Son of the Regen Lounge: Sit a spell!




you don't have to worry about them using one of our ideas. Everything they've done so far has been far and away worse than anything our twisted little minds could fathom.

though, i still like my idea of making FH and QR exclusive.

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SF not joking guys. In the original Regen Lounge circa I4-I5 we thought up what we thought were some really crazy nerfs, stuff the trolls told us we were being stupid and paranoid for even thinking they would do.

I5 was much worse than anything said. Don't believe me. The Regen Lounge is in the Dev Corner under the Regeneration changes thread I started.

At that point we were simply in shock. I didn't think there was a nerf that could top I5. I actually thought that the major changes "must" be done.

Then in CoV beta, Positron described ED.

Trust me folks, nothing we say here could be worse than what the devs will think up.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Trust me folks, nothing we say here could be worse than what the devs will think up.

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Ain't that the truth!

"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q



Trust me folks, nothing we say here could be worse than what the devs will think up.

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Ain't that the truth!

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PREACH! PREACHER!!!! HALLELUJIA!!! AMEN!!! (and all that other jazz )

"Inherited will. Destiny of the age. The dreams of the people. These are things that will not be stopped. As long as people continue to pursue the meaning of freedom. These things will never cease to be" - Gol D. Roger



Trust me folks, nothing we say here could be worse than what the devs will think up.

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Ain't that the truth!

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah. I'm pretty sure that none of the playerbase was sitting around going "hey, I bet the devs are going to make it impossible to click a glowy when you're under anyform of stealth."

Fortunately theres a bit of reprieve on that. For now.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



i just noticed that Regen aura from Empathy and IH are pretty similar powers. question is, which would you rather have? our IH or a version that was more like Regen aura

Regen Aura
base 500%
enhances to 1000%
recharge 500s
duration 90s

base 800%
enhances to 1000%
recharge 650
duration 90s

i'd rather have IH with RA's numbers.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



base 500%
enhances to 100%

[/ QUOTE ]

Apart from this (guessing its a typo and you meant 1000%?), thats some interesting data... It'd sure make slotting IH for heals actually make a noticable differance. Having it up more often is a plus too.

Whats funny (sad?) is that Regen Aura is pbaoe too. Teammates can get Regen Aura more often than I can use IH. Blah.

[edit: Know what I'd like more than anything? For IH to have a 25-50% up front heal. I died several times yesterday duoing some AV - well, Elite Bosses now - just because I went from 50% to 0 in the time it took for IH before I could reap the regen bonus. We won't be getting that, but that would be just fantastic.]



Know what I'd like more than anything? For IH to have a 25-50% up front heal. I died several times yesterday duoing some AV - well, Elite Bosses now - just because I went from 50% to 0 in the time it took for IH before I could reap the regen bonus. We won't be getting that, but that would be just fantastic.

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Whenever I used to use IH (I only used it when I needed it in the middle of a fight back when it was a toggle) I would always hit Reconstruction first, then IH for that very reason.

"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q



Regen Aura
base 500%
enhances to 1000%
recharge 500s
duration 90s

base 800%
enhances to 1000%
recharge 650
duration 90s

[/ QUOTE ]

Not sure whether I should laugh or cry.



base 500%
enhances to 100%

[/ QUOTE ]

Apart from this (guessing its a typo and you meant 1000%?), thats some interesting data... It'd sure make slotting IH for heals actually make a noticable differance. Having it up more often is a plus too.

Whats funny (sad?) is that Regen Aura is pbaoe too. Teammates can get Regen Aura more often than I can use IH. Blah.

[edit: Know what I'd like more than anything? For IH to have a 25-50% up front heal. I died several times yesterday duoing some AV - well, Elite Bosses now - just because I went from 50% to 0 in the time it took for IH before I could reap the regen bonus. We won't be getting that, but that would be just fantastic.]

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yeah, that was a typo. and actually, when they were changing IH to a click, adding an initial heal of 50% is something EvilGeko and I were asking for. it would be nice.

i just find it really annoying that when slotted for maximum effect 3recharge/3heal, Regen Aura is better thanIH and AOE. same value and only 167s downtime compared to IH's 243s. nearly a minute and a half more downtime for what again?

and the craziest part is that people actually advocate skipping regen aura on an Empath because it doens't really do anything.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



Don't forget they can get Regen Aura at 26 as opposed to our 28. Not a big difference I know, but its there.

the craziest part is that people actually advocate skipping regen aura on an Empath because it doens't really do anything.

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Well, you also have to remember that defenders have less hp (let alone with DP running) than us, so they don't see the benefits first hand like we do. Its kinda like a regen scrapper vs a regen stalker. The stalker is freaking squishy.

Still, if I ever hear a defender say that... /shakes fist



and the craziest part is that people actually advocate skipping regen aura on an Empath because it doens't really do anything.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q



base 500%
enhances to 100%

[/ QUOTE ]

Apart from this (guessing its a typo and you meant 1000%?), thats some interesting data... It'd sure make slotting IH for heals actually make a noticable differance. Having it up more often is a plus too.

Whats funny (sad?) is that Regen Aura is pbaoe too. Teammates can get Regen Aura more often than I can use IH. Blah.

[edit: Know what I'd like more than anything? For IH to have a 25-50% up front heal. I died several times yesterday duoing some AV - well, Elite Bosses now - just because I went from 50% to 0 in the time it took for IH before I could reap the regen bonus. We won't be getting that, but that would be just fantastic.]

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yeah, that was a typo. and actually, when they were changing IH to a click, adding an initial heal of 50% is something EvilGeko and I were asking for. it would be nice.

i just find it really annoying that when slotted for maximum effect 3recharge/3heal, Regen Aura is better thanIH and AOE. same value and only 167s downtime compared to IH's 243s. nearly a minute and a half more downtime for what again?

and the craziest part is that people actually advocate skipping regen aura on an Empath because it doens't really do anything.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree with you. Even if we have more hp than a defender and reap more benefits from it. The defender has the ability to help all of his team mates with it as well (all other scrappers on the team would essentially have a better version of IH than a regen with IH) Just doesn't seem "balanced" to me. Would it really be game breaking for IH to have the same numbers? I don't think it would, but I guess that's just me.

I haven't got my IH slotted yet, but I have used it and as it is, it is not an "oh my goodness" button...I generally faceplant if I use it in that manner. I usually hit it before I jump in a fight for slightly better results.



Well, you also have to remember that defenders have less hp (let alone with DP running) than us, so they don't see the benefits first hand like we do. Its kinda like a regen scrapper vs a regen stalker. The stalker is freaking squishy.

Still, if I ever hear a defender say that... /shakes fist

[/ QUOTE ]

yeah, i know but i was shocked to read advice calling the power worthless. it's crazy. IH fully slotted is just around 50% of the sets healing capacity. A single empath can basically make an entire team of regens for 90s at a time and they don't get it.

also, tell you what, if you want to feel what it was like to be a regen in Issue 1 or 2, make friends with an empath. Regen Aura, Adrenaline Boost, IH all cycled for 1000% healing at a time, your other heals, the Empaths heals, it's like traveling back in time.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



also, tell you what, if you want to feel what it was like to be a regen in Issue 1 or 2, make friends with an empath. Regen Aura, Adrenaline Boost, IH all cycled for 1000% healing at a time, your other heals, the Empaths heals, it's like traveling back in time.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd take a Kineticist... but that's just me.

"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q



Well, you also have to remember that defenders have less hp (let alone with DP running) than us, so they don't see the benefits first hand like we do. Its kinda like a regen scrapper vs a regen stalker. The stalker is freaking squishy.

Still, if I ever hear a defender say that... /shakes fist

[/ QUOTE ]

yeah, i know but i was shocked to read advice calling the power worthless. it's crazy. IH fully slotted is just around 50% of the sets healing capacity. A single empath can basically make an entire team of regens for 90s at a time and they don't get it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, no doubt. I understand how freaking amazing that power is. Its the defenders who aren't getting it.

also, tell you what, if you want to feel what it was like to be a regen in Issue 1 or 2, make friends with an empath. Regen Aura, Adrenaline Boost, IH all cycled for 1000% healing at a time, your other heals, the Empaths heals, it's like traveling back in time.

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Personally, I'd have to try out all 3 stacked to see how fast I could make my hp meter move. Hmm, fudging the numbers on a regen spreadsheet I created in I5, 3000% healing (RA, AB, IH) + FH, Int and Health would heal a scrapper from 0 to full in 6.71 seconds... Ahh, the good 'ol days...



I agree with you. Even if we have more hp than a defender and reap more benefits from it. The defender has the ability to help all of his team mates with it as well (all other scrappers on the team would essentially have a better version of IH than a regen with IH) Just doesn't seem "balanced" to me. Would it really be game breaking for IH to have the same numbers? I don't think it would, but I guess that's just me.

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The devs don't seem to have a problem with people achieving the godlike powers such as the Regens and Invluns once wielded so long as they need teammates to acheive it. Consider the effects of a Sonic Defender. Now consider stacking that with, oh, about any other buffing Defender. Both types of Bubbles? Sonic Bubbles + Fortiude or Adrenaline Boost? There are many other combinations, and many would turn any Tanker into an unstoppable force and a Blaster into a minor god.

You can see the potential when you play all Defender or all Corrupter groups. You don't even need eight people or all Rad, either. It's incredible stuff.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



The devs don't seem to have a problem with people achieving the godlike powers such as the Regens and Invluns once wielded so long as they need teammates to acheive it.

[/ QUOTE ]
You can see the potential when you play all Defender or all Corrupter groups.

[/ QUOTE ]

Very true.

"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q



The devs don't seem to have a problem with people achieving the godlike powers such as the Regens and Invluns once wielded so long as they need teammates to acheive it.

[/ QUOTE ]
You can see the potential when you play all Defender or all Corrupter groups.

[/ QUOTE ]

Very true.

[/ QUOTE ]

Agree this is all true. It's very weird though. They only want to stop soloing it seems, because you can create indestructable groups in PvE. Other games have their solo balance down pretty well and just work on making sure groups can't take on anything with no effort.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



The devs don't seem to have a problem with people achieving the godlike powers such as the Regens and Invluns once wielded so long as they need teammates to acheive it.

[/ QUOTE ]
You can see the potential when you play all Defender or all Corrupter groups.

[/ QUOTE ]

Very true.

[/ QUOTE ]

Agree this is all true. It's very weird though. They only want to stop soloing it seems, because you can create indestructable groups in PvE. Other games have their solo balance down pretty well and just work on making sure groups can't take on anything with no effort.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well to be fair, in comic books there's not much a group of superheroes can't do

Sgt Liberty - 50 Martial Arts / Super Reflexes
Verdigris Eagle - 50 Archery / Energy Manipulation
Stormeye - 50 Storm Summoning / Electric Blast



Well to be fair, in comic books there's not much a group of superheroes can't do

[/ QUOTE ]

In my opinion, that is what make CoH different. They are aware of the fact that, on a well balanced team, the individual component become godly.

"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q



The devs don't seem to have a problem with people achieving the godlike powers such as the Regens and Invluns once wielded so long as they need teammates to acheive it.

[/ QUOTE ]
You can see the potential when you play all Defender or all Corrupter groups.

[/ QUOTE ]

Very true.

[/ QUOTE ]

Agree this is all true. It's very weird though. They only want to stop soloing it seems, because you can create indestructable groups in PvE. Other games have their solo balance down pretty well and just work on making sure groups can't take on anything with no effort.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well to be fair, in comic books there's not much a group of superheroes can't do

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh I agree with that. But it does make you wonder. What's the point? I mean, you get together a good group and there is nothing in this game that's a challenge at all. So why go through all these nerfs?

Was it just to make sure that we would team. I guess so. I can see their reasoning on that. I.e., solo and be good, group and be a god. But I wish they were more upfront about that. Because if that's their goal, then they still have some work to do.

Other MMOs make sure that each AT is needed in a group. A group can be strong without them, but they never reach their full potential without one of each AT. Right now, 8 Controllers is the best team, period.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Right now, 8 Controllers is the best team, period.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ya know, I never even considered that... but now that I do its sick! Def, res, tohit buffs, def debuffs, slows, dmg buffs, dmg debuffs, pets, control and containment?

Holy crap...



Right now, 8 Controllers is the best team, period.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ya know, I never even considered that... but now that I do its sick! Def, res, tohit buffs, def debuffs, slows, dmg buffs, dmg debuffs, pets, control and containment?

Holy crap...

[/ QUOTE ]

Here's my team:


Pure unmitigated carnage: Team would have:

Capped Defense to all; Capped Res to all but Psi; Single target and AoE healing; Perma Invincible Phantom Armies; Debuffs to Res, Defense, Regen, Accuracy, Damage, the ability to have TWENTY-FOUR pets out at once, including 4 pets (Phantasms) that can cast their OWN pet.

And that doesn't even get to the fact that only mobs that can resist Repel can even approach the group after the FFs get Force Bubble.


Eight Defenders would be pretty sick too, but nothing like the above team;
Eight Tankers would be good, but they might have to trade aggro unless you have some Stone Tankers on the team.
Eight Scrappers would be decent
Eight Blasters would be a little weak.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Clearly, nerf regen!

Seriously though... thats down right disgusting. I think FF's dispersion bubble gives some status protection too, right? You wouldn't happen to have a demo or two of that team in action would you? Now you've really perked my intrest...



Clearly, nerf regen!

Seriously though... thats down right disgusting. I think FF's dispersion bubble gives some status protection too, right? You wouldn't happen to have a demo or two of that team in action would you? Now you've really perked my intrest...

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes I forgot to mention. This team would have status protection to all but KB. And I suppose I could sub in a Kinetics for one of the Storms to get that.

As for me, I have seen two of these together (Ill/FF and Fire/Rad) and it's sick enough. The others are just theorhetical.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.