Post Your Sexy Base Pics!!!!




Whose idea to take next



Rock God Luptonis is a musician (technically his superpower is really just being able to air guitar and have music come out). He has been around since the early 90s and his fans even range into the supernatural (He is a necro/ff MM). Taking all of this into account please peruse his Lair the legendary Club Anarchy

Here is Luptonius doing one of his supernatural concerts in the Main concert hall. (thats my regular costume)

A picture of Luptonius on the stage ltaken just before the club closed in 1999 (Stage outfit)

Luptonius standing in front of his dressing room, taken in 1993 (hair metal costume)

Now lets go back outside the club, looking down the road you will notice that theres more to this club than what this club appears to be.

Theres a strange gazebo across from the club.

turning to go around the building you will see that the local kids love to leave their trash in the ally next to the club.

And around back the generators seem to have a demon problem. (Album Cover costume)

Now that I've given you the main tour, let me show you two maps. There are parts Xed out, these are walls... big thick walls.

This is a map of the in game rooms, how the game sees them.

And here is a map of what what you see when exploring my lair.

Not bad for a one man SG eh?

And one more thing, for all you heroes and villains of Paragon and the rogue Isles, Buy My Album



After many hours of remodeling Peacekeepers of Paragons base has a whole new look. The Old Base Layout

Now on to the new.
Entrance-waiting area
Long hall. But where does it go?
To the storage area
Invention Area
and the candy room
Back down the other way in the hall we come to the
More teleporters
Control room entrance
Command Center
Pilar of fire and ice and more fire
Base Power
Temp Meeting Area
And finaly the Overview

I was hopeing to get the next size power unit and AES but we only got 2.2million Free prestige(didnt do any padding) , all well we will get there.



After many hours of remodeling Peacekeepers of Paragons base has a whole new look. The Old Base Layout

Now on to the new.
Entrance-waiting area
Long hall. But where does it go?
To the storage area
Invention Area
and the candy room
Back down the other way in the hall we come to the
More teleporters
Control room entrance
Command Center
Pilar of fire and ice and more fire
Base Power
Temp Meeting Area
And finaly the Overview

I was hopeing to get the next size power unit and AES but we only got 2.2million Free prestige(didnt do any padding) , all well we will get there.

[/ QUOTE ]
That looks great,I like everything about it.Definately a few things there that gave me ideas dor my own base.



Hi fellow builders!
I'd just like to preface this mini-tour with a thank you to the people from this forum who have inspired me to try a lot of neat things with the base editor. While these photos aren't really pictures of floating tricks, they are probably my favorite 2 rooms in my main SG base.

Renaissance de la Veritas base on Champion-- Teleporters and Work Room

Just off the entrance is the Teleport Room where we have beacons to all the major zones. At the back of the room is an entrance to the less-frequented teleports.

Back to the main room... off to the left is the passage way to the Work Room, where we have storage bins for SOs sorted by origin.
Around the bend and over the bridge is the Inventions Room and Library with a few crafting tables.

Here is the bird's eye view of the Work Room.

Well that is it for now. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial




Wow. That's an awesome base!




Stunningly gorgeous. Where did you get those gargoyle statues??



I know that

Force Field Generators, under defensive items.

They cost a pretty penny, too!



I know that

Force Field Generators, under defensive items.

They cost a pretty penny, too!

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually they are Pain Fields But I have been thinking about putting in the Force Field gargoyles in my Control Room. It's just not secure yet though, but if I get around to it I'll post it here.

Thanks again for taking a look!

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial



Okay, so you got me there.

Are those crafted, then? I've only looked closely at the ready-to-build type stuff.



-Very- nice

My 50s:
Tigra Swipe (BS/SR/Dark Scrapper)
Galena Storm (Emp/Ele/Ele Defender)
Master Tolarin (Psi/Fire/Force Blaster)



After many hours of remodeling Peacekeepers of Paragons base has a whole new look. The Old Base Layout

Now on to the new.
Entrance-waiting area
Long hall. But where does it go?
To the storage area
Invention Area
and the candy room
Back down the other way in the hall we come to the
More teleporters
Control room entrance
Command Center
Pilar of fire and ice and more fire
Base Power
Temp Meeting Area
And finaly the Overview

I was hopeing to get the next size power unit and AES but we only got 2.2million Free prestige(didnt do any padding) , all well we will get there.

[/ QUOTE ]

Tigor, I love the base! Especially the lettering to identify the salvage racks.

In fact, I'm trying to do something like that (thanks to your great idea!)... and right now using shojin lamps? (small).

I'm wondering what size vents you used for the lettering.

Also, is there a way for us to see which salvage is tech, which is magical, etc? All I see is "Fir bolg salvage" and such.

Lastly, any possibility, I could take a tour of your base for ideas? I hate to ask but I'm very impressed!

My global is @Soundtrack (on Virtue)


Satan trembles when he sees...
the weakest saint on his knees.
<----- Click there to learn how you can help!



Well it wasn't easy and took some work but on the basic plot now I managed to install rooms for the Turbine Generator and the bit but awful shiny Autonomous Expert System

Couldnt quite swing the Fusion Generator but oh well.



EEEKK, that looks cool, Nice job

Soundtrack, The vents used on the salvage racks are "small Vent".As for is tech, which is magical, etc its mostly from memory. There used to be a guide i used but i cant find it anymore .

You can take a tour of my base anytime you want,so can anyoneelse who wants to, just send me a tell @Tigor. Peacekeers of Paragon is a vitrue based SG all rights reserverd



This is my first time posting my base pictures in here. I have a solo SG that used to have a small base in the default 8x8 plot, but because of the double prestige grant lately I was able to upgrade to the 8x12 and let my creativity move a bit more. I was thinking of posting this in the "small base" thread, but I found out it's really just for those with 8x8 plots.

So here we go, the Shadow Den, Shadowrush's secret base and primary headquarters of the Sentinel Detectives.

Main Entrance/Split Level
(My first attempt at doing a split level using the magic desks)
Entrance overall view
To the costume lockers and restroom
Costume lockers (For 4 out of 5 main Sentinel Detectives members, the other hero is a robot piloted by a six inch alien, so he didn't need one.)
Small storage space on the second level
Storage under the stairs
The actual portal entrance on the third level
A view from the third level

Control Room
(From the entrance, we move to the control room just next to it)
The entrance to the computer room
Stepping into the computer room
The Shadow Computer (TM)
Complete with forensics and other crime-fighting equipment

Transportation and Teleportation Hangar
(Across from the Computer Room is the main hangar, housing 8 teleporters, and someday... a captured and modified Arachnos Flyer. I still don't have one at the moment, but I'll be able to get that vet reward in about 7 months. So for the moment it's just "being used" by someone... for some heroic deed and such.)
View from the corridor
Right Teleporters
Left Teleporters
A view from one of the teleporters
View of the hanger door, and Shadowrush wondering why he has a hangar when he doesn't have a vehicle yet
A closer look at the giant door
A secondary doorway from the hanger to the generator room

Inspiration Storage/Main Intersection
(We go back to the corridor and approach the base's main intersection where a small alcove for Inpiration Storage can be found.)
Corridor View to the intersection
The inspiration alcove

Medical Facility
(Going to the left from the intersection we see the room that has saved Shadowrush's life a few times.)
The corridor of the Medical Facility (Also contains a small waiting and relaxation space)
The entrance to the room
Our resident robot doctor, the operating table and medical area. (He doesn't talk much, but he is really good at what he does)
Another view of the Medical Facility with its reclamator

Generator Room
(We go next from the Medical Facility to the room that powers the whole base. Don't worry, we don't use hamsters.)
Behold! The Generator! (The basic one)
Another view of the generator room

Workshop Rooms
(Going back to the main intersection, we turn right this time into where Shadowrush and scientist-grandfather creates all of his wonderful toys. This is actually two rooms connected to each other.)
The smaller room, the Invention Room
The primary workshop room, coming from the invention room
Another view of the workshop
A closer look at the Empowerment upper section

Sparring and Training Room
From the workshop we turn into the the training room. So far it consists mainly of a raised sparring platform, mixing a martial arts look into the base, and a few wooden pillars used as punching bags. I may upgrade this someday, hoping we get exercise or training base items.)
The sparring room
Another view of the sparring platform
Shadowrush, punching wooden training pillars

The Trophy Room
(From the training room, comes the last and deepest part of the base... the trophy room)
View of the Trophy Room entrance from the Training Room
Going inside the trophy room
A closer look at the elevated section with the Pillar of Ice and Flame
A view of the other side of the trophy room
The base's main Vault (Salvage storage) (Also houses all of Shadowrush's large crime-fighting tools that he teleports in, aka temp powers that can't fit in his utility belt)

Well that's it. Thanks for viewing. Someday I'm hoping to expand the generator room and get the Turbine Engine, and after that a room that can fit an AES (And the prestige to afford it). I'm also looking forward to the 36 Vet Reward for the Arachnos Flyer. And also to expand the trophy room a bit.

Also I wanna thank the devs for the prestige grants or else this base would never have existed.



EEEKK... can I come see that in game? Daaaaaang that is awesome.

My 50s:
Tigra Swipe (BS/SR/Dark Scrapper)
Galena Storm (Emp/Ele/Ele Defender)
Master Tolarin (Psi/Fire/Force Blaster)



And very nice, Shadowrush!

My 50s:
Tigra Swipe (BS/SR/Dark Scrapper)
Galena Storm (Emp/Ele/Ele Defender)
Master Tolarin (Psi/Fire/Force Blaster)



EEEKK just when I thought I saw it all you post something so amazing,wow thats just crazy.



I like the entrance room, nice layout. If you need an arachnos flyer or longbow chaser, let me know, I'll be glad to stop by and drop one off some time.