Post Your Sexy Base Pics!!!!




Posted these over in the Sexy (small) Base Pics thread and thought we'd share them here too.

Birds of Prey HQ on Triumph Server.

Isometric View
Reception/Waiting Area
Entrance Area Trophies
Workshop/Storage (with Mini Miss Foley the clown)
Med Lab entrance
Emergency Room
Doctor's Office/Lab
Our Resident Doctor at work (Jade-Star trying to figure out what makes Mini Miss Foley so weird...)
One of the three transport rooms (with Mini Miss Foley as "Mini Bat Foley" trying to figure out which one goes to the "Foley Cave"...)
Control Center (just pretend you don't see Mini Miss Foley doing her "SpiderFoley" routine atop the database... she likes to pretend no one sees her)
Ooops! (Think we caught Shard coming out of the shower...)
Generator Room (yes, pretend that you don't see "Mini Spider Foley" lurking around there...)
Entrance to SG meeting room
SG Meeting Room (with Mini hamming it up again...)
Lady LeFey catching up on the news in the Library
Trophy Room (yes Mini, we see you have a hammer too...)
Library/Trophy Room
SG Leaders Office
SG Leaders Office2
Our Leader (letting us know we *did* catch her coming out of the shower...)

Our next upgrade will bring an expanded library and common area, separate SG Meeting Chamber (we couldn't fit the table into this one ) and a hangar bay.

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



What are the fighter / drop pod things from? Is that some kind of Vet reward?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, they are a 39 month Vet reward.

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



What are the fighter / drop pod things from? Is that some kind of Vet reward?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, they are a 36 month Vet reward.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fixed that for you.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



What are the fighter / drop pod things from? Is that some kind of Vet reward?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, they are a 36 month Vet reward.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fixed that for you.

[/ QUOTE ]

I knew that. I was just testing you to see if you were paying attention. :P

Thanks for the correction!

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



I am pleased to announce the completion of my Legion of Valor SuperGroup Base Tour page!

Legion of Valor SG Base on Victory

[/ QUOTE ]

wow thats friggin sweet!

[/ QUOTE ]

QFT!!! Wow, I have seen the Legion's guildportal site and was very inspired by it. Seeing these pics gave me so many better ideas for my own SGs base. Thanks so much for posting this!!!!



Huh, guess I never got around to posting this here.

Guide to Power's Allegory/Affliction bases

The Affliction one has more prestige, and I'm generally happier with it's look, though I'm proud of Allegory's hanger bay.



I often come to the Base boards for decorating inspiration. I'm always looking for the best way to inorporate design with function, and these boards have been an endless source of inspiration.

The base for the Paragon Regulators has been a hobby of mine since bases were introduced in I6. Since then, the base has gone through one plot upgrade and some major changes, as we continue to build on our success (and are no longer being robbed when we pay rent ).

The base is always a project in the works as we add and change things, but Shard_Warrior's picks inspired me to finally post pics of our own little piece of Paragon City.

So here goes!
<ul type="square">[*] An isometric overview of the Paragon Regulators base. It currently uses an 8x12 hidden plot grid.[*] The Entrance doubles as a study, and contains many mementos and war trophies. It also has a small tribute to SG's inspiration, and the first trainer for many of us, the Back Alley Brawler.[*] The first room after the entrance is the Main Hall and Teleporter Room. Along with the Ancillary Teleporter Room located to the northeastern corner of the base, the SG has access to any beaconed zone (with the exception of Terra Volta).[*] Opposite the Entrance is the Medical Bay. The Auto Doc is the most recent addition (thanks to the hard work of our newer empaths), and includes Inspiration Storage and a Reclimator with Operating Table nearby. There's some Hamidon Goo on the counter next to the microscope.[*] Connected to the Medical Bay is the Base Control Center. Nothing fancy in here (yet) since I had to move some rooms around recently, besides the Inspiration Container, but we'll think of something.[*] North of the Control Room is the new Generator Room/ Arboretum. This new room is an upgrade from the basic Power Room, as we needed more room for the bigger Turbine Generator. However, with the surplus space at the end of the room, we added a Hot Tub (powered directly from the new Generator) and a poolside bar.[*] In the northwest corner of tha main hall is attached the base's Workshop. The SG has many Enhancement containers, one for each origin (although the advent of IO Enhancements may see this lessened in the future). Also in the workshop are a Tech and Arcane Tier 3 Empowerment station, a Tier 1 and Tier 2 Tech table, and two base salvage containers.[*] Taking advantage of the workshop's space, we also have an Invention Alcove and personal storage Vault. This helps to facilitate Inventing, and storing IO enhancements in the base.[*] Finally, on-duty SG members can find some rest in the squad bay, or watch some TV or play games during lulls in civic duties.[/list]Thanks for all of the inspiration everyone I look forward to seeing more beautiful pictures in the near future!



Well, I finally decided to get some screenies of my base and show 'em off here. This is Hero Depot's base on Triumph. Default plot size. Cost is around 4.5 mil prestige, although that could have been significantly lessened if I'd stayed with the 4 2x2 TP rooms instead of the big 5x5 one. I just really like the way the telepads look in the 5x5, and it gives you a lot of room for other stuff in the room.

Entrance shot 1, showing trophy wall
Entrance shot 2, showing lounge area
Transport Room
Transport Room, showing Longbow Chasers with roofhatch
Coalition/Meeting Room
Mystically powered Energy Room
Control Room



Do beta bases count?
If so, here are some shots:
The Mech Garage

The idea here was a retro-tech lair. As my villain is on the run from Malta, he can't afford to have his entire base kitted out with the shiny new Tech Stuff, only a couple well-concealed rooms at the back of the place.

There's a few other shots, mostly of the Study and the 'Tech Lab' HERE at my photobucket album.

[/ QUOTE ]

How did you get those's MECHS in your base??

Post Comic book Fan Films that ROCK!
Fight my brute



Those would be Bot MM pets.

A bots mastermind summons them, in those exact numbers, at high levels.



Posted these over in the Sexy (small) Base Pics thread and thought we'd share them here too.

Birds of Prey HQ on Triumph Server.

Isometric View
Reception/Waiting Area
Entrance Area Trophies
Workshop/Storage (with Mini Miss Foley the clown)
Med Lab entrance
Emergency Room
Doctor's Office/Lab
Our Resident Doctor at work (Jade-Star trying to figure out what makes Mini Miss Foley so weird...)
One of the three transport rooms (with Mini Miss Foley as "Mini Bat Foley" trying to figure out which one goes to the "Foley Cave"...)
Control Center (just pretend you don't see Mini Miss Foley doing her "SpiderFoley" routine atop the database... she likes to pretend no one sees her)
Ooops! (Think we caught Shard coming out of the shower...)
Generator Room (yes, pretend that you don't see "Mini Spider Foley" lurking around there...)
Entrance to SG meeting room
SG Meeting Room (with Mini hamming it up again...)
Lady LeFey catching up on the news in the Library
Trophy Room (yes Mini, we see you have a hammer too...)
Library/Trophy Room
SG Leaders Office
SG Leaders Office2
Our Leader (letting us know we *did* catch her coming out of the shower...)

Our next upgrade will bring an expanded library and common area, separate SG Meeting Chamber (we couldn't fit the table into this one ) and a hangar bay.

[/ QUOTE ]

WOW. What attention to detail. For those who dont know Shard_Warrior, she is one of the most creative people I know. With her help she constructed our website (See Sig). Looks fantastic.




Just a bump to this thread, letting all you large base owners know that we're looking at this thread for bases/SG's to feature in upcoming issues for the City Scoop.

If you'd rather not have your pics shared on the forums but wouldn't mind them being featured in the Scoop, you can PM me with a link to some screenies, or email them to me (I can give you the addy via PM).

If you'd rather keep your super-awesome-califragilistic base to yourself and not have your pics featured in this thread or in the scoop, disregard all of the above!

@Bonker Guide to Base Building for the Small SG
Present project: Solo Everything Project
Remaining: Lusca, Sewers, Eden, Kahn, States, HeroSpec2&3, Apex, Tin Mage, Moritmer Kal, Tesseract, Recluse, 'Cuda, Quarry, Stropharia, Thorn, Arachnos Flier, Deathsurge, Caleb, Seed of Hamidon (Villrespec2&3, Hami, CoP, Incarnates)



Welcome aboard the Shade Sentinel! You are now in a starbase, 92 miles above Paragon City in Geosynch Orbit!

In this holo display you can see status on the entire base, plus an overview of its current configuration. More modules have already been built, we simply need clearance to have them Space-Folded into orbit.

Speaking of which, the room you find yourself in now is the what we simply call the entry way. This room houses the main Space-Folder, which can transport people and objects to and from predesignated coordinates on the planet's surface. It may have felt a bit weird on the way up, as we use less conventional, more sophisticated travel methods. You were not dematerialized in any way, simply folded into the 11th dimension, and unfolded here. You didn't move, so much as the location of your existence was changed!

Entrance 1
Entrance 2
Entrance 3
Entrance 4
Entrance 5

Over here is the Shade Sentinel Hall, we simply call it the Hall. It's primary purpose is meetings, however we also have some recreational areas around the edge. The large screens on each side are hooked up to TiVo and every game console imaginable, though they can also be used for more official purposes. The Table has a holo projector in the center which can call up basically any data in the entire base's databanks.

Hall 1
Hall 2
Hall 3
Hall 4
Hall 5

If you come this way, you'll be in our medical facility, the Infirmary. When members are forced to activate their mediporter beacons, they can opt to have the space-folders bring there here instead. Bio-Synthetic Tissue Regenerators, a type of advanced nanite, tend to their wounds, though the process may leave them tired a moment, and they will probably need a few seconds to catch their breath. This room is kept extremely sterile, more so than the rest of the base, which is saying something.

Infirmary 1
Infirmary 2
Infirmary 3
Infirmary 4

Right over here, adjacent to the Infirmary is the construction bay. It houses all you need to work on your own projects, whether they be technological, magical, or otherwise. There is also a station here, which using a nanite based array, can temporarily augment your own natural abilities.

Construction Bay 1
Construction Bay 2

If you'll step through this short corridor, we will be on our way through to the crew lounge.

Corridor 2
Corridor 2

This is the crew lounge. It has a small bar and kitchen area, tables and seating to enjoy meals together, a sunken lounge, an arcane library, and plenty of plants for an organic and natural feel. The walls are a rather convincing wooden facade placed over the metallic bulkheads.

Lounge 1
Lounge 2
Lounge 3
Lounge 4
Lounge 5
Lounge 6

Let's backtrack a bit, through the entryway and into the more function oriented side of the starbase. The first room we come to is the Command Center. On the right side we have salvage logging and storage. You'll also note bottles of supplies such as anti-deuterium scattered about.. When we are cleared for more space, we intend to add a dedicated cargo bay, and then we will do a bit of remodeling in here.

There in the center is the Quantum Ripper Core, that's main power. It has a bit of a startup sequence whereby it taps zero point energy and then hyper accelerates complex molecules.. and bombards them with tachyons, causing quarks to rip away from the subatomic particles. This generates a lot of energy! And this is the Light Grade model! Why house such a thing in the command center? Well, the good news is, it can never explode, so it's totally safe, if it's destroyed, it will implode into an alternate dimension. The catch is, once it starts, it doesn't really stop. The only way to turn it off is to totally sap all energy from it at once. Our Heavy Grade Anti-Proton Cannon, mounted on the outside of this module, was designed to annihilate asteroids and small moons, firing that would do the job real quick!

Right there by it is the command table, it has a holographic interface and is designed to display tactical data from all over the station and its microsat sensor network. The monitors up there are primarily for maintenance, shields, and weapons control.

Command Center 1
Command Center 2
Command Center 3

If we make our way up through here, we find ourselves in the room that houses our power capacitor. This was installed to try to solve the problem with firing the Anti-Proton Cannon, as the QRC wouldn't be enough alone, not the Light Grade Model. This capacitor stores built up energy and then siphons it into the rest of the starbase. This effectively doubles our energy expending capabilities in the short term, meaning, with this, we can indeed fire the main cannon. Unfortunately, it would sap all energy from this and the QRC at the same time. The QRC would be fried.. and this? This probably would explode...

Capacitor Room 1
Capacitor Room 2
Capacitor Room 3

This is the main computer room. This entire room is dedicated solely to monitoring and maintenance of the main computer, housed in that equipment ditch.. no, don't step down there, it will hurt, trust me. There's an immense charge running through there. If I told you how many times more powerful than a human brain this computer was, you'd totally freak out, so I'll spare you. Good thing is, it has suppressors to prevent it from becoming sentient!

Main Computer Room 1
Main Computer Room 2
Main Computer Room 3
Main Computer Room 4

And Finally, there.. and there... are what we simply call the Exits. These are Space-Folders with only 1-way capabilities, unlike the main space-folder in the other room. There is monitoring and control equipment to preform diagnostics and make sure it all runs properly, as well as supply cabinets and racks, in case you need anything on your way out.

Exit 1
Exit 2
Exit 3
Exit 4

That concludes our tour of the Shade Sentinel, I hope you enjoyed yourself. In the future we will be adding a large combination space-folder and attack drone launch bay, as well as a cargo bay, opening access to missile storage, and more.

Have a pleasant day.

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



Welcome aboard the Shade Sentinel! You are now in a starbase, 92 miles above Paragon City in Geosynch Orbit!

In this holo display you can see status on the entire base, plus an overview of its current configuration. More modules have already been built, we simply need clearance to have them Space-Folded into orbit.

Speaking of which, the room you find yourself in now is the what we simply call the entry way. This room houses the main Space-Folder, which can transport people and objects to and from predesignated coordinates on the planet's surface. It may have felt a bit weird on the way up, as we use less conventional, more sophisticated travel methods. You were not dematerialized in any way, simply folded into the 11th dimension, and unfolded here. You didn't move, so much as the location of your existence was changed!

Entrance 1
Entrance 2
Entrance 3
Entrance 4
Entrance 5

Over here is the Shade Sentinel Hall, we simply call it the Hall. It's primary purpose is meetings, however we also have some recreational areas around the edge. The large screens on each side are hooked up to TiVo and every game console imaginable, though they can also be used for more official purposes. The Table has a holo projector in the center which can call up basically any data in the entire base's databanks.

Hall 1
Hall 2
Hall 3
Hall 4
Hall 5

If you come this way, you'll be in our medical facility, the Infirmary. When members are forced to activate their mediporter beacons, they can opt to have the space-folders bring there here instead. Bio-Synthetic Tissue Regenerators, a type of advanced nanite, tend to their wounds, though the process may leave them tired a moment, and they will probably need a few seconds to catch their breath. This room is kept extremely sterile, more so than the rest of the base, which is saying something.

Infirmary 1
Infirmary 2
Infirmary 3
Infirmary 4

Right over here, adjacent to the Infirmary is the construction bay. It houses all you need to work on your own projects, whether they be technological, magical, or otherwise. There is also a station here, which using a nanite based array, can temporarily augment your own natural abilities.

Construction Bay 1
Construction Bay 2

If you'll step through this short corridor, we will be on our way through to the crew lounge.

Corridor 2
Corridor 2

This is the crew lounge. It has a small bar and kitchen area, tables and seating to enjoy meals together, a sunken lounge, an arcane library, and plenty of plants for an organic and natural feel. The walls are a rather convincing wooden facade placed over the metallic bulkheads.

Lounge 1
Lounge 2
Lounge 3
Lounge 4
Lounge 5
Lounge 6

Let's backtrack a bit, through the entryway and into the more function oriented side of the starbase. The first room we come to is the Command Center. On the right side we have salvage logging and storage. You'll also note bottles of supplies such as anti-deuterium scattered about.. When we are cleared for more space, we intend to add a dedicated cargo bay, and then we will do a bit of remodeling in here.

There in the center is the Quantum Ripper Core, that's main power. It has a bit of a startup sequence whereby it taps zero point energy and then hyper accelerates complex molecules.. and bombards them with tachyons, causing quarks to rip away from the subatomic particles. This generates a lot of energy! And this is the Light Grade model! Why house such a thing in the command center? Well, the good news is, it can never explode, so it's totally safe, if it's destroyed, it will implode into an alternate dimension. The catch is, once it starts, it doesn't really stop. The only way to turn it off is to totally sap all energy from it at once. Our Heavy Grade Anti-Proton Cannon, mounted on the outside of this module, was designed to annihilate asteroids and small moons, firing that would do the job real quick!

Right there by it is the command table, it has a holographic interface and is designed to display tactical data from all over the station and its microsat sensor network. The monitors up there are primarily for maintenance, shields, and weapons control.

Command Center 1
Command Center 2
Command Center 3

If we make our way up through here, we find ourselves in the room that houses our power capacitor. This was installed to try to solve the problem with firing the Anti-Proton Cannon, as the QRC wouldn't be enough alone, not the Light Grade Model. This capacitor stores built up energy and then siphons it into the rest of the starbase. This effectively doubles our energy expending capabilities in the short term, meaning, with this, we can indeed fire the main cannon. Unfortunately, it would sap all energy from this and the QRC at the same time. The QRC would be fried.. and this? This probably would explode...

Capacitor Room 1
Capacitor Room 2
Capacitor Room 3

This is the main computer room. This entire room is dedicated solely to monitoring and maintenance of the main computer, housed in that equipment ditch.. no, don't step down there, it will hurt, trust me. There's an immense charge running through there. If I told you how many times more powerful than a human brain this computer was, you'd totally freak out, so I'll spare you. Good thing is, it has suppressors to prevent it from becoming sentient!

Main Computer Room 1
Main Computer Room 2
Main Computer Room 3
Main Computer Room 4

And Finally, there.. and there... are what we simply call the Exits. These are Space-Folders with only 1-way capabilities, unlike the main space-folder in the other room. There is monitoring and control equipment to preform diagnostics and make sure it all runs properly, as well as supply cabinets and racks, in case you need anything on your way out.

Exit 1
Exit 2
Exit 3
Exit 4

That concludes our tour of the Shade Sentinel, I hope you enjoyed yourself. In the future we will be adding a large combination space-folder and attack drone launch bay, as well as a cargo bay, opening access to missile storage, and more.

Have a pleasant day.

[/ QUOTE ]

Seriously, that is one beautiful base! Thanks so much for sharing!



Welcome aboard the Shade Sentinel! You are now in a starbase, 92 miles above Paragon City in Geosynch Orbit!

Lots of awesome base pics.

[/ QUOTE ]

Great job with this one Outstanding theme and excellent use of lighting and the "change the SG logo/colors" trick.



its more then curious as i dont recall another base here running on the 8x12 and doesnt use the supercomputer

i take it its more decorative then anything..

very nice though..looks like it took a buttload of work



its more then curious as i dont recall another base here running on the 8x12 and doesnt use the supercomputer

i take it its more decorative then anything..

very nice though..looks like it took a buttload of work

[/ QUOTE ]

Indeed, many hours of work. We don't have a supercomputer because we have yet to need it.

How big are those things anyways?

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



Well I mean how wide is it? 1 square? 1.5? I use a lot of raised and lowered surfaces so I need to know if I have to count on remodeling to fit it in there.

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



About 1/2 square thick by 1.2 wide, give or take.

It's the big thing in the back of that picture, and standing on a 1x2 square raised platform.



Definite remodeling.

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



Welcome aboard the Shade Sentinel! You are now in a starbase, 92 miles above Paragon City in Geosynch Orbit!

In this holo display you can see status on the entire base, plus an overview of its current configuration. More modules have already been built, we simply need clearance to have them Space-Folded into orbit.

Speaking of which, the room you find yourself in now is the what we simply call the entry way. This room houses the main Space-Folder, which can transport people and objects to and from predesignated coordinates on the planet's surface. It may have felt a bit weird on the way up, as we use less conventional, more sophisticated travel methods. You were not dematerialized in any way, simply folded into the 11th dimension, and unfolded here. You didn't move, so much as the location of your existence was changed!

Entrance 1
Entrance 2
Entrance 3
Entrance 4
Entrance 5

Over here is the Shade Sentinel Hall, we simply call it the Hall. It's primary purpose is meetings, however we also have some recreational areas around the edge. The large screens on each side are hooked up to TiVo and every game console imaginable, though they can also be used for more official purposes. The Table has a holo projector in the center which can call up basically any data in the entire base's databanks.

Hall 1
Hall 2
Hall 3
Hall 4
Hall 5

If you come this way, you'll be in our medical facility, the Infirmary. When members are forced to activate their mediporter beacons, they can opt to have the space-folders bring there here instead. Bio-Synthetic Tissue Regenerators, a type of advanced nanite, tend to their wounds, though the process may leave them tired a moment, and they will probably need a few seconds to catch their breath. This room is kept extremely sterile, more so than the rest of the base, which is saying something.

Infirmary 1
Infirmary 2
Infirmary 3
Infirmary 4

Right over here, adjacent to the Infirmary is the construction bay. It houses all you need to work on your own projects, whether they be technological, magical, or otherwise. There is also a station here, which using a nanite based array, can temporarily augment your own natural abilities.

Construction Bay 1
Construction Bay 2

If you'll step through this short corridor, we will be on our way through to the crew lounge.

Corridor 2
Corridor 2

This is the crew lounge. It has a small bar and kitchen area, tables and seating to enjoy meals together, a sunken lounge, an arcane library, and plenty of plants for an organic and natural feel. The walls are a rather convincing wooden facade placed over the metallic bulkheads.

Lounge 1
Lounge 2
Lounge 3
Lounge 4
Lounge 5
Lounge 6

Let's backtrack a bit, through the entryway and into the more function oriented side of the starbase. The first room we come to is the Command Center. On the right side we have salvage logging and storage. You'll also note bottles of supplies such as anti-deuterium scattered about.. When we are cleared for more space, we intend to add a dedicated cargo bay, and then we will do a bit of remodeling in here.

There in the center is the Quantum Ripper Core, that's main power. It has a bit of a startup sequence whereby it taps zero point energy and then hyper accelerates complex molecules.. and bombards them with tachyons, causing quarks to rip away from the subatomic particles. This generates a lot of energy! And this is the Light Grade model! Why house such a thing in the command center? Well, the good news is, it can never explode, so it's totally safe, if it's destroyed, it will implode into an alternate dimension. The catch is, once it starts, it doesn't really stop. The only way to turn it off is to totally sap all energy from it at once. Our Heavy Grade Anti-Proton Cannon, mounted on the outside of this module, was designed to annihilate asteroids and small moons, firing that would do the job real quick!

Right there by it is the command table, it has a holographic interface and is designed to display tactical data from all over the station and its microsat sensor network. The monitors up there are primarily for maintenance, shields, and weapons control.

Command Center 1
Command Center 2
Command Center 3

If we make our way up through here, we find ourselves in the room that houses our power capacitor. This was installed to try to solve the problem with firing the Anti-Proton Cannon, as the QRC wouldn't be enough alone, not the Light Grade Model. This capacitor stores built up energy and then siphons it into the rest of the starbase. This effectively doubles our energy expending capabilities in the short term, meaning, with this, we can indeed fire the main cannon. Unfortunately, it would sap all energy from this and the QRC at the same time. The QRC would be fried.. and this? This probably would explode...

Capacitor Room 1
Capacitor Room 2
Capacitor Room 3

This is the main computer room. This entire room is dedicated solely to monitoring and maintenance of the main computer, housed in that equipment ditch.. no, don't step down there, it will hurt, trust me. There's an immense charge running through there. If I told you how many times more powerful than a human brain this computer was, you'd totally freak out, so I'll spare you. Good thing is, it has suppressors to prevent it from becoming sentient!

Main Computer Room 1
Main Computer Room 2
Main Computer Room 3
Main Computer Room 4

And Finally, there.. and there... are what we simply call the Exits. These are Space-Folders with only 1-way capabilities, unlike the main space-folder in the other room. There is monitoring and control equipment to preform diagnostics and make sure it all runs properly, as well as supply cabinets and racks, in case you need anything on your way out.

Exit 1
Exit 2
Exit 3
Exit 4

That concludes our tour of the Shade Sentinel, I hope you enjoyed yourself. In the future we will be adding a large combination space-folder and attack drone launch bay, as well as a cargo bay, opening access to missile storage, and more.

Have a pleasant day.

[/ QUOTE ]
damn when I click on the link it says Page Cannot Be Displayed, any way you could repost it?



The directory works fine from this end, maybe there was a temporary outage.

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



ya its working now. not sure what was wrong the first time. nice job on the base