Discussion: Additional Patch Notes




Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement:

We wanted to let you know that we added two entries to the Patch Notes for the current live version:
<ul type="square">[*] Longbow and Arachnos Heavies used in Recluse's Victory can no longer be healed. [*] The combative inhabitants in a zone will move off the streets and to safer locations when a Rikti Invasion takes place. [/list]
Our apologies that these changes did not make it into the initial release notes.

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Woo Hoo! First post after a red name!

I guess people will be crying DOOOOM!!!11 over the Heavy changes. Not terribly game breaking in my opinion and should help stop those just sitting on the heavies.



Longbow and Arachnos Heavies used in Recluse's Victory can no longer be healed.

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Not much use for capturing pillboxes, then.

... but it's not like people bother with capturing pillboxes anyway.

The RV design intentions just got even further from the reality.



The combative inhabitants in a zone will move off the streets and to safer locations when a Rikti Invasion takes place.

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Aw... no more watching Skulls duke it out with invading Rikti?



Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement:

We wanted to let you know that we added two entries to the Patch Notes for the current live version:
<ul type="square">[*] Longbow and Arachnos Heavies used in Recluse's Victory can no longer be healed. [*] The combative inhabitants in a zone will move off the streets and to safer locations when a Rikti Invasion takes place. [/list]
Our apologies that these changes did not make it into the initial release notes.

[/ QUOTE ]

say i'm a fire/sonic, i'm okay cause i can't give the heavy the equivalent of 30% +hp with my resistance buffs and use all the powers of my secondary.
but say i'm a fire/emp, my secondary is 25% gutted, is it?

you guys are ridiculous.
seems almost like a cop-out.
thanks for the h34l0r nerf.




The combative inhabitants in a zone will move off the streets and to safer locations when a Rikti Invasion takes place.

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Chicken [censored].

[url="http://data.jsonline.com/sports/favre/"]Need some Favre info?[/url]

[url="http://www.packersnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/frontpage"]Some news maybe?[/url]

[url="http://www.packers.com/"]Packers stuff.[/url]



The combative inhabitants in a zone will move off the streets and to safer locations when a Rikti Invasion takes place.

[/ QUOTE ]
Whew. That's a relief! I was worried I'd finally made the big jump from subclinical to certifiable.



I really dislike the idea that you have made the heavies unhealable.

I used them for getting those pills. I am not a PVP'er, nor do I go to RV often.. but I do go extremely late at night and its nice to be able to keep a heavy around for a bit.

I could care less about PVP..And I gamely keep going when I do get shot down..but when only 3 heavies are available...

Please reconsider this. I am aware of the pill farming problem, and the RV problems...but to punish the few abusers...you hurt a lot more innocents.

Please reconsider this decision.

Thank you.



Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement:

We wanted to let you know that we added two entries to the Patch Notes for the current live version:
<ul type="square">[*] Longbow and Arachnos Heavies used in Recluse's Victory can no longer be healed. [/list]
[/ QUOTE ]
Then, care to cut by half at least, the RV pillboxes/heavies badges ?



The combative inhabitants in a zone will move off the streets and to safer locations when a Rikti Invasion takes place.

[/ QUOTE ]
Although it's a momentary inconvenience for defeat tasks, it always struck me odd that enemy NPCs just chatted it up while the Rikti rained down around them. This will add some immersion to the event, IMO.



Yeah, after seeing the "lack of regen" bit before, I took a Heavy in (late night, so no real PVP action.)

They're good for about 1 1/2 pillboxes on their own, at best. If they get positioned badly, not even good for one... and those are the *un*captured ones.

Of course, they still last longer than any non-Tank or non-Brute, since squishies can lose a huge chunk of their health in one volley of machine gun fire from the Pillboxes.

Might want to rethink this.



Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement:

We wanted to let you know that we added two entries to the Patch Notes for the current live version:
<ul type="square">[*] Longbow and Arachnos Heavies used in Recluse's Victory can no longer be healed. [/list]
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Then, care to cut by half at least, the RV pillboxes/heavies badges ?

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At this point, you may as well just remove the heavies entirely. You can't use them for pillbox captures, you can't use them to help knock over the signature characters, and players generally ignore them when PvPing. What good are they now?

It'll make the heavy badges unobtainable, but you can always just delete the badges too, since in this case player unhappiness seems not to matter too much.

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball



Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement:

We wanted to let you know that we added two entries to the Patch Notes for the current live version:
<ul type="square">[*] Longbow and Arachnos Heavies used in Recluse's Victory can no longer be healed. [*] The combative inhabitants in a zone will move off the streets and to safer locations when a Rikti Invasion takes place. [/list]
Our apologies that these changes did not make it into the initial release notes.

[/ QUOTE ]

say i'm a fire/sonic, i'm okay cause i can't give the heavy the equivalent of 30% +hp with my resistance buffs and use all the powers of my secondary.
but say i'm a fire/emp, my secondary is 25% gutted, is it?

you guys are ridiculous.
seems almost like a cop-out.
thanks for the h34l0r nerf.

[/ QUOTE ]
Gah, you can blame me

When they eliminated their regen (to deter farmers), I asked why this was a good idea when they could still be healed.

I thought it might make them think in the other direction re: Heavy changes, perhaps like adding a timer or such. But then I saw this and I was

Devs, if you want to deter farming in RV, this is not the way to go. IMO, it's an overreaction to some of the things that have been happening in RV since Issue 8. That's not to say nothing is wrong, but nerfing heavies for farmers and casual players alike is a bad design decision.

I sincerely hope this isn't also the plan for Shivans, Vanguard Heavies, and other earnable pets, especially since those are already on a timer and have a long recharge.



Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement:

We wanted to let you know that we added two entries to the Patch Notes for the current live version:
<ul type="square">[*] Longbow and Arachnos Heavies used in Recluse's Victory can no longer be healed. [*] The combative inhabitants in a zone will move off the streets and to safer locations when a Rikti Invasion takes place. [/list]
Our apologies that these changes did not make it into the initial release notes.

[/ QUOTE ]

say i'm a fire/sonic, i'm okay cause i can't give the heavy the equivalent of 30% +hp with my resistance buffs and use all the powers of my secondary.
but say i'm a fire/emp, my secondary is 25% gutted, is it?

you guys are ridiculous.
seems almost like a cop-out.
thanks for the h34l0r nerf.

[/ QUOTE ]
Gah, you can blame me

When they eliminated their regen (to deter farmers), I asked why this was a good idea when they could still be healed.

I thought it might make them think in the other direction re: Heavy changes, perhaps like adding a timer or such. But then I saw this and I was

Devs, if you want to deter farming in RV, this is not the way to go. IMO, it's an overreaction to some of the things that have been happening in RV since Issue 8. That's not to say nothing is wrong, but nerfing heavies for farmers and casual players alike is a bad design decision.

I sincerely hope this isn't also the plan for Shivans, Vanguard Heavies, and other earnable pets, especially since those are already on a timer and have a long recharge.

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The earnable pets, as you pointed out, are already limited. The RV heavies were overnerfed.

Does an AFK farmer really *care* about healing the heavy? The whole point, as I understood it, was to park the heavy and go AFK in the complete safety of the base, relying on the heavy's armor and regen rates to keep it alive. Sitting in healing range (which would have to be one of many auras, or an Emp with heal other) would be an invitation to get killed by ... well, pretty much anyone, as they'd know you were in range.



The combative inhabitants in a zone will move off the streets and to safer locations when a Rikti Invasion takes place.

[/ QUOTE ]
... but the civilians don't.


The combat NPCs don't move around much. It's the cars that continue to drive around on the roads, and the couple of hundred NPCs walking around, that are making the lion's share of the network traffic in the zones with the worst lag. And it makes even less sense for them to ignore the Rikti; they're unarmed! That first blast of the alarm siren should trigger the panic emote, then a dash to the door, for every pedestrian non-combat NPC, and every car should stop in its tracks and not move until the all clear signal.

As for the Heavies, yeah, at this point we're even more in the area of saying that it makes more sense to shut Recluse's Victory down for the duration of the war than to keep tweaking it. I either see or hear about actual teams in RV maybe once every two weeks, and them usually looking for the AVs and SHs, not doing the actual zone event or hunting other players. And you just rendered the main zone event pretty much completely solo unfriendly. So if teams don't see any reason to bother and solos can't get anything done, what's the point of the zone? Especially when it makes no storytelling sense for that plot to still be going on while the planet's under attack, any way?



At this point, you may as well just remove the heavies entirely.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes please.



lame nerf. the zero regen rate was nuff



Although it's a momentary inconvenience for defeat tasks, it always struck me odd that enemy NPCs just chatted it up while the Rikti rained down around them. This will add some immersion to the event, IMO.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not really, I have some cool screenshots of an Ancestor Spirit flying after a dropship trying to pummel it. To me, that was immersion. I actually saw the other denizens of the city trying to do their part to save it, even if they were the "bad guys." Plus, nothing beats seeing a lone Carny in PI get nuked by the big double laser cannon.

MA Arc: School Spirit #89349

Original member of the Dream Team Aeon, Virtue division
"A base here or there is a small price to pay for good mad science."--Arbiter Daos



At this point, you may as well just remove the heavies entirely. You can't use them for pillbox captures, you can't use them to help knock over the signature characters, and players generally ignore them when PvPing. What good are they now?

It'll make the heavy badges unobtainable, but you can always just delete the badges too, since in this case player unhappiness seems not to matter too much.

[/ QUOTE ]



At this point, you may as well just remove the heavies entirely. You can't use them for pillbox captures, you can't use them to help knock over the signature characters, and players generally ignore them when PvPing. What good are they now?

It'll make the heavy badges unobtainable, but you can always just delete the badges too, since in this case player unhappiness seems not to matter too much.

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I really dislike the idea that you have made the heavies unhealable.

I used them for getting those pills.

[/ QUOTE ]

She does.

Just go with the speed, and regen nerfs for now. Get some data then decide if anything further is needed.

Please put the heals back in place.

Poison Pill



The combative inhabitants in a zone will move off the streets and to safer locations when a Rikti Invasion takes place.

[/ QUOTE ]
... but the civilians don't.


The combat NPCs don't move around much. It's the cars that continue to drive around on the roads, and the couple of hundred NPCs walking around, that are making the lion's share of the network traffic in the zones with the worst lag. And it makes even less sense for them to ignore the Rikti; they're unarmed! That first blast of the alarm siren should trigger the panic emote, then a dash to the door, for every pedestrian non-combat NPC, and every car should stop in its tracks and not move until the all clear signal.

As for the Heavies, yeah, at this point we're even more in the area of saying that it makes more sense to shut Recluse's Victory down for the duration of the war than to keep tweaking it. I either see or hear about actual teams in RV maybe once every two weeks, and them usually looking for the AVs and SHs, not doing the actual zone event or hunting other players. And you just rendered the main zone event pretty much completely solo unfriendly. So if teams don't see any reason to bother and solos can't get anything done, what's the point of the zone? Especially when it makes no storytelling sense for that plot to still be going on while the planet's under attack, any way?

[/ QUOTE ]

Revamp RV as:
- a repeatable solo/team instance. The pillboxes can be just as difficult, with a 20% chance of an AV showing up during the instance (with a large enough team) - though they'll have to be toned down, as well.

- A sort of arena match. Though this would be odd, to say the least. I think it would take a LOT of revamping.

- A new coop zone, where the Phalanx and Arachnos heads are going at each other and destabilizing timelines everywhere, and people from both sides need to come in to fight them before we end up in another shattered dimension.

... just some other ideas. *shrug*



Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement:
<ul type="square">[*] The combative inhabitants in a zone will move off the streets and to safer locations when a Rikti Invasion takes place. [/list]

[/ QUOTE ]

That was a bad idea.

Take a look at this pic of too many citizens in Kings Row during an invasion. That's about 50 being rendered (the cap), the whole length of the street had about 300 more.

*These* you should be taking off the streets in an invasion, you know, because all non-combatants were advised to seek shelter, perhaps.

Was this an internal miscommunication? Like so, maybe:

Lead Developer: "Too many critters during an invasion creating lag, get the NPCs off the street." &lt;lead developer is thinking of civilians and traffic&gt;

Coder: "Okey dokey!" &lt;coder gets rid of just combatant NPC foes/factions&gt;

I thought it was great that combatant spawns were joining the fight to save earth, you know, like how Vanguard recruited villains? If you didn't want combatant foes on the streets, then why did you fix the Scrapyarders so that they con as enemies to the Rikti?

Was this because you couldn't get city-spawn Rikti to con as friends to invasion Rikti? (You should fix that because it's still a problem within missions as ambush Rikti battle mission spawn Rikti.)

Was it because you thought players were exploiting city-spawn foes that conned grey to fight the Rikti for them? (It can't be exploited because rewards are proportional to damage done.)

Was it because you're trying to alleviate lag? I've never experienced combatant foes creating lag outside of the ship raid (which, by the way, I've seen no reduction in Rikti on the ship raid, even though the last patch said so). Combatant foes are in small groups spaced out that you never see more than four to five spawn points at once... that doesn't make lag.

Fifty or so civilians all in one place create lag... all the time. Whenever they start piling up on the walkways or by the trams. Get them to despawn once in a while.

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I thought 'scenery' civilians did not create lag and 'active' critters (with powers and so forth) did?

Maybe 50 scenery civvies only create as much lag as 3 or 4 combat spawns?

As far as the Heavies go, maybe there were complaints from players about the Heavies that the Devs are addressing? Haven't been on the PvP forums lately, just asking.

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!