks Dev's. This is my favorite non-Issue update ever. It's the own.



Thanks for the Ignore-Spammer option. Those tells are becoming annoying,



Can we get one thing clarified, please. If I'm doing /ignore_spammer because of an RMT tell, is that enough to get the folks dealt with or do you really want us to send a /petition too? I can understand needing the follow-up petition for other types of "disruptive behavior", but for things as blatant as RMT tells I really don't think anything beyond /ignore_spammer should be necessary.

[/ QUOTE ]

A petition to follow up, in whatever case, is always ideal.

[/ QUOTE ]

Then what use do we get out of the command? Is it a global ignore where we can no longer get tells from their account or is it like /ignore and just ignores their character?

[/ QUOTE ]Also, does it help fill up your ignore list, or is it kept separate? (obviously can't test this unless I am unlucky to be hit by a spammer)



any idea if this transfer will cost money and if so how much.



any idea if this transfer will cost money and if so how much.

[/ QUOTE ]

When this goes live, the transfers from live server to another live server will cost 10 dollars per transfer. (currently on test the transfer cost nothing) To rename a character will cost 10 dollars as well.

"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.



any idea if this transfer will cost money and if so how much.

[/ QUOTE ]Lighthouse has a FAQ out there, I think it is even still sticked in the test forum.

Recommendation - bookmark both the Dev and Community Rep digests - and read it every day. Helps keep you on top of things.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



sorry i got one more question i couldnt find on the other forum, has there been some kind of time frame when the transfer is available life a named month preferably




Nothing yet- sorry- they don't usually give out exact months just in case there is a problem- and since there is ALWAYS a problem they don't give out exact dates.

Everyone around here is hoping it goes live before the end of this month.

But no absolutes.

"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.



ya cause i really dont wanna lvl to 50 again with same toon on new server lol



sorry i got one more question i couldnt find on the other forum, has there been some kind of time frame when the transfer is available life a named month preferably

[/ QUOTE ] Most likely (no promise here) before October - if just for the Halloween event.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



sorry i got one more question i couldnt find on the other forum, has there been some kind of time frame when the transfer is available life a named month preferably

[/ QUOTE ] Most likely (no promise here) before October - if just for the Halloween event.

[/ QUOTE ]

Again...Has anyone officially announced that there is gonna be a Halloween event this year, or are we just assuming that there will be one? They haven't done it every year. Just wondering...trying not to be a downer, but it irks me when people start throwing rumors and wishes around like they are facts. It gets people's hopes up and when things don't happen, the forum is flooded with crying about something that was never announced in the first place.

If there is an announcement, or "this should be happening" response from a dev, than ignore the previous rant.

On the subject of the patch...I was in game 5 min before I got to test out the new /ignore_spammer command. Didn't get an error message, so I guess it works.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.




Again...Has anyone officially announced that there is gonna be a Halloween event this year, or are we just assuming that there will be one?

[/ QUOTE ]

I know this has been answered but I can't remember which thread so, I can't start out with "Again, yes" even though I want to.

Anyway, down in CoH General there's a thread from Mindripper where he posts everything Positron said to him at PAX. Yes, there will be a Halloween this year.



Yes it is. Thank you!



Thanks, Drake! I missed that thread somehow.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Can we get one thing clarified, please. If I'm doing /ignore_spammer because of an RMT tell, is that enough to get the folks dealt with or do you really want us to send a /petition too? I can understand needing the follow-up petition for other types of "disruptive behavior", but for things as blatant as RMT tells I really don't think anything beyond /ignore_spammer should be necessary.

[/ QUOTE ]

A petition to follow up, in whatever case, is always ideal.

[/ QUOTE ]
Which is really unideal.

I just read through this thread on the test boards to see if it had what I'm looking for, and judging from that thread and the conversation here, there seems to be some confusion about what players like myself are asking for and the clarifications you're providing, Lighthouse.

First, this is how I understand /ignore and /gignore to work. You and some others seem to misunderstand what these commands actually do. (And if I'm wrong, someone please correct me):

/ignore<ul type="square">[*]Only blocks specific character-to-character communication. [*]If I do "/ignore A Spammer", my current character will no longer receive /tells from the character named "A Spammer" and I won't see any dialog from that specific character in any of the server and zone chat channels (e.g. Help, Local, Broadcast, etc.).[*]If I switch characters, I will not be ignoring "A Spammer" on that character unless I do "/ignore A Spammer" on every character I have on that server. If "A Spammer" switches characters he will not be ignored.[*]I will still receive tells sent from that player account to my global handle (e.g. "/tell @Me") and will still hear anything that player says on any of the global chat channels I may subscribe to.[/list]
/gignore<ul type="square">[*]Only blocks handle-to-handle communication, and communication in global chat channels.[*]If I "/gignore @Spammer" then the player account with the handle @Spammer can't "/tell @Me" or talk to me on any of my global channels (e.g. Radio Freedom, or whatever), regardless of what character I may be playing or what server I'm playing on.[*]He can still send tells from any of his characters to any of my characters that are on the same server (e.g. "/tell My Character,"), and I can still see anything he types on one of his characters in any of the server chat channels (e.g. Help, Local, Broadcast, etc.).[*]If I "/gignore A Spammer" the server looks up A Spammer's global handle first, but the effect is the same. "A Spammer" is not ignored unless I explicitly "/ignore A Spammer".[*]Since I've yet to encounter or hear mention of RMT spammers using global channels or global tells, /gignore is essentially useless for blocking any RMT communication.[/list]

We have asked but not been answered if this command is doing anything that can't be done with /ignore, /gignore, and /petition. The consensus is that it's merely a shortcut for /ignore and /gignore, and flags the spammer as a possible "Disruptive" presence. Since we have been told that we should send a petition anyway, we're basically being asked to use /ignore_spammer instead of /ignore (remember "/gignore" is really not doing anything to block RMT), and then /petition.

This does not help us. Worse, it stinks of posturing (by that I mean, pretending to do something about a problem without actually doing anything, if I have the term wrong).

The tools I'd want as a players to deal reactively with this problem are:

1. A way to completely block player-to-player communication. Call it "/ignore_player" and have it work as a /gignore and an /ignore for every character created by that player account now or in the future, regardless of which character or server I am playing on. AFAICT, /ignore_spammer did not add this functionality, and so the functionality does not currently exist in the game.

2. A way to more easily /petition these folks, since it's happening so often. A command such as "/petition_spammer" that automatically opens a petition window on my client and fills it in with reasonable defaults, would work well. This way, I can easily edit the petition if needed, and do my best to ensure it's actionable, before hitting "Send Petition". If the command can include the last bit of dialog I received from the spammer or his last tell, even better. For example:

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>Petition Type: Harassment

Summary: 'A Spammer' is a spammer

Full Description: I believe the character named 'A Spammer'
on the account with the handle '@Spammer' broke the TOS with his
last communication to me: "Blah Blah Blah."</pre><hr />



Which is really unideal

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A deal that fits all?

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



There are other "behind the scenes" operations with the /ignore_spammer command. It's not posturing, it does stuff!

However, rather than elaborate on those mechanics, it's much more straightforward for the messaging to everyone to be:

"If you are receiving spam tells, rather than use /ignore or /gignore, please use /ignore_spammer to place them on ignore. Then, please follow up with a /petition to better fill our Customer Support Team in on the nature of the annoyance that led you to use the /ignore_spammer command so that we can better and more quickly address the situation."


Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.