Son of the Regen Lounge: Sit a spell!




A few issues back, I was regularly taking on 2 +2 Nemesis Bosses simultaneously with Major T. One was often a War Hulk, and the other was a Fake Nemesis. Of course, during that time, IH was an amazing toggle and we were able to get 50% resistance to Smashing and Lethal damage with Tough and Resilience.

The good old days...

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That I can definitely buy. I know that was possible.

All I'm saying is I wish people would keep the wild claims out. Regen was powerful enough without having to make stuff up. If that means I lose some people's respect, so be it.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Back in i3 I fought a standard Freak spawn in Brickstone when my scrapper hit 28 (2 minions 1 boss all lvl 32). I didn't have Golden Dragonfly/Headsplitter yet but I did have Parry. Every time the tank hit me, I had to run (no suppression) because he'd usually hit me for 3/4 of my HP. I eventually took the spawn down but I found it to be too much of a bother with the XP/Time ratio being so poor.

Outside of this one instance, I never tried to solo a +4 boss. As a side note, I've been alpha stuck more times than I can count by 2 +1 freak and rikti bosses.

Currently roleplaying, badgehunting, and laughing at the PvPers of CoX. lol, PvP.

Truedusk - Human Rogue



The thing is, as a Claw/Regen, I was able to take on these Bosses with impunity because of the prevalence of Smashing damage they did and Tough's high level of resistance to that damage type. Moreover, Claws has two knockdown powers (Focus and Shockwave), that allowed me to keep them on their backs for a good portion of the fight. The Warhulks also did some fire damage, but it is DoT and IH was more than enough to overcome that.

Although Regen did give me a tremendous advantage fighting them, it took a wee bit of strategy (keeping one down while pounding on the other, repositioning Major T to keep them chasing and not attacking me) and planning (picking up and slotting Tough and Stamina) to do it efficiently and consistently.

"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q



yep. on my claw/regen, i got my Fake Nem badge at 39 from hunting on the PI docks. Fake Nem / Warhulk duos were tough but were taken down in fairly good time mainly due to Claws and how I kept the fake bouncing for the entire fight. No bubbles for the huk and no stupid phasing and aggroing 20 other dudes. taking out a pair of +4s without inspirations was not impossible. But again, that was only again fakes and hulks and due in large part to my knockdowns from claws.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



Well, my results are pretty skewed because I was fighting freakshow/warhulk or freakshow/crey whatever (I love freakshow. They're so wimpy. ) combos in Crey's Folly, but...

I got CoH right after Issue 5. I've adjusted pretty well to issue 6, I think. Spines/regen scrapper, I could pretty easily solo groups of 2 +3 bosses. It took for FREAKING EVER, and I would eat up all the insps that their minions dropped, but I could do it. I even did several +5 warhulks. One at a time, with DP and IH up, but I did it. Gave more XP then the "Kill x whatever" mish I was on when I was fighting them.

Honestly, if this is "nerfed" regen, I'm really, really, REALLY scared of the power of an un-nerfed regen.




Honestly, if this is "nerfed" regen, I'm really, really, REALLY in awe of the power of an un-nerfed regen.

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fixed that for you

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



It took for FREAKING EVER, and I would eat up all the insps that their minions dropped, but I could do it.. One at a time, with DP and IH up, but I did it. Gave more XP then the "Kill x whatever" mish I was on when I was fighting them.

Honestly, if this is "nerfed" regen, I'm really, really, REALLY scared of the power of an un-nerfed regen.

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The same minus the insps.

Currently roleplaying, badgehunting, and laughing at the PvPers of CoX. lol, PvP.

Truedusk - Human Rogue



Ah yes, the old unnerfed Regen was able to do some amazing things. Hunting the PI docks at 37+ was fun. But it wasn't exactly Regen by itself.

People forget now that nearly everyone was running around with a minimum of 10% defense to melee, ranged from Hasten and Combat Jumping/Hover. Many Regens added another 20% from Weave, and 33% Sm, Le resists from Tough, plus maybe another ten or so from Resilience.

As I said in the Regen nerf wars of I3 and I4, Regen by itself was incredible, but it was only with the addition of these other powers that it crossed into godly.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



i was just telling someone about a little run-in i had with a new toon a couple of weeks back. she was level 11 then and i was trying to get a feel for her primary/secondary, so i was looking to find her limit. i'll just say the stars aligned right and i saw a good chance to go up against 2 even-level bosses (orange) and an lt (yellow) with a chance at surviving. i gave it a go. no inspirations. she took them out before dropping below 2/3 health. that surprised me a little . oh btw, as far as secondary wasn't regen.

only a fraction of people realize and/or admit it, but it's true--a good # of the uber regen stories (from the past up through the present) are really just seasoned player stories. and the role that regen played in those stories was swappable with any number of other at/primary/secondaries. no, really, i'm not kidding, that's no smokescreen. heck, it's still that way now. that's where a lot of the frustration comes from--none of those little factoids ever seem to erase the target on greeny's back.



As I said in the Regen nerf wars of I3 and I4, Regen by itself was incredible, but it was only with the addition of these other powers that it crossed into godly.

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And that is why I qualified my story with the fact that I was using Claws as a primary and using Tough. Regen by itself is useless if the opening attacks from two Bosses is enough to put you down... except for Revive.

"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q



As I said in the Regen nerf wars of I3 and I4, Regen by itself was incredible, but it was only with the addition of these other powers that it crossed into godly.

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And that is why I qualified my story with the fact that I was using Claws as a primary and using Tough. Regen by itself is useless if the opening attacks from two Bosses is enough to put you down... except for Revive.

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Heh... I can kill purple Lost bosses with my lvl 13 corruptor... I could never do that with my scrappers at that level.

Regen and invuln used to be a "quest for the holy grail" type powerset with you getting to lvl 28. Now they have a much more balanced power progression... Though now regen has become more front heavy than anything.

You get all your must have powers by your mid 20s, the rest is mostly situational.

I personally dont like having 20+ levels of "situational" power picks... But maybe thats just me

I will say one thing though, I am whole lot better at killing stuff now than I used to be (gameplay wise, not power wise).



As I said in the Regen nerf wars of I3 and I4, Regen by itself was incredible, but it was only with the addition of these other powers that it crossed into godly.

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And that is why I qualified my story with the fact that I was using Claws as a primary and using Tough. Regen by itself is useless if the opening attacks from two Bosses is enough to put you down... except for Revive.

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Heh... I can kill purple Lost bosses with my lvl 13 corruptor... I could never do that with my scrappers at that level.

Regen and invuln used to be a "quest for the holy grail" type powerset with you getting to lvl 28. Now they have a much more balanced power progression... Though now regen has become more front heavy than anything.

You get all your must have powers by your mid 20s, the rest is mostly situational.

I personally dont like having 20+ levels of "situational" power picks... But maybe thats just me

I will say one thing though, I am whole lot better at killing stuff now than I used to be (gameplay wise, not power wise).

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I suppose I'm one of few; Personally, I loved the fact that for 28 levels I had no secondary, and then when I hit 28, I was a monster.

I daresay go far as to say it was " fun " for me, even if it doesn't add up to Statesman's version of " fun ". Good thing I was educated with his " Small Tweak ".



The Entire Thread

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I guess some people enjoyed Easy Mode(TM). Personally, I did not.

My MA/Regen Scrapper got boring as hell around level 37, when I had all his defenses and attacks pretty much maxed out. I stopped playing /Regen and made some alts. And while the low levels were full of a lot more newbies, they were also a lot more intense.

Obviously, some people don't like "intense". Some people like to turn on a few powers and strut through a mission with +4 mobs without ever dropping below 80% HP. That just wasn't for me. I like to live on the edge. That used to be what Scrapping was all about...

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Just a question. Outside of Blasters what wasn't easy mode in Issue 4 and prior?

Also, if you weren't having fun, why didn't you try what many of us did. Just turn IH off. I think I ran IH for the Envoy of Shadow and Terra and for not much else from 35-40. After I3 and Integration got it's healing, Instant Healing was pretty much for large teams and AV hunting.

So, I guess I'm confused. It was really easy in give yourself more of a challenge with Regen. Do you not have much self-control?

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I don't know about the other archetypes. The only ones that I really played above SO level was my Regen scrapper and my Fire/EM tank (created when I got bored of Regen; I wanted to see what herding 'n' burning was like. I got to 37 in less than half the time it took my Regen, but like before, I got bored again around that time).

As a matter of fact, I wasn't even playing with IH on most of the time, and yes, I was soloing missions on Invincible. I only turned IH on for bosses and larger spawns, or when I was on a big team (like you said). It was still pretty much Easy Mode.



As a matter of fact, I wasn't even playing with IH on most of the time, and yes, I was soloing missions on Invincible. I only turned IH on for bosses and larger spawns, or when I was on a big team (like you said). It was still pretty much Easy Mode.

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Question... was your Regen Scrapper a "pure" Regen, or did you dip into the Fighting Pool to get added Resistance and Defense?

I ask this because when I initialy built Major T, I didn't plan on taking Tough [and Weave]. He was going to be a "pure" Regen Scrapper in that the only meaningful form of damage mitigation he had was healing it back. After doing a respec on the test server to see how Tough affected his survivability, I couldn't believe how much more he could take on. If I had skipped the fighting pool as I initially intended, he wouldn't have been able to take on the +2 Nemesis Bosses as easily rapidly as he did in the previous Issues.

"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q



As a matter of fact, I wasn't even playing with IH on most of the time, and yes, I was soloing missions on Invincible. I only turned IH on for bosses and larger spawns, or when I was on a big team (like you said). It was still pretty much Easy Mode.

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Question... was your Regen Scrapper a "pure" Regen, or did you dip into the Fighting Pool to get added Resistance and Defense?

I ask this because when I initialy built Major T, I didn't plan on taking Tough [and Weave]. He was going to be a "pure" Regen Scrapper in that the only meaningful form of damage mitigation he had was healing it back. After doing a respec on the test server to see how Tough affected his survivability, I couldn't believe how much more he could take on. If I had skipped the fighting pool as I initially intended, he wouldn't have been able to take on the +2 Nemesis Bosses as easily rapidly as he did in the previous Issues.

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I take on Invinc Missions with little difficulty in them without having the Tough pool.

Although, admittedly, I do have the Medicine pool.



Im having trouble with my Invincible missions with my lvl 32 katana/regen, but mainly because I borked my respec.

Its been kinda hard to be motivated to play my busted toon.

Mostly because my BS/DA is running so smooth right now...

Fear the flying dustball of doom!



okay, so I'm bored and thinking of ways to annoy the devs and I immediately started thinking of more regen ideas.

here's my cool tagline. "unenhanceable = unacceptable"

so how to change regen and make it totally enhanceable?well integration should just be 150% fully enhanceble. Nothing strange there. it then becomes twice as strong as Fast healing.

that leaves IH. we can't make it 800% fully enhanceable. they'll never go for that. it would give a well slotted regen nearly issue 3 healing for a little bit.

so what about lowering the overall healing it has but then dropping the recharge as well? At 300% fully enhanceable, 3slotted with heals, it's still less that IH is today, but that leaves us room to really lower the recharge.

i think 300s is fair then. gives us 90s up and ~60s down.

not that i ever think this'll happen, just bored.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



Yup, QR and DP have to get the bat. In Issue 7 they'll have to nerf Revive and Resilience because they're about the only things left un-nerfed.

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You know, I was going to six slot recharges into revive after the intergration/instant healing enhancement nerf, then ED came along and [censored] up my plan. There just getting us every way we turn.



Yup, QR and DP have to get the bat. In Issue 7 they'll have to nerf Revive and Resilience because they're about the only things left un-nerfed.

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You know, I was going to six slot recharges into revive after the intergration/instant healing enhancement nerf, then ED came along and [censored] up my plan. There just getting us every way we turn.

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Im telling yah... They are going to make MoG a 10 second click that makes you blow at the end and die, doing damage to all nearby teamates. It will have the chance to disorient nearby villians for a brief time, and when combined with revive and recharges will almost be perma.

This will be the most uber power in the game when teamed with a large number of defenders that have vengeance, fallout etc...



Actually, Resilience has been nerfed. They lowered the Mag resist on all powers.

Frankie says it best.



Does anyone have a link to a current Dark Melee/Regen guide? I usually take time off from City of Heroes while I'm in school. When I came back I realized that Instant Healing is not a toggle anymore?!?!? Not to mention it takes like 2 minutes to recharge. Can someone explain to me why (if at all) my character is worth playing anymore?


Posted just HAD to stir the pot....

I wanna say one think. I am absolutely IN LOVE with my BS/Regen. Only at lvl 36 so far. But if they take away QR I will delete her and seriously reconsider quiting Coh. After trying all AT's I found my "thing" wiht my BS/Regn, its the one hting I'm good at, the one thing I truely enjoy and don't have to need or have anyone to play it. The main appel to Regen to me was NOT having to take fitness. Why force eveyr AT to take fitness? why not just reduce end MORE on all powers and eliminate the damn thing1 I hate being forced to do it. I respeds my FF/Rad without Fitness, can't do it just can't. My Regen doesn't NEED it, if she had it she'd never run outta end sure. QR is a class defining power. Without Perma Hasten my heals pop up JUST in time to save me, just barely.

QR is why I want Regen. Other wise I might as well go SR or Invul Dark/SR.

Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder[/b]



I shed a tear for my long dead Claw/Regen. She used to be in that little sweet spot where she was tough but not quite invincible. You know what? You SUCK Statesman.

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I have to agree, my Claws/Regen was the same. He used to die regularly enough to keep it interesting but then he had no tough, weave or hasten since he was built to be fun rather than uber. CoT Behemoths in particular could face-plant me fairly easily for some reason I can't remember now

If I were starting the game from scratch I would probably find a Regen Scrapper quite fun, but I'm not and I don't so I parked him between the giant breasts of the Galaxy Girl statue and retired him.

Can't really summon up much enthusiasm to play any CoH characters at all at the moment. One look at the respec screen following ED just makes me log straight back out again. Quite enjoying CoV but the later levels are very repetitive and so I'll probably soon leave for pastures new.

Shame really, but I'd rather be somewhat overpowered and having fun than be 'balanced' and bored.



'balanced' and bored

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Pretty much how I feel. CoV was a nice distraction from all the "growing pains" of CoH because it was all shiny and new. Now? Like you said, every bit as repetitive as CoH. Just about to hit 32 with my SS/EA Brute and I don't really feel like I'm growing into a Super Villain at all.

I spend most of my time running errands for people I don't know anything about. When I do get to face a "Hero" I usually end up on the ground in about 10 seconds. Not really feeling super or feeling evil.

In CoH the super feeling isn't really there either but I usually did at least feel like I was playing a hero.



I remember being a regen scrapper around I3-I4, at that time I really did feel like a super hero. It took a LOT to get through 6 sloted Integration, Resiliance, Instant Healing, perma Dull Pain and Fast Healing and Tough.

I am going to post my build here soon, it seems to work pretty well post ED.