Discussion: Zero Tolerance RMT Tells and Spam




Granted, it's hard for all US companies or officials to do anything about farming and bootlegging, but Isn't NC-soft based out of Asia too? ...They could track these spammers down in a minute if they used their resources over there.



It would be so much more effective if you ignore someone's global account, and it ignores all their characters without clogging up your normal /ignore list.

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/signed. Let's make Global Ignore truly global.

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Granted, it's hard for all US companies or officials to do anything about farming and bootlegging, but Isn't NC-soft based out of Asia too? ...They could track these spammers down in a minute if they used their resources over there.

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NCSoft is based in Korea. And this kind of "business" is considered legitemate in Korea.



Granted, it's hard for all US companies or officials to do anything about farming and bootlegging, but Isn't NC-soft based out of Asia too? ...They could track these spammers down in a minute if they used their resources over there.

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NCSoft is based in Korea. And this kind of "business" is considered legitemate in Korea.

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NCsoft a few monaths ago (mabye last year) Banned something ridiculous in terms of numbers of gold farming accounts in lineage and LII. I want to say 100K or more but need to find that press release...

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Granted, it's hard for all US companies or officials to do anything about farming and bootlegging, but Isn't NC-soft based out of Asia too? ...They could track these spammers down in a minute if they used their resources over there.

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NCSoft is based in Korea. And this kind of "business" is considered legitemate in Korea.

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NCsoft a few monaths ago (mabye last year) Banned something ridiculous in terms of numbers of gold farming accounts in lineage and LII. I want to say 100K or more but need to find that press release...

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more than likely because they noticed the business quarter difference when people left due to aggravation. That could happen here, however that is measured over time, means it wouldn't happen immediately. Cryptic does what it can, but until NCSoft steps in, Cryptic is kind of limited in what it can do.



look who Employs Lighthouse

NCsoft is acting...

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



3 spams in 1 hour. All from the same website/person with a slightly different global. The MMO's need to due something about this. Badly. I am now on /hide and /ghide. Hopefully that takes care of it.

What makes this even worse, is that they use the name of their website as their name.

Besides, isn't against most EULAs to advertise your web site in game? isn't that a way to crack down on them? Come on!!

*Takes a deep breath*

It's to damn early for this.



Am I missing something? Or has no one yet bothered to impliment the easiest solution to this problem?

Just remove the ability for TRIAL ACCOUNTS to send tells.

Sure, it might be a tad annoying for a legitimate newcomer, but it's a small price to pay.
You can go one step further if the RMT traders start spamming the global channels like Help and Arena (but really, who doesn't already have Arena off all of their chat tabs anyway ) and disallow tells sent to those channels as well.

It is more than possible to play the game without those two channels, since, hey, I did that for years when the game came out, those channels didn't exist back then.

"All that crap is grey to me, no XP." - Positron 5/15/05 8:36am . . . The world stopped and silence ensued except for the sound of a crying infant off in the distance.

"Everyone needs to chill the hell out." - BackAlleyBrawler 11/13/08 3:26pm . . . Geeks around the world stopped and blinked.



look who Employs Lighthouse

NCsoft is acting...

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Acting at the speed of molasses maybe. I reported the dude doing it on Pinnacle when he hit my first character. 45 minutes later after getting my 4th, I re-reported.

For my efforts I got back a nasty note about "don't double report things" ... a further three hours later. Weaksause, bigtime. So the guy got to spam for about 3 hours. Response time to gold spammers has GOT to come down, otherwise you may as well not bother.



Acting at the speed of molasses maybe. I reported the dude doing it on Pinnacle when he hit my first character. 45 minutes later after getting my 4th, I re-reported.

For my efforts I got back a nasty note about "don't double report things" ... a further three hours later. Weaksause, bigtime. So the guy got to spam for about 3 hours. Response time to gold spammers has GOT to come down, otherwise you may as well not bother.

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Well you need to understand what has to happen when you report someone. Sure, they could put someone on 24 hour alert that when a petition comes in that says "so-and-so just sent me a RMT ad" they ban that account. But of course then you'd get ticked off when someone petitions YOU just to be a jerk.

When you get an advertisement tell from these guys, you do exactly what is says all over this thread, /ignore, /gignore, and report them. They have people go through the petitions, investigating this, and banning accounts...

And yes, you're going to get flamed for reporting it twice that close together BECAUSE IT DOESN'T DO ANY GOOD. Let me repeat that: Reporting something multiple times does not help you in any way! At all, if nothing else it hurts because there are just that many more petitions for them to sort through.

I can not believe how many people have trouble with this surprisingly simple concept. RMT tells are NOT game breaking, they are irritating, sure, but not game breaking, Cryptic and NCSoft are not going to break out an emergency squad to make sure they all get dealt with within a 5 minute window of their being reported.



Maybe if the devs stopped nerfing stuff just to limit people from leveing "too fast" there would be less demand for the services of the rmt spammers?

Of course most of the trouble comes from lazy people who don't want to really play the game. I don't get it myself. Why pay $15 for a game you have no interest in actually playing?

The Case Against Hardcase- arc id: 438272

Clowning Around- arc id: 408447

Down the Rabbit Hole- arc id: 193055



Ok, I went through the entire thread and didn't see a good reason why NC Soft doesn't target the sites being advertised. These sites are obviously engaged in prohibited behavior, so why can't cease and desist orders be filed against them? Selling ingame assets for money is prohibited. Buying ingame assets for money is prohibited. These friggin' websites are responsible for fascilitating both actions. There HAS to be some legal action available here...



They're in THAILAND. Good luck getting the courts in Thailand to take action. No, a solution to this one will require technical and management effort on NCsoft's part; the courts aren't going to be any help. But considering that we're paying NCsoft about $25 million a year in subscriber fees, they ought to be able to afford to have a fraud department working on such cases. (Too bad for us that I suspect that they don't.)



Just remove the ability for TRIAL ACCOUNTS to send tells.

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Not even WoW is that stupid. It would totally alienate ANYONE trying the game.

They ban you from Broadcast or Trade, and you can't trade/use mail/use the auction house, and there is a limit on how many tells you can send in a given period, but they don't outright stop tells.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Ok, I went through the entire thread and didn't see a good reason why NC Soft doesn't target the sites being advertised. These sites are obviously engaged in prohibited behavior, so why can't cease and desist orders be filed against them? Selling ingame assets for money is prohibited. Buying ingame assets for money is prohibited. These friggin' websites are responsible for fascilitating both actions. There HAS to be some legal action available here...

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You cannot sue or bring suit against one company for violating another company's terms of service - all they can do is prevent access, which they are doing. Frankly, whose fault is it that the ability to get trial accounts for the game is so easy that these spammers can get on w/ new accounts faster than they are banned?

Here's what I would suggest - you want a trial account? Submit a request for a key, which requires you submit some information, which is then reviewed. If there's anything that doesn't check out, then don't send the key. The other option, which may very well be going too far, would be to check the ip address you are logging on from, and not allowing any ip's that are outside the US...



Not even WoW is that stupid. It would totally alienate ANYONE trying the game.

They ban you from Broadcast or Trade, and you can't trade/use mail/use the auction house, and there is a limit on how many tells you can send in a given period, but they don't outright stop tells.

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Actually, they do.
You have to have the person you're trying to send a whisper to in your friends list or you can't.
Yes, I'm on a trial account currently.



There is an add on program for WoW called WRUGS. When I played WoW I used it, because it was wonderful. It made everyone sending you a tell have to verify they were a real person by typing in a code. Once they did that, they were allowed to send you tells without having to do that ever again. It stopped you from seeing bot spam, and was quite nice.

If NCSoft/Cryptic would allow these kinds of add-ons, it would be a simple fix.

@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL="http://tobyfife.blogspot.com/"]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog



Why is there a demand for RMT in this game? There was no such demand/market when I came to the game Nov 06.

I9 and the introduction of lewt has brought COX to the level of other lewt based games. We all know the a same sites that sell lewt for WOW and all the others are now selling for COX as well.

Compainies appear to be relying on players "just saying no" to the draw of the lewt drug vs an all out "War on lewt sellers". Interesting approach...

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Not even WoW is that stupid. It would totally alienate ANYONE trying the game.

They ban you from Broadcast or Trade, and you can't trade/use mail/use the auction house, and there is a limit on how many tells you can send in a given period, but they don't outright stop tells.

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Actually, they do.
You have to have the person you're trying to send a whisper to in your friends list or you can't.
Yes, I'm on a trial account currently.

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Hmm, don't recall having my friend on a friends list when I first sent him a tell.

Then again, he was put on immediately, so not like it makes much of a difference.

But still, you can use tells. The other guy was saying to disable tells for trials - and IIRC, WoW DOES have the confirm-a-friend thing like our global friends do - the server friends list we get doesn't

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.




You cannot sue or bring suit against one company for violating another company's terms of service

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If you are saying that Player A can't sue Company 1 for breaking Company 2's ToS, then yes, you are probably right.

But if you are saying Company 1 can't be sued by Company 2 for violating the rules Company 2 has laid down (The ToS) then you ARE mistaken.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



The spamming is getting annoying. I petition each time I get a new one, and ignore/gignore, but its is going to fill my list

proud member of the LEGION, SISTERHOOD
@Doctor Photon




You cannot sue or bring suit against one company for violating another company's terms of service

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If you are saying that Player A can't sue Company 1 for breaking Company 2's ToS, then yes, you are probably right.

But if you are saying Company 1 can't be sued by Company 2 for violating the rules Company 2 has laid down (The ToS) then you ARE mistaken.

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Are the terms of service considered a contractual agreement? Isn't the only allowable penalty for breach of that to deny the offender access to the service in question?

If, for instance, I advertised in-game, and it was traced back to me, what could NCSoft actually sue me for? They could deny me access to the game and/or ban my account, but what else is there? Are they going to sue for damages? A contract violation? What?



please just add an auto ignore filter that can be adjusted by level or something. This is not a great problem to find whem coming back to this game only recently.



If, for instance, I advertised in-game, and it was traced back to me, what could NCSoft actually sue me for? They could deny me access to the game and/or ban my account, but what else is there? Are they going to sue for damages? A contract violation? What?

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I am not a lawyer, but my understanding of situations like this is that the RMT transaction profits illegally from NCSoft's properties, and NCSoft would be within its rights to sue for any monies obtained thereby.

- Protea

And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines



If, for instance, I advertised in-game, and it was traced back to me, what could NCSoft actually sue me for? They could deny me access to the game and/or ban my account, but what else is there? Are they going to sue for damages? A contract violation? What?

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I am not a lawyer, but my understanding of situations like this is that the RMT transaction profits illegally from NCSoft's properties, and NCSoft would be within its rights to sue for any monies obtained thereby.

- Protea

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And I doubt the "they are paying me for my time" argument would work with the RMT either. Undoubtedly be slapped down like those people on eBay that are not selling copies of copyrighted digital media, just for CDs which happen to have them burned onto them - after you buy it, of course

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.