Issue #15
I stopped reading the comic a whiiile ago, but from the snippets I've seen I'd have to agree with you
Of course, that just means our artists RAWK
Got any pics from it? Or should I just flip through it the next time I'm in a comic shop.
I haven't read it since they stopped sending copies to my home.
Yeah Gill, the art for this entire mini arc in COH has been substandard and I paged through to look for cameos by personalities I know from here, then looked at all the things in the back, the stories (who i know a few writers) and the character art, which never fails to upset me.
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I hear ya Gill; I stopped reading shortly after Protean was killed - it was good up till just a bit after that but I lost interest - first in the writing, then I tried to pick it back up but the art was /groanworthy <X.x>
You know its sad when an amateur like me can look at a 'professional' work and think "I might be able to do better than that...' I mean... ugh >.<;
<;_;> its too bad really too, I used to actually like the COH comics.
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>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
I stopped reading when they canned Brandon, so I can't comment on the stories. I've continued to buy it more as a novelty than anything else (but they remain unopened).
You can see the comics at Issue 13 was fine but issue 14 - yuck. Looks like something they chopped out over lunch so they could say they met their contract obligation.
I stopped reading when they stopped sending.
This 3 issue series was something called a filler. With comics and tv shows the make "Fillers" to fill in after or before a big event starts. A filler is always medicore and not very good. Your also forgeting that there starting a new stories that are bi-monthly. So they just filled this part in so we look forward to the new series.
I think YOU should become lead artist for the COH comic! I believe the quality would greatly increase!

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I assumed it was an unintentional glitch in printing or saving/pdf ... something.
[color=#cc99cc]I look at the comic online when I remember but overall I feel art and writing has deteriorated.
I read some issues at times and my brain just completely goes haywire at the writing.
I haven't seen this issue yet but I wasn't expecting much from it, heh.
im not a big comic book fan but I liked the series the other group did (blue king ) I belive they were called ?
It seemed more friendly and related more to the Game
Hey Brandon whats the deal with that anyway?
Blue King's I was a big fan of too >.<; I enjoyed it because it really fit in with what we, the heroes, were doing in the game.
I did like some of the earlier Top Cow stuff too - I enjoyed the whole BAB arc, especially when he caught up to Protean; and of course the Cyrus Thompson bit was excellent.
Just not thrilled with the current state of affairs - but then I hope it really is Filler >.> if the Ninja is correct /hope
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
I haven't got to see the new issue yet but I agree that the art has been declining and I also agree that the fan art outshines the actual comic art.
Haven't read it. Any of it.
But perusing that ftp link... Do they change Artists every Issue?! Some I like, some I don't but... I'm hard pressed to even BEGIN to care if every other issue I've got to adjust to how Statesman and the Gang's gonna look, not to mention how it's gonna affect the story what with each artists panel stylings.
I've always wondered why there wasn't a collected TPB. Guess I found out.
Its a jarringly different style than what we normally get from David Nakayama.
Also, that cover was done by Nakayama, but they give credit to Rodolfo Migliari. [censored]?
im not a big comic book fan but I liked the series the other group did (blue king ) I belive they were called ?
It seemed more friendly and related more to the Game
[/ QUOTE ]
I liked the original comic mroe for about the same reasons. It was about the regular heroes, climbing up the ladder in Paragon. It was essentially stories about the characters we play. It was a bit more personable. (And I liked the art style a bit more.) The new comics are just trying to focus on advancing a story line for the whole game, which is nice, but doesn't grab me as much.
*shifty eyes, total aside*.... (I got a piece of art into issue 15 too...)
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Man I wrote this long post about how I thought the art in issue #15 left much to be desired and that the fan art greatly out shined the actual comic book art...but I lost it. That basically sums it up tho. Did anyone else think the same thing or am I tripping?
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I have to agree Gill. It's kinda sad when I can look at a professionally done comic and take one of the characters and improve upon it, since I'm not exactly a good artist by any means.
�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray
*shifty eyes, total aside*.... (I got a piece of art into issue 15 too...)
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hah tried to sneak one by :P Congrats !
I stopped reading when they stopped sending.
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Same here....
Hey Brandon whats the deal with that anyway?
[/ QUOTE ]
Wow -- haven't thought about the COH comic in a while. Fun as heck to do -- it's what brought me here to the Forums in the first place.
I was lucky enough to get hooked up with the groovy cats at Blue King -- one of whom was the writer Rick Dakan, a co-creator of the game. Blue King had a year-long contract with NC Soft that had an option to renew. They just didn't renew the option. I'm guessing they thought Top Cow would bring more prestige to the comic itself, especially in the comic stores.
I really liked the stories we did as well. Very down to earth, as if the main characters were players just like all of us. It was an experience reading some of the posts for and against the book. Both the writing and the art took some verbal beatings, but there were some nice words as well. And since my style's kind of old fashioned, some people HATED the art.
Still our book was read by the 100,000+ players of the game and I met some cool people both in real life and on these forums because of it.
As far as commenting on the new art, can we download issue #15 yet? How did you see it Gill?
And you should send stuff out to Top Cow, Mr. Kindred. I'd love to see some of your panel-to-panel stuff. I know your figures, backgrounds and dynamic action are brilliant. You'd draw a hell of a COH comic book story. Although there would be a queue of bummed out art patrons for a while.
I stopped reading when they canned Brandon, so I can't comment on the stories. I've continued to buy it more as a novelty than anything else (but they remain unopened).
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Awww, man! Now I really miss drawing the book! Thanks Doug!
You did some awesome art, Brandon. The CoH comics you did were always a pleasure to find as a surprise in the mailbox.
I agree with Aaron, Brandon... you did a really good job with the CoH book. Some people call the styles that we do "classic" or "old fashioned", but I term to think of it as having our own voices, instead of the Flavor of the month. But hey, that's just my opinion... I could be wrong... to quote Dennis Miller.
on that note... I should be getting back to my own drawings.
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Man I wrote this long post about how I thought the art in issue #15 left much to be desired and that the fan art greatly out shined the actual comic book art...but I lost it. That basically sums it up tho. Did anyone else think the same thing or am I tripping?