


Can't find the exact post, but I'm pretty sure one of the devs followed up saying that, if they can figure out how to flag Kora Fruit to not be allowed in the storage containers, that they would likely restore the fruit to it's tier 3 status.

[/ QUOTE ]

So... I can store 'inspirations' in a container. *Inspirations.* *In a container.*

"Look, I've got a box of 'break free'!"

But, if that flag is found, I won't be able to put *fruit* in a container.

Which leaves us a container that can hold abstractions, but not a concrete item.

Hmmmm.... interesting.

Speeding Through New DA Repeatables || Spreadsheet o' Enhancements || Zombie Skins: better skins for these forums || Guide to Guides





Seriously, I get a laugh out of everyone saying I can't play this, its gimped, I can't do that, its gimped. Learn to do what humans have done all throughout history.... ADAPT or DIE!!! Complaining hasn't nor will change a thing. The Devs make tweaks to the game, yes, and they even try to give us a heads up on them, but eriously, if ya don't like it just leave, and don't let the door hit ya on the way out.

Its a shame that all of the doom and rip on the dev threads seem to cause them not to communicate as well as we like, for fear of starting a huge flame war.

Learn to treat the Devss as people and maybe they will talk to us again. I swear, if someone talked to you the way people talk to and about the Devs, you would either ignore them or start a fight with them.

GROW UP, GET A LIFE, LEARN TO ADJUST!!! That or go back and get yer baby bottle.


(Yes I did the same thing for I5 complained and moaned, and then found out it was not bad at all, jsut some adjustment to my game play style took care of it. I6 (ED) didn't bother me at all, and I have no complaints about it.)

[/ QUOTE ]

I did not see this post until I finished my "rant" about constintly having re-build my hero's and now villains.

I pay for this game and all of you do... I enjoy building my toon the best way I can... I make a mistake, and I do a respec mission and I can fix it. That is my responsibility.

To drasticly change the rules all the time and make me then again change is uncool and rather anoying. I know of 5 close friends of my that have left the game because it was it was a pain to have to change every few months.

oh and by the way def_con it is not immature to disagree with this type of change.. but is is to make comments like"go back to your baby bottles"... which I think you made. I can see where you are coming from...

I am mature, I have a life and I am not the "ADJUST" lemming you want people to be... Boards are for people with opinions... don't be so quick to dismiss them

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, its not the voicing of opinions that I'm sick of. Everyone is allowed their opinion. Its the bashing of the Devs who are trying to do what they feel is right to Their game. We are just participants in it.

As far as not adjusting, do you not adjust to life? This game is not a static game, and I know of at least 30 people who have not left, disliked the changes, but adjusted to them since they like the game, and understand things change. Its the only constant in the world.

I joine dthe DOOM wagon right before I5, even called for some dev to explain things.

The issue is unlike your post which was just your opinion, the majority of them are just threats. I've found that talking like a normal person will get you listened to much better than the way the majority of the posts like yours are stated.

Finally, as has been proven in this thread, when we do get an answer from the Devs, people do not always completely read or understand it, and then go off even harder.

Yeah I'd like to see some of the changes not happen, but I understand that while I may not like them, changes are going to happen. I chose to use my tax refund to get a new PC since my old machine was lagging too much. It more than passed the CoH requirements on the box, but was getting unplayable with the graphic changes. I disagree that they have not let us know what the new requirements are.

The changes they are making will force me to change my stratagise, but to me that makes the game a bit more fun. I can't just go in the way I used to, have to figure out what is best.

You are totally entitled to your opinion, and I respect the way you stated it, too bad more can't state things the way you did.



Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad



Changed To Hit Debuffs to use the 5/10/20 Enhancement progression.

[/ QUOTE ]

Does that mean the NPC now have the new to hit system ( to hit check before level check ? )

[/ QUOTE ]
No, it means that characters that use those enhances are gimped until I7.

I'm not bitter, I swear.

[/ QUOTE ]

Reality check: It means you're Nerfed even AFTER issue-7 changes.
If you look at the proposed "scaling" system... ACC Debuffs still get Nerfed.

4 Reasons:
1) Castle's Stalker posse couldn't handle full strength Hurricane
2) */Dark MM's were soloing Archvillains/Heroes...just like Ill/Rads
3) Rad-Emission in general needed another nerf.
4) Two words: DM/SR Stalkers.

Their original Excuse that it invloved Hammy-O's was closer to the truth...
...We're basically all getting nerfed now and into the future b/c of 4-5 powerbuilds.

[/ QUOTE ]

The funny thing, is that my /Rad controller will still be good. Go sit in your corner crying doom because this thread has gone downhill due to you and others about this.

I'm not gimped. Never have, never was. This change my hit me but I still debuff damn well.

So makes you look bad and hey, so do I but oh well, I dont feel a need to cry and moan about a change. I learn to adapt while others refuse to.

This space is intentionally left blank.



No Dev would respond to the discussion of this in the Test Server (Training Room) forum, so, we don't know the extent of the problem or why they chose this fix.

[/ QUOTE ]
If you don't like the answer, ask a different question.

Could there be a reason that they fixed this problem that has nothing to do with chat spam? A reason that they would have, I don't know, some sort of policy that would prevent them from publicly discussing it? This isn't an assertion -- I have no idea what other reason, if any, they could have for implementing this system -- I'm just offering you all a different question.



All in all, almost universally positive changes.

The debuffer debuff before the scale adjustment rolls in is unfortunate, but probably not toon-breaking.

The mission experience thing fixed an obvious exploit, always good.

I like it. On to I7 quickly, please.





Seriously, I get a laugh out of everyone saying I can't play this, its gimped, I can't do that, its gimped. Learn to do what humans have done all throughout history.... ADAPT or DIE!!! Complaining hasn't nor will change a thing. The Devs make tweaks to the game, yes, and they even try to give us a heads up on them, but eriously, if ya don't like it just leave, and don't let the door hit ya on the way out.

Its a shame that all of the doom and rip on the dev threads seem to cause them not to communicate as well as we like, for fear of starting a huge flame war.

Learn to treat the Devss as people and maybe they will talk to us again. I swear, if someone talked to you the way people talk to and about the Devs, you would either ignore them or start a fight with them.

GROW UP, GET A LIFE, LEARN TO ADJUST!!! That or go back and get yer baby bottle.


(Yes I did the same thing for I5 complained and moaned, and then found out it was not bad at all, jsut some adjustment to my game play style took care of it. I6 (ED) didn't bother me at all, and I have no complaints about it.)

[/ QUOTE ]

First, I note that you have several AT's listed but have only one 50 listed. the rest are well below 20. I admit, I'm making an assumption here, but if thats all you have to deal with, step away from the rant.

Its very easy to say 'adjust or get thee gone' when you only have one real adjustment to make.

I've been here since day 2 after release. Currently I have 2 50s (scrapper and blaster) , a 40 (emp defender), a 39 (inv tank), a 37 (fire/fire blaster), a 35 (Earth/FF 'troller), a 33 (dark/dark scrapper), another L20 blaster and L20 MM (necro/poisons). Not to mention a slew of 10-18 toons.

Relearning how to play each and every issue and (yet again) between issues is not an enjoyable thing. I would not have this many toons if on some level I did not enjoy playing. Issue 5 was the only issue that *one* of my toons, my 50 blaster, was buffed. Unfortunately ED took that away.

Further and further nerfs are essentially driving me away from team play. Because I prefer to make sure I've a solid grasp of what my toons are capable of so that I dont subject a team to a 'gimp' player.

My tank only in the last few days has started teaming again after 8 levels since issue 6 of solo play. There were many times she ran 'in the red' as i relearned over 8 levels of what i could handle. Thats one example.

The frustration for many long-time players comes from this 'relearning process' with increasingly diminishing returns with each issue.

You call for people to treat the Dev's like people. I call for the Devs to treat us as paying customers. Customers that foot the bill for them to do what they do.

Several things in this patch are not working like they're supposed to. On each toon i logged into today, one of my chat tabs was moved and renamed into a 'help' tab. Something we were told would not happen.

The chat windows originally allowed 10 tabs. Now you can only have 9. This is nowhere in the patch notes.

So once again, we have a patch that

A. weakens several powersets that will remain weakened even after the ever magical "issue 7 fix"

B. Breaks a currently working system (chat) for no apparent reason.

1. There are 13 possible defaults for tabbed chats (Broadcast, Request, Team, SG, Friends, Coalition, Arena, The 5 global chats and the new Help channel.) There are now only 9 tabs allowed.

2. Emotes will cause the new 'chat ban' to trigger. A feature that had no real need, nor adds any quality of life. Far better would be WoW-like clickable names in chat windows that would allow you to either send a tell to the person or ignore them with a simple right-click on the name.

Now you may say that 'Well the devs promised to fix this come the next issue.' To that I say they were supposed to fix the glitch that prevents several of my characters maps from remaining 'uncovered'. This still isnt fixed months and months later. Croatoa is still dark despite having spent hours there on a couple of my toons. The PvP zones always start as black.

So forgive me, but any promise for a 'fix' to something thats broken by yet another glitchy patch seems a lot of empty air to me. Right now I see a lot of unkept promises by the devs. Until they start fulfilling those promises, until they actually ask to see what people out there would like and implement them, those promises arent worth the paper they're printed on...

oh wait, we *are* getting 3 new sets of elf ears.. yay..

The LEGION (CoH) - The Fallen LEGION (CoV)
Forget your fears and want no more

50's - Renkoro, Remorseless

Angry Angels / Jaded Angels

Global - @Puretone



I just realized I completely forgot the debuff change was live while I was playing my fire/dark corruptor just now.

I never noticed the difference.



*gives a nod to Puretone*

You've precisely captured my current mood towards Cryptic exactly, though for different reasons.




*gives a nod to Puretone*

You've precisely captured my current mood towards Cryptic exactly, though for different reasons.


[/ QUOTE ]

You sir have an awesome avatar, and I salute you.


Monkeyboy lvl 50 ma/regen
Baboo lvl 50 invuln/ss
Cuervo Jones lvl 50 spines/regen
Johnny Crash lvl 50 broadsword/regen
Rocket Queen lvl 50 claws/regen
Another Dead Monkey lvl 50 spines/dark armor





The cap didn't exist for the end-of-mission bonus.

So people would often bring their SKs into missions, run around SK'd, then as soon as they realized the mission would end, the SK's would drop their SK status, and collect massive mission bonus XP.

That part has now been fixed.

[/ QUOTE ]

So there was no cap before? That's a bit crazy. But why 3 levels? That's too low. It seems like they are basing many things around 5 levels with defense and what not, why not make this 5 levels as well?

[/ QUOTE ]

a cap did exist.

post i5, u could not get more than a +5 bonus no matter what level u were. it pretty much was equivalent to just over 4x's the even lvl bonus u would have received normally. as u got higher in lvls, this eventually diminished however to maybe twice the standard bonus.

however, even 5 lvls behind the baddies, i could still pop a couple inspirations and hang in there with the team. obviously i wasn't the pivotal key to the team, but i definitely helped. now, we don't even get credit for the baddies we fight if we choose to be in that situation.

the whole point was to eliminate toons standing around collecting xp for nothing, wasn't it? why not make it so the limit of xp is +5 lvls from the baddies and not the highest teammate?

AKA: Ath BS/SD Brute (Hero)

"The Fall and Rise of Athanatos" Arc ID: 521712

Outcast Cooler - "Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't."



I may not like having to relearn things also but for me, it actually kept the game fresh enough for me as odd as that sounds. Rather then having the same boring character from I2-now, things were changed up and I re-learned some things.

I dont feel a need to use the excuse 'I'm a paying customer, I demand to be treated correctly' in a game where thousands of thousands of others are the same way also.

Devs have listened to things in the past in terms of changes because people gave better suggestions. The stealth change would be the best one recently since people gave much better ways to handle it to prevent griefing of glowies, they decided to go back and work on those changes.

This space is intentionally left blank.




however, even 5 lvls behind the baddies, i could still pop a couple inspirations and hang in there with the team. obviously i wasn't the pivotal key to the team, but i definitely helped. now, we don't even get credit for the baddies we fight if we choose to be in that situation.

the whole point was to eliminate toons standing around collecting xp for nothing, wasn't it? why not make it so the limit of xp is +5 lvls from the baddies and not the highest teammate?

[/ QUOTE ]

The +3 lvl cap only applies to the mission completion bonus. It has no affect on experience awarded for defeating opponents.




Actually, its not the voicing of opinions that I'm sick of. Everyone is allowed their opinion. Its the bashing of the Devs who are trying to do what they feel is right to Their game. We are just participants in it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Defcon... you seem like a good guy and I want to explain where I'm coming from.

I use to work for a former video rental giant. They too make decisions to better their business. Although it was better for the business in their eyes it was very unpopular with the paying customers. Eventually they were no longer the giant they once were. CoH and CoV are great games. I enjoyed many many many hours playing. I hate to see the same thing happen to this game that happened to that video chain.

My question to you is

Who did it hurt to have Perma-hasten or Burn or even 5 damage slots on a single skill?

I understand the game is not static, it is the approach to the change I have aproblem with. Rather then change the rules after a toon is build and far underway to maturity, make the situations and bad guys tougher. Malta Sappers are a perfect example. My tank was really tought until I crossed paths with them... there he was a lightweight.

I respect that you know 30 people that have not left the game. My answer to that is many more have left the game. the daily load dot when logging in reflect that. As well as have to deal with far more pre-teen players that I have come across. Some are mature enough to play and most aren't

My passion and if you will anger toward the changes comes from my love for the game. True.... It is "Their" game, but with out paying customers... they have no game. EQ is living proof of that. The developers need to understand that. If I had one here I would tell them that....

I don't want to see it become City of Mediocrity


[/ QUOTE ]

[color=yellow]Great Mephesto - 50 - Ill/Emp Controller - Liberty Badges 342
Cremospecter - 50 - Fire/Fire Tanker - Liberty Badges 158

[color=orange]All Hollows Eve -50 Dark Mastermind - Freedom Badges 352
[color=orange]Mad Houdini - 39 - Eng/Regen Stalker - Liberty Badges 156




however, even 5 lvls behind the baddies, i could still pop a couple inspirations and hang in there with the team. obviously i wasn't the pivotal key to the team, but i definitely helped. now, we don't even get credit for the baddies we fight if we choose to be in that situation.

the whole point was to eliminate toons standing around collecting xp for nothing, wasn't it? why not make it so the limit of xp is +5 lvls from the baddies and not the highest teammate?

[/ QUOTE ]

The +3 lvl cap only applies to the mission completion bonus. It has no affect on experience awarded for defeating opponents.

[/ QUOTE ]

EXACTLY! being -4 to mob level on an 8 man invinc misison....the bonus is just like the srpinkles on your cupcake. By the time you get the bonus you have gotten 4 bubbles of experience and thats in the late 30's....

My wife is our mission host with this current duo...she plays on invinc, i am sk'ed (current 31 sk'ed to 34 by her) the mobs are level 37-38...

i didnt notice any xp loss at all and i am -4 to mission level...yeah the bonus is less like 5%, whooptie.



The costume tokens were also handed out during today's maintenance.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, that should take care of the simpletons who do not see the bigger picture. Kinda like handing out Beer and Cigarettes to prospective voters before going to the polls...


"Look how many pages of crap are in this thread already!" -r0y to all threads on these forums.



hate to see the same thing happen to this game that happened to that video chain.

[/ QUOTE ]

And the decline of the giant video chain couldn't have anything to do with an increase of alternative methods of obtaining the same product?

Rather then change the rules after a toon is build and far underway to maturity, make the situations and bad guys tougher.

[/ QUOTE ]

They tried this in I2 (I3?). Made the bosses much tougher than they had been previously.

What they found out is that all ATs were not equally capable of handling uberbosses. The ATs that could do it before (boss-killers by design, mostly scrappers and other single-target specialists) loved the change, and everyone else had a difficult time of it. It was eventually rolled back out.

Leveling the field is a much more rational (and in the long term good for the game) approach than a change like the BossBuff that really benefited a few specific powersets and hurt everyone else.

Personally, I think that many players are simply resistant to change. Every issue chases a few hotheads out of the game (arguably no loss), but makes the game more equitable for future players.



You know...I am not sure I like this patch. I am not really feeling the DOOM here.




Relearning how to play each and every issue and (yet again) between issues is not an enjoyable thing. I would not have this many toons if on some level I did not enjoy playing. Issue 5 was the only issue that *one* of my toons, my 50 blaster, was buffed. Unfortunately ED took that away.

Further and further nerfs are essentially driving me away from team play. Because I prefer to make sure I've a solid grasp of what my toons are capable of so that I dont subject a team to a 'gimp' player.

My tank only in the last few days has started teaming again after 8 levels since issue 6 of solo play. There were many times she ran 'in the red' as i relearned over 8 levels of what i could handle. Thats one example.

The frustration for many long-time players comes from this 'relearning process' with increasingly diminishing returns with each issue.

You call for people to treat the Dev's like people. I call for the Devs to treat us as paying customers. Customers that foot the bill for them to do what they do.

Several things in this patch are not working like they're supposed to. On each toon i logged into today, one of my chat tabs was moved and renamed into a 'help' tab. Something we were told would not happen.

The chat windows originally allowed 10 tabs. Now you can only have 9. This is nowhere in the patch notes.

So once again, we have a patch that

A. weakens several powersets that will remain weakened even after the ever magical "issue 7 fix"

B. Breaks a currently working system (chat) for no apparent reason.

1. There are 13 possible defaults for tabbed chats (Broadcast, Request, Team, SG, Friends, Coalition, Arena, The 5 global chats and the new Help channel.) There are now only 9 tabs allowed.

2. Emotes will cause the new 'chat ban' to trigger. A feature that had no real need, nor adds any quality of life. Far better would be WoW-like clickable names in chat windows that would allow you to either send a tell to the person or ignore them with a simple right-click on the name.

Now you may say that 'Well the devs promised to fix this come the next issue.' To that I say they were supposed to fix the glitch that prevents several of my characters maps from remaining 'uncovered'. This still isnt fixed months and months later. Croatoa is still dark despite having spent hours there on a couple of my toons. The PvP zones always start as black.

So forgive me, but any promise for a 'fix' to something thats broken by yet another glitchy patch seems a lot of empty air to me. Right now I see a lot of unkept promises by the devs. Until they start fulfilling those promises, until they actually ask to see what people out there would like and implement them, those promises arent worth the paper they're printed on...

oh wait, we *are* getting 3 new sets of elf ears.. yay..

[/ QUOTE ]

Amen brother, ditto, and what ever else I can say to agree

[color=yellow]Great Mephesto - 50 - Ill/Emp Controller - Liberty Badges 342
Cremospecter - 50 - Fire/Fire Tanker - Liberty Badges 158

[color=orange]All Hollows Eve -50 Dark Mastermind - Freedom Badges 352
[color=orange]Mad Houdini - 39 - Eng/Regen Stalker - Liberty Badges 156



hate to see the same thing happen to this game that happened to that video chain.

[/ QUOTE ]

And the decline of the giant video chain couldn't have anything to do with an increase of alternative methods of obtaining the same product?

[/ QUOTE ]

Well speaking from first hand knowledge, I spent 10 years doing that job with interaction with the customers everyday. That chain in its hayday had incredible customer loyality. That will sustain a business until the dumb decissions take over.

Rather then change the rules after a toon is build and far underway to maturity, make the situations and bad guys tougher.

[/ QUOTE ]

They tried this in I2 (I3?). Made the bosses much tougher than they had been previously.

What they found out is that all ATs were not equally capable of handling uberbosses. The ATs that could do it before (boss-killers by design, mostly scrappers and other single-target specialists) loved the change, and everyone else had a difficult time of it. It was eventually rolled back out.

[/ QUOTE ]
Uberbosses yes they are bad... well you still have elite and avs. It is the tougher content I was talking about.. like the death crystals in the CoT Missions that drain life not just overpowering a specific villain

Leveling the field is a much more rational (and in the long term good for the game) approach than a change like the BossBuff that really benefited a few specific powersets and hurt everyone else.

[/ QUOTE ] that is just silly, why not just have 2 or 3 archetypes

Personally, I think that many players are simply resistant to change. Every issue chases a few hotheads out of the game (arguably no loss), but makes the game more equitable for future players.

[/ QUOTE ]

Since every person has different bottons that make them "Hothead" I think you proved my first point about the video chain

I think your right... most people feel it it isn't broke don't fix it

[color=yellow]Great Mephesto - 50 - Ill/Emp Controller - Liberty Badges 342
Cremospecter - 50 - Fire/Fire Tanker - Liberty Badges 158

[color=orange]All Hollows Eve -50 Dark Mastermind - Freedom Badges 352
[color=orange]Mad Houdini - 39 - Eng/Regen Stalker - Liberty Badges 156



My grief with the Dev Team has nothing to do with 'nerfage' or 'balancing'. Face it, every MOG Dev Team simply must do this---many times whether they want to or not. The overall good of the game requires this. In fact, I'd be extremely concerned if they didn't re-evaluate the state of the game and make appropriate data/numbers/system changes.

My problems lie in other areas: failed promises, radical alteration of established gameplay for their own reasons (not the good of the game), special features reserved for their NPC prestige/signature heroes/villains, radical refocus of the game on PvP (when we were promised this would not happen), refusal to discuss our major issues publically, postponed indefinitely non-combat gameplay, etc and so on.

The latest fiasco being, of course, the entire Patron Pool Powers where, once again, our stories are relegated in favor of NPCs. I don't believe I've ever before played a game where NPCs get the majority of the new features and unique abilities at the expense of player characters. I could understand this IF these NPCs were paying the subscription fees; or, IF the fiction was supremely inspiring. As far as I know, this is not so.

So, I'm annoyed, irritated, even. Especially because I cannot debate my issues with the Dev Team (they simply will not discuss any of it) and I realize, regardless of debate, this is how things are and how they are going to be.

PS: thanks for compliments on Avatar. It is not my work, however, but the work of another poster here whose name escapes me at the moment.




The costume tokens were also handed out during today's maintenance.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, that should take care of the simpletons who do not see the bigger picture. Kinda like handing out Beer and Cigarettes to prospective voters before going to the polls...


[/ QUOTE ]

That really had nothing to do with the changes yesterday. That was so that people who were using the now disabled /cov command could make costume changes until the new costume features in I7 come out. It wasn't meant to distract people from the real changes.

And let me know which polls serve beer, I would like to vote there next election. I like free beer




Actually, its not the voicing of opinions that I'm sick of. Everyone is allowed their opinion. Its the bashing of the Devs who are trying to do what they feel is right to Their game. We are just participants in it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Defcon... you seem like a good guy and I want to explain where I'm coming from.

I use to work for a former video rental giant. They too make decisions to better their business. Although it was better for the business in their eyes it was very unpopular with the paying customers. Eventually they were no longer the giant they once were. CoH and CoV are great games. I enjoyed many many many hours playing. I hate to see the same thing happen to this game that happened to that video chain.

My question to you is

Who did it hurt to have Perma-hasten or Burn or even 5 damage slots on a single skill?

I understand the game is not static, it is the approach to the change I have aproblem with. Rather then change the rules after a toon is build and far underway to maturity, make the situations and bad guys tougher. Malta Sappers are a perfect example. My tank was really tought until I crossed paths with them... there he was a lightweight.

I respect that you know 30 people that have not left the game. My answer to that is many more have left the game. the daily load dot when logging in reflect that. As well as have to deal with far more pre-teen players that I have come across. Some are mature enough to play and most aren't

My passion and if you will anger toward the changes comes from my love for the game. True.... It is "Their" game, but with out paying customers... they have no game. EQ is living proof of that. The developers need to understand that. If I had one here I would tell them that....

I don't want to see it become City of Mediocrity


[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

I can understand what you are saying, and yes there is always the posibility that changes can screw up the game and make it die. On the other hand, we have not had changes as they did to SWG.

The truly sucky thing about it all is that we don't know what goes on behind the scenes, or where they want to take the game in the future. We get and end result, and if we are lucky some explanation, which by all rights the devs don't have to give us.

I've just seen less and less dev posts as the ammount of dev bashing has been going up.

Also, when the stats have been posted (I can't find the link right now), even with the changes, overall subscriber numbers have been pretty even.

This time of year I also expect to see not as much load on the servers, due to the weather getting nicer, people being stir crazy and doing outdoors things, etc.

SW you doo bring up some great points, and I totally understand where you are coming from with them. For us its just a difference of opinion at this point, and I'm not gonna try to push my opinions on anyone else. Thanks for the great civil discussion (They seem to be rare on the boards in cases like this). Maybe I'll se ya in game at some point.


P.S. To the person who had mention me only having 1 50, yeah and it took me a year to get him there (Last month), and the other toons I play with altits (My PB is my newsest one), and am trying to do as much different content as possible. To me at least, adapting to the new circumstances does take away the dead end, repetitive blues I see people talk about.

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad




however, even 5 lvls behind the baddies, i could still pop a couple inspirations and hang in there with the team. obviously i wasn't the pivotal key to the team, but i definitely helped. now, we don't even get credit for the baddies we fight if we choose to be in that situation.

the whole point was to eliminate toons standing around collecting xp for nothing, wasn't it? why not make it so the limit of xp is +5 lvls from the baddies and not the highest teammate?

[/ QUOTE ]

The +3 lvl cap only applies to the mission completion bonus. It has no affect on experience awarded for defeating opponents.

[/ QUOTE ]

I hate repeating myself. Thanks for answering for me.



P.S. To the person who had mention me only having 1 50, yeah and it took me a year to get him there (Last month), and the other toons I play with altits (My PB is my newsest one), and am trying to do as much different content as possible. To me at least, adapting to the new circumstances does take away the dead end, repetitive blues I see people talk about.

[/ QUOTE ]

I believe that was Puretone.

<Looking at my sig>

Yeah, the number of 50s one owns has no bearing on any discussion involving gameplay experience. There are people playing for longer than I with no level 50s, but their experiences are valid nonetheless. Most of the people in this catagory have quite a few alts they juggle, which is why they don't have max level toons.

The only thing constant in MMos, IMHO, is change. You can always count on new content, power changes (for better or worse), changes in players, changes in attitude, etc.

Changes will always happen in MMOs. Not all of them will be good for everyone. You can't please all the people all of the time. However, those who can't accept change, adapt to change, or can't offer constructive criticism on these changes, are usually doomed to dissapointment.



P.S. To the person who had mention me only having 1 50, yeah and it took me a year to get him there (Last month), and the other toons I play with altits (My PB is my newsest one), and am trying to do as much different content as possible. To me at least, adapting to the new circumstances does take away the dead end, repetitive blues I see people talk about.

[/ QUOTE ]

I believe that was Puretone.

<Looking at my sig>

Yeah, the number of 50s one owns has no bearing on any discussion involving gameplay experience. There are people playing for longer than I with no level 50s, but their experiences are valid nonetheless. Most of the people in this catagory have quite a few alts they juggle, which is why they don't have max level toons.

The only thing constant in MMos, IMHO, is change. You can always count on new content, power changes (for better or worse), changes in players, changes in attitude, etc.

Changes will always happen in MMOs. Not all of them will be good for everyone. You can't please all the people all of the time. However, those who can't accept change, adapt to change, or can't offer constructive criticism on these changes, are usually doomed to dissapointment.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well said. I wish I could have done it so elequently.

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad