Jay's Costume Bug Fix Thread




Female combat boots seem to be missing.... and of course Jay is sexy.

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Just Checked and i'm seeing the female combat boot selection under all of the boots that have patterns to them. Smooth, Stilettos, Platform, Folded, Flat, Large, Banded, Finned, Spiked, Flared.

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



*Cry* my belt.... my belt....

So I read todays patch notes. It mentioned that there were changes to belts. I thought, "Hey, I wear a belt." So I logged in and I got an unpleasent surprize.

My character, The Black Mink has always worn the "Metallic Fanged Skull" belt. It looked cool, and it hugged my body very nicely. Tonight I logged in and found that it no longer sits properly on my character. Infact, it looks absolutely stupid.

Please put it back to the way it used to be. Otherwise you should change the name to "Metallic Bucktooth skull". Just look at how it protrudes now. PLEASE put it back to the way it used to be. None of the other belts have the look I need.


Another belt problem I have is with another character. On one hand, I love the new V belt. On the other hand, I really want my old V belt back. The old V belt just "worked" better on her costume.

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Your belt casuality is due to the fix for clipping with the skirts and shorts i'm sure. Perhaps Jay can add in a second version that gets swapped in when skirts/shorts are not chosen?

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Female>Chest>Tight>Chaos Leather

No longer is supporting a secondary color

Female>lower body>pants>chaos leather

No longer is supporting a secondary color

female>chest>tight>Techbot Masked






entire category has secondary color problems


entire category has secondary color problems

Um i have some screen shots if this will help....
They are not that good as they are from a rear position to my character.

Anywise i immediately noticed the changes becasue when i logged on my character looked like she was wearing all black for her chest and bottoms....;_;

So anywise some other people in the tailor place i went to had the same issues.....so i know its not just me.

When i try to choose the female>chest>tight>chaos leather
I notice the tailor trys to give me some form of flack jacket with some odd textures on it.

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Many of these were changed to have their own secondary color mask. if you hit the reset button it will automatically choose the correct mask for said texture.

Items with New Masks
• Chaos Leather
• Buckled Leather
• Flack Jacket
• Techbot
• Tech Wired

female>chest>tight>steampunk Still There
female>chest>tight>stone Still There

female>chest>tight & female>lowerbody>pants ~ entire category has secondary color problems

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Can you be more specific? I just tried putting patterns on all sorts of female chest tight tops & bottoms and they worked fine. Choosing prime colors worked fine too.

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Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



I never posted this, and I guess now looking back I should have, because I find it hard to believe that if anyone pointed this out that it wouldn't have been fixed by now.... but anyway.

On the female body, the small padded gloves are not right. Only the right hand glove actually has the padding. The left hand looks just like regular fingerless gloves with a wrist band, but does not have the pads.

I noticed right when they were introduced, and figured it would have been addressed a long time ago. If no one else posted this I apologize for not mentioning it before...



Female combat boots seem to be missing.... and of course Jay is sexy.

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Just Checked and i'm seeing the female combat boot selection under all of the boots that have patterns to them. Smooth, Stilettos, Platform, Folded, Flat, Large, Banded, Finned, Spiked, Flared.

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I didn't look for combat boots specifically, but I -did- look for "wrapped" stillettos....and they no longer exist, at least not with Skirts and Short pants.

Please fix, Jay. I realize that the wrapped stillettos weren't the greatest boots ever, but the dainty foot just looks better on some characters that need that pattern.



*Cry* my belt.... my belt....

So I read todays patch notes. It mentioned that there were changes to belts. I thought, "Hey, I wear a belt." So I logged in and I got an unpleasent surprize.

My character, The Black Mink has always worn the "Metallic Fanged Skull" belt. It looked cool, and it hugged my body very nicely. Tonight I logged in and found that it no longer sits properly on my character. Infact, it looks absolutely stupid.

Please put it back to the way it used to be. Otherwise you should change the name to "Metallic Bucktooth skull". Just look at how it protrudes now. PLEASE put it back to the way it used to be. None of the other belts have the look I need.


Another belt problem I have is with another character. On one hand, I love the new V belt. On the other hand, I really want my old V belt back. The old V belt just "worked" better on her costume.

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Your belt casuality is due to the fix for clipping with the skirts and shorts i'm sure. Perhaps Jay can add in a second version that gets swapped in when skirts/shorts are not chosen?

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While you're at it, can we have both the new -and- old (original) versions of the V belt made available too? As ultra-sexy as the new one is, there are some scenarios where it just doesn't work as well as the old one.

New V clips the back of tucked-in pants. Old V did not.
New V shows a sliver of skin between hip of pants/tights/skirt and -underside- of the belt sides. Old V did not.
New V shows a wedge of pants/tights/skirt at back -over- belt. Old V did not.

Using the new V belt with different colored tops/bottoms and/or cropped tops is impossible now. Please add both belts and let us choose which one works best with the outfit? (Ditto for the fanged belt mentioned above, and anything else drastically altered for skirt clipping.)




Thank you once again for your diligent work on fixing these costume issues Jay and Ian.

Here are a few bugs that I didn't see in this current list so I'll post them here again.

Inside of Female Military Vest is non existent. (Jackets > Military Vest) Both sleeved and sleeveless version.

The Uni-Boob is kind of hard to show in a screenshot but I think this will get the image/error across. You basically end up with a single giant uni-boob when selecting the Female Military Vest Closed (Military Coat) option. It does not follow the shape of the chest as the other example shows.

Lapel-Logo Issue: this one is with the chest slider going towards the busty side and any Chest Detail set to Over. They are consumed by the expanding bust, thus being unable to be seen, They need to follow the bust as it expands, just as belts follow the hips as the slider is moved in and out.

P.S. Word on the street is that Jay is Sexxy

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



The 'uniboob' on bulky jackets like the leather and mililtary ones is fine - bulky jackets do end up like that.

A couple of examples with biker jackets:

#2409 - The Mystery of the MAGI vaults. Azuria has contacted you to help her stop the thefts from the MAGI vaults.
#68054 - Out of the gutters. Left for dead, you swore that you were through with being a victim (alt villain beginning story)



* Hugs Positron *
* Hugs Jay and Ian *

We are saved now! /cry

And yes, Jay is sexy.



The 'uniboob' on bulky jackets like the leather and mililtary ones is fine - bulky jackets do end up like that.

A couple of examples with biker jackets:

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Sorry but your images are nothing like the uni-boob in the costume editor. Go fire it up and choose the vest and rotate the figure. it projects foward from the center of the chest and tapers off near the middle-edges of the chest where the breasts actually are. It doesn't look bad with a flat or normal chest but once you start making a busty person it really shows. The jacket that fits your images is the Leather one with the butttons, and has a more uniform plane across the breasts.

Here is a top view to show you that the uniboob sticks out in the middle of the chest. Uni-Boob top & bottom view.

The reason I chose the image I did to show a tight fitting jacket was because the lighting accentuated the fact that it was more form fitting and not distorted into some weird shape.

EDIT: and just for giggles here is the Leather jacket that resembles the images you linked ingame. Note the lack of the uniboob
Leather Jacket Ingame

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Male > Huge (maybe on others too, but I haven't experimented). On the hostile 3 and 4 faces, the ones are baring their teeth, moustaches don't line up with the mouth correctly, makes them look like they have furry teeth, especially noticeable with the 'Confucius' piece where it appears the hair is growing out of the mouth.

With the arrival of I7, the old hero female face with glowing eyes vanished, the villain supernatural equivalent is similar but not quite the same and of course caused a few problems in icon.

Also had the randomly vanishing body parts happen, where a masked females topknot just wasn't there when i logged in after I7 and a free costume token was used to fix it, which kinda leads me to asking whether its possible for us to choose whether we want to use a costume token or not. In that case I'd have happily paid for the fix, and kept the token for major changes down the line, like when I got my next costume slot.

Oh, and of course, Jay is sexy



The Supergroup mode bugs are back.
I have a character with Monster legs, Insectoid pattern, green/red Blend patterned.

When i it SG mode, my legs become Green/WHITE. But i can't edit it because the SG settings show my characters has having monster FURY legs, without any option to change the color. Help?

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Yeah, SG mode color editor is still showing random bodyparts, costume parts, etc. I have a different head (probably because the glowing eyes head is gone, instead being now called Supernatural face 13), and the lightning pattern has vanished from my costume in the SG color mode editor.

In a semi-related note, is Supernatural face 13 the same as the old "head with glowing eyes" we had before? They seem.....different. I may just be imagining it, but I swear they aren't exactly the same graphic.

Stay sexy Jay.

Lightning Rod

"I am certain that all CoX will be humbled by the might of the Lightning Rod." -Lady_Sadako



I bugged this in-game, on the test server. I figured it was worth posting here, too. Sorry if someone else has posted this.

The banded option for gloves on test seems to have been passed over in the recent patch for costume pieces. It's the old list, in the old order, with the old names, and doesn't have the Tech Crey option.

Sorry, no screenshot.

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I thought so too, but it's there--just harder to find.

By the way, nice changes overall, Jay.

(My butt looks bigger in the tights now. )



Hey, when swiming in water, I've noticed that any cape other than the original (pre-CoV) capes will vanish when underwater, this is a problem for both CoH and CoV and quite noticible.

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I've noticed this on many non-skin layer items such as jackets, shirts, capes, etc. Items that are on a layer other than the skin disappear at the water level, so you'll see the shoulders of the jacket above water and your skin-layer items below the waterline.



And on a costume related note, going into the costume designer at the tailor does odd things to your costume. I went in with an MM that had chaos leather top/bottom and bone gloves/boots, and the gloves changed color when I talked to the tailor. They were black/red before, turned to something like light blue/light green when I talked to her. I believe it's because the design of the bone gloves changed (which didn't fit my costume design anymore, so I had to change the gloves and boots to make it work).

Similarly, when I took an old alt in for an update on her original costume, going into the editor produced a mixed-costume result that was part the right costume, part her second costume, and part I don't know what - possibly "remembered items" from another editing session on another character. (I edited a few yesterday during the same play session.)

Basically, I think any item that was modified in any way goes a little crazy when you go into the designer at the tailor.

Oh yeah - Jay is so sexay! x2 (forgot on my other post)



The wrapped option under stillettos is missing for sure (there is a wrap option, but it's not the same thing). I have several characters who wear these... sue me, I like em.

Everything else has been a great step forward! I am happy to see some folks working hard on a VERY important part of the game.



The Supergroup mode bugs are back.
I have a character with Monster legs, Insectoid pattern, green/red Blend patterned.

When i it SG mode, my legs become Green/WHITE. But i can't edit it because the SG settings show my characters has having monster FURY legs, without any option to change the color. Help?

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Back? On most of my characters the Group/Editor bug has been present for months. Come to think of it, maybe more than a year. Very, very frustrating.

Although, yes, this patch made them MUCH worse. I have one (well more than one but specifically for this post) character who is all red/black/green. On the super group editor he is a pale creamy orange.

It is par for the course for all my characters to change hairstyles, pants, boots, the works. Don't even get me started on jackets/sleeves.

I suggest completely removing all costs for costume changes until you folks can figure this out. Are we in for many more months of this bug? Another year?



My costume bug is a SG mode bug too.

Went and altered my main's costume since the new/old skirts were back (thanks again!), only when I try to recolor her skirt for SG mode, even though I hit the blue button, the skirt remains the original white.

SG window Screenshot

I'll find Jay extra sexy if he can fix this for me

And get the man a redname already!!

Edit - wrong image!




To add.. I'd love to see the witch's hat have hair added to it (please?)

Can anything be done about female hair clipping with capes?

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/ signed (bolded to show how very strongly I agree with this)

Especially the part about the hair with the witch's hat (and the stocking cap, for that matter). I LOVE the witch's hat, but my supersexay main girl (yes, I am also a girl ) looks really funny with no hair.

The capes clipping the hair I understand is a more difficult issue (glam hair, anyone) and I am willing to live with that particular pain. But hair for ALL hats!

Also, I believe that talented, funny people who are willing to help are extremely sexy. This includes Jay. However, pics would certainly facilitate my believe in Jay being sexy. So, SexyJay (which should certainly be your redname) please supply us with pics.



This is probably on here, but although the original skirt has patterns back as an option, they still don't show up.

jay is sexy!
ian is the new hotness!
/em shameless pandering!

or, actually...
Here is example 1: The skirts on the female are missing all their textures. Jay is sexy. (Screenshot of skirt missing textures)

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Hey Jay,

I just wanted to let you guys know, in case you didn't, the Shag hair cut for the female characters has a bald spot. I petitioned it when I first noticed a couple of weeks ago but a fix would be nice.




Way back when, there used to be a single suit texture. It wasn't a Jacket and Coat, it was just a one piece texture. It may be my imagination, but the current "suit coat" doesn't look the same. I also can't seem to find my favorite pumps anymore.


Jay and Ian are so sexy as to make Patrick Stewart (rawr!) seem to be Quentin Tarantino.



To Djeannie, re: uniboobs.

Now I see what you mean.

#2409 - The Mystery of the MAGI vaults. Azuria has contacted you to help her stop the thefts from the MAGI vaults.
#68054 - Out of the gutters. Left for dead, you swore that you were through with being a victim (alt villain beginning story)



and re: Suit.

The sadly missed old style suit, as seen here:

#2409 - The Mystery of the MAGI vaults. Azuria has contacted you to help her stop the thefts from the MAGI vaults.
#68054 - Out of the gutters. Left for dead, you swore that you were through with being a victim (alt villain beginning story)