New Year's Resolution or Pod People Invasion?




Its all very simple really. States rolled himself a new SR scrapper. Then he gave himself a jetpack to get around the Hollows. Then he decided he wanted some nifty throwing knives.

Now he's approaching the twenties and noticing the bosses in Rugged missions hit kinda often...

Okay, so the pod-people explanation probably makes more sense. Still, with *my* explanation, he might've accidentally missed the fortune teller mission and need flashback...

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Since it's not that hard to buddy up with lower level characters and run missions with them to earn missed badges, I could even live without Flashback. The only thing I'd want it for is to go back and run all the missions with neato temp powers that I missed. I'm still cranky that I picked the wrong villain contact to empty out, and missed getting the Nullifier Gun.

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball



Puffy was a king among trolls. No one has yet to come close to his level.

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I don't know about that.

UniqueDragon reached his level with one post just for sheer insanity and off the wall lunacy of it all.

Ripperjack was heading near there before he figured out he got more attention by doing a character and thus ruined it by laying it on too thick.

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Hmmm. That PainfulDeath guy was pretty bad. He managed to get all the beta forum accounts banned.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



Poster: Arcanaville
Its all very simple really. States rolled himself a new SR scrapper. Then he gave himself a jetpack to get around the Hollows. Then he decided he wanted some nifty throwing knives.
Now he's approaching the twenties and noticing the bosses in Rugged missions hit kinda often...
Okay, so the pod-people explanation probably makes more sense. Still, with *my* explanation, he might've accidentally missed the fortune teller mission and need flashback...

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I can't resist......

Think we can get him to play a Tanker

(Virtue/Champion) Neil Fracas: Inv/SS
(Virtue) Gideon Fontaine: MA/SR (Sc), Generic Hero 114: Ice/Cold, Marcus Tyler AR/En, Project F: Spines/DA (S)
(Champion) Jenna Sidal BS/SD, Generic Hero 114: En/En (Bl), Loganne Claws/WP (Sc)



Puffy was a king among trolls. No one has yet to come close to his level.

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*throws memory dust at thread and runs away*

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...That's Talcum powder.

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You charged me $50 bucks for... TALCUM POWDER?!?

You are so dead now.



Just an idea... maybe create a post that gets updated weekly, and put as a sticky on the Test Server forum, called "Soon..." which lists things like this that are in short or long term development?

It just could get updated once a week or so, or month, just to detail things that are in the pipe. Put a fat disclaimer on the top that they're coming soon. Could be one day, or 365 days, or more... but kind of like an actively in development listing?



Puffy was a king among trolls. No one has yet to come close to his level.

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*throws memory dust at thread and runs away*

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...That's Talcum powder.

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Wait wait wait... someone was a bigger troll than the Icarus_Factor?!

While I agreed with some of the things he said, the manner in which he said it had all the finesse of a habanero burrito fart.

I would have to rate him top troll overall, and definitely most eloquent troll ever.



Poster: The_Foo
Understood. Pod people.

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I would like to be the second to welcome the pod people.

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Long live our new Pod People Overlords! May their reign be merry and nerf free.

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And here I was assuming they had one heckuva office party and all got lucky. Why else all the good moods?



Personally, I would like to welcome our new pod person overlords.

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*looks at back of States' head. Sees Apple logo.*


They're not pod people.

They're iPod people.

I don't want to know where the USB cable goes....

(All the same, woohoo! for all the good news.)



Puffy was a king among trolls. No one has yet to come close to his level.

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*throws memory dust at thread and runs away*

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...That's Talcum powder.

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You charged me $50 bucks for... TALCUM POWDER?!?

You are so dead now.

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Yeah, definately smells like Talcum powder... Hmmm, I wonder if - nevermind.



Paragon City uses a different timescale than our reality, as we know. If you check the date, it is now April 1 in Paragon City.

Yes, any second States will come here and post a "Gotcha!!!" message and revert all those changes.



Why the sudden turnaround in Dev behaviour?

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My theory is that Statesman finally killed his evil twin after a year long battle and reassumed control over CoH.

Either way, way to go!



Just an idea... maybe create a post that gets updated weekly, and put as a sticky on the Test Server forum, called "Soon..." which lists things like this that are in short or long term development?

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Good idea.. in theory.

In reality it would work out like this. The players see a change on the thread and one of two things is likely to occur.

1. Much [censored] and moaning done months and months before a change is even being considered truely being put in the game. We would hear complaining about nerfs when the devs are only "seeing what will happen" with no intention of putting it in the game.

2. "OMG! YOU PROMISED!" Something good shows up in the thread. Players rejoice, but months down the line it doesn't happen because of various technical issues and game limitations.. or just because it would be THAT hard to implement.




1. Much [censored] and moaning done months and months before a change is even being considered truely being put in the game. We would hear complaining about nerfs when the devs are only "seeing what will happen" with no intention of putting it in the game.

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Proposed changes to controllers. When the control durations were halved while the recharges were doubled. Oh and here's a little extra damage. Oh I hated that. Even changed my sig - Controller minus control equals ler. I'm a ler.

Then I tried it on test, and then after much BMW, the whole deal was changed a little here and there, it's not so bad. But the uproar over the 'proposed' change, with States saying, "Try it on test before you respond. It'll be up on Friday (or whatever day it was."

Nope, didn't wait. I was just as much a BMW in that thread.

2. "OMG! YOU PROMISED!" Something good shows up in the thread. Players rejoice, but months down the line it doesn't happen because of various technical issues and game limitations.. or just because it would be THAT hard to implement.

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Understood. Pod people.


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Pod People?!? Is that a new Villian AT? Will I be able to temporarily clone a target of my choosing? Can one of the powers sound FX be that eerie Donald Sutherland shriek?



As much as I would LOVE to know about things ahead of time.. it probably is for the best considering how the boards react to these things. We can't seem to go about things in a clear and calm manner..



Puffy was a king among trolls. No one has yet to come close to his level.

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*throws memory dust at thread and runs away*

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...That's Talcum powder.

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Wait wait wait... someone was a bigger troll than the Icarus_Factor?!

While I agreed with some of the things he said, the manner in which he said it had all the finesse of a habanero burrito fart.

I would have to rate him top troll overall, and definitely most eloquent troll ever.

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He wasn't a troll...he was like an early Pilcrow...



Puffy was a king among trolls. No one has yet to come close to his level.

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I don't know about that.

UniqueDragon reached his level with one post just for sheer insanity and off the wall lunacy of it all.

Ripperjack was heading near there before he figured out he got more attention by doing a character and thus ruined it by laying it on too thick.

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I don't know, Puffy didn't limit his trolling to the boards. He was such a troll that it encompassed his entire gaming experince.

He put himself on Virtue where the hard-core RPers live (because he knew some were a bit anal about their RP), read the Virtue forum to find out people's in-game pet-peeves and then specifically did those things. Then, he had the unmitigated gall came back to the very same boards with posts that not only celebrated his brilliance in finding ways to piss off the RPers on Virtue, but actually indignant that they had reported him for griefing.

It was like performance art, in your face, incredibly weird, incredibly sincere, yet with motive and meaning unclear.



As much as I would LOVE to know about things ahead of time.. it probably is for the best considering how the boards react to these things. We can't seem to go about things in a clear and calm manner..

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Look at the Balance Vision thread.

It's been 4 months of people going on about how they should all leave the game while STILL BEING HERE.

It's like a goth's livejournal where they swear this time they are totally going to commit suicide, but they just want to see how many comments they get for the threat post.

Edit: I stand corrected... 6 months. A whole half a year and going strong!

Current Badge Hunter: Plot Device (Rad/Thermal/Dark) - 1,268 Xbox Live: Friggin Taser

King of Electricity, Lead Inmate running the Carl and Sons asylum, the "Man" behind the Establishment, Given Honor in Hat Form By Paragon City (Favorite Forum Poster 2006!), Master of Ceremonies of the Fair Use Law podcast



Puffy was a king among trolls. No one has yet to come close to his level.

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*throws memory dust at thread and runs away*

[/ QUOTE ]

...That's Talcum powder.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wait wait wait... someone was a bigger troll than the Icarus_Factor?!

While I agreed with some of the things he said, the manner in which he said it had all the finesse of a habanero burrito fart.

I would have to rate him top troll overall, and definitely most eloquent troll ever.

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He wasn't a troll...he was like an early Pilcrow...

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Personally, I enjoyed Icarus Factor. He could skewer a person's post with a skill and grace those other trolls could only pretend to match. And he did so often, with great glee. When he had facts to skewer with, he'd use them and use them well. But he was more than happy to resort to personal attacks and dismissive quips if that was what he felt it took to skewer his opponents.

Frankly, I miss him, even though he sometimes infuriated me, because when someone would pipe in with something amazingly stupid, he could lay a smackdown second only to what cuppa can do, and without any admin tools to back him up!

But I'm suprised anyone would think he and I were alike in some way. I asplode sometimes, but usually prefer not to go for the full frontal attack the way he did.



Frankly I like the current board community more than the past ones. The baddies... left. The goodies... stayed.

It's like a goth's livejournal where they swear this time they are totally going to commit suicide, but they just want to see how many comments they get for the threat post.

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You know, what's funny... I knew a lot of folks who made a point out of doing that.


Dawnslayer on Virtue.



It's like a goth's livejournal where they swear this time they are totally going to commit suicide, but they just want to see how many comments they get for the threat post.

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Not every time



Is it wrong that I read that and think the way these supposed high school students spell is a greater tragedy than the suicide?

Current Badge Hunter: Plot Device (Rad/Thermal/Dark) - 1,268 Xbox Live: Friggin Taser

King of Electricity, Lead Inmate running the Carl and Sons asylum, the "Man" behind the Establishment, Given Honor in Hat Form By Paragon City (Favorite Forum Poster 2006!), Master of Ceremonies of the Fair Use Law podcast



"whats ur power that brings death and pain?"

If you set that conversation to music, ironically enough, the emo kids would eat it up.

Current Badge Hunter: Plot Device (Rad/Thermal/Dark) - 1,268 Xbox Live: Friggin Taser

King of Electricity, Lead Inmate running the Carl and Sons asylum, the "Man" behind the Establishment, Given Honor in Hat Form By Paragon City (Favorite Forum Poster 2006!), Master of Ceremonies of the Fair Use Law podcast