Son of the Regen Lounge: Sit a spell!




why do so many people have avatars consisting of CoV characters beating up CoH heroes?

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Because Good is Dumb and Evil is for Winners!



Can't really summon up much enthusiasm to play any CoH characters at all at the moment. One look at the respec screen following ED just makes me log straight back out again. Quite enjoying CoV but the later levels are very repetitive and so I'll probably soon leave for pastures new.

Shame really, but I'd rather be somewhat overpowered and having fun than be 'balanced' and bored.

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Pretty much how I feel. CoV was a nice distraction from all the "growing pains" of CoH because it was all shiny and new. Now? Like you said, every bit as repetitive as CoH. Just about to hit 32 with my SS/EA Brute and I don't really feel like I'm growing into a Super Villain at all.

When I do get to face a "Hero" I usually end up on the ground in about 10 seconds. Not really feeling super or feeling evil.

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Two of the best summations I've read for what i5 nerfs and Enhancement Diversity has done for both CoH/CoV. Comments like these should be PM'ed to Statesman, Geko and the entire Dev staff. These are the same sentiments I provided in the questionairre form when cancelling my account and in a PM sent to Statesman.

When I started this game (just after release), I played a hero. I felt like a hero. I was able to do heroic things. Now it feels as if the NPC's getting mugged have just as much chance of saving themselves as any of my "heroes" saving them.

This quote says it all...

You know what? You SUCK Statesman.

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Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



In the spirit of the season (and *mostly* tongue in cheek ) :

Dashing through the streets,
Looking for a fight,
O'er the roofs we go,
Glowing green and bright,
We leap into the fray,
IH is still not ready,
We run into a bunch of Crey,
And faceplant in a hurry,

Jingle bells, Statesman smells,
He took our powers away,
Oh what fun it used to be,
To combat villainy

Jingle bells, Statesman smells,
He stuck us with ED,
We're out of luck, our powers now suck,
In Para-gon City,




"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q



*sits down by the fire*

You mean regen used to have "Health regeneration?" Wowwwwww

*looks all stary-eyed*

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I simply do not believe you! This is a startling development indeed!



If this was their vision of Regeners, why did they tease me with greatness. They turned my IH into a damn click, that has such a long recharge that I tend to forget that I have it. I played regens so I didnt have to micromanage my clicks Then ED comes along and kicks me in my junk. How can we as Regeners even begin to deversify? I dont need end/redux in my regen pool, I'm a damn Regener I have end to sell.

I have only played a few hours on COH, since COV came out. I'm at lvl 36 with my Ninja/FF MM and I can feel the game slowing down to a crawl. I wonder if the Devs know that people leave because they play through the content and get bored, but they also leave because the game is to slow and they dont like the grind. I didnt play other MMO because of the grind and now thats starting to happen here.

Please give me back my IH toggle and let me get back to killing at a mad pace. I love the speed of COH pre I5/ED, now the game just crawls.

Fix the damn map server issues while you're giving me back my IH toggle.



Should we get this moved to Forum Games? I mean, this thread is part bizch session, part funny anecdote, part throw darts at the devs, and finally once in a great while some information will be exchanged.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Personally I think it should be stickied in the Dev Digest, but whatever floats your boat.



Personally I think it should be stickied in the Dev Digest, but whatever floats your boat.

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lol. Posting in this thread pretty much invalidates any feedback you give in the eyes of the devs, so I'm not so sure that's likely.

However, the original lounge was stickied in the Dev Corner.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Personally I think it should be stickied in the Dev Digest, but whatever floats your boat.

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lol. Posting in this thread pretty much invalidates any feedback you give in the eyes of the devs, so I'm not so sure that's likely.

However, the original lounge was stickied in the Dev Corner.

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THAT is why I've yet to have a Dev reply to my posts.



some devs reply. I've had some nice chats with Cuppa.

Jack replied once to me re: community reps. he said we're gonne get one eventually. probably so that we start looking forward to beating that guy up instead of him

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



Hi all figure I'd post here just to visit.

It's been a while since I4 and that huge thread back then but I really feel truthfully that was the point were Regen became the enemy of Jack and the Devs. We gave them heck over that. They deserved it as its obvious now that Regen was certainly not unparalleled, controllers were solo'ing every AV, my Inv tests showed an I4 Inv tanks could herd and kill groups of +7s including bosses and lts(22 and I let them beat on me for a literal hour just to see if they could hurt me, I even dropped TI for fun and still nothing....I posted this all in a tanker thread back a ways and many tankers came out to see me do it or try it themselves). I lament the change of this game into something I really don't enjoy much anymore and so I am not likely to renew come Jan 20th. Till then I will post a bit lurk a bit and watch. I'm not sure there is a change that would bring me back outside of something leadershipwise but we shall see. Good luck to all and Merry Christmas.



It's been a while since I4 and that huge thread back then but I really feel truthfully that was the point were Regen became the enemy of Jack and the Devs.

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I think that is when it really became a personal thing for them, yeah. We caught them with their pants down, and they realized they really didn't know how their own game worked. Regen just happened to be the ones to prove that to 'em.

I would venture that because of that, Regen will never be returned to one of the top tier sets. No matter what happens in the future Regen will be looked at by Jack, Geko, et al., as the "power gamer" set, and allowed to wallow in mediocrity till they shut the servers down.



It's been a while since I4 and that huge thread back then but I really feel truthfully that was the point were Regen became the enemy of Jack and the Devs.

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I think that is when it really became a personal thing for them, yeah. We caught them with their pants down, and they realized they really didn't know how their own game worked. Regen just happened to be the ones to prove that to 'em.

I would venture that because of that, Regen will never be returned to one of the top tier sets. No matter what happens in the future Regen will be looked at by Jack, Geko, et al., as the "power gamer" set, and allowed to wallow in mediocrity till they shut the servers down.

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Yes, I think this is true. Look at Stalker Regen. Basically to spite powergamers they took Quick Recovery out instead of the imminently more reasonable Resilience or Revive.

And again, we had to debunk all their initial reasons before Castle just had the courage to admit it.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



speaking of which, where has that rascally dev gotten to? haven't seen him post in weeks.

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Probably on vacation like a lot of us. Now they got to get I7 ready.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



so what do you think we've got coming our way for I7?

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Let's see.....

A nerf to QR (somewhat serious, perhaps bring it down to stamina levels)

umm.....can they really nerf a whole lot more in the regen set?

Proud member of the Cole-a-lition.
Fighting to make every reality, a better reality.



so what do you think we've got coming our way for I7?

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Believe it or not....buffs. Not for Regen, of course, we're getting nerfed or at best we might get an accidental buff ala DP.

But I can't believe they are going to leave ED in place as it is. It is so unfair to so many powers that were NOT broken, that some rollback should occur. The change might be to move certain enhancers to different schedules. Like the often suggested move of defense and resist enhancers to schedule A.



As for Regen, it would be so nice if they cleaned the set up. Made it more rational in terms of its benefits. Something like:

Fast Healing - same
Recon - same
QR - same (NO NERFS!)
DP - same
Integration - make fully enhanceable
Resilience - Up to 7.5% (like EA Brute's passives)
Instant Healing - 300% Fully enhanceable click 300 sec. recharge
Revive - give Mutation's buffs when you rez
MoG - 40% resist; 20% defense; status protect; end recovery; full heal at start; no regen, full healing for duration, 25% HP crash at END with -regen that it has now.

But I'll be happy with no nerfs.


Finally, I'm on a break from the game right now and there is NOTHING like a break to increase your enjoyment of the game. I'm going to play other games for a couple of more weeks just to clear my head of the travesty of ED.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



weird, that's almost exactly the version of regen i've been toying with on my personal spreadsheets.

do you think they do something to allow us to 6slot for heals in FH and Int? or is that asking too much?

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



weird, that's almost exactly the version of regen i've been toying with on my personal spreadsheets.

do you think they do something to allow us to 6slot for heals in FH and Int? or is that asking too much?

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That's asking too much. Perhaps FH and other one enhancement powers will be made ED immune, but nothing as "uber" as Integration.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



weird, that's almost exactly the version of regen i've been toying with on my personal spreadsheets.

do you think they do something to allow us to 6slot for heals in FH and Int? or is that asking too much?

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BTW - the reason that your dream version of regen tracks mine so closely is that it's just a natural progression in the powerset. The powerset is very, very jerky right now with the progression in power being off. Additionally the reason for the unenhanceable portions is completely gone, but as we know that never stopped the devs.

From the minute that they had FH at 75% and IN at 150%, it just made sense to have IH at 300% with a lower recharge.

It perfectly fits the theme of passive<toggle<click. Double the benefit each time with the standard drawbacks of each type of power.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



speaking of which, where has that rascally dev gotten to? haven't seen him post in weeks.

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Probably on vacation like a lot of us. Now they got to get I7 ready.

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Had a PM from him today, so hes baaaack

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Wow, you guys are either overly optimistic due to the holiday season or the nerfs have finally made you nutty.

I would be incredibly surprised if we see more than a handful of buffs to help out the hardest hit power via ED. I also fully expect Regen to take a whacking from the bat, in what form however no one knows for sure except Geko and States'.

I think mostly though they will be concentrating on nerfing the new CoV powers (MM's, Brutes, Stalkers for sure) and starting work on some new nerfs with all the PvP data that is coming in now (probably get hit hardest from that in I8).