101,888 EXP in a single kill -- Can you top it?




croatoa story-arcs ftw!



189,000 XP on my Kin today for storyarc completion.


[/ QUOTE ]

Been to Croatoa? As of 3 or 4 months ago, some story arcs in that zone gave crazy xp for completion.



I was playing my Fire/fire brute today and couldn't help but think of the threads Ultimus starts about his. I always get a kick out of them, because it seems that the guy is really proud of his character and how it can perform, and not his own gaming skills. This makes the posts trying to sandbag Ultimus's good time all the more enjoyable to read. They're completely missing the point!

Any global xp changes, good or bad, are not the fault of Ultimus soloing Ghost Widow, or soloing anything.

Good job, Ultimus. Keep it up!

[/ QUOTE ]

Well it's nice that a couple of peeps can stop off and throw a gratz without collapsing in a steaming pile of "ZOMG he's BRAGGING".

Gratz Ultimus, glad yer having fun mate.

The haters on this thread are everything that is wrong with gaming.

Edit: It's killing me, seeing all the normally-intelligent folk stopping off with the knee-jerk "Gratz to the SHivan and Nukes" cliche - on a post detailing an xp return on a kill. Trying a bit hard aren't we? It's not easy, being green.



Wow. Im amazed at how terrified some people are of nerfs that they would shun someone for showing that they can solo an AV. *shakes head* Grats Ultimus!



Can you top this single bonus in double exp weekend? I soloed Ghost Widow and nearly got 1.5 bubbles in a single kill.

Check out the combat log

[/ QUOTE ]

Bile in EB form one-shotted my unsuspecting blaster. Oh wait, that would not be topping yours. Never mind. Gratz.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.




Well, I certainly hope the Devs look at him as the exception not the rule. I have yet to solo any AVs on any of my ATs even with a Shivan(just EBs). And I didn't do any soloing of AVs before ED either. Thanks for the nerfs min/maxers and thanks for always bringing attention to your "accomplishments" to the devs.

[/ QUOTE ]
QFT ... My point exactly.

[/ QUOTE ]

The devs aren't that stupid. People should be able to post whatever the hell the want here regarding things they've accomplished legitimately in the game. I personally find it funny and little bit sad that people think they can somehow hide success from the devs to protect their characters from nerfs. And I really dislike the attitude you and the other poster put forward laying the blame for nerfs at the feet of other players. That type of posting is why people fight so much on here. It's not true and it just fans flames. If things are overpowered, they'll get nerfed regardless of people posting about what they did with the powers.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, ok. How controller's could perma-hold solo. How tanks could herd 80 wolves. How blasters could one-shot a mob with their alpha. How people could solo an AV and we were told they were not to be soloed thus we got EBs. All legitimately. Please clarify legitimate because many things were legitimate at one point yet still got nerfed. Read the Balance Vision thread if you want to get your fill of disagreeing with how people view the game. If you don't like mine or the other poster's thoughts, then you will love arguing in that thread. Yeah, I'm sure the datamining got more attention than players complaining they couldn't get in a group with their non-Empath defender. Again, you really want to argue this...then head over to Balance Vision thread?

And btw, the OP did post so I don't see your problem? It's not like we lobbied to have him blocked from further posting or had it deleted. He can post an even greater accomplishment and I will also feel free to place my opinion there as well. It's sad that you think one type of posting should be viewed and not another.



I soloed Ghost Widow and nearly got 1.5 bubbles in a single kill.

[/ QUOTE ]

Pshaw. Every villain I have has gotten 5 bubs just for setting a bomb in the tutorial mission. (No shivans either)



Try it without a shivan.




Well, I certainly hope the Devs look at him as the exception not the rule. I have yet to solo any AVs on any of my ATs even with a Shivan(just EBs). And I didn't do any soloing of AVs before ED either. Thanks for the nerfs min/maxers and thanks for always bringing attention to your "accomplishments" to the devs.

[/ QUOTE ]
QFT ... My point exactly.

[/ QUOTE ]

The devs aren't that stupid. People should be able to post whatever the hell the want here regarding things they've accomplished legitimately in the game. I personally find it funny and little bit sad that people think they can somehow hide success from the devs to protect their characters from nerfs. And I really dislike the attitude you and the other poster put forward laying the blame for nerfs at the feet of other players. That type of posting is why people fight so much on here. It's not true and it just fans flames. If things are overpowered, they'll get nerfed regardless of people posting about what they did with the powers.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, ok. How controller's could perma-hold solo. How tanks could herd 80 wolves. How blasters could one-shot a mob with their alpha. How people could solo an AV and we were told they were not to be soloed thus we got EBs. All legitimately. Please clarify legitimate because many things were legitimate at one point yet still got nerfed.

[/ QUOTE ]
Because the devs have extensive data mining tools that allow them to analyze game information directly to determine all by their lonesomes how things are performing in their game?

We can't all just go SHHHHHHHHHHH! and then the devs w1lL NEVAR knoez!!!!1!!!1!heeheehee!!11!!1! That ain't how it works.



Quit being logical, Click. It's ruining everyone's fun. [censored] hole.



189,000 XP on my Kin today for storyarc completion.


[/ QUOTE ]

Been to Croatoa? As of 3 or 4 months ago, some story arcs in that zone gave crazy xp for completion.

[/ QUOTE ]

Last time I went through there, they gave 50K each.

I got two storyarc completions over 180K this weekend. The two AV arcs in the 40's.

The 50K is more bubs at Level 30ish, the higher ones are just bigger numbers.

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



I'll admit I've never soloed an AV, but then I've never actually tried, either... it sounds pretty impressive, but I hear about so many people doing it that it's become more of a "meh, good for you... glad you're having fun".

Aren't mission AVs a whole lot weaker than the ones that spawn in RV anyhoo? I've seen 2 full teams of level 50 heroes armed with Shivans and 3 Heavies be unable to even begin to scratch Ghost Widow. If someone can prove to me that they solo'd her in RV, then I'll be duly impressed.

Even more kudos if you can solo Lusca.

(and I don't mean in any issues below 5)




Well, I certainly hope the Devs look at him as the exception not the rule. I have yet to solo any AVs on any of my ATs even with a Shivan(just EBs). And I didn't do any soloing of AVs before ED either. Thanks for the nerfs min/maxers and thanks for always bringing attention to your "accomplishments" to the devs.

[/ QUOTE ]
QFT ... My point exactly.

[/ QUOTE ]

The devs aren't that stupid. People should be able to post whatever the hell the want here regarding things they've accomplished legitimately in the game. I personally find it funny and little bit sad that people think they can somehow hide success from the devs to protect their characters from nerfs. And I really dislike the attitude you and the other poster put forward laying the blame for nerfs at the feet of other players. That type of posting is why people fight so much on here. It's not true and it just fans flames. If things are overpowered, they'll get nerfed regardless of people posting about what they did with the powers.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, ok. How controller's could perma-hold solo. How tanks could herd 80 wolves. How blasters could one-shot a mob with their alpha. How people could solo an AV and we were told they were not to be soloed thus we got EBs. All legitimately. Please clarify legitimate because many things were legitimate at one point yet still got nerfed.

[/ QUOTE ]
Because the devs have extensive data mining tools that allow them to analyze game information directly to determine all by their lonesomes how things are performing in their game?

We can't all just go SHHHHHHHHHHH! and then the devs w1lL NEVAR knoez!!!!1!!!1!heeheehee!!11!!1! That ain't how it works.

[/ QUOTE ]

So posting about it doesn't mean they are actually doing it or posting about it still makes it ok? Min/maxer is a min/maxer whether they post about it or not.

what logic Jack? Nothing new here, just splitting hairs. Whether he (or others) posted about it or not will affect the game in the end. ED was proof enough of that.

Both of you, then please argue why I can't still herd 30 Nemesis solo and survive? It was just as legitimate at the time as the OP's accomplishment now. I tried calling it an accomplishment and it was just called powergaming or cheating or not intended. I fail to see the difference. There's your logic.



Nothing new here, ya' got that much right.



then why start the thread at all?



So posting about it doesn't mean they are actually doing it or posting about it still makes it ok? Min/maxer is a min/maxer whether they post about it or not.

[/ QUOTE ]
What are you talking about?



So posting about it doesn't mean they are actually doing it or posting about it still makes it ok? Min/maxer is a min/maxer whether they post about it or not.

[/ QUOTE ]
What are you talking about?

[/ QUOTE ]

Just responding in kind. What were you talking about then if I misunderstood?



So posting about it doesn't mean they are actually doing it or posting about it still makes it ok? Min/maxer is a min/maxer whether they post about it or not.

[/ QUOTE ]
What are you talking about?

[/ QUOTE ]

Just responding in kind. What were you talking about then if I misunderstood?

[/ QUOTE ]
"It doesn't make any difference if he talks about it or not since the devs can see everything from their third person omniscient perspective anyway so maybe people can let him share something he thought was cool without paranoid nerf ranting."



Uh not that hard to top...

In a team on Saturday (team of 4) I/we killed Lord Recluse (Arch-Villain) and I got 418k xp from him....one person one lvl above me got 480k from him.

And during the last double xp weekend my char. got 600k or 700k from LR.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



So posting about it doesn't mean they are actually doing it or posting about it still makes it ok? Min/maxer is a min/maxer whether they post about it or not.

[/ QUOTE ]
What are you talking about?

[/ QUOTE ]

Just responding in kind. What were you talking about then if I misunderstood?

[/ QUOTE ]
"It doesn't make any difference if he talks about it or not since the devs can see everything from their third person omniscient perspective anyway so maybe people can let him share something he thought was cool without paranoid nerf ranting."

[/ QUOTE ]

Still doesn't matter. What he calls an accomplishment, I and others did in the past, and we still got nerfed. AVs are NOT intended to be soloed. Not saying he isn't allowed to post but I'm also allowed to voice my opinions and if you think it's rant, I can't stop such close-mindedness. Please then let me see you argue for 'accomplishments' pre-ED in the Balance Vision thread.



Still doesn't matter. What he calls an accomplishment, I and others did in the past, and we still got nerfed. Not saying he isn't allowed to post but I'm also allowed to voice my opinions and if you think it's rant, I can't stop such close-mindedness. Please then let me see you argue for 'accomplishments' pre-ED in the Balance Vision thread.

[/ QUOTE ]
So, you're not saying he doesn't have the right to post about something cool, but you are reserving the right to sour it by dragging in your own historical nerf baggage from some other thread.

Oh, and I'm closed-minded for not realizing this.

Well, as long as we're all on the same page.



So posting about it doesn't mean they are actually doing it or posting about it still makes it ok? Min/maxer is a min/maxer whether they post about it or not.

[/ QUOTE ]
What are you talking about?

[/ QUOTE ]

Just responding in kind. What were you talking about then if I misunderstood?

[/ QUOTE ]
"It doesn't make any difference if he talks about it or not since the devs can see everything from their third person omniscient perspective anyway so maybe people can let him share something he thought was cool without paranoid nerf ranting."

[/ QUOTE ]

Wastin' time, pal.



You do realize I've done this so far with Stone Armor/Super Strength (Tanker) and Fire/Fire Brute? Next is probably going to be a Corruptor. If they start nerfing, they may as well do another global nerf cause I can do this with any character.

Or they could buff AV's.

[/ QUOTE ]

Or we could reduce the effectiveness of a suite of Temp Powers. Shivans and the Nuke's are pretty dang good.

And before more people jump on Optimus, we've known those powers were over the top since they were created.



You do realize I've done this so far with Stone Armor/Super Strength (Tanker) and Fire/Fire Brute? Next is probably going to be a Corruptor. If they start nerfing, they may as well do another global nerf cause I can do this with any character.

Or they could buff AV's.

[/ QUOTE ]

Or we could reduce the effectiveness of a suite of Temp Powers. Shivans and the Nuke's are pretty dang good.

And before more people jump on Optimus, we've known those powers were over the top since they were created.

[/ QUOTE ]
So you're saying you're definitely gonna nerf Fire/Fire, yes?



So posting about it doesn't mean they are actually doing it or posting about it still makes it ok? Min/maxer is a min/maxer whether they post about it or not.

[/ QUOTE ]
What are you talking about?

[/ QUOTE ]

Just responding in kind. What were you talking about then if I misunderstood?

[/ QUOTE ]
"It doesn't make any difference if he talks about it or not since the devs can see everything from their third person omniscient perspective anyway so maybe people can let him share something he thought was cool without paranoid nerf ranting."

[/ QUOTE ]

I mine data fairly often ... Granted it's financial data ... But it's data ... LOTS of data.

But I don't look at it, unless one of our user groups bring it to our attention.

I mean there has to be a reason to look.