Consolidated Power and Weapon Customization Thread




Originally Posted by Mr_Hellcat View Post
I don't know if it's been suggested anywhere in the thread, but...

Well, one of my biggest problems with some of the stronger melee attacks like Energy Melee and Super Strength is the slowness of the attacks. Now, the alternate attacks for Super Strength are good, but now there seems to be a lot of empty time or preparing to attack in the "hauling back because ZOMG this low level attack is so awesome and POWAHFULLL!!" So would it be possible to maybe make some of them a quicker attack that uses the entire existing animation time.. say some sort of combination 1-2, jab then quick but powerful uppercut, for instance?

I mean.. I'm all for people wanting to look and feel powerful, but some people prefer quickness, and even if the animation time stays the same but it's a combination attack, it could help people believe it's quicker.

Sounds like a great idea, actually. Trading a big comic-book classic windup for a combo or two would fit a lot of character concepts, and might get us one step closer to a "Street fighting" type set.

"Take the Yuan-Ti, bash them with a club made of frozen stupidity, then rip out their sense of subtlety with a rusty spoon, and then you have the Snakes of Mercy Isle" -Taltha Widowfang, drow stalker
Now playing at an MA near you: Dragonslayers #335375



Originally Posted by Garble View Post
Power Set Name: Healing Potions (Pool Power)

These powers are conceived as identical to the Medicine Power Pool but intended for the non-techies, specifically for all those magic toons who want the added benefits of the medicine power pool without the “beep, beep, beep, beeeeep” techie annoyances of the medicine set.

[u]List of Powers[u]

Healing Potion – Heals a single targeted ally. This power is interruptible.
Close, Ally Heal – same animation as Poison: Alkaloid

Smelling Salts – Frees an ally from any Immobilization, Sleep, Disorient, Hold, Fear or Confuse effects and leaves them resistant to such effects for a brief time. Protection will improve with multiple applications and as you advance in level. This power is interruptible.
Close, Ally +Res(mez) – same animation as Poison: Antidote

Self-Healing Potion – Allows you to heal yourself, you will also be wide awake and resistant to Disorient. This power is interruptible. You must be at least level 14 and have Aid Other or Stimulant before selecting Aid Self.
Self Heal, Res(Disorient) – unsure what animation to use, but does the villain temp power “Spirit Potion” have a “drinking potion” animation? If so, that’s probably the best in-game.

Elixir of Life – Revives a fallen ally, leaving him with full Hit Points, but no Endurance. The Resuscitated target will be protected from XP Debt for 15 seconds. This power is interruptible. You must be at least level 20 and have two other Medicine Powers before selecting Resuscitate.
Close, Ally Rez – same animation as Poison: Elixir of Life (can’t come up with better name than Elixir of Life)

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm hijacking this post from the new powers thread because I don't think the Devs would make a new power pool that is functionally identical to Medicine. BUT I do think the animation suggestions would work much better with the current Medicine pool for making the set seem more universal.

I think vials and flasks make a lot more sense for "Medicine" than the machine thingy that gets used now. And it works with more origins because those bottles could just as likely be full of herbs, super-serums, mutagens, nanites, or magic potions.
this idea is what I'm talking about.

I was wondering if energy powers would get new effects sets at all.
Energy always seems to be used as the "I shoot or use some stuff I just made up" set, some people make it light, some people make it Ki, some people make it Psychic blasts, some people make it super magic space juice. If any "elemental" sets need would be well suited to having some alternate "looks" to them, Energy Blast, Energy Melee, Energy Aura, Energy Assault and Energy Manipulation could stand for some variety outside the Kirby Dots. Maybe Something with concentric circles around the main beam/ arms of the user. Maybe in addition,an effect set with glowing items shooting out of the hand, like fists, orbs, blades, sheilds, walls, that type of thing.

Sure, you can argue about "hellfire" or "holy lightning" but in the case of hellfire, what, outside of some of the screaming faces from darkness, would make it look different, and not really fire. (I'd love to see a form of fire with screaming faces, btw) But "energy" could be all kinds of things, and it'd be cool to see maybe two other effect sets for the energy powers.

I was also wondering if super strength and MA could have the option to have their effects removed, unless they're necessary, like the effects on other characters to show the secondary effects. If not, I'd like if the option was there to show the animation without the effect in PVE, but not in PVP, like Regen, Willpower,Super Reflexes, And Ninjtusu. I'm already doing a fancy punch/kick/ thudnerclap, I don't always need a flash of light to indicate my attack, the knockback and stun let people my enemy know which attacks I'm using and the pain certainly do.

Also, I wonder if the Elemental Melee sets could have more "punch" to them, I honestly love they way they look now, but I think it'd be cool if they were more "hit them with my fist, which is also covered in fire". We now have a whole buttload of different types of punches, surely some of them could be used in Eletrical, Fire, and Dark Melee. Plus, some Fire kicks would be Niiiiiiiiice

Lastly, Could Sonics have a "Fired from the hands" animetion sets? not everyone is screaming when they use their sonic attacks, some people have sonic powers used with technology they have in their hands.

Just Lied about that Lastly part,
Stalkers, Could they get some more distinctive animations and effects for the various Hides? since as a stalker you're pretty much going to have Hide on 24/7, save for stylish moments, It'd be nice if you could look more distinctive with hide on.

Electrical Aura: I think it'd be cool if something similar to Power Surge's "transform into electricity" but with a flickering effect back and forth from normal flesh full electricity. When attacking, the effect cuts off, and after the normal amount of time recquired for hide, it cuts back on.
Willpower: I'd like, for the power activation, either a hands to the head"focusing" animation, or simply my character getting down into stealthy crouch when in idle,
Ninjtusu: I'd like either the Currently used "Kuji-Kiri handseal" animations when activating, or a "cool down" Animation as seen after martial artists finish a Form, the idle animation would be the stealthy crouch as mentioned in willpower.
Super reflexes: The Activiation could be an activation, that ends in a crouch similar to the other two sets, but more bouncy, more on the toes.
Dark Armor: Keep the current animation, but Change the effect to the "darkness on my shoes" effect of Shadow Fall, without the large aura. Another option would be a back and forth flickering version of the original version of the cloak of darkness effect.
Regeneration: I think a "Breathing In deeply" animation would be pretty awesome, where your Character puts their hand on their waist and brings it up to their Chest, leaning back, before going into a "wide legged" low stance when idle.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Iv been reading the latest posts and most of them seem to be concerned with new power animations, but for me I feel that costume customization has been left out. While I will say CoH has the best costume creation out their it does seem to be missing a few basic things in my opinion. For example, where have knee pads gone? Why do both my shoulders have to have the same thing on them? (there are a few exceptions I know) Why can't I have huge cloaks that cover most the body or loin clothes or loin armour kinda things, and why doesnt most of my clothes move realistically? Iv seen a couple of gameplay clips of champs, and I wondered why does it make CoH feel so slow, and I've come to the conclusion this is mainly because there is very little interaction between character models. For example, I know it would be really hard but wouldn't it look awesome if when characters would brush up against each other, they would sorta shrug it off, stiffen or even be affected like a normal object would when in contact with another moving thing.

I know that the devs have a limited work force and I am not flaming on them, i am just bringing this up to get people to start asking some questions. Although I'm I haven't been a huge fan of the recent updates (the seemed kinda 'meh' to me) I am really impressed by the evolution the game is making. I am looking forward to a new expansion as this will give the devs a huge boost to the game's funding and publicity hopefully. It will also hopefully breath new life into an aging game and help to revitalize it. The biggest hope that i have is they will make some small fundamental changes to the game mechanics to give the character even more life and individuality.



Originally Posted by Freddy_Kilowatt View Post
Iv been reading the latest posts and most of them seem to be concerned with new power animations, but for me I feel that costume customization has been left out. While I will say CoH has the best costume creation out their it does seem to be missing a few basic things in my opinion. For example, where have knee pads gone? Why do both my shoulders have to have the same thing on them? (there are a few exceptions I know) Why can't I have huge cloaks that cover most the body or loin clothes or loin armour kinda things, and why doesnt most of my clothes move realistically? Iv seen a couple of gameplay clips of champs, and I wondered why does it make CoH feel so slow, and I've come to the conclusion this is mainly because there is very little interaction between character models. For example, I know it would be really hard but wouldn't it look awesome if when characters would brush up against each other, they would sorta shrug it off, stiffen or even be affected like a normal object would when in contact with another moving thing.

I know that the devs have a limited work force and I am not flaming on them, i am just bringing this up to get people to start asking some questions. Although I'm I haven't been a huge fan of the recent updates (the seemed kinda 'meh' to me) I am really impressed by the evolution the game is making. I am looking forward to a new expansion as this will give the devs a huge boost to the game's funding and publicity hopefully. It will also hopefully breath new life into an aging game and help to revitalize it. The biggest hope that i have is they will make some small fundamental changes to the game mechanics to give the character even more life and individuality.
There's a seperate stickied thread for costume requests. all I want is real dreadlocks for my dred wearing chracters... anyway!
Signiture hides! let's do it BaBs!

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Can we get better colors for ice powers?
It seems like only blues and a bunch of blah neutrals.
How about some bright colors like reds or yellows or greens?

Global: @Fire Beam



I like the new Super Strength animations, but can we get them with the old effects instead of the color-tintable as an option. Same thing with Martial Arts.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



I'd like a different animation for Blazing Aura; a port of the Hot Feet animation for example. Or just one that doesn't do the puff-puff-puff bit. The constant visual pulse-pulse-pulse gets on my nerves very fast. These days I get around it by coloring Blazing Aura black so it's not so in-my-face; but I don't really want all my /Fire characters to have black auras.

Another thing I'd like is a way to color Dark Miasma pure white; I was really hoping to do that with my Ice/Dark.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



I'd like to see animation choices for the elemental melee sets (fire, ice, earth). I'd like to be able to make characters that used only the fists animation, or only the sword/mallet animation, as appropriate. Having weird mishmashes leads to concepts like "Indecisive Flamy SwordFist", which just doesn't do it for me. All-Fire-Swords, please!

I team with the Repeat Offenders.



Round pizza pie shield
Pizza-cutting tool (rotating disk) as a sword option

Tombstone/gravestone shield

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



In my opinion, the new Dual Pistols animations are awesome. However, I feel that having such cool animations makes our old powers look... old! Is it possible to make alternate animations for our older attacks? Here's some examples:

For Flares, can we have an animation that makes the character look like they're THROWING the fire blasts? Can we also have the old animation for the same attack back? I liked that one too.

For Ball Lightning, the character holds his hand behind his back and charges electrical energy in his hand before releasing the Ball Lightning.

I'll try to come up with more ideas.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



What with the announcement of Electric Control and trying to think of a thematic combo for it, this popped into my head: how about a shiny metallic theme for Earth/Stone type powers? For one, it would make a good stand-in for "Metal Control"; and thematically, metal-looking versions of earth would go well with say Earth/Elec or Elec/Earth. Perhaps with "rough metal" and "polished metal" variants.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



If the Devs won't let Kheldians change the color of their powers because of "fictional reasons", then how about letting us shut-off the visual effects of our powers on a power-by-power basis?

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
Dark_Respite's video -- Avatar: COH Style!
I Support Nerd Flirting and Even More Nerd Flirting!



Some of the Dual Pistols animations are a bit over the top at times. I mean, I don't want my characters getting sick from constantly turning 360 degrees whenever they want to dual wield! I'd like a set of animations more akin to the Thugs Mastermind set, less flipping and spinning. Not that I don't think the default animations are cool, just that they don't make sense for some characters. I can see alternate animations for all but Bullet Rain and Hail of Bullets.

And I have mentioned this in another thread, but love to machine-pistol/SMG Dual Pistol options would be pretty cool. We have the Mini-Uzi option already, and Enforcers have burst-fire animations already. It's not a total longshot to adapt the current animations from single-fire to burst-fire while completely leaving gameplay out of the equation. This could pave the way for more SMGs to be included, maybe even assault rifles/machine guns for Rambo-style characters.



Apologies for the double post, this one is completely unrelated to DP.

I'd like to see an animation variation of the Crane Kick akin to the Thrust Punch from Resident Evil 4, found here:

I think it's kind of strange that there's a punch variation for all MA powers except CK, which has the most awkward-looking default animation.



change the names of the Fire, Ice and stone Weapon powers to Fire Weapon, Ice weapon, and Stone Weapon then allow for more custom looks such as:

other fire sword looks
Fire Axe
Fire Whip

Ice Axe
Ice Hammer
other Ice sword looks

Stone Axes
Stone Sword
Stone mace



I'd like to see alterante animations for dark melee. Two really a more magic/tai chi style and a martial arts style one with kicks for smite or shadow punch, a charged hadoken style assassin's eclipse, a punch kick combo for shadow maul even?



What I'd like to see most is more of a toggle effect than an animation, as such I'm not sure it should be here, nonetheless:

I'd love to have a "plasma" option for electric armor visuals. One need only look at Malta Attacks for inspiration, replace the cracling zaps with a hum.

In order to comply with the "animation" part of this thread I'll suggest that the same stylistic options be available to electric assault/melee/etc. animation effects.

The cake is a lie! The cake is a lie!



I would like to see Energy Melee get more straightforward "punching" animations, like a boxer. It just strikes me as the kind of set to get powers like that.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



I'm very happy with what they've done with weapon and power customization. Just take a look at the beginning of the thread, on the opening post where both Statesman and Positron had dropped color customization in the unhappy land of "Not Likely to Happen."

It ended up happening anyway.

We've come a long way, and this is one of those things I love about this game.

Here's where I would love to see it go further. I'll try not to go over ideas that we've probably heard a million times (custom MM pet colors, Patron/Power Pool Color Customization), but don't kill me if I happen to repeat something. The way I see it, the more something pops up - it may be a redundancy, but even moreso a magnified voice for the demand of such a thing.

1. Boxing and Kick unlock different animations for weapon based sets. Especially AR. The fighting pool is supposed to represent a gained skill in your character's ability for close combat. It's already in use for Brawl, so - why not? It will be an extra perk for those of us who reslotted into fighting pool for whatever reason.

2. Custom jetpacks, with a different color for the jetpack, and the jetpack flame. It would be a real boon to technological flying heroes.

3. Alternate run animations for Ninja-Run like powers. Like an Olympic runners sprint, or even some kind of comical 'Benny Hill' run (or just copy a civilian 'flee' and put it on hyperspeed). If an animal pack comes in the future, dare I hope for an 'all-fours' sprint? While it's cool to be a ninja, not all of us can run like them.

4. Alternate sounds in-game for gun-based sets. It -is- possible to tinker with the game and switch out sounds if I'm reading it correctly. (Which I have found here ), but it would be grand if you could select a different sound for your weapon, the same way that different animations could be selected for different powers.

What comes foremost to mind is perhaps a 'silenced' soundset for AR.




Originally Posted by Kyuuen View Post

4. Alternate sounds in-game for gun-based sets. It -is- possible to tinker with the game and switch out sounds if I'm reading it correctly. (Which I have found here ), but it would be grand if you could select a different sound for your weapon, the same way that different animations could be selected for different powers.

What comes foremost to mind is perhaps a 'silenced' soundset for AR.
Laser sounds for Vanguard blades, please.



Can we get different animations for the Mastermind secondary set, Poison? Some that focus more on the throwing, tossing or "shooting" of assorted chemicals rather than spitting them?

We get a couple powers that throw or toss, but then we start spitting at the enemy? For a set that appeals to all the evil mad scientists out there, that's a bit irritating.

At least if my character were making hand motions, I could pretend I was using some kind of hose or something. I don't get why my chemist would be ingesting his chemicals just to vomit them up later.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Dark Melee, Midnight Grasp, make the tentacles optional. A cloud of smoke would be fine. Same for Tenebrous Tentacles.



Not sure if this has been said before but...

Way back when CoV went live, I made a ninja blade/ninjitu stalker. I loved everything about him, still do. He even had ninja-like animations with every power. I'm not sure when it changed but Ninja Reflexes & Danger Sense no longer have those ninja-like animations, they have the same animations as Tough & Weave. It sorta ruins a character who looks disciplined & precise with his blade & healing, but once you click on his defense powers if they should ever drop, he looks like a boxer from the Bronx. Can we have those animations back?

@Killerhurtz & @Killerhurtz 2 of Justice

Arc ID# 95628 What If...#1 The 'Hurtz' Family