Issue #15




Ugh, I just read it and noticed a big dif from the previous issues. Someone is not staying inside the lines.



I haven't actually gotten a chance to read issue #15, but if I'm to understand it wraps up the storyarc, I'm happy enough. I really felt like this was a way to help the Korean release feel more special. If those in Korea actually get the comic, good gravy, but the whole thing just felt like a big advertisement that was trying to shove as many of the new characters that I don't particularly care for into my lap. I'm under the impression that Manticore gets a least a large chunk of say for the story, and since I like what I think is his, I have to say that I expect better.

But in regards to the art, I actually had forgotten what it looked like since I read it over a month ago, but it looks very rushed, almost as if the distributer called up the artists and said, "They say no news is good news, so since I haven't heard anything about the last issues, I'm going to just assume they're all ready to go. Make sure to get it out to copy tomorrow morning," and, of course, the artists had all but forgotten about it until they got that message at 9:00 that night. That being said, it's a million times better than any drawings I do, but, then again, I don't get paid for it.



My problem is that all the issues now come up as unreadable after Issue 11. The PDF files contain errors that my computer doesn't like to chew on.



I haven't seen issue 15 yet but...

I really miss the Blue King Comics. It had the CoH feel to it. The excitment of possibly seeing your character in the book made it all worth while, plus is had great art and a pretty decent story. After reading an issue I wanted to jump right into the game.

These comics now are really....poor to say the least. I have no idea what direction they are trying to go with this but. With a title "City of Heroes" you'd think they'd feature at least ONE cameo in every issue. And I'm not talking about being a blob in the background.

I'll still submit my fanart though, even though I feel kinda let down with each issue.

They seem to have lost what CoH is all about. In all honesty unless they want to put some kind of effort into it I'd suggest just canceling it.




My take on Issue 14 and 15 is that it was rushed. I like both Nakayama and McKinney, but these past couple of issues just seem to rely way too much on the colorist. I think Ronan Cliquet is a talented artist (looking at other work by him) and I have no idea if it is his fault, but it certainly seems lacking to me.

As for the story, it was very anti-climatic. It also seemed rushed at the very end, almost like everything had a set pace and then they realized that it needed to be wrapped up in a four more pages so everything seem very hurried.

I also noticed that he is the penciler for Issue 16 and I hope that he does a good job for the contest winner, Jeff Helm.

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