Post Your Sexy Base Pics!!!!




Rogue Wolf Radio Presents....

Shadow Gate Night Club (Virtue Server)

Hubby and I started our own internet radio station, and thought it would rock to have a night club base to hold rp events in. So I built Shadow Gate Night Club. Pics can be seen by following the link below.

Shadow Gate Night Club

The SG itself is not active, just has a bunch of my alts in it. But the purpose is mainly to provide an alternative to Pocket D for our coalition mates.

Current Coalition:

Shadow Manor
The Good Life
Satisfaction Inc.
Artificial Xtracts

Shadow GAte Night Club is currently seeking to coalition with six more ACTIVE RP SG's on the Virtue server. Contact @CrimsonWolf @CrimsonWolf Too or @Schayde the Shadow to discuss the possibility of becoming a member of our coalition, so you too, can use the night club!



That is a very cool setup ya go there......Kudos!!!!

The decoration/lighting really sets the mood of it being a night/dance club.

Very well done!



thank you!




Indeed, many hours of work. We don't have a supercomputer because we have yet to need it.

How big are those things anyways?

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I have one in a 1x4

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Issue being my creative use of floor height, my entire 1x4 does no have any 2 adjoining squares of the same height.

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



I've seen just about every base that has been posted on these forums and that is the best night club I have ever seen! The purple lighting with the dark walls really do make it feel like a club. The bar is huge and the VIP club is pimptastic! I hope you don't mind if I copy it.



Love the Vampire theme!!

Very nice base and well thought out rooms.



Augh beautiful!
Though something I've always wondered..
How does one alter the symbol on the SG banners/floor plates?
(In this case it was done to spell out "V I P")



Love the Vampire theme!!

Very nice base and well thought out rooms.

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Thank you! We have beacons to 21 zones so far and every sort of storage available. It's turned out to be a very nice starter base.

The overhead view shows the circular design of the telepads around the infirmary. We have them arranged from low to high in a clockwise fashion and the bays numbered with floor tiles with our SG logo on them (bay 1 = 1 floor tile, bay 2 = 2 floor tiles, etc up to bay 6 with 6 floor tiles).

You can't really see it well in the slides but our infirmary utilizes 2 floor tiles to point the way to the base sewer entrance. This is very useful so our vampys can grab and go once rezzed in the infirmary.

Feel free to steal, er, borrow any of our base ideas!



Hi everyone... sry for my prolonged absence... RL problems a bit strong at late... anyway.. i finally got my sewerbase pics online for you all to check out... hope you like it.. it is a sewer afterall..hehe

Children of the Damned - Infinity Villain base

Here is another project that unfortunately went astray... as some of you know, Statesmans Watch had a nice birthday party in June, a special club was created in the base for it... unfortunately, our base was hit by the Big Bad Base Bug the day before the party... and the room went unused... shame, but i did manage to catch some screenies before the demise... :-) They did repair our base, but unfortunately after the party was over...:-(

Statesman's Watch - CLUB OWNAGE

Cya all soon...:-)

GL and GREAT building...:-)




I've seen just about every base that has been posted on these forums and that is the best night club I have ever seen! The purple lighting with the dark walls really do make it feel like a club. The bar is huge and the VIP club is pimptastic! I hope you don't mind if I copy it.

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Thank you very much! I don't mind if you copy it at all For the dancer stage and pole, I can't take credit for that idea. I actually borrowed that idea from Slytech, the leader of Satisfaction Inc. To make it use the half circle tables in the "Other Furniture" tab and use the Large floor lamp, lit or unlit.

How does one alter the symbol on the SG banners/floor plates?
(In this case it was done to spell out "V I P")

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This is a bit tricky. You have to exit the base edit mode, change your SG symbol, enter base edit mode and place the banner. Exit base edit mode, set SG symbol to the next letter you need, enter base edit mode, choose a DIFFERENT style banner and place it, rinse repeat. In other words. You can't use the small Arcane banner 1 for more than one letter. Each letter or number has to be on a different style banner. This trick does not work on the glass panels or the floor tiles.

Oh and something to note, before you change the symbol and move to the next letter, make sure the banner is placed where you want it and dont' move it. If you try to move it after you've changed the symbol, it automatically sets the image to the currently set SG logo.



I am proud to show off The Foundry. The Foundry is currently on an 8x12 plot and serves as home to the Loose Cannons on Protector. The base takes care of all major SG functions while adding a touch of fun with Club Silverman, the SGs official hang out.

Please enjoy the tour: The Foundry

Find me in game, I'd be happy to take you on a tour in person.




The FPR has just finished yet another base rebuild.

Now on the 20x24 plot size.

Heres a slideshow of the base.

FPR's New Base

Dark Tower. SL50 Stone/Stone Tanker
Founder The Freedom Phalanx Reserve
An Infinity Top 25 Super Group
Founded January 4th 2006



I am proud to show off The Foundry. The Foundry is currently on an 8x12 plot and serves as home to the Loose Cannons on Protector. The base takes care of all major SG functions while adding a touch of fun with Club Silverman, the SGs official hang out.

Please enjoy the tour: The Foundry

Find me in game, I'd be happy to take you on a tour in person.


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Nice, you gave my next upgrade life



Well, my first try takes up a prohibitive amount of space, but you can make a decent looking holding cell door by floating offset lateral file cabinets.



Well, it's not my whole base, cuz it's mostly boring, but here's some stuff I experimented with using floating, today:

Mini-Office Front
Mini-Office Back
Arcane Entrance
2-Tier Invention Cove

This is my signature. There are many like it but this one is mine. My signature is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my signature is useless. Without my signature I am useless.



That entrance is brilliant. Very subtle. It took me a moment to even notice what you had done.

Nice work.



How did you do the enterance?



I used that "Magic Desk" technique I read about, and made a 6x4 grid of gray straight counters, and plopped the entrance on it, then removed them, and put the arcane symbol under it.

This is my signature. There are many like it but this one is mine. My signature is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my signature is useless. Without my signature I am useless.



I used that "Magic Desk" technique I read about, and made a 6x4 grid of gray straight counters, and plopped the entrance on it, then removed them, and put the arcane symbol under it.

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You inspired me BrawlerMoth. A fun side effect of using the Ionizing Plate widget: you get a violent screen-shaking effect everytime you zone into your base.




This is my signature. There are many like it but this one is mine. My signature is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my signature is useless. Without my signature I am useless.



I've only got a 2 person VG going and we are only just getting things together now, but here is our teleport chamber:

Deep Thought