Terrific Screenshots of Cool




I can't let this thread continue any longer without posting this one again.




This one was taken by my fellow Legendary Cursed Cricket.

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Feed me Seymor!



I can't let this thread continue any longer without posting this one again.

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Lol Oh welll, Since we're getting naughty...



Ouch... that's cold.



I did a lol.

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Or, you should take more pictures of you just goofing off or posing for the camera ;D



This is my oldest and most favorite character...




Hehehe Arbiter Sands, dear. He's a hottie.

And it certainly does look rather.... messy. Those red-confetti streamer guns the Arachnos have are a bit confusing...

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Here's a variation on the pose from one of the screenshots I posted in the first page of this thread last year. This time with actual NPC's.

Really tough finding two baddies positioned near a car in just the right distance and angle. Also tough timing the Print Screen button while executing Elude and waiting for one of the final animation frames while he lands from it. This was also my action shot for the recent official Costume Contest.

Shadowrush - Action Shot

(I really need to update my forum avatar and the wallpaper in my sig to his latest colors in-game.)



Here's a variation on the pose from one of the screenshots I posted in the first page of this thread last year. This time with actual NPC's.

Really tough finding two baddies positioned near a car in just the right distance and angle. Also tough timing the Print Screen button while executing Elude and waiting for one of the final animation frames while he lands from it. This was also my action shot for the recent official Costume Contest.

Shadowrush - Action Shot

(I really need to update my forum avatar and the wallpaper in my sig to his latest colors in-game.)

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ooooooooooo. Great pose, excellent camera position definitely one of the better ones I've seen in here

Celtech Main Site
My DA Profile



that... is cool.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Here's a variation on the pose from one of the screenshots I posted in the first page of this thread last year. This time with actual NPC's.

Really tough finding two baddies positioned near a car in just the right distance and angle. Also tough timing the Print Screen button while executing Elude and waiting for one of the final animation frames while he lands from it. This was also my action shot for the recent official Costume Contest.

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Excellent technique sir.



Here's a variation on the pose from one of the screenshots I posted in the first page of this thread last year. This time with actual NPC's.

Really tough finding two baddies positioned near a car in just the right distance and angle. Also tough timing the Print Screen button while executing Elude and waiting for one of the final animation frames while he lands from it. This was also my action shot for the recent official Costume Contest.

Shadowrush - Action Shot

(I really need to update my forum avatar and the wallpaper in my sig to his latest colors in-game.)

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wow... just wow.... that's full of epic win there

@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!



Some of these are really cool, here are some of mine:

My favorite bug of all time

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Those Freak Tanks. Such sweeties. They're 'armless.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I've always been a fan of this little screenshot I nabbed a couple years ago.