Son of the Regen Lounge: Sit a spell!




Well, Kinetics are a whole bag of awesome. Extra end regen, knock* protection, dmg buff, dmg debuff, end transfers. Once had a team of 3 scrappers and 2 controllers take down Seige like he was nothing. The Kinetic controller left and we tried it again (different person's mission)... he caused one team wipe.

While that team may be nigh unbeatable, I don't know if I'd have fun on it. Why? For one, very little "see what I did?" factor. Thats not to say I like showing off, but I like seeing my powers make a difference. On a team like that, theres so much control and buffs going on, that its not a big deal. Secondly... being that invincible is a lil boring truth be told. (I remember playing with a /Dev blaster before the Smoke Granades nerf. Could be quite a snooze-fest.)



I don't know if I'd have fun on it.

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Man, could you imagine being a Blapper on that team?



Just getting ready for I7.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.




i'm kinda excited at the prospect of not having to watch the boards every day to see what the actual percentage of the upcoming nerf is. You testers must be feeling pretty relaxed too.



Just getting ready for I7.

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You know I returned just to post in this thread.

So besides MoG getting slightly worse come I7 is there anything else that is changing for regen come I7?



You can shine a turd ..... oh sorry I remember you like they will be brought up to par with the other primaries I hope? It actually would be nice to see them working maybe will even give them a try myself though honestly I really want a brawling set and martial arts just isn't it for me.



i've got a fairly nice brawler going with MA right now. I took AS, Box, Kick, TK, and CS so far. It's fun. But it's still a poor substitute for a street fighting set.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



Just getting ready for I7.

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You know I returned just to post in this thread.

So besides MoG getting slightly worse come I7 is there anything else that is changing for regen come I7?

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Castle swears no nerfs. But he won't answer my PMs regarding if they will fix MoG since the defense changes are an indirect nerf to it.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I think eventually we'll get something eventually. But with all the stuff he's been looking at for the other ATs, well- I'm not holding my breath.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



I think eventually we'll get something eventually. But with all the stuff he's been looking at for the other ATs, well- I'm not holding my breath.

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It's really not a hard thing to fix. I really think MoG would be fine if they would just allow you to heal but not regen while in MoG. Then the power would work better in teams, but you couldn't stack it with IH for godmode.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Well that and close up the defense wholes there is no need for. Heck make it IH that lasts 3 minutes and make IH truly completely heal you just give it a recharge equal to the crey pistol....



that would work, or they could change the defense back to Base Defense, throw in some Psy Res and get rid of the intial HP drop.

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That would work as well. That would be fun. Basically your 38 power shouldn't put you in a worse position than the eight powers that come before it.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.




If you want a response from Castle (or at least for him to open it), title it:

Stalker Powerset Concerns

...I swear he has a filter on his PMs that deletes everything without the word stalker in it...I guess you could try:

Stalker---Indirect MoG nerf---Stalker

and make every third word "Stalker"...then he's sure to read it.


*goes back into his hole until needed to make a sarcastic remark again*



In other news Arcanaville's evil plot to ensure the dominance of SR almost came to fruition. It appears that SR might be quite a bit better off than everyone assumed.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



You know with SR scaling and defbuff protection think there is any chance of regen getting -regen protection? Every other defense has it's own defbuff protection now doesn't it?



You know with SR scaling and defbuff protection think there is any chance of regen getting -regen protection? Every other defense has it's own defbuff protection now doesn't it?

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Except, as you know, the -regen effect were added simply to screw regen.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



You know with SR scaling and defbuff protection think there is any chance of regen getting -regen protection? Every other defense has it's own defbuff protection now doesn't it?

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Except, as you know, the -regen effect were added simply to screw regen.

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Well of course but maybe they will relent, after all ED still bites and all.....Heck give us -regen protection and I can live with no tier 8 and 9 powers worth taking .... oh well you know what we have now.

You know I really don't mind the gobal defense nerf so much I hate IH as a click always will but still really you can learn to live with it but ED just still feels so mean. Ah anyway so anything good coming our way? New powersets or anything they might have said? I know not for I7 but maybe they hinted at something fun for a later issue. I would love an energy based primary (fire/cold even) and I would love a pure resist set that wasn't energy based.....(you know like many used to play Inv back before....)

I see you noticed Castle's post about the values of SR's defense (stalker wise) I wonder if those are the same for scrappers that should really mess with Arcanaville's calculations on that comparison sheet don't you think?



You know I really don't mind the gobal defense nerf so much I hate IH as a click always will but still really you can learn to live with it but ED just still feels so mean.

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That's exactly how I feel. ED was done so they could get PvP within reasonable limits in the short time they had until CoV Halloween launch. As I study Issue 5 and how much more reasonable that made the balance, I realize that the only reason for ED was to not make PvP a Scrapper, Stalker, Blaster, and Brute burst fest.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I think part of the issue is how much damage people do compared to how much health they have. They could have simply given everyone a base 25% damage reduction in PvP against other players. Wouldn't have messed with PvE at all that way.



As I gaze forlornly into my crystal ball, I note the next nerf to regen will be that we will get a 25% boost to our overall regen rate for all powers.

Any enemies we face will get a 400% boost to theirs, and also summon Hamidons who share that bonus, and are able to stack Vengence.




what would you guys think of making MoG into a granite-like toggle?

give it a [censored] of regen, like 1000% base- fully enhanceable. but also give it some wicked penalties, say something like an SO worth of -dmg, -acc, and about -15% defense. and give it the end cost of old school IH.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



what would you guys think of making MoG into a granite-like toggle?

give it a [censored] of regen, like 1000% base- fully enhanceable. but also give it some wicked penalties, say something like an SO worth of -dmg, -acc, and about -15% defense. and give it the end cost of old school IH.

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I think Geko would laugh himself hoarse as he fired Castle for the suggestion.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.