Post Your Sexy Base Pics!!!!




This is an overhead view of the Infinity Legion base on Freedom (hero) as of 5-24-07. I think I am done with expanding the plot. We are currently on the 20x20, and I think I have all the ideas I really wanted represented.

The idea of taking screenies of every room frightened me, so I apologize. If anyone wants a tour, I am happy to give one (global is @Dr. Feedback). Our base is usually part of the "Cross-server Base Tour" that Robo-Knight puts on about once every 6 weeks or so. Anyway, happy designing everyone!

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Coming in I10: CaptA gets his own Green Line Tram stop!



Now that would be a sight to see!!

I would join your SG if you could get a GM to put one in there.



lol, big tramline running through the base, what's next? we gonna have instances of AP in peoples bases?



You might be a redneck if...........

You go on a base tour and keep spamming in broadcast....."<insert SG name> is recruiting more peeps...We have a base and PL!!!! PST if interested!!!"



Hi, can someone please tell me what are those circular hanging monitors in some of the base pics and how can I find them? I am referring to the ones in this pic above the Sg table:

Also, can someone tell me what's that circular thing at the top of the S table with all the wires and everything?




That...I believe that's an AES. The epitome of tech control items.

It costs 2 milliion prestige, sucks 2500 power, and produces 1500 control. It can only attach a Mission Computer, and cannot use any other sort of aux item.

The computer requires a super group badge granted for dealing 50 million points of damage while in Super Group mode, and at the very least, a 3x4 control room (costing 2.5 million prestige) to hold it.



This is an overhead view of the Infinity Legion base on Freedom (hero) as of 5-24-07. I think I am done with expanding the plot. We are currently on the 20x20, and I think I have all the ideas I really wanted represented.

The idea of taking screenies of every room frightened me, so I apologize. If anyone wants a tour, I am happy to give one (global is @Dr. Feedback). Our base is usually part of the "Cross-server Base Tour" that Robo-Knight puts on about once every 6 weeks or so. Anyway, happy designing everyone!

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Coming in I10: CaptA gets his own Green Line Tram stop!

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See, I believe I deserve a green line stop! That would be the ultimate in convenience. That, and of course a terminal to Wentworths.

As to getting lost in my own base- I never get lost. But there are occasions where I have to stop and think about where I am going. And to my way of thinking, that's big enough.

Badstorm - just in case I booted you let me know. I'd like you to take a gander whenever you like.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



That...I believe that's an AES. The epitome of tech control items.

It costs 2 milliion prestige, sucks 2500 power, and produces 1500 control. It can only attach a Mission Computer, and cannot use any other sort of aux item.

The computer requires a super group badge granted for dealing 50 million points of damage while in Super Group mode, and at the very least, a 3x4 control room (costing 2.5 million prestige) to hold it.

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Didn't they Fix the AES so it could attach the other stuff? i remember them doing a fix with it in a patch before I9.



I think it's one item only and I believe that item has to be the SG computer.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



Infinity Server - Enclave of Honor
Super Group Base Update - 06.01.07
16x16 Plot Size and Growing




I am pleased to announce the completion of my Legion of Valor SuperGroup Base Tour page!

Legion of Valor SG Base on Victory

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Wow I liked that it was very nice.


by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



Heh. Cool idea with the skylight. Well done!

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters




A short tour of our base.

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Nice little tour. Just FYI, because you were spinning around for a majority of the tour for a 360 view, it was hard to focus on any one thing. I wanted to see more, but the spinning was making me a little dizzy.





The Freedom Phalanx Reserve recently upgraded from a 16x20 plot to a 20x20 plot so I scrapped the old base and did a total rebuild. I’m still working on adding details here and there (Like adding something to the endless expanse of hallways) but for the most part it’s done.
Heres an overview shot of the layout and then a slideshow of the rooms themselves.



Dark Tower. SL50 Stone/Stone Tanker
Founder The Freedom Phalanx Reserve
An Infinity Top 25 Super Group
Founded January 4th 2006



I am pleased to announce the completion of my Legion of Valor SuperGroup Base Tour page!

Legion of Valor SG Base on Victory

[/ QUOTE ]

wow thats friggin sweet!

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now



Trophy Wall

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Cool, but it kills me to see those "blocked out" room sections, especially on your 5x5 TP room. I'd kill to have that space on my 2-person supergroup (can have the SPACE, but can't afford 5x5 TP room and equipment to run it)!



I am pleased to announce the completion of my Legion of Valor SuperGroup Base Tour page!

Legion of Valor SG Base on Victory

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wow thats friggin sweet!

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What are the fighter / drop pod things from? Is that some kind of Vet reward?