Terrific Screenshots of Cool






'I don't care about the crimes you committed; you have something I want, and you're getting out of here alive, wether you like it or not.'

[/ QUOTE ]

Love this scene. The posing is just perfect--was it an out-of-the-blue shot, or did you actually try to set this up?

Let the mother burn.

Still holding out for Pistol Blasters.

This is what happens when you play with fire too much, kids. (NSFW, language)

I remember back when I7 was on Test, and the new /em alakazamreact emote was the best ever. Then they went and nerfed it. I hate you, devs. I hate you so hard.

[/ QUOTE ]

It was just pure luck. I went to rest, and I found there was a skull on my shoulder!



Rooting through my screenshots folder I found I took a fair number of cool ones--most of them apparently by accident, since a buch more were ruined artistically by having the UI switched on Hopefully Photobucket won't mangle these too badly.

We're going to need more Roundup.
Striga: Space-Nazi HQ or Chinese Landscape Painting?
Fi, fi, fo, fum

Houston, we have a problem...
Lanaru blows up real good

Amon from Marketing:
You call that lightning?
Plunge into the abyss

Family portrait

Iris Long:
Contemplating at the moon

Foxtrot Kilo:
Pondering Amanda's offer

The Lips of Horror
Forewarned is four armed
Longbow lowers its hiring standards




LOL--and I am all too familiar with that method.



Great thread, I'll have to dig through my archives, but I think I have some that fit here...



Ah, I love these types of threads. Great showings from everyone else so far. Let's see what kind of cool screenshots I've got here......

Hro'Dtohz inspires his troops with his passionate speech and spiffy armor

Gamble your troubles away in St. Martial

Galaxy City is underappreciated

Mmmm, I think you should go first.

Welcome to Spider City

Hamidon meets his end

Longbow has had better battles

Recluse powers up for a final showdown

My arcs:

Title: Blitzkrieg
Arc ID: 3416

Title: Soldiers of Fortune
Arc ID: 4431

Title: The Rikti Accession
Arc ID: 278757



Warning: I went through 3 years of stuff, so there's a ton of em

inside the elevators
storm palace
heard the joke about a polish firing squad?
2 for flinching
the electric aura i wish i could have
Don't bring snausages to the puppy park
I have the feeling I'm being watched
Some mishes are beautiful
camera angle fun
more camera angle fun
hunter's trophy
imminent doom
she needs a mirror
bury him deep, he has a tendency to come back
why the shards are my fave zones
can't remember how this one happened
where's the doorbell?

My 50s:
Hero: Armor Assassin (scrapper), Cross Dresser (scrapper), Surly Seaman (blaster), Defensive End (Tank), Rad Rhino (Cont)
Villain: Beast Infection (Corr), Sweet Zombie Jesus (MM), Milk Weasel (Stalker), Orgullo (MM), Agent Eris (Crab)



I really liked those Milk =)



Kheldians Beware

This guy is just spooky

Death-lollypop Closeup


Scrapper Incoming!

Jaeger Detail (another one of those shots you can only get from a floor perspective )

Dive Bomber

Flying Pose

Let's do some power shots....
Charged Bolt and another
Static Discharge
Lightning Bolt starting and firing - and a bonus trick shot!
And the ever-popular Short Circuit

Hero work can really hurt

Hax0r! (Unfortunate Outtake)

Depth of Field isn't always bad

Climb where!? Come on, can't we just play City of Heroes instead? I would fit right in, I just know it!





Ooooh, favorite screen shot thread, I love these ^_^ Time to break out some golden oldies...

*Nearly kills photobucket by clicking "View All"*

Hmm, I need to organize these >_>

The mystery under Peregrine Island Arena...I loved this room...should have left some one down there with teleport just so I could trap people down there...wonder if it is still there >_>

CuppaJo, up close and personal at her going away party...*Sniffs* Still miss her...

And all of these goons probably do too : p

And in the free for all that followed, we learned Cricket has a strange idea of mercy >_>

Pumpkin head? In our Rouge Isles?

Not like they grow em in Paragon though.

Speaking of the isles, it's a real city of brotherly love.

And back in CoV beta, some of us villains tried spreading the love to Paragon ^_^

I even had Ms.Liberty train my dominator ; )

Another pointless CoV beta bug : p

Go back a little further, and you get the first day Respecification went live.

Ragdoll is nice, but I miss limitless knockup : (

I wasted so much time with that...

And it was before enhancement diversification too. Woo, six slotted knock back powers!

And now for some stupid bugs >_>

The matrix has nothing on Paragon City.

That actually used to happen to me a lot...

The first time I moved a character to test...well, lets just say servers weren't the only thing she swapped >_>

There used to be an bug with certain ATI graphics, where a specific color combination (Green and purple) would cause the costume piece you put it on to vanish...And so, I created the floating skull!

Of course, any one with an Nvidia card could see me in my ugly green and purple spandex, but it sure looked awesome to me!

Another bug of old, the Malaise pants! Just a costume piece that was never meant to be available, but if you grabbed them before they patched it, you got to keep them ; ) Goozlegoom may not be epic, but at least he has some epic pants ^_^

Any one else remember the invisible Family?

Alright, now for the screen shots I just think are cool ^_^

A personal favorite, my first level fifty, a mind controller leveling on Mother Mayhem...so sweet ^_^

Another personal first, my first gold title...was actually a typo from Ghost Widow >_>

Another first, my first GM summoning, yarrr!

My first time defeating the Kraken...and no, we didn't get anything from it : p

I miss the old Hamidon : (

He was always so colorful, and full of jello goodness ^_^

But at least that time, we made him go boom ^_^

Which was a lot better then when he went boom on us : p

He was still pretty though ^_^

Then again, I think Clamor is pretty too >_>

Meet Kitty Construct...

The litter bug queen...

The Duchess of mail fraud! And you wonder why Paragon mail system is so slow ^_^

Kitty Construct's in your portals, fishing your dimensions.

I miss the old poo man armor too, I knew it's weak spot back then >_>

The same weak spot as every other thug ^_^

Even the bad guys know that weak spot, OMG exploit, nerf!

Meet Oniwanban no Shoujou! She isn't a dark jedi >_>

She really likes smashing things...

but she really hates protesters...

A lot >_>

What does sub do? Sub goes KA-BOOM!

And freaky mutated ex-heroes go KA-BOOM!

And Jade spiders go KA-BOOM!

Hell, even BlackberryThorn goes KA-BOOM!

Just like Tyrant goes KA-BOOM!

Love the decor though.

Fine, no more KA-BOOM...time for a comfy chair ^_^

Ever wonder how you arrest some one with claws?

Oh, and I have always thought the ordinary thugs of Paragon need a giant monst...Oh crap, it's Hyda-Hellion, run!

Too many screen shots...wonder if any one will actually look at them all >_>

I can see forever 0.0





Ooooh, favorite screen shot thread, I love these ^_^ Time to break out some golden oldies...

*Nearly kills photobucket by clicking "View All"*

Hmm, I need to organize these >_>

The mystery under Peregrine Island Arena...I loved this room...should have left some one down there with teleport just so I could trap people down there...wonder if it is still there >_>

[/ QUOTE ]

That's awesome. I don't think I've ever seen that before.

And it was before enhancement diversification too. Woo, six slotted knock back powers!

[/ QUOTE ]

Hilarious! I used to love doing that, too. Ah, the good ol' days...

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction




That's awesome. I don't think I've ever seen that before.

[/ QUOTE ]

Heh, yeah, not sure how many people did. There was a hole through the war wall in the very south west corner on Peregrine Island. You could wiggle through it, and walk all the way through to the edge of the map...and fall off it >_> It was pretty trippy being able to jump off the edge of the world too.

Any who, you could walk back under the main island, underneath the arena, and type /stuck. Which conveniently takes you to the nearest door, which happened to be in this giant room a couple hundred feet under the arena. After which, the only way out was a teleport from a friend on the outside, because this was way before veteran rewards, and base teleports ; )

Hilarious! I used to love doing that, too. Ah, the good ol' days...

[/ QUOTE ]

Some where, on one of my old hard drives, I have screen shots of herds of a hundred or so trolls and outcast, leading them to the Atlas gate in the Hollows. I really need to find that hard drive >_<

I can see forever 0.0




That's awesome. I don't think I've ever seen that before.

[/ QUOTE ]

Heh, yeah, not sure how many people did. There was a hole through the war wall in the very south west corner on Peregrine Island. You could wiggle through it, and walk all the way through to the edge of the map...and fall off it >_> It was pretty trippy being able to jump off the edge of the world too.

Any who, you could walk back under the main island, underneath the arena, and type /stuck. Which conveniently takes you to the nearest door, which happened to be in this giant room a couple hundred feet under the arena. After which, the only way out was a teleport from a friend on the outside, because this was way before veteran rewards, and base teleports ; )

[/ QUOTE ]
I discovered this from someone who discovered the hole in the map but couldn't get out, as I ported him to safety he completely asked me to keep it a secret and showed me how to reproduce getting beyond the map, since the hole in the map was way in the southern part of the map that I didn't think many people would discover I just kept it to myself, told maybe a few friends and then forgot bout the trick. Never new there was a hidden arena room though. very cool. heh

@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!



I can't get over how cool that face off between the stalker and the scrapper that Starwind posted...seriously...I'm gonna do something like this with the Iguana Brothers tonight, like a face off. I'll try to post it tonight, but I'll be working it tonight fo sho!



Here's a few.

Grieving at one of those tacky roadside memorials

Okay, it was left behind by a Grav Controller during a Rikti raid.

He knocked my block off!

Looks like the skull flew out! Actually, I was in the middle of animating Fearsome Stare when I was knocked back.

Speaking of skulls...

[bad Elton John imitation]The ciiiiircle....the circle of deeeeeeeeath![/bad Elton John imitation]


If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog