Any of the devs have previous MMORPG experience?




You played PlanetSide?! And here I thought I was the only one who played that.

[/ QUOTE ]

ANYone who logs into that game today... would have the exact same thought.



Oh man...let me see...

I've played:

- Meridian59
- Ultima Online
- Asheron's Call
- EverQuest
- Dark Age of Camelot
- Star Wars Galaxies
- City of Heroes / Villains (!)
- EverQuest 2
- Earth and Beyond
- Anarchy Online
- Guild Wars
- Disney's Toontown Online
- World of Warcraft

So I've played a few, both beta and live.


[/ QUOTE ]

LOL Toontown was my 1st experience with an MMO

Gotta love the birthday cake and the Piano FTW!!



I'm impressed Posi... that's a lot of games...
my first graphic online was Asheron's Call. still miss spending time with my Aegis wearing pals



Lighthouse worked for Sony, whom removed his soul and sent him over to us, which is why he is the way he is.

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No, hours upon hours of playing EverQuest and PlanetSide did that (not to mention all those other games that I shouldn't mention, cause well these are the CoH forums). But then, I don't design the game, so you are safe!

[/ QUOTE ]

Let's remember ... These are the City of Heroes Forums.

For talking about City of Heroes.



This makes me wonder if I ran into any of you devs in DAoC.. Any of you former Tristan players by chance? Used to go by Malvos, Valmos, or Davenrue there...



Lighthouse worked for Sony, whom removed his soul and sent him over to us, which is why he is the way he is.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, hours upon hours of playing EverQuest and PlanetSide did that (not to mention all those other games that I shouldn't mention, cause well these are the CoH forums). But then, I don't design the game, so you are safe!

[/ QUOTE ]
You played PlanetSide?!
And here I thought I was the only one who played that. Now I feel the urge to hop in my BFR and aid the Vanu on Markov to crush everyone.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think there's a pretty big group of Planetsiders here.

*former NC on Johari whose milkshake brought all the steathers to the yard... then chased them out with his Sweeper*

Dawncaller - The Circle of Dawn
Too many blasted alts to list, but all on Virtue.



You know, I find it a little sad that none of the devs have mentioned my original stomping ground - the original Neverwinter Nights. I miss that game, crappy and unsupported as it was.



I have to say this one, Silkroad Online, is quite interesting.

It includes a number of different mythologies ranging from China, the Middle East and even Greece.



In AC1 I was on Thistledown. Man it is so nice to see that someone else will know what I'm talking about

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Or having to Buy (and have enough room to carry) more Spell components because you could... *gasp* actually run out of herbs and other material... and start to *fizzle*!

[/ QUOTE ]

And the occasional utterly bored battlemage fizzle-breakdancing At least until they switched from the spell research system to the scroll system. I miss the *old* AC1, before they started updating the spell system and loot tables. Going back was like playing a zoneless, graphically unappealing generic MMO, sadly.

Oh, I was on Solclaim for four years off-and-on from '01. Never did pick up AC2.



*goes off and hides his Motor City Online beta-test screenshots*

What? It was a fun game... if you were a car nut.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Devs - that almost al lof you have experience with DAoC makes me glow. <@_@> Yes, its stupid, pointless, and doesn't mean *anything* - but that was my second MMO ever and I *loved* it >_<

<. .> Yes, I'm in giddy fanboi mode atm. Suffice to say, DAoC was 'teh awesome'

Also, _Castle_ Midgard ftw!

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



i'm surprised to see so many devs playing WoW... aren't they the enemy?

[/ QUOTE ]

Know thine enemy. Plus inspite of being the root of all evil and injustice WoW has many positive experiences that I can understand any Dev wanting to sample so as to increase his/her own personal "gaming experience" palette. Hell even I played the game. I learned what I thought they did right and what I thought they did wrong. That information informs alot of the opinions I have about this game which I love.



There was a PK on Lake Superior named Ultimus than I ganked a few times. I think I even broke into his castle and looted it at one point...That was during the days when Cookie Monster was the top of the Bounty list, before he let one of his friends kill him ,turn in his head for a couple hundred grand and then split the bounty with him. Man, that made me mad!

[/ QUOTE ]
You can't begin to know what this flashback has done to my blood pressure, Castle.



Oh, I was on Solclaim for four years off-and-on from '01. Never did pick up AC2.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, AC2 *was* a good update to the AC. Graphics, 3D Maps and Player options were way better. And who could forget the AC2 Music Jams where characters would use their drop-loot musical-instruments to jam on a melody-tune... usually around the town's Weapons Forge shop??

It was truly 'modernized in graphics and game engine'... except things started faultering when Turbine dropped the ball and tried to take it back out of Microsoft's hands. And at one point the Live Servers faultered and the Client was horribly wrecked by some bad patching and Players started dropping the game like flies because it literally took months to make things playable again. It is one of the FEW MMOGs to date which actually *shut down* because of bad corporate relationships, dropped back-end support and lack of sufficient subscriptions.

At one point the Dev team tried to salvage the game and keep it running, but the damage was already done. Players lost faith and not enough of them returned even with the release of an Expansion Pack which they worked hard upon. Add to that the competition of other A-List MMOG games were already out in 2005 *coughWoWcough*. The Turbine... stopped spinning on that AC2 title. One of the RARE times where a Parent MMO game survives its official sequel title. A sad ending indeed.



Yeah, I'd heard that AC2 was a good game, and I even did some research... definitely a nasty situation.

Thankfully however DDO is quite nice... same company.

(Btw! *SOMEONE* here owes me a set of enhancements <^,~> I recall someone challenging me back in August that "By Febuary DDO will be gone" - It's still going~~ <^_^> *holds out mitts*)

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



Is that 'someone' still here on these Forums? Hey, if not... you can say that the game isn't gone... but that Player is!



I am shocked that not ONE of the devs has mentioned Horizons so far.


Jeez, I put that there thinking no one else would've thought to mention it. Not only did they, but there's a mention of it just above mine. So much for me being clever.

What a horrible, horrible game.

[/ QUOTE ]

On other boards,I keep on reading up on it,not only is the game very broken,so was the billing company for it. Former subs no longer playing it getting charged,current subs getting double/triple/quadruple charged monthly! Its like a Vhazilok Zombie that somehow has issue 2-4 Tanker Invulnerability and refuses to die!

Anyway,I'm suprised many of the developers played DAOC,I wonder which realm they were playing on,overcrowded,treehuggers or low populated(now that is,hehe.)

[Beta Testers]Zombie Man: Harlot is Swan's nickname too. And Dominatrix. And Sister Psyche. And Mynx. And Bobcat. And Synapse.



Lighthouse worked for Sony, whom removed his soul and sent him over to us, which is why he is the way he is.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, hours upon hours of playing EverQuest and PlanetSide did that (not to mention all those other games that I shouldn't mention, cause well these are the CoH forums). But then, I don't design the game, so you are safe!

[/ QUOTE ]

Let's remember ... These are the City of Heroes Forums.

For talking about City of Heroes.

[/ QUOTE ]

I would think that the devs can post about whatever they want.



Lighthouse worked for Sony, whom removed his soul and sent him over to us, which is why he is the way he is.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, hours upon hours of playing EverQuest and PlanetSide did that (not to mention all those other games that I shouldn't mention, cause well these are the CoH forums). But then, I don't design the game, so you are safe!

[/ QUOTE ]

Let's remember ... These are the City of Heroes Forums.

For talking about City of Heroes.

[/ QUOTE ]

I would think that the devs can post about whatever they want.

[/ QUOTE ]

heh ... Like they need you to stick up for them ...

It was a JOKE.



Is that 'someone' still here on these Forums? Hey, if not... you can say that the game isn't gone... but that Player is!

[/ QUOTE ]

You have a good point lol <,<;

I don't expect (or really care) to collect honestly <^,~> but it's just funny how someone was so dead-on-convinced that DDO would go under... I know that game isn't for everyone; it's much more of a niche game than COH - but its' quite good if you fall into that niche. It's only gotten better over the last year too.

I guess my point is <@_@> I likes it, and also - if you make a bet with me <'x'> I will remember!

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



I have played:
Gemstone III, Dragon Realms, Meridian 59, Ultima Online, Everquest, Anarchy Online, Asheron's Call, Dark Age of Camelot, Star Wars Galaxies, AC 2, EQ 2, World of Warcraft, Eve, and Vanguard... I am probably leaving a few out as well.

I include GS3 and DR even though they are text-based, simply because I feel they set the foundations for what players come to expect from a massively multiplayer game.

[/ QUOTE ]

Positron. You just became one of my favorite devs . I've played GS3 into GS4. I played a little bit of Dragon Realms too but I didn't like it as much as GS. I sometimes miss the dedicated RPing in GS3, it was somewhat strict in that game.



Anyone know if any of the developers or community managers played MMORPGs before City of Heroes/Villains? Like maybe some of them played Everquest or Ultima Online back in the day.

[/ QUOTE ]

I started with MUDs like Island of Kesmai, Legends and Gemstone II.
Ultima Online
EverQuest (up through LDoN; primarily a R()gue)
Anarchy Online (Up through Shadowlands) [I *love* a lot of things from this game -- the Enforcer is perhaps my favorite 'Tank' class from any MMO!]
Asherons Call I and II
DAoC (Backstab with a two handed sword? You betcha!)
Star Wars Galaxies
World of Warcraft
Guild Wars

Dabbled in, but did not play much of:
Auto Assault
Vanguard (Beta; I might still pick this up if I can find time to really devote to it.)

There are probably one or two others I can't recall off the top of my head.

Thats pretty cool. I wonder if I ever played with any of you guys in Everquest or Ultima Online. It feels like such a small world

[/ QUOTE ]
There was a PK on Lake Superior named Ultimus than I ganked a few times. I think I even broke into his castle and looted it at one point...That was during the days when Cookie Monster was the top of the Bounty list, before he let one of his friends kill him ,turn in his head for a couple hundred grand and then split the bounty with him. Man, that made me mad!

[/ QUOTE ]

Castle, would you mind me asking what server you were on in FFXI? Very doubtful I would be on the same as you, but I met you on Hades somewhere, I would flip. D:



I'm sad, none of the devs have played Darkspace x.x
Likely has anyone else for that matter >.<



Bah, they each fail for not having become regulars on 'Hello Kitty Online Adventures.'



Nice to see the devs playing AO, I have to say I supprised there isn't more crossover from AO to CoX after all am I really that alone disliking sword+sorcery? Hell my first two PnP roleplaying game werer Traveler and Advanced Marvel Super Heroes.

AO had this fantastic backstory (much like CoX) the things that constantly got to me was how little the actual game used that backstory (somewhat like CoX)