Ask A Dev Question Thread #1 Featuring Manticore




Thank you all for your interest in our new Ask A Developer series.

Our first issue focuses on the infamous Manticore! Below you will find his bio and we welcome you to post your questions below this initial post. Ask as many as you’d like, but please try not to go overboard…for example, if you start spamming this thread in an obvious attempt to be funny or silly, your posts will be removed and you run the risk of having action taken against you…so please be considerate!

Other than this post, the rest of this thread is intended for questions only! If you post anything other than one or more questions, your post will be removed. Thanks for your cooperation with this – for the Forum Mods need to be able to review all the listed questions quickly and effectively without having to wade through additional text.

We appreciate your participation! Here’s Manticore’s bio. We look forward to seeing your questions!!!

CODE NAME: Manticore

What is your role in the development of CoH and/or CoV?

I am a Senior Designer here at Cryptic Studies where my primary responsibilities fall under the broad categories of Story Director and IP Manager for City of Heroes and City of Villains.

As Story Director I manage the internal writing team (We call ourselves the Fiction Force) who write the Mission, Story Arc and Task Force content for the games. I am also responsible for the initial designs for many of the Characters, Villain Groups and Zones that you will find in the games. Working with NCsoft, I help coordinate the City of Villains and City of Heroes website updates, including writing Ghost Widow’s journal.

In the role of IP Manager I work on all of our licensed properties. That has included designing the dials for our HeroClix™ figures from WizKids Inc., coming up with the story concepts for our novel Trilogy from CDS Books, helping write and edit our tabletop RPG from Eden Studios, assisting in the design and writing flavor text for our CCG from AEG, and co-plotting and editing our comic from Top Cow– as well as writing a back up piece for Issue #6 that kicks off the story of City of Villains. I have a number of goals for our licensed properties. I want to unify our brand and to make certain that all the products have a high level of quality. We started that process by choosing excellent partners. I also want to find as many ways as possible to tie the products and the game together and for our community to feel involved. To that end characters that our players have created will continue to appear in the comic and eventually our other games.

How do you most affect the games?

I would say the clearest way I impact the game is through fiction. I have been in the industry for a long time and I have always been driven by character and story. Here at Cryptic Studios, I have been dedicated to pushing the story of our games since the first week I was here. When I arrived there was only one gang in Paragon City. I wanted something more even from the low level thugs of the game, so I created the Superadine Connection (The Family, Trolls and Skulls) and Smuggler’s Run (The Warriors, Outcasts, and Hellions) and their rivalry. I view our games as a big tapestry woven out of story threads that start with the player’s first contact and missions. I also locate continuity errors in the game (often with the help of players) and make sure they get fixed. I want the players to feel immersed in the game and its storyline. I am looking forward to our games tying together

Because I am responsible for the overall continuity for both City of Heroes and City of Villains I also end up having input in a lot of other places in the games. I work with the powers team and the artists to make sure the enemy’s look and powers fit their initial concepts, I work with the zone team to make sure the spawns and events support the background of the area, and I work with the systems team to help brainstorm ideas.

What would you like to say to the CoH and future CoV gamers (in general)?

I hope you enjoy the characters and stories of the games as they evolve. This game is a blast to work on and I truly appreciate all our fans. I will continue to do my part to give you all a great experience. Let us know what you think; we listen. We prowl the boards looking for your concerns and questions. We may not always give the answers you want to hear, but we try to provide information whenever we can.

Game on!

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



My question to you, Manticore, is just this: City of Heroes has an ongoing storyline here. We have seen some few traces of it affecting the larger world: we've seen Faathim's attempt to contact humanity (disastrously), we've seen Sister Psyche's return and Malaise's exile. We've also seen our beloved 5th Column overrun by the partially-alien Council.

However, it took a year and change for those three points to be made. Will the story ever start to accelerate?



Any plans to expand the CoH fiction into other genre's, like books?

Edit: yay, fastest smart aleck on the boards!

More seriously: What's your favorite story within the game, and why?

"Trust me, it worked in the Simpsons." - Calash



First. Good job on the stories Manicore.. very entertaining...

SO whats my questions?? Hmmm ..

When is the story around issue 6 going to be released?



Manticore- will there ever be more stories in which bigger schemes involving the "lower level" thugs will be more invovled? (maybe some crazy thing between rikti and hellions? :P)



Manticor, most of the important villain groups have a climatic battle with an AV of that group, we will we ever see elite bosses or AVs for the filler villain groups? (Family, Hellions, Skulls, and Sky Raiders)



1) I am very interested in the network of machinations created by Lord Recluse's Organisation, but wish I could learn more. Is there, perchance, an information source or document, either existing or forthcoming, which will help enlighten me?

2) Which of the CoH villain groups do you consider the most interesting to create stories for?

3) What story arc/TF/Missions are you particularly proud of?

4)Do you have any particular favourite ATs that you like to play as?

Always remember, we were Heroes.



Are you concerned that the massive public outrage regarding the Issue 5 changes will hurt the upcoming release of the CoH CCG?



Is there any discussion of making a more story led raid. A TF on a massive scale type of idea (I'm looking at you Crashed Rikti Ship!) to replace the bore fest that is Hamidon.




Manticore, I was wondering if, like the Kheldians, will all of the future Epic Archetypes be part of the continual story of City of Heroes and City of Villains? What I mean is that in the game CoH, we already played out stories featuring the Kheldians as minor roles in the game. One story that sticks out in my mind is the "To Save a Thousand Worlds" arc.

If we already knew about Kheldains to a slight degree (their ability to be in symbiotic relationships), will we, the players, know about the other Epic Archetypes in story arcs or task forces before they ever become playable?



First off, the stories that you make, manticore, are fantastic!

My question, is with most AVs there is a story that lead up to them, until you hit peregrin and then you a contact that just gives out AVs with no story, do you think that we will ever get, maybe more contacts in PI with some stories that lead up to these AVs instead of just a continous string of AV missoins?



Anything in the works (that you can talk about) in the way of an animated (or live action) series; either a standard 30 min show, a "micro series" like CN's Clone Wars, or a web release like WizKids "Rocketmen" CCG tie-in?

"Trust me, it worked in the Simpsons." - Calash



Manticore, will the story-arcs evolve to have more than "Kill ## Villain group", or "Find this item", something more like maybe an NPC approaches the Hero with "I just heard (yada yada) and gives the option of an ancillary mission to the arc, or more types of missions in general (like So and so NPC is going to work, they are in danger, keep an eye on him/her, you follow them and have to foil a kidnapping)? I guess I'm asking for deeper content in existing zones.



Hello Manticore.

Have you taken a look at some of the origins players are making around your fiction? I have seen some great origins written based around the CoH background and I was wondering if you have had the chance online to ready some of the bios.

Thank You.

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



My question is, are any of the signature heroes Scrappers. Or are any of the up comming Heroes scrappers. If either question has a "yes" for the answer, what are their power sets, and what level are they?

Also is it planned for PC to become a more permanent part of the world. With things like Plaque, or statues dedicated to a hero(es) or compleate great tasks.

Is there any thing planned storie wise for end game stuff?
Also I would liek to say out of all of the Devs (which I am none too happy with) I feel that you are by far doing the best job. You have managed to keep the comic book feel to the game even with these harsh power nerfs that are being put on test.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Hey Manticore! Here are my questions:

1: Will zones like the Rikti Crash Site, FaultLine, Boomtown, Dark Astoria etc ever get their own Story Arcs and contacts (like Hollows, Striga, and the new Croatoa) that are topped off with a Task Force?

2: What is your fave story arc?

3: What would you like to see most added to CoH story wise?

4: Are there any plans to make Task Forces and trial reflect the physical surrounding of Paragon City based on a win/lose/abandon ratio?

5: Why is the 5th Column never mentioned? Why are they always just refered too as "An only villaing group the Council took over"




Here's an obvious one: Do you have any personal favorite comic stories and if you could, which one would you like to recreate in the CoH world?

Mr Energon

Confirmed altimaniac.



Are there any plans for open ended missions where we are not led around by the contacts but actually have to figure things out for ourselves?



Two questions for you, Manticore.

1. Given that CoH/CoV has a sweet and extensive background and meta plot (the Paragon City timeline easily being among the best examples of this), will we see major events involving some of these unused plot hooks? The return and revenge of the Reichsman? The return of the hated/beloved 5th Column? Hero-1 and the Omega Team returning to Earth from the Rikti homeworld, grizzled, mutated, and ticked off that nobody ever came to rescue them? Anything at all involving the Regulators? Giving Blue Steel something to do?

2. The second question is an expanded form of part of the first. Specifically, the 5th Column. Is there any chance of them making a reappearance, or even getting some mentionings in the game, including removing their alternate universe presence? I'm sure you've heard all the conspiracy theories around concerning their removal (of which I admit I am a believer). What is your take on it? C'mon, just think how popular their return (even temporary) would be :-)

Anyhow, thanks for the answers and the stories.



What do you think is the best story arc you have written?



Simple question.

Is there going to be a City of Villains comic also?




Part of the feeling of immersion in a character comes from a sense that one has a unique place in the world. Our characters are very unique, but after level 5 or so, our stories are all pretty much the same -- anyone who follows missions ends up doing all the same missions that everyone else does. Is there any thought being given for ways to make each hero's story a little more unique? Origin- or archetype- specific plotlines might be a start, for example.

Currently the game only has two kinds of failure. Being defeated is one, and failing the timed/protect item mission is another. As far as I can tell, there is no bonus for flawless success or penalty for failure. Even failing a timed mission seems to have no noticable effect on a story arc. Is there any chance of getting story arcs that diverge significantly due to success or failure?




Ok let's see what I've got. I'll bold the questions to make life a tad easier.

#1 - It's been mentioned on the boards and in a couple of industry mags that the upcoming CCG will include tie-ins to CoH itself through the use of 'chase' cards and items. Simply put, rare cards in the CCG will allow players to unlock unique items/stuff in CoH. First off is this in fact true, and if so can you give us a few examples of not only how this will work but WHAT would be unlocked?

#2 - Statesman said quite a while back that we wouldn't be seeing the 5th Column again now that they have been overrun, but it stands to reason to me(and others I hope) that no organization as widely diversified and 'dug-in' as the 5th were could be removed entirely. Specifically, since the 5th were ideology based(ie they are united by a common vision) and the Council is simply power based(ie they are united by a common thirst for domination), it makes sense that not all of the Council converts are truly in-line and that ALL of the 5th were even converted/removed. So, is there a chance that the 5th Column WILL return in some way shape or form, even if it's limited simply to mission contacts and/or TFs telling the story of the overthrow and/or their current attempts to regain control through double-agents?

#3 - There is a WEALTH of fan-created fiction on these boards and other sites that use the world of CoH as a backdrop. Some is good, some is not so good, but it's all motivated and centered around the world yall've created. Considering that these are works of love and admiration for CoH, is it possible that we might see, at some future date, a compliation book of these stories? I, for one, would LOVE to see my story(as seen in the World 3817 section of my Website ) along side all of the other wonderful works in a nice book available to the public.

#4 and #5 - The 'CoH Bible' has been mentioned on numerous occasions, most notably to explain the downfall of the 5th, and we can only assume that it is still being used as a basis for the addition of zones and such in each issue. Simple question here, does the fact that this 'bible' exists mean that you are unable to alter the release schedule? Basically I know a number of people were hoping for a lower level female villain group to mirror the Carnival of Shadows, but we were told quite some time back that we wouldn't see any. However, the release of Issue 5 brings us just that via the Cabal, hinting that the bible IS in fact a work-in-progress. If this is true, is there any chance that we, the players, will ever get an opportunity to mold the world in some way?

#6 - Final question I promise. I REALLY want to have my main character (Desolate Joker) in the comic AND the CCG, but I seem to have no artistic talent as it pertains to making a costume, videos, music etc. Will there ever be a way for some of us longer standing citizens of this game to grab one of those precious spots despite having no talent for contests? I tried and failed on the Heroic Moment contest, and my video editing skills are no where close to what's needed to win versus some of the others on here. Although any type of appearance would be cool, I'd rather not be that unfortunate bloke that got skewered in Issue #1.

Sorry for the long post. Keep up the good work. I know I REALLY enjoy the stories, and I've so far done EVERY arc in the game except the Kheldian ones(not a big fan of those ATs).



Hello Manticore!
First off, I'd just like to say that I'm a huge fan of your work. Some of the arcs/missions are very intrigueing.(sp?)

My Question: are there any plans for more interaction with Paragon's "Signature" Heroes? I know that with I5, you fight alongside Statesman in the Tyrant mission, but I think Paragon's greatest heroes could do a bit more than stand there giving tips.

Another Question:Is there going to be more higher-level content? Once you hit 50 (a few times for some people) pretty much all you have to do is Hamidon raids, whitch, as Egor stated, aren't much fun. I personally am too much of an altaholic to have a 50, even after almost a year of playing. But I love some of the mid-to-high level content and would like to see more of it.