Son of the Regen Lounge: Sit a spell!




I don't know who to feel more sorry for: the people who never played an old Regen or the people who did.

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Oh definitely the people who never did! A regen scrapper was so much fun to play 1-50! Sure the early levels were rough, but man it was fun. Haven't enjoyed the game that much before or since.



I don't know who to feel more sorry for: the people who never played an old Regen or the people who did.

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Oh definitely the people who never did! A regen scrapper was so much fun to play 1-50! Sure the early levels were rough, but man it was fun. Haven't enjoyed the game that much before or since.

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Ugh, I think those who did. The new kids don't know how fun it was :/



I don't know who to feel more sorry for: the people who never played an old Regen or the people who did.

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Definitely the old school regens. No one (except maybe the Invuls) understands. They don't realize how hard you had to work to get to 28, the steps you had to take to make IH end efficient. And they never experienced the payoff.

Ah the payoff....what did they do to you baby...

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I don't know who to feel more sorry for: the people who never played an old Regen or the people who did.

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Definitely the old school regens. No one (except maybe the Invuls) understands. They don't realize how hard you had to work to get to 28, the steps you had to take to make IH end efficient. And they never experienced the payoff.

Ah the payoff....what did they do to you baby...

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Well first they made it a near wothless click power.
But, no, no!! That wasn't enough! We still had a little regen!
Then they put in ED, and took that away, too.

You know, one day, I had, like, 4 emps put RA on me. Theyn I used IH. For a minute, it was glorious! For a minute, I attained... I3 regen. Of course, it *was* only a minute, so I still died.



I have to admit, being new to Regen in Issue 5 and not really before ( I played to Level 10 back in December and then mothballed him ) I have to admit that I am curious to know just how powerful Regen was. I mean, I'm pretty pleased with the set and the pace at which I'm clipping along. Levels 11-23 in just over two weeks. Impressive. So, that being said, my guess at Issue 6 Nerfs for Regen have to be QR and Reconstruction. How can we possibly have a Stamina like power at such an early level? And how can we be allowed to have a power that will bring back 50% or more of our health in such a reasonable time frame?

I really do wish I could've seen Regen before now, it must've rocked the house hardcore.

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Regen was a God.. Period... Instant healing was a toggle... we were unstoppable.



regen was but one amongst a pantheon.

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Gods of War - BS, Spines, Fire Blast, Ice Blast, Energy Melee, */Energy Manipulation

God of Guardians - Invulnerability

God of Life - Regeneration

God of Fire - Firey Aura and Fire Control TIE

God of the Underworld - Stone Aura

God of the Psyche - Illusion Control

God of the Hearth - */Radition

God of Speed - */Kinetics

Of course, if you are or were two of the above, you were kicking butt and taking names.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I have to admit, being new to Regen in Issue 5 and not really before ( I played to Level 10 back in December and then mothballed him ) I have to admit that I am curious to know just how powerful Regen was. I mean, I'm pretty pleased with the set and the pace at which I'm clipping along. Levels 11-23 in just over two weeks. Impressive. So, that being said, my guess at Issue 6 Nerfs for Regen have to be QR and Reconstruction. How can we possibly have a Stamina like power at such an early level? And how can we be allowed to have a power that will bring back 50% or more of our health in such a reasonable time frame?

I really do wish I could've seen Regen before now, it must've rocked the house hardcore.

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Regen was a God.. Period... Instant healing was a toggle... we were unstoppable.

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Sometimes reminiscing can be painful.

"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q



I shed a tear for my long dead Claw/Regen. She used to be in that little sweet spot where she was tough but not quite invincible. You know what? You SUCK Statesman.



Forgive me regens for I have sinned, it has been one issue since our last nerfing.

I confess to the crime of winning in PvP again. But *hangs heda* I did it in the presence of someone who has the ear of the devs'

Blames me for the next nerf. And claws folks, yep expect that tweak to be a regen one.

mmmmmmm Sorry guys and gals.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617




Okay, my "new regen" predicions:

Fast healing: 20% enhanceable, 20% unenhanceable regen boost
Reconstruction: 5% heal, 240 second recharge, 3 second interrupt period
Quick recovery: .2 End/second recovery boost
Dull Pain: 10% Max HP boost, 1000 second recharge
Integration: Mag 1 Imobalize resist, 50% unenhanceable regen boost, same end cost
Resilience: 1% lethal resist
Instant healing: 200% regen boost, 30 second duration, 4000 second recharge
Revive: Revives with 15% Hp, No end, no debt protection, 2000 second recharge
MoG: 75% resist/defense buff to all(except: Smashing, Lethal, Energy, Neg. Energy, Cold, Fire, Toxic, Psionic, any untyped,) crashes to 1Hp, no attacks may be used, no regen, 180 second crash after durration of no regen, 300 second duration, 12000 second recharge

Predictions for claws tweaks:

Swipe: Lowered damae
Strike: Increased recharge, same animation as slash
Slash: Removed defense debuff
Spin: Double recharge, double end cost
Followup: Same recharge as buildup
Focus: No longer ranged, half damage(supposed to also have energy damage, but this portion "mysteriously" goes missing
Eviscerate: Decreased arc to 10 degrees, double recharge
Schockwave: Half damage(same "bug" as focus,) double end, has very strong taunt effect




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I take it that translates to "If any of those happen, I'll kill you!!!!!!!!!!!neo!!"?



The Entire Thread

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I guess some people enjoyed Easy Mode(TM). Personally, I did not.

My MA/Regen Scrapper got boring as hell around level 37, when I had all his defenses and attacks pretty much maxed out. I stopped playing /Regen and made some alts. And while the low levels were full of a lot more newbies, they were also a lot more intense.

Obviously, some people don't like "intense". Some people like to turn on a few powers and strut through a mission with +4 mobs without ever dropping below 80% HP. That just wasn't for me. I like to live on the edge. That used to be what Scrapping was all about...



Yeah, the edge is nice, but we're a little past it, now.



The Entire Thread

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I guess some people enjoyed Easy Mode(TM). Personally, I did not.

My MA/Regen Scrapper got boring as hell around level 37, when I had all his defenses and attacks pretty much maxed out. I stopped playing /Regen and made some alts. And while the low levels were full of a lot more newbies, they were also a lot more intense.

Obviously, some people don't like "intense". Some people like to turn on a few powers and strut through a mission with +4 mobs without ever dropping below 80% HP. That just wasn't for me. I like to live on the edge. That used to be what Scrapping was all about...

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i guess some people enjoy acting superior and being a Mr. smarmypants. Personally, I do not. ok, well kinda.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



The Entire Thread

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I guess some people enjoyed Easy Mode(TM). Personally, I did not.

My MA/Regen Scrapper got boring as hell around level 37, when I had all his defenses and attacks pretty much maxed out. I stopped playing /Regen and made some alts. And while the low levels were full of a lot more newbies, they were also a lot more intense.

Obviously, some people don't like "intense". Some people like to turn on a few powers and strut through a mission with +4 mobs without ever dropping below 80% HP. That just wasn't for me. I like to live on the edge. That used to be what Scrapping was all about...

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i guess some people enjoy acting superior and being a Mr. smarmypants. Personally, I do not. ok, well kinda.

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I dunno, his post didn't make a lot of sense. First he says "My MA/Regen Scrapper got boring as hell" then goes on to say "I like to live on the edge. That used to be what Scrapping was all about..." *shrug*

I know Regen was dang powerful but it didn't take much of a co-ordinated effort to drop a regen scrapper. A couple of quick blows from a boss, an unlucky alpha strike from a group of minions, getting into melee range with an AV. All of these could spell death for a regen scrapper in seconds, at anytime. That seems pretty close to the edge to me, and you didn't need +4's to do it.

Sure we all saw videos of a regen scrapper herding an entire wolf map (with excessive use of inspirations, exploiting the pathing AI, and having a complimentary Primary for the task), but it doesn't matter that any powerset in the game could do that given the fine print. Regen is the devil after all.

People like to look back and point out all the great things Regen could do while conveniently forgetting all the weaknesses and downsides to the set as well. Revisionist history for the win I guess. Seems to be par for the course around here.



The Entire Thread

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I guess some people enjoyed Easy Mode(TM). Personally, I did not.

My MA/Regen Scrapper got boring as hell around level 37, when I had all his defenses and attacks pretty much maxed out. I stopped playing /Regen and made some alts. And while the low levels were full of a lot more newbies, they were also a lot more intense.

Obviously, some people don't like "intense". Some people like to turn on a few powers and strut through a mission with +4 mobs without ever dropping below 80% HP. That just wasn't for me. I like to live on the edge. That used to be what Scrapping was all about...

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Just a question. Outside of Blasters what wasn't easy mode in Issue 4 and prior?

Also, if you weren't having fun, why didn't you try what many of us did. Just turn IH off. I think I ran IH for the Envoy of Shadow and Terra and for not much else from 35-40. After I3 and Integration got it's healing, Instant Healing was pretty much for large teams and AV hunting.

So, I guess I'm confused. It was really easy in give yourself more of a challenge with Regen. Do you not have much self-control?

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



The Entire Thread

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I guess some people enjoyed Easy Mode(TM). Personally, I did not.

My MA/Regen Scrapper got boring as hell around level 37, when I had all his defenses and attacks pretty much maxed out. I stopped playing /Regen and made some alts. And while the low levels were full of a lot more newbies, they were also a lot more intense.

Obviously, some people don't like "intense". Some people like to turn on a few powers and strut through a mission with +4 mobs without ever dropping below 80% HP. That just wasn't for me. I like to live on the edge. That used to be what Scrapping was all about...

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Ok, I agree with this post, instead of all the other flamers.

Remember how people used to think scrappers were CoH on easy mode? With my regen back in I3-I4, it was. It wasnt that much fun unless I was fighting three +4 bosses. And that was without reconstruction, and only one heal slot in integration, and one slot in fast healing. I find regen much more fun now...and even then I still think its very very powerful. Just today I was on a team with two /da's and one /invuln and they were dancing with death very often while i was doing fine. And yes, I was fighting +4s and +5s. Not hitting alot, but definately able to survive without much worry.

And Im not crazy about turning off your powers to make the game more fun. Powers are what make the game fun. I remember doing a mission pre I-4 and someone asked a controller to stop using his AoE hold because it was way too easy. I the power too strong, or the game too easy?

Regen feels like a true super hero to me now...very powerful, but can be challenged from time to time. Not god mode like it used to be. I know some people enjoyed god mode, but I didnt...thats why I cancelled my account. And I came back because its challenging again (to an extent)



3 +4 bosses in issue 4 without recon and 1slot integration. forgive me if I don't accept that at face value.

once again, another person singling out regen for stuff that many, many people could do.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



3 +4 bosses in issue 4 without recon and 1slot integration. forgive me if I don't accept that at face value.

once again, another person singling out regen for stuff that many, many people could do.

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I don't accept that BS at any value. He's either grossly exaggerating or outright lying. Probably both.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



3 +4 bosses in issue 4 without recon and 1slot integration. forgive me if I don't accept that at face value.

once again, another person singling out regen for stuff that many, many people could do.

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I don't accept that BS at any value. He's either grossly exaggerating or outright lying. Probably both.

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Yes, Im lying about this. Someone says something that the scrapper min/maxer's dont agree with, so he's lying. Thats borderline cocky and arrogant. Oh Im saying before the nerfs, with six slotted ih it would take a mass of very high bosses to feel challenged to the point of death. Whenever my life would get really low and I didnt have a cab, I would just run away, watch my life regen super fast, then come back. That process takes a couple seconds.

And my post was a response about how uber regen used to be...I never said anything about what other heroes that could do this and more post wasnt about that. It was only about regen. Would it make you feel better if I did talk about other heroes? Here ya go.

Heroes that were stronger than regen before I5/I6
Burn tanks.
Trollers (except mind) with kin, rad, or storm.

Feel better that im not "singling out regen"?

Saying someone is probably lying is pretty low. So much for all the respect I had for you in helping me make my bs/regen. You can disagree with someone without having to lower yourself to insults, EvilGeko. You flame the person saying he thought regen was too powerful, then you flame the guy backing him up.

The Scrapper boards sure are friendly.



Saying someone is probably lying is pretty low. So much for all the respect I had for you in helping me make my bs/regen. You can disagree with someone without having to lower yourself to insults, EvilGeko. You flame the person saying he thought regen was too powerful, then you flame the guy backing him up.

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It's easy to throw stones, but not accept them in turn. You said you couldn't find challenge unless you were fighting 3 +4 Bosses. Had you said one +4 Boss, or something similar, I might have agreed with you.

But honestly, it's posts like yours that cause a lot of the Regen hate. Three +4 Bosses would most likely alpha strike a issue 2 Regen, much less an Issue 4. I was insulted by your post.

Regen was overpowered, if by overpowered you mean they could run over Invincible missions. As compared to other sets, it was powerful, but comparable to the pet controllers, Invul Scrappers and all the tanks.

Now, that said, I don't take any of this stuff personally, and you shouldn't either. BTW I did not insult you. I insulted your argument. Arguments are fair game in my opinion. A specious argument is entitled to NO deference. I never said you were wrong that Regen was overpowered. Actually if you look up a few posts I admit Regen was one of the gods of the game a few months ago. But jeez man can we at least keep the "Regen took on three hundred +2 minions, while afk" stories out. Regen could never do those things by itself. Add in Tough, Weave, maybe another couple of defense powers and yeah, that's possible.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Say you could easily dispense with 3 +4 bosses (which is a rather outrageous claim)

Not all regens could.



A few issues back, I was regularly taking on 2 +2 Nemesis Bosses simultaneously with Major T. One was often a War Hulk, and the other was a Fake Nemesis. Of course, during that time, IH was an amazing toggle and we were able to get 50% resistance to Smashing and Lethal damage with Tough and Resilience.

The good old days...

"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q