Character Name Policy -- Thirty Day Notice!




He just said, that it will start when the feature starts. They don't give exact dates for things that are in the process of being debugged.

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Yeah, if you read my post you would have known I said if not now, then when the server transfers are ready.
*looks at Lighthouses post* See, you dont know everything Lemur Lad!

[Virtue Name Watch]



Sorry to break up the conversation, but since the rest of my issue has been here and people have been giving suggestions, I thought I should put the final event here.

I just logged on tonight on one server and all of my missing characters are now back. I still don't know why they disappeared or why they're back, but it looks like the issue is resolved.



Sorry to break up the conversation, but since the rest of my issue has been here and people have been giving suggestions, I thought I should put the final event here.

I just logged on tonight on one server and all of my missing characters are now back. I still don't know why they disappeared or why they're back, but it looks like the issue is resolved.

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Woohoo! Party Time! (You're buying, right?)

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.




Woohoo! Party Time! (You're buying, right?)

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I didn't think so, but... I suppose...



I have another question: This article mentioned about characters under level 6 or so. What would cause a level 17 character's name to become unreserved?



I have another question: This article mentioned about characters under level 6 or so. What would cause a level 17 character's name to become unreserved?

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Since they have not run the script yet that unreserves the names, the only names that would be unreserved now would be from the last time they did this. At that time, any character under level 35 that was on an inactive account for 90 days was subject to getting their names claimed. So a level 17 character from back then could have lost his name.

Kyle Al'Mordu - Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrap
Fusion Force!



Thanks for the answer.



Why not just run it as a scaling system?
Level 6 keeps your name safe for 90 inactive days, and just make it 15 more days per level from there.

6 = 90
7 = 105
8 = 120
50 = 750 (a little over 2 years)



Why not just run it as a scaling system?
Level 6 keeps your name safe for 90 inactive days, and just make it 15 more days per level from there.

6 = 90
7 = 105
8 = 120
50 = 750 (a little over 2 years)

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Why go with an overly complicated system?




Or, as some prefer "Soon™."

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Heh, I love you guys and your wording.



I still think that making it only characters level 6 and under is kinda... pointless. It's really only going to stop people that tried to reserve a name. I mean, I have NO characters under level 6. Every time I've made an alt, I've played them at least long enough to get to level 6, or I've deleted them because I'd decided I didn't like them.



Why not just run it as a scaling system?

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Why go with an overly complicated system?

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For one thing, so that random L7 characters that haven't been used for years aren't squatting on names that people want. But personally I'd go with a simpler scaling: if your account has been inactive for N months, your characters level N or less lose their name reservations.



I have a question. Me and some friends are planning on making toons and leveling them to lvl 50, but never training them. So they will be lvl 50's that say lvl 1. What would happen to my character if I didn't play it for the given length of time. WOuld if be considered lvl 1, or lvl 50 according to whether or not its name would be purged?

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Global- @SailorET, Justice Server
Sheryl Fiero, 50 AR/Devices Blaster
Louise Fiero, 50 Merc/Traps MM
Various assorted alts
Proudly serving in our military so you don't have to.



Is this going to be an ongoing account wipe, so that every few months those accounts that pass the 90 day barrier will be cleaned of level 6 and below names therefore making it a steady flow of names for us to choose from?

Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...



Why not just run it as a scaling system?
Level 6 keeps your name safe for 90 inactive days, and just make it 15 more days per level from there.

6 = 90
7 = 105
8 = 120
50 = 750 (a little over 2 years)

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Why go with an overly complicated system?

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So what you're saying is, "Math is hard!"?
It's not complex at all, just an extension of the existing system. If an account has been inactive for years, I don't see why the names on it shouldn't become unreserved at some point.



It's not complex at all, just an extension of the existing system. If an account has been inactive for years, I don't see why the names on it shouldn't become unreserved at some point.

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I think a "one level, one month" policy would satisfy both the desire to extend the system to higher-level abandoned names and the need for a simple rule that all players can figure out in their heads. Seriously, can you determine in 5 seconds or less how long it would take for an L19 to be unreserved under your system?



It's not complex at all, just an extension of the existing system. If an account has been inactive for years, I don't see why the names on it shouldn't become unreserved at some point.

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I think a "one level, one month" policy would satisfy both the desire to extend the system to higher-level abandoned names and the need for a simple rule that all players can figure out in their heads. Seriously, can you determine in 5 seconds or less how long it would take for an L19 to be unreserved under your system?

[/ QUOTE ]Sure, level/2 is roughly the number of months, so 10.5 months. Obviously, I know months aren't exactly 30 days long, but the billing cycles are 30 days, right? Your proposed system is just double the time of the one I suggested, but it's not really simpler unless someone has trouble dividing by two. The actual number of days doesn't matter anyway, the idea of using a scaling system is the same.



Is there a chance that this can be changed to include all names that are on accounts that have been INACTIVE for more than a year? Or at the very least 18 months?



There'd be no chance at all of that. They want to encourage people to return, even if they've been gone a long time. How'd you feel if you came back to the game and your high level characters lost their names? You probably wouldn't stick around. Few reasonable people would.

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WARNING: I bold names.



There'd be no chance at all of that. They want to encourage people to return, even if they've been gone a long time. How'd you feel if you came back to the game and your high level characters lost their names? You probably wouldn't stick around. Few reasonable people would.

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I'd be plenty pissed myself.

Miserya - 50 EM/ELA Brute (Perma-shelved)
Adriana Rayne - 42 Katana/Dark Scrapper
Cyberpulse - 26 Super Strength/Willpower Brute
Steel Heart - 24 Invuln/Super Strength Tanker



I'd like to see them raise the level scrub to 10, seeing as how new alts can't use the email system till then anyways. It hasn't gotten rid of those RMT morons, but it'd free up some more names...



I am under the impression that the ammount of people who will or would return after 18 months of having their account inactive is very slim to none. Obviously I don't have access to that data, so I could be wrong.
However, I do feel that there should be _some_ cutoff point. If not 18 months, possibly 24? Even 30? I don't think that keeping a name indefinately is a good idea, for non-paying, former customers to be able to do.
They could even send out an e-mail 1-2 months in advance so that the people would have a chance to renew, to avoid their names from being purged.