Terrific Screenshots of Cool




And there are the occasional "How did I get here?" situations...

Sometimes even the best Masterminds have their henchmen go a little funny...

Sometimes you actually see PPD investigating crimes...

And you can find civilians who are scared of the strangest things...

When you start playing with temporary powers, you can get some really silly combinations...

And sometimes you fall asleep in the wrong place and get locked out...

If you're a 'flamer', do you get a little boost to your flight speed?

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



So, I don't think I ever mentioned it in these parts of the forums, but I enjoy playing multiple accounts. Actually, I like playing five accounts >_>

For an example of how I play...My sister hitting her first level 50!

Yar, I have a full group of level 50s I like to play hero side, and they are Team Jupiter!

Working on a villain team now too, I call them The Sum of all Evil.

Well, playing this way is chaotic, and fun, and over all very rewarding to me ^_^ However, it is slowly, but efficiently killing my computer. Weather it is my power supply dying, or my graphics cards kicking the bucket, I occasionally get lovely blackouts and lock ups after long play sessions.

Today, I got this >_>

Tesseract world!

Even though I should have been horrified, I found it all entirely too amusing ^_^

I had some fun trying to figure out where things were, just with my map, and the GUI that remained.

Just outside the Talos Green Line.

Occasionally, I could even make out certain things in the broken world. Like the Ouroborus portal, kind of sideways there >_>

Any who, after playing around a bit, in CoH, and some other games, I decided to do a full restart. Everything is back to normal, but this kind of speeds up my plan of building a new computer >_>

I can see forever 0.0



heh, when that happened on my old computer, the game would crash before I could respond



You are like your own super team with all those thugs.

What are/were you running for a system, my good computer starts choking up on two instances and my bad one on one.




How the hell do you get the pet status window to display when your playing your crab?

[/ QUOTE ]

The same way you can enable it for any of your characters, including ones that don't naturally have a pet via their power sets. There's an option in Options, I think under general that's called "Show Pet Window" or something similarly named. Then open up your team window, and you'll see a "Pets" on the top of the team window, click on it and your pets window appear somewhere on the left side of your screen, whether you have any pets running or not.

It's handy to have whether you use a pet often, due to having one via your powerset, or have a vet reward pet, or use it occasionally for temp power pets. Makes it easier to bring the window back up in case you accidentally close your pets window.

@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!



Oh. My. God.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes? >_>

You are like your own super team with all those thugs.

What are/were you running for a system, my good computer starts choking up on two instances and my bad one on one.

[/ QUOTE ]

My system is actually a year old now, some parts older : p The parts that make it happen though, are the Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 processor, which is pretty much a core per instance, plus one. And the two 8800GTX video cards in SLI probably helps a little. Four gigs of RAM as well, though that's one of the older parts of my system.

You could definitely build a system capable of this for much less then I dropped on mine. Probably more stable systems as well : p

Can I have your rig?

[/ QUOTE ]

Nuuuu! I take it to my grave! Well, when I finish the new system, I will keep my old one in my guest room for when my sister stops by.

But yes, the Evil Multipliers are the fun ^_^

Dogpile on Infernal!

Bat who?

Gang War, the portable riot ^_^

Oh, and just because I can >_> Team Jupiter, in your Warzone, raiding your Pylons : p

I can get the ship's shields down myself, but only really being able to plant one bomb makes a real raid tough on my lonesome >_>

I can see forever 0.0



It's one bomb per team what you need to do is split up then you can plant at least five bombs. Also if you start bombs at the same time you can get multiple bombs on the same team.

And five rad controllers sounds as awsome as five thugs MMs. What's your secondary for them. And I love your use of I's and l's. I thought multiplication wasn't a power in CoX, but I guess I was mistaken :3.

If you ever feel lonely you should take this with you *hugs*.



Is this all the terrific and cool CoH has to offer? More screenies!

"Cupcake cupcake cupcake; Cupcake. Merry_Mint is the best." - Abraham Lincoln



Here are a few of my favorites. (There was one that I decided not to post..it was a closeup of a zombie pet. If you look closely, it has what can only be described as a 'female' area...now mind you, this is the way they look for real!)
Let's see...F8, Cheetos!

Ok, dirtbag..time to get frisked

Even imps gotta go...

bet that will leave a mark..

can you say 'orgy'? I knew that you could...

quick! Grab the Phant Poo Scooper!

HEY, bud!!! Watch the HANDS!


'The theme from the Twilight Zone plays..on the elevater to NOWHERE!!!!'

Yah, I get that all the time. My name is Vernon Vermin...from Teaneck, New Jersey

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Those were hilarious



I always love these threads. My faves:

Smersh? What?

Spending quality time together

Timing is everything

Hmm... who's leading?

It slices and dices. Your's for only one low payment of $19.99

It's not worth it, dude.

The cake is a lie!

Siberian Spring-50 (Cold/Rad, Rad/Ice, Ice/Rad, Sh/Ice) - KGB SS8
Chernozem-50 (Ice/MM, Emp/Ice, MA/Regen) - KGB SS8
Wila-50 (Dark/Arch) - KGB SS8
Also: Krassivy Mechtayu-50 (Ill/Rad) - KGB SS8; Ms. Hypatia-50 (Dark/Regen)



I have a couple of Pep from some shard TFs I did which I thought were pretty cool.

This one was taken by my fellow Legendary Cursed Cricket.

This one was taken by WittyLibrarian.



I have a couple of Pep from some shard TFs I did which I thought were pretty cool.

This one was taken by my fellow Legendary Cursed Cricket.

[/ QUOTE ]

Best. Ever.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I actually archieved that picture, it was taken like two years ago