Ebay Heroes




Warshades are awesome. My favorite hero to play.

Also, when I checked ebay the highest I found was like $170.

Im pretty sure if it was $500 I would sell mine and get a new copy to play. Thats a lot of money.



I remember reading its not the account you are paying for but the time it took to get all the goodies. So my account could currently be worth 12 x $40.

Not that I would sell it.



I have a level 14 PB and I am LOVING it.

Unfortunately, my Warshade is on Freedom. When I log in, I get tells to visit a site and buy Influence, (Much like WoW's gold problem.) and over half of the people skip tutorial, because they think a group of eight level 1s in the sewer is SO much faster...

Got him to level six... Never played him again. I've also only had a Kheld for about a month - month and a half. Took me over a year and a half, but yeah...



Yanoo... if we want the gold farmers to take the hint and get out... we as players need to /petition each and every 'bought account' and each and every person who spams RMT tells (Real Money Trade) or brags about RMT activity.

It'll keep the GM's busy, but sooner or later folks will get the message.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Someone asks "You've been playing for three years and you've never done a TF?"

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Me... I've been on 3 failed respect trials not because I wanted the respect just because I got invited, 1 successful cavern of trancendance and about 3 missions into a positron before it broke up. Thats in 3 years 3 months.

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Okay. In my year and a half I haven't done many myself... But after three years you know what a Task Force is, right? Therein lies the give-away.



Its not respect its respec.



Someone asks "You've been playing for three years and you've never done a TF?"

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Me... I've been on 3 failed respect trials not because I wanted the respect just because I got invited, 1 successful cavern of trancendance and about 3 missions into a positron before it broke up. Thats in 3 years 3 months.

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Okay. In my year and a half I haven't done many myself... But after three years you know what a Task Force is, right? Therein lies the give-away.

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Well yes I will confess to knowing what a TF is, I'll even admit I wouldn't mind doing some. It is just that I usually get the invite to them about 10 minutes before I have to log off for the night.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

List of Invention Guides



Someone asks "You've been playing for three years and you've never done a TF?"

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Me... I've been on 3 failed respect trials not because I wanted the respect just because I got invited, 1 successful cavern of trancendance and about 3 missions into a positron before it broke up. Thats in 3 years 3 months.

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I think the last TF I did was Bastion's task force.

Yes. Bastion.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




there alot of people selling there accounts, the sad part is, if it was a father, he just could have gave it to his son, doughter, nephew, or cousin, and when a newbie hero gets it, he doesnt know what to do, if he goes to BB, SC, WB, or RV, she/he will be ganked



I checked Ebay to see if I could find any and I only found one account for auction...I thought there would be lots.

Ignorance dies from exposure to truth.
I am the hunter of ignorance.
I am the truth.
- The Seeker



I remember IGE used to sell CoX inf, and a few accounts, I'd check it out now and then just out of curiousity of the current prices, last time I looked they weren't selling anything CoX-related anymore.



Why would you buy a beaten game?



Idiots abound.

Masterminds annoy everybody, sooner or later. Heck, Masterminds annoy themselves.



Someone asks "You've been playing for three years and you've never done a TF?" "Oh I have, but it's been a while." Uh-hunh, right.

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I've been playing for 3 years and havn't done a tf... :P



I don't hear as much about e-bayed characters here as I used to in EQ. I'd think there wasn't as much point to buying a CoH character, but, someone might want the vet rewards, I suppose.

Anyhow, considering the subject, I had to go dig up a link to this classic bit of literature about ebayed characters:
dood sow please

Most of the vocabulary is decipherable through context, I think...

Shae Firewarder



There's no two ways about it, it's outsourcing a recreational activity which brings up the eternal question: How did someone that abysmally lazy find the motivation to turn his computer on in the first place?

What bugs me the most about buying characters along with RMT and leveling services is that when you buy into it, you're sending your money to a bunch of leechers who think they have a right to make money off a game that they have never lifted a finger to help make happen. It's no different than pirating movies or music, it's eating off the plates of other people and it's quite despicable no matter how you try to sugar coat it.

Some people try and feed us flim flam lines like they don't have time to play the game legit. Bologna! I have played through FFXI, WoW and working on this game to date even though I am an adult who works full time and I know many players who work full time AND have families with kids and they still find time. If putting in a little time is that much of an issue for you, find a different hobby. You don't get to bend the rules just because they aren't convenient for you. The world doesn't work that way.



I can see buying it through eBay as a SECOND account IF:

It was current with Vet rewards and had ALL the game codes from pre-CoH release purchase, DVD bonuses, pre-CoV release code, CoV bonus disk, Good vs.Evil upgrade/bonuses, etc.
Badges aren't important, I don't actively seek them.

I've been here for 40 months, and if I wanted a second account I'd surely want all the bonuses too.

Maybe the devs will consider second account upgrades to match current player account status in the future (but for legitimate store bought game purchase).

My Arc - #51736 Here Wolf... There Wolf... Werewolf!!!

Don't worry about the mule going blind, just load the wagon.

>")))>< ~~~~



I recently saw two of these in the same Synapse TF. One of them was a Claws/Dark Scrapper. He didn't say much of anything during any of the mishes. I checked his badge list to see what kind of player he was (casual, all the mission badges for content, badge-[censored], holiday-soldier, whatever). He's got the 12 month Vet badge and a sprinkling of others. So then I go look at his powers list. He isn't in Fitness Pool and alarm bells start to go off. I take a close look at his Primary and he had a grand total of 3 Claws powers, including the slow low-damage PBAoE and not including Focus.

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Ummmm . . . so what? I've been playing CoH since Beta and I don't always take the Fitness pool. Honestly, for one, it IS overrated in a lot of instances. For two, I can Endurance Reduction I/O, even at level 12 with level 15s, and work just fine. even on my own claws/dark scrapper.

This does not equal to an "Ebay Account".

(if it was someone's kid on a parent's account they would have been given better build advice).

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My 7 and 9 year olds play CoH on my account and my wife's account, as well. I let them create, build, and play. They have fun, that is all that matters. Why do I care what their builds are if they are having fun? If they are bad for a team, kick' em. They get over stuff real quick. But that's a danger in any MMO, you don't know who is behind the keyboard. In the case of TF or Raids (in other games) take a moment to get to know the teammates before actually locking into the missions. I NEVER lock into a TF with a team, as a leader or member, without taking a few monents in chat- especially on a PuG. If they don't talk, or don't seem to be able to communicate effectively (which helps in a TF a lot), I either leave or kick them, depending upon my position on the roster, and seek others.

And as for actual Ebay Accounts, and not accounts that just don't play the way Player-X thinks it should, ban 'em all.



Someone asks "You've been playing for three years and you've never done a TF?" "Oh I have, but it's been a while." Uh-hunh, right.

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I've been playing for 3 years and havn't done a tf... :P

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Same here, playing since launch and have never once done a TF.

Ok well, I had actually decided once to do a TF with some friends but they were taking forever to get going and I had to get my kill on right then so off I ran and have never attempted another.




During the last double-xp weekend I was out running around with a friend, and while on his team he'd apparently picked up an ebayer. I'd seen the character long before, so I knew that it was an account that *should* have been trustable, but then the kid was all, "how are you doing that? with that power?"

I outright asked him, "did you buy this account?"
He eventually came clean, after hemming and hawing and faceplanting at least once due to his own lack of understanding of aggrorange and how to heal. (he was on a.... I want to say emp of some kind, might have been rad or kin, because all the powers were green )

I had to look over his powers, and tell him how to use them all. But when I suggested he go start his own new character to learn how to play.

He got SO uppity: oh my god, I don't spend my LIFE playing this stupid game! Now tell me how to use that thing!

..... I hope he dropped the game entirely. It was a waste of everyone's time - on 2xXP weekend no less. We were running heroic, and not bothering to farm... what's the point there? :/ Even I farm during xp weekends, and crank my stuff up. But that's half my friend too, so... meh.

Ebay accounts should all be *purchased by Cryptic or NC* and used at their discretion. Maybe they should take all those accounts and put them up for use at conventions instead. If their original owners don't want them, they should just quit.

.... Now, that said, I do own an account which someone else gave to me, because he no longer plays. I don't touch his characters: why would I? I bought my 2nd account (not this one) to give me extra space! I won't delete his characters, but then I also have used one or two to pad task forces to start Plus he *gave it to me* so, I'm not exactly spending ebay-dollars to take over someone else's 50s. (.... heck the highest toon he has is like 30ish... lol)

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Ummmm . . . so what? I've been playing CoH since Beta and I don't always take the Fitness pool. Honestly, for one, it IS overrated in a lot of instances. For two, I can Endurance Reduction I/O, even at level 12 with level 15s, and work just fine. even on my own claws/dark scrapper.

This does not equal to an "Ebay Account".

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Out of alot of characters most of mine don't take or need fitness. That even applies to my mid 20's broadsword scrapper. I was surprised, I had expected to need to /respec him at 20 with a freespec to add it but I honestly haven't needed fitness once I started slotting SO's and now IO's.

So lack of the fitness pool doesn't indicate anything about the skill or lack of skill of a particular player.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

List of Invention Guides



The second one was a Warshade with the 36 month Vet badge. We came out of the first mission of the TF and he speaks up in chat "So is that all there is to the TF?" &lt;chills down the spine&gt; I had to send a tell to the team leader (friend of mine) and ask if I'd read that right. No, we reply, that was the first of many. Someone asks "You've been playing for three years and you've never done a TF?" "Oh I have, but it's been a while." Uh-hunh, right.

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I've been playing since 2 weeks after the game launched. I've never finished a single TF. I have done 1 trial in that time.

Lets see I've started 1 positron, 3 TV's and that is pretty much it. The teams all broke up before finishing the TF's.

I do finally have a 50 so I have a warshade and peacebringer. Now I'll grant you that yes I know what is involved in a TF so you wouldn't hear me saying after the first mission something that daft. But in 3.5 years I've never finished even 1 TF.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

List of Invention Guides



On my first 50, she's got a total of ONE task force, the 2nd Shadow Shard one. Which was fun, but.... I'm not going back to do the others, knowing how bad my respec skills are and what I usually wind up forgetting to take, and when...

40 months, 2 fifties, one badge hound with no task forces on her....

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Ummmm . . . so what? I've been playing CoH since Beta and I don't always take the Fitness pool. Honestly, for one, it IS overrated in a lot of instances. For two, I can Endurance Reduction I/O, even at level 12 with level 15s, and work just fine. even on my own claws/dark scrapper.

This does not equal to an "Ebay Account".

[/ QUOTE ]

Out of alot of characters most of mine don't take or need fitness. That even applies to my mid 20's broadsword scrapper. I was surprised, I had expected to need to /respec him at 20 with a freespec to add it but I honestly haven't needed fitness once I started slotting SO's and now IO's.

So lack of the fitness pool doesn't indicate anything about the skill or lack of skill of a particular player.

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Especially in the post-inventions world, where numerous low-cost IO's deliver +recovery as their first set bonus.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



If I have time I will do a task force. Been on 40 mths, with 50s, etc. I've done task forces for various toons but have no idea the names of the TFs nor know where to find them out now. Seems some of them involved being inside a red bubble or would take damage, one had to jump down a bunch of holes... I don't know, I don't bother keeping up with them. I just like playing the game.

My Arc - #51736 Here Wolf... There Wolf... Werewolf!!!

Don't worry about the mule going blind, just load the wagon.

>")))>< ~~~~