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  1. Ok...So my old comp has basically took its toll after 6 years and I will be looking for another one very soon. Im not current with my computer knowledge of whats best out there on the market or where I can get the best deals for my money. I went to Best Buy last night to see what all they had to have a baseline of what is somewhat current. Ive noticed almost all there duo-core computers had 5400 processors. In your opinions, is that a very good processor? Im looking to get 4-6gigs of ram as well. (which most of those had)...which leads me to my next question. Does City of Heroes run on Windows 7? I think I wanna go that route instead of Vista. Im looking in the price range of $400-$600 total to start with. Best Buy comps come with Integrated Graphics which prolly wont run anything, but I can snag me a new video card shortly thereafter. I just want a good solid start on a new rig which will give me good performance.

    Best Buy comps were HP, Emachines, Dell, and Asus. Im willing to also buy off or other sites if anyone knows something better then what Ive seen so far.

    Im open to all opinions so fire away.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. Can anyone give me the laster "free" Regestery Cleaner, System Scan, etc... sites that they currently are using?

    Its been a while and new things come up everyday.

  3. Thank you very much! are a lifesaver!

    Muchos Gracias and stuff!
  4. My keyboard works just fine on ANY program I run except CoH. I have returned tonight to play CoH (resub) and found this problem.

    As soon as I go to put in my password to play the game on the CoH screen, my keyboard lags behind as I type...same thing ingame. I can type faster than it can put letters in the chat box.

    Does anyone have suggestions for me..Thanks in advance.
  5. Frozen_Horizon

    R.I.P Billy Mays

    Your Oxy Clean, Big City Sliders, and Mend-it commericials will be remembered!

    He died in his home (unknown) today at the age of 50.
  6. Name: Scorched Polar Bear
    Global Contact: @ Frozen_Horizon
    Level of Classification: 50
    Origin: Magic
    Super Rank & Super Group: Leader/Founder The Darkest Moon
  7. Frozen_Horizon

    Grats 8 Baller!

    Gratz dood!

    That was a badass video and you have mad skillz!
  8. Nice guide Garth! Im glad to see that people still reference my guide.

    Im running a lvl 42 WP/Stone tanker atm and it's a haus! I have been pondering on rolling a /WP Scrapper...either Katana or BS. I have a lvl 50 BS/Regen, but the KAH-CHUNK sound never gets old.
  9. I have 2 HP Ipaq 210s sitting here at work that we use to do safety inspections. Do you think this could be compatible as well?

    Check out the link and lemme know what ya think.

    Here are some specs:

    Processor: 624 MHz Marvell XScale PXA310 with hardware video decoding
    Operating System: Windows Mobile 6 Classic (Pocket PC)
    Display: 4.0 inch, 640 x 480 touchscreen LCD
    Memory: 128 MB RAM; 256 MB flash (185 MB available)
    Size and Weight: 5.0 inches long x 3.0 inches wide x 0.63 inches wide; 6.8 ounces
    Expansion: CompactFlash slot; SD slot with SDHC and SDIO support
    Docking: 24-pin iPAQ connector; Mini-USB connector
    Communication: 802.11b/g Wi-Fi (supports WPA2); Bluetooth 2.0/EDR
    Audio: Internal microphone and speaker; secondary VoIP speaker; 3.5mm headphone jack
    Battery: 2200 mAh replaceable Lithium Ion; optional 4400 mAh extended battery
    Input: Touchscreen; 5-way directional pad; 3 remappable application buttons
  10. I think it is a very nice option to have, even though I will not be using it as I have 24ish? of them stashed at WWs.

    Just think of it this way....The option is there if anyone wants it, and for those that DO buy them, that money goes towards funding for Bigger/Better Issues in the future and making the overall CoX experience that much better!

    I say to the community....BUY AWAY! Maybe that Moonbase will get here sooner!
  11. Will there ever be a way (sometime down the road) to be able to pick up this temp jetpack ingame? *safeguard, story arc, etc*

    That would be pretty cool! (or as a future vet reward?)
  12. CoX is going BROADWAY!!!!!

    Auditions being held for all get your acting skills on!
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    One thing that would be cool to do with magic desks: Bleachers for the repel ball court.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My arena stadium seating. Im not finished designing it, but its getting there. I will post some pics of it here soon.
  14. Yessir.....I agree with ya here.

    I just got weekends off for the first time in 7 months. My days off are Saturday and Sunday Nights. I will be putting in for Friday night off work.

    Cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. [ QUOTE ]

    Ok, Lighthouse, that all sounds cool and I am looking forward to it all. The xp smoothing sounds cool. I'm really looking forward to City Vault so I can show some friends that don't play CoX what my toons look like and such. Maybe get some new players?

    My biggest wish for 2008? Publically acknowlege that you have a base system in the game, admit that it is borked as hell, and start seriously fixing it. I know you all mentioned a bit about this, but let's see some timeline and what kinds of things you are planning to do. Sooner is better than later.

    Otherwise, keep up the great work.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    I would love for bases to get some lovin' very soon.
  16. Just think...If he can solo AVs and GMs with just a MM....

    How fast do you think they would fall if he DID use SHIVANS as well?

    *You should take on a GM with and without a shivan and time your runs.....Would be interesting.
  17. [ QUOTE ]

    I like this base too, it does have lots of personality. Not cluttered, nice clean look. 2 questions though: 1) WHAT IS THAT THING on the left side of the computer room, looks reall cool. I WANT ONE!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Mission Computer
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    So then are you saying that your guide should be retired?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No. Why? Because anyone new that comes here and reads it can make influence this way.

    I still sell all the I/Os listed in my guide and still sell TONS every week. Yes, some sit for a week, and some sell as soon as I post it. Look at "how many" of the same level I/O you are about to sell. If there are 75 for sell, then odds are you will be waiting a week or so for it to sell....unless you price "lower" than the rest. If sells are 1.5mill for your I/O in the last 5 history, then post it for 14,999,980 and you will increase your odds of selling faster....Its not rocket science.

    Patience is key...If you expect to make a killing this way right of the bat, then you are going to be disappointed. If you are a "lowbie" looking to produce your first 1-5mill and have the patience to wait a week or so for sells, then you will be set until lvl 50 with SOs and if you watch it right, you can have some good I/Os as well.

    I get /tells every week saying thank you for the guide, etc.....Many stating they are (example: lvl 8) sitting on 8mill influence because they took some advice and tried it out.

    It's far from going into retirement thats for sure.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Trying to follow this guide, I've been running radio missions in PI for almost entirely CoT/Carnival of Shadows to get the Arcane Salvage. I've been selling off the common IO recipes and crafting the uncommom and rares. I have about a half dozen IOs on the market now that I posted for exactly one million influence, and I've had them out there for a week. No sales.

    The only money I've made so far is by defeating enemies pretty much.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    As I have said in the past, this use to be a Glory Hole for everyone to make influence fast. This is not so much the case anymore though. I can still sell stuff on a daily basis using these techniques, but it is not like it use to be.

    Lowbies can get a few sells in here and there and pretty much set them up until lvl 50 buying SOs with extra to spare easily...But if you are looking to become a Billionaire off these methods, you are a bit too late.

    Take my advise and many other WentWorths gurus out there and experiment with different things. Trust me, there are still quite a few ways to make the big influence, you just have to play around a bit.

    Goodluck on your selling.

  20. Bumping this thread for all you new players out there.

    I haven't updated in a while because not many have caught onto my strategies yet. Once it is infiltrated more, I will post so everyone can get their feet wet before it stablizes.

    Play on Playa'z
